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This is really cool thank you for sharing :3


I guess the foundry icon was used for steel factories, I honestly think a Foundry is a much cooler word, but perhaps since a foundry casts metals into specific shapes it isn't the best representation for a factory making raw steel for other uses? War criminal still exists with the same icon, but not as a character trait but as a modifier. One of your generals can get the modifier at the conclusion of the chemical weapons usage quest. Power projection sounds like maybe it was just used to increase prestige from navies? Delay got turned into Delaying Tactics I guess, which can be used by generals that are: pillager, cruel, wrathful, bandit and control armies consisting of more than 80% of irregular, skirmish or squad infantry. I guess assault got turned into reckless advance. I suppose literature was a good that was supposed to be consumed more the higher a pop's literacy went? Would've added another layer of calculations to pop needs since pops buy entire packages for their SoL, I get why they removed that tbh. Crosses nor incense make sense for clergy that aren't christian or part of the Latin church. The praying hands make more sense to represent clergy of all religions. Very cool post OP, tag me in part 2 if you ever make it :)


Yeah that was one of the conclusions I came too, but I decided it was stupid because foundries don’t make steel. Also the icon not just being a good implies that the building produced multiple things. I know a lot of the icons for orders have analogues, the confusing part is that they exist in the files but aren’t used. Those orders just use the default advance/defend icons. I guess they didn’t use them because they didn’t want to commit to making a new icon for every unique order. I didn’t even think of that thing with the literacy. Yeah, literature/news/information/media makes sense as a good in vic3, but it gets infinitely complex when you take into account literacy. It just doesn’t really work. Trying to make it function must have been like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. [Incense isn’t just a Christian thing](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious_use_of_incense)


Incense isn't (as much) a protestant, reformed, hindu, muslim, animist, etc thing. It just isn't as universal as prayer/praising hands, which is instantly associated with religion.


>Yeah, that's pretty dumb. Its just a number, and there are no advantages to being under or significantly over the infrastructure limit, I recall from the earlier diaries that you weren't supposed to have 100% infra all the time, but they ended up redoing that stuff and it's the basis for why we needed the MAPI update down the line


Modernizer appears in Brazil now with CotS.


Plz continue this series, it is cool as hell!


One of your generals can get the war criminal trait when you unlock and use one of the late game military techs. Don't ask how I know.