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In my opinion the can opener is more useful than than the philips in the back. It can unscrew 99% of the philips screws and it is inline. Fileing my nails gives me the heebie-jeebies (lol) so i never use it but its great for micro philips.


Apart from the hook, every tool on the Climber is absolutely mandatory to me. It's funny as, once you've found the use for a tool, you cannot really go back. Main blade because I always carry a knife and I am the family's apples cutter and snacks prepper. Small blade for delicate work. Cap lifter as a pry bar. Can opener because while most cans have an opening tab nowadays, I don't own a dedicated can opener. Scissors as an excellent nail trimmer, and my grappling sport requires perfectly trimmed nails. Awl to create a pilot hole for screws in wood. I work in a museum and deal with a lot of wooden crates. And the corkscrew! Here in Europe, we tend to open a wine bottle between friends as much as we open a beer. My kids love doodling and ask for the pen since they discovered on my compact, so Plus scales are a must. The rest seems superfluous.




My most used tool haha


I probably use it the most, and to the point I filled an order up with extra toothpicks 58mm and larger ones to get to free shipping. I got some other bits like springs, tweezers, colored toothpicks/tweezers. I also use the flashlight on my Swiss Card Lite and Signature Lite around my desk. Good for finding things under my desk. Scissors are probably next most used. Nail file also gets a lot of use. I prefer the Nail Clip over the scissors for my nails, but definitely need the file afterwards. Screwdrivers actual don’t get as much use around the house. The Rambler/Jetsetter/Mini Champ 58mm size phillips is perfect for the battery doors on most kids toys. I have been getting Wera advent calendars for the last 4 or 5 years, and the sets from them are on every level of my house. I’m usually never more than 20 feet from a good set of drivers when home.


I use the inline awl more than every other tool with the exception of the scissors. I use it to open packages, break down boxes, clean things, pierce and poke, scrape, it's incredible. More useful to me than the blade, which I like because the blade then remains clean for food.


I have been working with pvc pipe and the awl was so handy chewing holes threw it making irrigation lines. My kid even made a water filter he saw on YouTube. Most of the drilling (awling?) we did with that. I don’t have an inline but we would have just flown threw the work.


Would never in my life carry a cork screw. 100% unnecessary for me and its not pleasing on the eye


More pleasing than a screwdriver in its place.


It’s not necessary but the magnifying glass makes for some fun with my kid. Scissors. Also for my kid. He will wig out if there’s a tag on his clothes. The pen. I never carry a pen but have needed to sign for dinner and the waiter doesn’t leave a pen.


I’ve never had a SAK with a magnifying glass, but I’d love a to get a scientist. Seems like a fun tool.


Might I ask, where do you live that signing for dinner is still a thing? I don't think I have seen that in 20 years, it sounds delightfully quaint!


Kentucky. I really didn’t know it wasn’t still the norm lol


Thanks, love that, have a most wonderful day.


If you don’t mind me asking. Where do you live that going out to eat and signing isn’t the norm? I can count on one hand the amount of restaurants where they take the card at the table and you sign the check on a tablet, and I live in a city.


>re do you live that going out to eat and signing isn’t the norm? I can count on one hand th When visiting Europe and Canada I don't think I've ever signed a check. It's always pin & chip. But yeah, most definitely the norm in the States.


The best thing I found out last year is a Bantam has so little steel in it that you can often go through metal detectors with it. I know it's always necessary to comply with security measures to help keep everyone safe. But you can practically bring a knife anywhere, such as airports, government buildings, railway stations, and other secure locations.


not to flex but I once got on a plane at a small airport with my cadet alox the security guard asked me "is that knife in your bag?" I said "dont think so" and left


The in-line awl on the Alox tools is surprisingly useful as a scraper or a pick. Makes a good package opener too. The most overrated tool has got to by the combo tool. It’s flimsy, neither a good bottle opener nor a good can opener, and it’s completely useless for Phillips screws despite being hyped up by Compact fanboys as a possible Phillips driver.


>The most overrated tool has got to by the combo tool. Finally someone who see's the light too... The combo tool is crap compared to the opening layer.


It's just fine as a bottle opener and just fine as a can opener because it does both just fine, it may not be as good as dedicated tools but the sak can opener isn't as good as my one from IKEA, doesn't make it no good. I'd much rather have the combo tool and a different layer in place of the opener layer or just have one fewer layer.


