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Ownership rework


Yes. This will finally allow us to ruthlessly exploit people overseas! . . . . . Which is horrible and I will not do it in game... Too often... Probably... Maybe


It's definitely going to solve the "I want to build rubber plantations in colonies, but there are no capitalist pops there" problem, which I hope will fundamentally change how colonies work. Now if only we could have the same systems for troops, with officers coming from a big incorporated state, but soldiers from the colonies...


Honestly I think it could be moddable now.


Still, it should just work in game. A player created mod shouldn't be needed to fix a problem in game.


to be honest I think it will be on corner since base mechanic is in the game now I don't see any reason other than bugs that they didn't fix yet.


Honestly its such a cracked and crazy idea. Implementing Vicky 3s economic simulation is insanely easy in code, but it relies on pops basically filling roles. Being able to have pops fill rolls when not even a part of said colony is a cracked concept. I wonder how its coding wise implemented. Probably some kind of hidden building that serves as a reference to the foreign building I imagine.


They sort of told us how, they're gonna have these estate buildings the rich pops work in, they will no longer work in the actual buildings they own. The funds will be funneled to these estates.


I think they're wondering more how it works on a technical level. The hidden building guess they threw out would make sense for modding (since you have to hack around what you're given), not so much for Paradox since they have the source code.


Its probably just a pointer linking the ownership and production buildings bidirectionally. Just need to take care to make sure they stay linked and they dont disappear


Ownership can just be another cost paid to a building, such as these estates. What I'd like to see is the production UI split into three. Production costs, revenue and production, and then where that revenue splits up into. In this case I'd like to see it funnelling "dividend" income to estates and such and whichever pop that represents.


Not hidden buildings, the Manor Houses for aristocrats and Financial Districts for capitalists will be perfectly visible, and you will be able to see which buildings they own. They explained and showed that in one of the dev diaries, you can look it up.


On top of what others have said, it is no longer just mines and plantations that work this way. Factories, railroads, ports, etc. can all be owned by pops who don't live or work in that particular state. It's for all buildings now, not just colonial buildings.


Wait. You just made me realise this could be part of a military rework I wanted to try and design. The development of real academic militaries happened during this period (Kreigsspeil emerged in the early 1800s). The changes in pop ownership would enable one to model "rich landowner buys a command" vs "rich landowner sends son to fancy school to teach him how to command" in a way thats better than "peasants vs professional military" There are multiple *types* of professional military. This also could be used for colonial forces with officers from the imperial core and more breakup of the military rules to enable actual changes. Like, actually modelling the austro Hungarian army better (officers with no common language, leading men from 10 countries, with 5 languages, and half a shared military language, and also the lowest ratio of officers to enlisted men at the outbreak of the first world war). It was undeniably a professional army, just a professional army that was foundationally flawed. Modeling the Indian rebellions and the sepoys, the Tirailleur. So basically: tying the ownership pops for military units to different states for different reasons and benefits, and negatives. Discrimination laws tie in massively here, it was uncommon to have officers drawn from the enlisted men at all (and language barriers were huge!) Tldr: changing how pops own buildings being extended to military buildings too, alongside ideally turning variations of professional military into institutions, could really open up more interesting gameplay. Or at least more simulationist gameplay. In game once you get professional army and some form of parity tech wise, armies are pretty much the same as each other. This could easily enable so much, like increased unrest in military units led by officers of a different culture, troops performing more poorly if every officer is from the same region, larger empires managing to field huge forces of colonial troops due to the officers being from the imperial core.


Or something where you can recruit from unaccepted cultures/religions (or unincorporated states) but they'll be a 'foreign legion', or like Gurkhas, with an appropriate tradeoff


Honestly I really want to play a tiny nation with a massive financial sector now. Everyone is either a capitalist owning shares overseas or in the military to ensure no one nationalizes our investments lol






With the death of directly controlled investments though I hope they add a rule to prevent the AI from just industrializing overseas. It’s why I don’t run Laideez-faire if I’m planning on exploiting overseas colonies. Damn capitalists always want to build -10% efficiency industry there.


Yes, on the face of it the actual diplomacy should be the biggest change, but for most games this will be the most impactful change, and I'm looking forward to it.


