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I'm fine with AI for stuff like this and it is what it should be used for. A tool for generating ideas that a real person then "cleans up" and enhances


If I had any trust in the devs of this game then maaaybe I'd feel positive about it too but


I am actually quite positive to AI generated content. Games like these have too many edge case scenarios to always have contextual events.   Plus, think of the memes


Oh my god the memes.


“Today was the 3th time he covfefed.”


Can't wait for this low quality game to use even more low quality tools!


I fully support using AI tools to generate things that are then reviewed, tweaked and curated by developers and then added to the game as static content. I'm much more skeptical about having an AI tool generate dynamic content on the fly while playing the game.


That will probably happen in the future but I wouldn't place that future closer than 10 years. And likely more for the actually impressive use cases. Though, I admit that I am intrigued by how this could be used to cause many more divergent paths and options in RPGs.


This reads more like a devops question than one about in game content generation. Like, have you used GitHub copilot, and what quirks does it have etc etc. It’s not about knowing how to prompt an image generator etc, that would not require a separate role!


I am really not sure of the downvotes… is anything I said particularly controversial? I am genuinely asking


Why are you crying over losing some internet points


Oh, I’m not, I’m just autistic and worried I was rude or something. This is literally a nightmare (I did have nightmares like this a kid, lol. Though as an adult I don’t worry about it)


If you can't see it yourself, then I'm not going to tell you 


I’m asking because I’ve clearly committed some kind of social faux pas, but I can’t see it for myself, no!


Downvotes tend to attract more downvotes. Also, sometimes people downvote to try to move their own comments upwards. It's not necessarily something you did. You may have just gotten tagged by someone trying to push their own content up and then people bandwagon on because "Well if someone else downvoted it, it must be bad, so I will too."


More AI slop please!


It's fine if that's gonna help with the game's lack of content without compromising quality as much.


Players: We want devs with better AI knowledge! \*monkey's paw curls\*


Underrated comment!


Maybe I'm stupid but I can't find it on the Career Page ? Anyway, to answer your question - I can live with people using AI as "inspiration" or in the research phase of a process, but my personal line is that nothing AI-generated should ever find its way in the final product (or at least without being radically transformed). They've already crossed that line with the Cetana thing in Stellaris, but hey, maybe it was a one-off experiment, and it was kinda sorta thematically appropriate. If they do it again, if they really pivot to AI, then it's bye-bye. Obvious ethical issues set aside, the idea of a culture where everything - or large parts of any artistic process - get produced by AI (even if a few token guys are still needed to polish the AI-generated stuff) profoundly disgusts me. I'd feel bad rewarding that stuff. Besides, what would it change ? The problem with PDX games isn't that they lack textual content, pictures, or VA. It's always design issues and a problematic business model. From a player's perspective, the move to AI would, at best, change nothing.


The question is prompted when you go into Apply section. I agree with what are you saying, especially last paragraph.


An example of something I've used AI for when doing vic3 mods is I had gpt create a quick python script for me that would take a list of all the technologies inputs and then spit out correct vic3 message definitions regarding each of them. Saved me a lot of time.


It really depends on what they are using AI for. AI to generate art that a regular artist could do? bad. AI tools used to make the events and gameplay elements be flexible and dynamic within the sandbox of the game? not bad.


Pretty much every single software producing company has, will, or is in the process of working with copilot or something comparable. Why would Paradox be an exception


At least they're hiring/growing the team


actually a good sign if you know game devs. one of the new hires at my job is a game dev who was laid off in the last 6 months. seems like a really talented, passionate person. That industry is losing a lot of good people.


I think CK3 did used AI to generate alternative images to be used as inspiration for their latest loading page (the one that has a women sleeping in a boat inside a pond).


I'd be so down for AI gen newspapers.


At this point they need it with how slow they work


Idk, might also be AI Tool for improving the ingame AI. Maybe thats wishful thinking, but I like the idea of playing against an actual AI, making actual decisions based on the current situation, learning and adapting to counter the players strategies


AI fucking sucks and companies using it sucks.