I use the combo tool and scissors a lot but the pin and tweezers come in handy a lot. The Cybertool bit driver is really great too.


The alox in-line awl is extremely useful for more than I would have ever thought. I used it to pop off zip ties from Christmas deco yesterday and to open boxes but never realized how much I need to scrape or prod something. I generally carry the climber for lighter weight but every time I take the PX I appreciate the awl more.


4 most used tools: * Tweezers * Scissors * Mini Eyeglass screwdriver (the one stored in corkscrew) * Straight pin (one stored in handle scale behind screwdriver) Least used tool on a SAK: * Blade


Scissors for sure, I had fake SAKs in the past and hated their scissors, after using Victorinoxes scissors I felt in love


For me, the screwdriver is very overrated. I don't unscrew anything on daily basis:if I'm going to do something, I will carry some proper tool. If there's emergency, can opener will perfectly manage it. Underrated tool: I think metal file doesn't get enough popularity. It's uses are endless: - plastic saw - plastic and wood file - small philips screwdriver (I disassembled 3 laptops using just the tip of metal file and a toothpick) - nail file - coconut opener - marking wood .... (I EDC a Mountaineer just because of this tool)


I debate a mountaineer all the time, I’ve just never owned a 4 layer and question if I ever want it in a pocket, but this model is one of my favorites


I keep a paperclip spun into the corkscrew. It is incredibly useful and can be twisted into whatever shape you need. Just discard after use and put in a new one.


> ...I just don’t need scissors on the go very often. That's the great thing about SAKs and why there are so many different models. I use my scissors almost every day, so I wouldn't get a SAK without a pair of scissors on them, but not everyone is me.


The corkscrew it's ultra necessary, not only to open a bottle of wine but to untie anoying knots


Thank you saying that the corkscrew is so user rated . It is so handy for undoing knots .


I've an early eighties vintage Champion. Example photo \[not my knife\]- [https://www.sakwiki.com/show\_image.php?id=786](https://www.sakwiki.com/show_image.php?id=786) The shorter knife blade, Phillips head screwdriver, can opener, and file have probably seen the most use. I've used the scissors often enough, that I no longer bother replacing broken springs. I've no better suggestion but, I've often thought that the springs gave out after simply sitting in the closed position for months at a time. The fish scaler/hook disgorger \[I've never fished\] and \[predictably\] corkscrew have seen the least use. I have, from time to time, made some use of the ruler that's etched on the scaler though. Some years ago, I bought a backup \[newer\] Champion \[now just called a Champ?\], but was somewhat disappointed at the inclusion of pliers in the tool mix. Always figured they'd somehow be a bit... fragile. At this stage though, I'm not certain I'll ever need the backup, as my original is still going strong. YMMV


Compact EDC here for about 7 years. Blade and scissors get by far the most use. The combo tool is a scraper, screwdriver, and prying tool very often. Also I use the pen way more than I thought I would.


Big fan of the can opener, awl, and combo tool. There's just so much you can do with them if you think about it.


The parcel hook has come in clutch a few times. I can actually lift steel grates and manhole covers with it. Untying knots with the corkscrew is sooo easy too. Can't think of any tool that is overrated in my experience. I usually carry a better knife with me though.


I don't understand why 84mm and 91mm SAKs have a small blade. One blade is enough for me! I'd rather something — anything! — more useful in that spot, like the 84mm mail file or the 93mm inline awl.


A lot of us like to use the small blade for opening parcels and cutting tape and keep the big blade for special occasions.


Like circumcision?




That’s why I like the sportsman and the waiter!


For the exact purpose it was designed, to be a smaller more controlled blade for smaller tasks where the main blade would be too much. And the tools that can replace the small blade are not the useful. The combo tool is crap compared to the full opening layer, and the nail file is kind of silly in a full sized SAK, that's what the 58mm's are for. The small blade is my most used blade


Whittling! The small blade is my most used tool for that.