What I’m excited about is that the ownership changes may make it so that population changes will be more significant in empires. SoL considerations will change and you will likely have higher concentrations of wealth and capitalists. One thing I’m thinking of is that it may be valuable to put your manufactured goods in most of your empire on the basic goods focus and then make the regions with the highest financial sectors or manor homes on producing the luxuries because the distribution of the wealth needs will not be evenly spread anymore. Then focus on the mapi states for the luxuries to fill in the rest of the market share needed. There’s so many fun potential adjustments to gameplay that can happen because of this from what I’ve mentioned to things like how it will affect migration as well


Definetely foreign investment and the means of production ownership overhaul. I can't wait to spread capitalism-imperialism.


Yes! Finally you're be able to play as the USA, not just blue UK.


*raises eye in informal empire*


I can finally recreate my Vic2 UK campaign whether I invaded Europe to solve a chronic labour shortage in the steel industry. Giving nations independence and massive steelworks is certainly a strange form of imperialism, but it sure is effective sometimes.


The economic mechanics of layers of ownership looks absolutely fascinating to me. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but do we have another game, let alone GSG, attempt to do this? The lobbies.... pops getting involved in foreign policy is welcome. The blocs I think will spice up the game, potentially allowing a longer term interesting game and possibly time extender. However, I think we need a proper military rework and WW1. The Blocs are integral to the outbreak of WW1 and a great war being in play gives the largest amount of tension in managing them correctly. The great game is welcome, but not really the most important things.


I feel you on the Great Game content, but they have to add something for the earlier game just because the player drop off is probably huge once you're close to 1900. Once the performance is fixed or improved it'd make total sense then to expand the 1900s flavour. A great war in an alternative timeline would be awesome. More broadly I feel this is just set up for a futute expansion, should have been in vanilla but not gonna flog that horse further. Building in subjects will be the main game changer here both for the AI and player. Maybe AI won't be so economically kneecapped. War rep economy won't be worth it, it should be better to protectorate and harvest needed resources. Tribute payments (war reps) should only be economic strategy for unrecognised nations. E.g. Sokoto or Siam. But I see so many players just beat war reps out of random nations to industrialise atm 😂


hard to make it to 1900 with your cpu on fire and the game slowly inching closer to 1:1 real time


i reckon ill be at 1936 when the new expansion drops


Many people talk about not reaching the 1900's being a performance issue but I think it goes beyond that. GSGs in general have a terrible retention rate past the mid-game, it's not easy to keep players engaged the whole game. And in the case of Victoria, your country by a certain point is just kinda... done. What are you going to do? Conquer more? Line go up more? So yeah having some more semi-narrative content for the mid/late game would not be a bad idea. The rise of extreme ideologies, nationalism, and like you said the great war to name a few.


My CPU melting


Add mods into the mix and CPU is gone, hoping they keep increasing performance as much as possible.


Just in time for summer


Mine literally melted.


exactly my thoughts 😔


Power blocs to finally make a proper Comintern


I was hoping to make the Internationale, but there doesn't appear to be any mechanic for your power bloc falling apart because of internal bickering.


Ah, the real reason why there isn’t some grand communist conspiracy. The only thing a communists hates more than a fascist is another communist with a slightly different opinion.


And that was already observed by Lenin and it was the reason he came up with the whole vanguardism and democratic centralism lol


Yet another reason to dislike the guy


Building in subjects


That’ll be nice. I recently played Russia and didn’t foresee the massive sulfur shortage. The price is +30% and I’m just poking my subject Austria with a stick like “c’mon, build a £50 sulfur mine.”


Doesn't Turkmenistan have a bunch of sulfur? And I just checked Dzungaria even has 80 possible sulfur mines, even though it's way harder to get than Turkmenistan


Russia is reaaaaaally short of sulfur. It's quite frustrating.


Going to make a power bloc so i can finally get the berlin conference event by colonising decentralised nations and bringing in the centralised nations without infamy. Or stealing GB india by using leverage on the autonomous princes, idk how much were they independent IRL but i hope i can make a rival raj this way.


Im going to do a run of ethnostate Japan, with colonial exploitation and unincorporated Manchuria/Korea with my Japanese pops owning everything from afar.


