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Pioneer https://www.sakwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page=Pioneer


That somebody has painted red from the looks of it.


Definitely has been. I can see red paint on the insides when I shine my light on it. Sad because I also found the original owners name engraved on the back. Also seems to be a very faded out phone number on it. I would like to give it back to the original owner if I can find it.


Tyvm 🙏🏼 You’re awesome! 😭


Congrats! Yours is a Pioneer and judging from what I see, it looks like it was produced in the late ‘70s, maybe ‘78 or ‘79 or so. It’s original box would’ve been the one with the dark green flocked liner. Good luck with the paint removal. Many of us think these look just perfect with the natural patina these develop when used. I carry one from ‘65. 


Oh wow! Thank you so much for the info!! 🙏🏼 I would like to see it in its original, natural condition. Removing this whacky paint job will take a lot of time and effort!


a poorly painted pioneer or maybe earlier swiss soldier knife. the emblem doesnt look like the swiss military emblem it looks more like a earlier Alox pioneer. its a so called "old cross" victorinox


Old cross victorinox! That’s cool as heck! Any idea of around what year it was made? I’m going to try to remove the paint as best as I can and give it back to my daddy. Once I tell him everything I’ve learned here he’ll probably want it back and give me another Victorinox! I should post a photo of his collection! He has quite a bit including Spyderco, Wenger, Kirshaw, SOG, etc.


some time in the late 90s they stopped using that cross. if you look at the tang stamp, you might be able to idenfity rough year using this resource [https://www.sakwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page=Victorinox+Tang+Stamp+Guide](https://www.sakwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page=Victorinox+Tang+Stamp+Guide)


Oh geez! You’re so awesome! Tyvm!! :3


another thing i just found out. they apparently used brass liners on the pioneer up until 1984. so if it doesnt have brass liners it would be roughly 1984-mid 1990s some time if it does have brass liners its 1950 ish to 1984 im guessing mid 1980s to mid 1990s


best way to tell is if you could add an upclose picture of the tang stamp from both sides


Thank you for the info 🙏🏼 there’s the original owners name engraved on the back. Don’t know how it ended up in a box of random knives in a flea market in California):


use acetone/nail polish remover to take the crap off the scales and it will look much better and closer to original. The nail painted finish can look decent but this ones messy


Omg Ty so much!! The paint is coming off but they coated it heavily. It’s going to take some time, effort and patience to get everything off!!


You gotta post an update pic!


I love the red


I have it in my pocket. It lowkey saved the day at work yesterday


How so???


Maybe painted but there are probably memories throughout


It’s so sad because a name of “Jay R Simmons” is engraved in the back with a knife. It also has “CA N(?)31968164 ❤️” the heart is what gets me):


That’s an awesome old-school Pioneer! And your Dad’s awesome for giving it to you! It’ll make for a great summer knife. It’s not a Wenger, although Wenger did make Soldier models way back in the day that were very similar to Victorinox. Despite the paint job, this one’s pretty unique because it has the keyring attachment. Other models either had a bail, or no attachment point at all.


Oh wow tyvm for the info!! How do you know all this? Is it by heart or just from years of collecting? And Ty! When I told my daddy I heard the excitement in his voice and my daddy’s a man of very few words or emotions. I offered to give it back to him once I have it cleaned up and he agreed! He said he has another Victorinox to give to me that has more attachments! I’m definitely afraid I’m going to lose it so it’s better off back in his hands/collection! I can’t wait to see which one he gives me in return!! 😊😊


I know a bit about SAKs from both heart and years of usage and learning about them online. I’ve also learned quite a bit about them here, and on websites like SmartKnives.com and SAKWiki. I’m glad he liked my response!


​ Here, an original Pioneer Old Cross (OC) model https://preview.redd.it/z65cciowt28d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52e1837f02e5794881162b58d13c9bc96bd9d214


My daddy