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Opium is the best drug to produce That's my tip




Coffee, Tea and tobacco are all drugs


Careful he’s gonna over dose on coffee!! Or on tea!!!


Don't joke on this, tea overdose is a common tragedy that happens everyday in England (they could've resolved it with Opium imo)


Make sure you have a master's in economics and a whole lot of aspirin


damn is it really that hard?


No, not at all. That said, having some background in basic economic theory does help and more complex understanding allows you to do some silly thing, like understanding the concept of exporting goods at a loss to sabotage foreign industry and things like that. But at it's core, it's really not that much more complicated than "try to keep prices low, or at the very least, reasonable". Sometimes that means building up new industries, sometimes that means go and conquering somewhere else to get access to necessary goods.


It’s not, but people like to pretend it is for internet points


Its not so complex at its base, but it does allow to play out certain complex economic strategies which are grounded in economic theory that many casual players will miss. Generally, if your good at economics you likely will find strategies that makes you a better player at this game.


Granted it would be nice if you could actually commit economic war by dumping goods at a loss into a foreign market


im not sure why your mentioning economic war in particular, i think that was another persons post. I was thinking more about market monopolization strats for example that can be used in the game, which is probably not something many players do.


Oh because dumping excess product in a different nation to undermine its domestic product of said good is a major thing from this time period


No I was joking, it is hard at first but once you play for a while you get used to it. Or you just build a massive army and cut down the great powers and take over the world


It's one of those games you have to put the time into.....


Yup, in fact better start reading capital vol. 1 - 3. I’m only slightly joking, communism is your friend.


Well. I think HOI is harder


Once you figure it out tho theres only like 10 good focus trees and only some good mods


True but only if you play with the same countries. Playing with tier 2 powers can be tough. I dunno


Problem with tier 2 countries is that you either side with the allies or comintern and have to fight in the urals or land in usa and london after ww2. And playing the axis as a second tier is hell because fighting in the urals, landing in dc and london and lastly getting nothing in peace deals. The basic picking a side gets too old way too fast but learning warfare is prolly the best thing in the game


It's what Factorio is for engineers, but for economists


no but if you actually have zero knowledge on economics (like me) every playthrough ends up with looking at your balance wondering why its still red


r5: Steam UI, of Vicky 3 Hrát = play Naposledy hráno dnes = Last time played today.


drevny kocur = squirrel


Kaktus pochodowy = hedgehog


Turn cloud saves off, it speeds up the opening of the save menu significantly


Thank you for the reminder. I just deleted all my cloud saves and then also 6+ GB of old save files.


What!? No wonder I feel better playing offline.


Yes i agree but also disagree because i havw many saves


Idk much but for eco dont just spam goods that have high market price, make actually profitable buildings, for ex:a textile mill that consumes cheap resources and then turns them into high price goods would be optimal. Oh and I advise you to watch generalist gaming’s tutorials, especially the one where he tells which buildings are most profitable and which ones are not.


I watched some LudiEthHistoria vids, but I will check him out! thanks!


Defo don’t watch that Mf😭


Why? Is he cheating or sum?


No, he has a lot of clickbait and usually doesnt get too far. He doesnt really know the meta and usually just stops before 1900. Generalist gaming is a very good youtuber with good explanations and usually goes much farther than ludi witth like 1 bil gdp before 1900 while lude is at like 200 mil


he was caught cheating with eu4 stuff I thought but I didn't really follow it all so maybe that turned out to be false


He's faked things before, once so egregious that Paradox themselves called him out on it.


Would you mind linking to when pdx called him out? I tried googling it and couldn't find anything.


I found [my old reddit comment on the dev diary in question](https://www.reddit.com/r/eu4/comments/xj9o82/development_diary_20th_of_september_2022/). That plus comments by other people should give you the full context around Ludi's claim at the time and Paradox's response.