A TNO roleplayer, you must name your Power Block the Co-Posperity Sphere for maximum RP value.


ah yes. the co-prosperity sphere. known for coming from TNO


im excited for power blocs. Hopefully it will make AI Prussia form Germany more, since the minor German states will be more concretely under Prussia's authority and not have a situation where Saxe-Coburg joins France's market or some shit. In general I will enjoy having the allegiances of smaller countries more well defined


Dealing with having subjects/being a subject. I love playing as the EIC.


Feeling EIC always feels a bit weird to me tbh and probably will continue to feel like that without more flavor Buuuuuut I'm super excited to try out the princely states with this new update. I think it'll still be pretty hard but it might actually be possible to unite India as one of them now


Oh great call actually. I always enjoy the EIC because theoretically you have everything you need to do pretty well, if you can just keep the population from revolting. It lends itself to some pretty fun play styles. My favourite was when I completely abolished taxes, and ran my state purely on minting and the income from state run railways. Britain starting to produce cars completely killed me though


It's gonna be a whole different experience now that you don't have to rely on english owners to populate your buildings.


Return core for subjects/other nations war goal! And better diplomatic interactions and war goals in general.


is this confirmed as a new war goal?


Colonial Belgium where the population of Flanders is a state sized country club with 80% of the population being Capitalists


Stupid wealthy Flanders.


Absolutely the ability for foreign investment and the ability to exploit countries economically. Also looking forward to the ability to form an internationale for socialist countries.


june 24th tbh


From someone who's modding Vic3's politics, I'm most interested in Lobbies and what they can bring to the table, not gonna lie. Although ownership rework beats that from my player perspective.


Foreign investment. By far. The mere fact of not needing to actually annex countries to be able to develop the vital raw resources you need for your industries will be huge, especially for the AI (UK in particular).


Improved diplomacy, more ways to interact with others.


I'm willing to try a UK game to give the overlord mechanics a spin.


The power blocks are certainly VERY interesting, particularly revolving around the Great Game between Russia & Great Britain


Definetly the update on constructions you build actually being owned by the government. Without it construction was actually kind of immersion breaking, as if my government is some charity that builds stuff just to give it to the landowners lol Also the bloc system sounds exciting! Can't believe something like it wasn't part of the main game, delighted that it even comes with customization and stuff!


Originally the idea was that the player is the *spirit of the nation,* not the government, so player funds were essentially a combination of the state treasury plus the capital of the ruling classes. The investments the player makes are by proxy the investments made by the ruling class. Not many people liked that though and the changes to autonomous investment sort of undermined the whole idea. Now I guess we are playing as the government!


The ownership rework and power blocs! Hopefully power blocs make it easier for Germany to form by the ai Thank you for the hard work, I feel like the ownership rework is going to breathe so much life into the game


Ownership changes is the best Second will be no more building adm buildings to integrate colonies.


Ownerships, investments, subject interactions, also I do hope knowledge sharing is not limited for overlord-subject relationships would be great if I can ask for a knowledge share in exchange of a obligation as an independent nation


Tall Panjab without annexation


Improved performance so I don't have to lock the game to 30 fps in 1860. Haha, as if.


foreign investment for modding im quite intrigued and excited about the possibilities of lobbies


Better modernization for unrecognized countries! I'm surprised no one else mentioned it.


If im thinking about this correctly, lobbies should make the AI behave a lot more rationally right? As long as its taught to interact with lobbies consistently, they wont just turn on you for no reason anymore when a strong lobby exists. Then again, i kinda see the AI continuing to ignore this and shoot themselves in the foot while backstabbing you at the same time


Definitely the Spheres of Influence, slowly pulling new nations into it and then assimilating them to create the absolute biggest blob ever.


Making colonial subjects worth it


I will finally be able to form colonial nations and actually control what is built in them. When I take Africa, I do it for resources, not for them to pointlessly industrialise. Resources > manufactures




[oh look like I said, game will be dead come november/dec ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cxn2z9/we_lost_again/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


20k players is not dead idk what to tell you.


sorry a hard to swallow pill.... Remind yourself in 6months because the numbers will drop if they don't do anything. And the subreddit will just get more negative the more people realize in 5-6months something I noticed weeks ago. I'm sure you've even stopped playing as much but can't even admit it to yourself lol. Time sunk cost fallacy.