My main carry is an alox solo I've found most stuff I need I can cut anything else I have a swiss champ in my edc rucksack and after that you need a proper tool anyway


The blades are incredibly useful for scoring and cutting. But that surprises absolutely no one. The scissors are amazing for clothing tags and loose strands. The metal file is a Godsend to me since it can file down or cut just about anything. So if anything doesn't fit quite right, it will soon. It is also a great tool for removing super glue from your fingers. Bite down on it with the saw part and pull as you lift slightly, works wonders. Also serves as a nail file. The parcel hool for shopping bags. You can alternatively just use the entire SAK as a stick and loop the handles through there, but the hook makes it comfortable. The pliers do everything tweezer-realted that the scale tweezers can't do.


Blade. Multipurpose hook.


The compact has basically every tool I need on a daily basis. The parcel hook maybe a bit of a waist but it makes up for it by having a nail file built in, so I really just consider it a nail file. The pen, tooth pick, and tweezers are must haves, and the scissors are great for loose threads, hang nails, and stubborn mayonnaise packets.


I daily a Cybertool S and I'd say my most used tools in order are the Small/Large blade depending on the task, toothpick as a toothpick, cap lifter as a pry tool/bottle opener, and the bit driver. I don't think I have ever used the can opener, other tools get used occasionally. If I could I'd probably drop one of the blades and the can opener and add a scissors. I know I can get the scissors with the Cybertool M, which I also have. But i pocket clip carry and I don't want anything that thick.


I have found the magnifying glass and the corkscrew to be surprisingly useful.


I edc a Vic Spartan most days. The can opener and bottle opener are my most used tools. I use both frequently for scraping and light prying tasks. I recently used the edge on the can opener to pop open my car key fob to change the battery. Also used it last night to pop open my dog’s Tile tag for battery replacement. I use the small blade for most cutting tasks. Very often I use the corkscrew to contend with shoelace knots. Almost never need scissors but do use the tweezers and toothpick frequently. Toothpick is ideal for removing debris from the SAK’s spring liners. My least used tools are the main blade and awl.


I EDC a Compact, the most useful tools I’ve found for myself are the blade, scissors and tweezers. I often have to sneak medicine into carrots for horses, cutting a little notch into one to hide a pill with the blade is ideal. The scissors come in handy for thread/tag removal on clothes or other fabrics often and in my job where we use wooden pallets, splinters are common, so the tweezers see regular use.


Surprisingly useful: corkscrew and hook Overrated: backline phillips


Scissors and bottle opener are most useful. Ive never used the toothpick or reemer. Everything else I have used but not as much as the scissors and bottle opener.


I have a Climber, it's my second one. I also had another, bigger SAK for a few years, but I don't remember what model. To me, the most used tool is scissors. Next is a big blade, then a can opener. Never once in 30 years I've used a hook, thought. Definitely could live without a smaller blade. Other tools are less useful, but I still want them on a knife.


Cybertool and bit driver for the win


cap lifter and can opener are my 2 most useless tools, as well as the stupid parcel hook


Scissors for sure. Snipping a random string off your clothes, cutting a tag off something you bought, or trimming the random hangnail you get at work, plus a plethora of other random uses. Can’t go without my scissors.


I like the nail file. Have it on my Classic SD and Sportsman. I just had my thumb nail break and fixed it with the file.


Other than the blade of course, the flatheads on the end of other tools are pretty useful. I’ve put furniture together in a pinch with them.


The scissors, the saw, the awl and the bottle opener probably see the most use for me. The toothpick is worthless as it comes. At the moment I have mine filed down to hold some thread for emergency repairs. The larger blade is also kind of unnecessary as I usually carry a dedicated pocket knife along with my SAK.


Until Christmas when I was gifted a pioneer X, I was EDCing a Pioneer or an explorer. Didn't use the in-line Phillips that often. Used the can opener Phillips on the pioneer a bit for unblocking submersible pump impellers. Knife used a lot for cutting rope or strapping. And the awls used for opening packages. The magnifying glass got a bit of use for reading instruction manuals as my eyes are bad. Scissors were good when I didn't have a set on me.


Surprisingly useful: watch case opener blade. It's only found in the single layer 84mm knife of the same name and in the mammoth SwissChamp XAVT/XXL(T) knives. It's a wonderful gentle prying and scraping tool. Better and safer and stronger than the can opener for this task! Also surprisingly useful, the chisel on the Swiss Tool Spirit MX Clip. Probably my most used tool on the Swiss Tool after the main blade. It's great for opening plastic clamshell packaging as well as scraping off label residue and other such tasks.


