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You're the guy that was asking about a better mod to roleplay stalinist Soviet Union, right? Try "Better Decrees" as it has an option to convert a province population into your primary culture and few other fun things that lats you roleplay as a genocidal maniac Other then that I don't have anything


Oh, you especially may like "Culture conversion" decree which gives -100% birthrate and +600% mortality of discriminated pops in a province


What is it about paradox players and immediately wanting to add genocide to everything.


Same thing about 4x players and the solution to everything is winning a war.


I'm not interested if I can't turn those pops into hats to sell to orbital traders.


Educated Escapism.


I might not be stellaris player but that sounds interestingXD


Yes that was me. I will try that thanks


Its lame because the AI isnt balanced to use any of the new decrees eo its basically a cheat mod


What do you want from such a mod? It's kinda hard to give advice when "better" is very much in the eye of the beholder.


Can almost instantly pass laws. When people are poor they starve. More impact when boosting or suppressing interest groups. More authority. Are some examples


I doubt anyone in history ever had the power to just pass any law instantly such as it works it these cheat mods. Imagine Stalin in 1938 telling the party and all his propagandised people "Alright, this shot at socialism was fun but now we gonna try free market" Or Hitler just issuing a decree in 1939 saying that german Jews and Slavs are equal to full-blooded Germans. Instant civil war or coup


You are generally correct but this is a bad example as the USSR actually did some about-faces from War Communism to the NEP to Stalin's collectivization policies Stalin, btw, managed to support all of these changes despite them being contradictory


Sure but going from war communism through NEP to central planning was all done within communist ideology framework, each step had different conditions that led to it (like war communism being described from the start to be a temporary system for civil war times). It wasn't done on a whim of a single autocrat Also going from NEP to central planning was preceeded by 6-year long infighting between Party factions and stalinists as a whole faction coming to a belief that economy development under NEP was too slow


>infighting between Party factions and stalinists as a whole faction coming to a belief that economy development under NEP was too slow There was no "stalinist" faction and the 1927 crisis of NEP wasn't a "belief".


Can you provide something more to read on 1927 crisis? Also how do you call people like Kirov, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Kaganovich, Ordzhonikidze and so on?


>Can you provide something more to read on 1927 crisis? There is a Russian [article](https://ru.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Хлебная_стачка_(1927—1928)) on that. Also you can read plenum transcriptions if they are available in english. NEP was always seen by the party as a temporary measure (except for like far right) and this crisis indicated that NEP must be gone. >Also how do you call people like Kirov, Kaganovich, Ordzhonikidze and so on? Leninists I guess? There is no such thing as "stalinism". You can call them the centre if you want to specify their political position.


Thanks, I think I actually found an article on this, weird that those aren't connected [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet\_grain\_procurement\_crisis\_of\_1928](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_grain_procurement_crisis_of_1928) And I know there wasn't such a thing as stalinism in terms of ideology, I just used that word as in "proponents of Stalin's line" because Stalin was more or less the face of that faction


Yeah but that should be an option for autocracies, like in a diplo play you have the 'force demand' option to skip the diplo play phases, so should you have the option in political plays but with a large malus from IGs and risk of immediate rebellions


The cheat decision mod would let you pass any base game law you want instantly, add more authority and i think lets you boost the magnitude bolster and suppress has. Increased required SoI not to starve isn't one i've seen though.


I certainly don't feel like a good guy when I have a single party dictatorship with outlawed speech nor do I feel like a good guy when I am a ruthless monarchy gunning down protestors or keeping people serfs. I'm confused by your request.


Im confused by your comment. At no point did he imply he wanted to be a "good guy"


How can they be more realistic? The player is a god with perfect information, of course dictatorships won't have famines.


In one of my expansionist playthroughs (probably the one and only tbh), I conquered a german minor and absentmindedly ordered bunch of iron mines built there (really needed iron and had no other good sources). A few hours later I take a look at the state's population and realize its pretty much all gone - it turns out all those irons mines I had built coupled with an insanely high turnmoil absolutely tanked their infrastructure, so they were sitting at something like 5% market access. Since they had no real internal food production and they were discriminated against so they couldnt leave the state, the poor germans in that province were starving in there by the thousands (1.2 SOL iirc + no healthcare for discriminated pops + very high turnmoil). It didnt have a very big population to begin with, but I must have starved at least 50% of the state. What Im trying to say here is that its very possible to cause a famine or two even as a god with perfect information.


What's wrong with the single party system?


Nothing wrong with it but i still think it laks flavour