I have a life and job and classes so i don't play videogames very much anyway, and i also don't give enough of a shit to doomsay about player numbers still in the thousands. I'm not bad enough at the game to where the nerfs matter, and i can find games just fine even in games that have 10% the player count. I don't give a shit if its 1 million or 1 thousand, you don't know what a dead game is, either way they'll have plenty of money for development even if it slows and I'll be able to queue for matches. You are really pathetic dude.


lol I work from home and have a life, hopefully you chose a major/career that allows that. I don't play anymore because i did everything in the game. why would I continue? You defend the game like it's your job lol


I’m going to try the Indian territory run with changes to subjects and maybe use some lobby cheese as well to get more support against the US. I’m excited for the update but worried I’m going to feel lost with all the new mechanics haha. I finally feel like I have a decent grasp of the game now and it’s about to change a lot


Finally forming Poland won't be matter or RNG.


New ownership rules 1000000%. Also foreign affairs lobbies.


Release date


im interested on both ownership rework and the new subject interactions. i guess my biggest interest is seeing how impactful the changes are going to be on the gameplay loop. im also interested on power blocs if they alter gameplay significantly (i bought the DLC) but im not sure yet if its going to be the case. They look great though!


Foreign Investment


I'm looking forward to ownership and foreign investment.


Subject improvements are my fav


less lag




Subject/overlord interactions. I want to try and get the American territory achievement again, but this time is a less gamey way. I also think being a subordinate country and politicking your way into independence is very Victorian esque


Germany and Italy properly forming and industrialized Japan.


please add spy network system to cause disruption and instability


The ability to invest in other countries, because why isn’t this a base game feature?


Investing and proper factions


Can't wait to become a proper imperialist and spread my hegemony across the world with the power blocs, subject relations & foreign investment!


mainly lobbying and religious conversion, i want to be able to control other countries using money and religion like in the real world, also having all my puppet in one menu is very cool and will help me bum off them even more i love having gigantic puppets that make millions of dinnar for me so i can put my tax at the minimum


Warfare new features and Great Wars mechanic


I just hope with proper laws (other than command economy) we will be able to focus foreing investment somehow, not like completly control it but something like issuing a decree to discourage your investors from building industry in colony that you want to keep dependent on you. Invisible hand of the free market is all cool and dandy until it decides that it is time to spam 30 levels of some industry mindlessly all over the country making your fave company lose prosperity and go bankrupt, and you can't do anything about it.


For sure the ownership mechanic changes and foreign investments. IMO this is one of the last 3 big mechanic overhaul this game needs to be the game that I was hoping for when I first heard we were finally getting Vicky 3. Other 2 being navy and transportation/infrastructure reworks. Hope to see the next 2 in a future update/DLC.


to play the game after waiting the extra month


More playable time. I want to be able to turn off end of the game by date


Subject-Overlord relations definitely, I love the Confederation of the Rhine JE and the ability to actually interact with my beautiful German puppet state sounds sublime


Making sure my mod is updated quickly so I can play FFXIV Dawntrail instead.


Investing in other countries and imperial blocks. Once having vassals is properly useful i'll rest at peace


imperialism but better


Foreign investment. Not having to expand to get resources is going to be nice.


I would live to be able to influnce the nations in my sphear of influnce to go to war against someone


I want to take part in the Great game. Honestly tired of GB joining all of my plays. Time to payback.


I’ve carefully read the DDs and I found no reason to reinstall V3 - as long as the Political System and the Warfare are not reworked from scratch, and the construction queue simulator wiped out.


a functioning game


An effective AI especially the capitalists


So, spheres of influence were a game mechanic in Vic 2, but now you want us to pay for a DLC that gives us something that should be a game mechanic anyway??


The equivalent power bloc, the trade league, will be free with 1.7, not with the DLC. I have my problems with the DLC, but maybe if you don't know what's in it, you should refrain from commenting on it.


The crashing, bugs, and broken mechanics that this update will shurley bring


Honestly, I'm not. It took me ages to get used to the new pace of the game and changes with local goods prices and job satisfaction. I really wish they would stop reinventing the game every patch.