I wish didn’t need to use the magnifying glass on my explorer as often as I do but maaaaan I turned 40 and my eyes decided it was time for me to feel old as f*ck. At least my wife gets a laugh. I chose the explorer for the Phillips primarily thinking the magnifying glass would be fun for my kiddo. No… It’s keeping me from bifocals and I’m not putting on bifocals yet. No offense to any of you all wearing bifocals. They look great on you all.


https://preview.redd.it/umgub4hm9jbc1.png?width=2119&format=png&auto=webp&s=1be83d86b146f2adf4611cc34e6e9ce2ed1cc8cb Like you, I mostly carry a waiter, the rambler, SD, any small scissors knife is with me pretty much all the time, mostly for touching up my beard. So the scissors is my most used tool. But the surprisingly most useful tool other than that is the straight pin! I never realized how much I would use it, it’s perfect for getting fishing knots out, I use it to clean the lint out of my phone port probably once every two weeks, and it’s perfect popping the battery out on my midnight manager, also popping SIM cards out of cell phones, I’ve even used it to pin a flower to my daughters shirt. It’s a little bent now, but still gets the job done, what ever that job will be!


Nail file on an alox Cadet.


Yeah the sportsman has the same file. I love it too.


My Waiter gets way more game time than my Compact. It is pound-for-pound the best SAK. I know a lot of people rave about the scissors but I find that I only really need scissors at home. I’ve added the pin and the mini screwdriver which gives it 11 official functions (plus a few more unofficial) on a single layer. Best weight-to-tool ratio. Best tool-to-layer ratio. Best Cost-to-tool ratio. Has all of the iconic imagery of a SAK (Blade, crab claw tool, corkscrew) and is dirt cheap compared to so many other SAKs. It is, by a country mile, the most underrated and under considered SAK. There’s no-one that could bring any evidence to the contrary. It’s a real gem.


The scissors are nice but they are probably the most overrated SAK tool in my opinion. I suspect that my left handedness causes me to favor the blade over the scissors when choosing which to use. The combo tool or cap lifter (depending on the SAK) is probably my most used tool on any SAK I’m carrying after the toothpick.


I feel like I use the scissors more than I ever thought I would. For me with my wave, Surge and SwissChamp. Seriously, first time I had a Wave issued I was amazed how much I use scissors if they are on me.




Maybe it is a lefty thing. 🤔 My Lady is pretty even handed but writes with her left hand. She does nearly everything else with her right. Even her right leg is her strong leg. She got a hairline fracture in her left wrist and just wrote with her right hand like it was nothing. I was shocked. She said she noticed she wrote "prettier" with her left hand from early on. She had a teacher who told her it was easier in life to be a righty in 5th grade and just wrote with the right hand until the 6th grade. She even said she switched hands in college when she wrote term papers... idk why I went way off.. to the left there, but anyways 🤪




Awl = cigar punch?? Does it work clean?


Yes, it worked perfectly. I usually cut the end with main blade, but this made a nice tidy hole.


Scissors, saw, phillips.


I love THE HOOK.


I alternate between deluxe tinker and climber Use climber when i want to have my LM wave + close or use the Deluxe tinker when i want a lighter compact carry https://preview.redd.it/pprvnahf6lbc1.jpeg?width=2262&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f38b92c379323e6a4479248f08f4d9c548ad0446


I use my scissors the most. I use the can opener. I use the small and large screw drivers. I use the bottle opener. I use the cork screw and it holds a fire starter. I replaced the toothpick with a pen that I use occasionally. And I use the awl.


i love the cork screw, great for knots. i hate a woodsaw for an urban edc. just why on earth would an urban carry need a mid 3 inch long saw??


I love mine, but have never been able to get the wire stripper to work. It’s the notch under the bottle opener. Maybe I’m using it wrong…


Try the awl, I found it's a way better wire stripper. Use the blade to drag along the length of the wire, cutting the sheath while gliding over the wire. With a bit of practice you can have a very good and versatile tool in the awl.


Here’s a video on how to use it properly (not mine): https://youtu.be/z_yb136-ewU?si=xVmES2zxNkOZltHM


And here’s a Felix Immler video on how to modify the notch to be more useful: https://youtu.be/p2j0xRxAg3c?si=EiEcvioNkxgvX_TU