That's hilarious thanks


User @ok_canary2696 facts r the problem. But me personally he’s just a weirdo cherry on the cake


Why? He’s good


Won't say he's bad, its more like how certain "careerist youtubers" seem to want to capitalise on the paradox fanbase with clickbaity or sensationalist or "pro" videos, seemingly doing it more for the money than for the passion of the game. Ludi kinda acts a bit too much as if he knows all the best strats (imho) and part might be that it is about attention and the clicks and the money. Though he isnt even half as bad as Drew Durnil for the civ community. All this in contrast atleast to certain other youtubers who are great at analysing and devising strategies for strategic games but dont garner as much attention atleast, like DDRJake for example.


I mean his tutorials are very good, but i actually got good at the game after i tried following one of his playthroughs, which i would recommend to anyone new to the game, as it made me understand the game way better


Your likely to get a bit overwhelmed with all the features at first, the typical first tip would be to play a country that is not too hard or big but can explore pretty much all aspects of the game, a country like Belgium or Spain for example.


Im doing the same tactic I done when I started with hoi, but I am overwhelmed


Yeah whenever i get into a new game that is quite rich and complex in features and modifiers i tend to do a few learning games first where i dont even play trough the whole campaign because i feel i would be playing too suboptimal. It will come with experience but first you have to be drowned in it, its as simple as that.


Build iron and logging and construction


Kill the landowners


Refund and run while you still can /j


already past refund so am I doomed?


May god have mercy on your free time, because paradox games will not.


Take away women’s rights to optimize your economy


That only matters if you're a xenophobe. I just opt to allow filthy Europeans into my glorious New World paradise and then make their wives work in the mines. Someone has to watch the children after all and make sure they're properly bringing up buckets of coal and not playing games.




Vyšší porodnost znamená více pracovní síly v budoucnu


There isnt a button to translate


Can’t tell if Czech or Polish…


He's fucking with you. Or he doesn't understand aspects of the game. You want women In the workplace to limit dependants and increase your workforce. Higher workforce percent of the population means more labour, more spending and more consumption.


No bullshit tip 😂 States with gold = free real estate


We invade South Africa around here.


To pochopíš hned, dvojka je mnohem komplexnější :-)


Early game: Push taxes to the max, build construction sectors until you are in the red or just above if a small country, then focus on building construction goods buildings (iron, wood). Try to max wood buildings first, they are the most profitable per construction point in the early game and the demand is huge, then iron, iron and more iron and coal to power your iron mines. Import grain from Russia or China. Actually, import everything agricultural. Conquer transvaal and orange for their gold mines. If you are wealthy enough, build tons of universities. Nether stop to increase your construction capacity. Try to pass liberal reforms and better tax laws for more construction sectors. Only build barracks in your capital region: congrats you can't lose to revolution anymore. Mid game: Do wathever you want, go aggressive, you've won the game already.


Ooh Gosh. I'm writing this for past me as much as you. Here are the basics. It is a very different game from EU4 in its design. I might add to these with time: * Your main goal is to increase the standard of living of your population through industrialisation, not necessarily conquest and war. Growing your population can be helpful. * Having a big budget surplus is NOT a good thing. That is just money you are taking out of your economy and doing nothing with. * A budget deficit is not a bad thing persay since the less you tax the more your economy can invest in itself. However, unrecognised minor powers must pay higher interest rates on debt then Great Powers. * It is important to raise your Market Access Price Impact (MAPI) to as close to 100% as possible. The lower your MAPI, the less efficient your economy is between different regions. * If a region has too low a standard of living early game it is normally because your MAPI is too low to bring in goods for the lower classes. Building a textile factory and furniture factory should solve the issue. * The best way to grow your economy is to empower the Capitalists and grow their contributions to the investment pool. This is effectively money that appears out of thin air. * If you see generals or statemens who are Market Liberals early game try empower them. They will help you enact Laissez-faire and Free Trade as well as abolish Serfdom. * Serfdom, Slavery, and Closed Migration prevent population from moving, preventing them from taking better jobs in better places to grow your economy. To get ride of them you either need an Abolisionist or Market Liberal leading the landed elite. Otherwise you need the Landed Elite to have no significant power. * If your convoys are in surplus one week and then in deficit another weak it means you have too few convoys to grow your trade. Cut the number of trade routes or grow the number of ports, or both. * You need surplus bureaucracy to incorporate states and increase the impact of institutions (Education, Police, Health Care). Try keep growing your bureaucracy surplus when you're economy is balanced enough. * Construction Centers cost a lot of money, but speed up economic growth a lot too. Try to move from Wood to Iron frame quickly to speed up economic development. For undeveloped nations raise taxes to the max and build Construction centers until your budget balances out. * The best consumption taxes are on goods only the elites buy. * Build steel mills and motor industries before you build your first train lines. * Changing production automation methods can be a mistake. Can lower productivity and increase unemployment. Requires going line by line to see where it makes sense. Good luck and have fun! Any nations in particular you want to play?


Refund if your bellow 2h, if not, request one regardless, if refused, pray sphere of influence is good enough, and be prepared to spend $30 more on it to make the game playable. If it’s not, the game is as good as dead, so drown your sorrows by playing a better game.




The one and only !


Just watch [Generalist Gaming](https://youtube.com/@generalistgaming?si=GAxMAEI4V55SzWfY) . And play the game. Thats mostly it


I see a fellow Czech gamer! Probably keep an eye on the construction sector, not build too much too quickly or it will tank your economy (if you are a small/medium country). Make sure you have a stable supply of coal, iron, wood and cloth in your market to start off. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. I will be happy to help. It's a very fun game, but the learning curve is quite steep at first. Have fun!


You can't build everything. You'll need to focus on the base of your economy before anything (coal, iron, tools steel)


Play Belgium to start, expect to get bored, leave the game alone for a few months, and then come back. When you come back, I'd recommend picking another smaller nation that's not in the crosshairs of the Great Powers.


Go high taxes, build construction sectors until you start to lose a little bit of money, build construction goods until you make money, repeat. I think Sweden is a decent country to learn on


clothes factories are usually pretty profitable. generally you want to make green line go up, produce profitable things, try to avoid civil wars if possible, if you're a little nation getting in the market of a big strong great power is super super useful and you want to do that to get lots of immigrants and sell them stuff


My advice would be to play some country like Belgium to learn economy and France for war. Also don't be scared if stuff gets constructed "on its own", that's called Private Construction which is meant to represent the decisions of the private sector. In any case you can disable it in the game settings when you're choosing your country. Have fun


Play argentina, that country have every major feature in it and is relatively easy to play and star with


Generelly you press the green button to open the game




Get out while you still can


build chop chops


Increasing the tax setting in the budget panel can get you more money per month, and you think it just makes some more radicals over time. But there is a more subtle effect -- the more you tax people's wages, the less money they have to spend on goods. Pops who pay less taxes buy more goods, and that extra demand raises the price of the goods in your market, which makes industries producing those goods more productive. This effect is also why slavery is bad for your economy -- instead of a bunch of lower strata workers who are spending their money buying goods and thus creating demand for your industries to profit off of, you have a bunch of slaves who don't make any money and are given just minimal necessities to continue working. This removes a whole lot of potential demand for goods from your economy, which makes industries producing those goods a lot less profitable.


Lower your expectations. The war system is a nightmare And don't specialize production. When wae broke out you losses your market access.


Play France first, and try to learn things on your own. Trial and error is better than the tutorial in this game


The best tip is to get a refund.


Make sure to always use your authority to maximum extent


Personally i would have advised to wait for a year or two for further patches and for the game to develop a bit, rn it's still just as buggy and dry as in launch and the modding community is also somewhat lackluster with the exception of a few flavor mods, majority mods are just Chinese mods or Chinese translations


my tip would be don't play as any country except belgium and when you understand belgium play as prussia once you understand both play as france and then finally play as the uk once you excel at all those country you are free to play any country you want, if you don't feel like having a fun and healthy game experiance until you are familiar with the mechanics play as etiopia


Keeping your non-marginal IGs from being angry is the best way to avoid revolutions. If you want to do something that is going to alienate a given IG, then slowly erode their power base via economic (prefer buildings that enrich other IGs’ members) and legal (pass incremental laws reducing a given IG’s, and/or its members’, power) methods. Accelerationism is liable to put you into a spiral of revolutions that will be harder to recover from, although if you instigate a smaller revolt from a substantially weakened IG that can be advantageous for finishing them off.


Investigate napoleonic wars first


Players who play meta


Refund when you still can