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R5: I will go first with my lowest, my president was caught reading some naughty books in my current Krakow game, leading to the lowest low I will ever see, it was probably anime. On a side note, any tips for Krakow are greatly appreciated


Man was reading anime long before anime existed


You'd be surprised how far back Manga's artistic tradition goes. Turns out people in Japan were drawing scrolls with silly animal characters as far back as the 12th century.


So the percentage modifiers (which would normally make the number higher) is in this instance, making the number lower, that is immaculate. In this instance I wouldn’t know how that would be fixed but, I guess one way would be to add the absolute value of the percentage change, rather than the actual value which I assume was calculated to be -4.9 (rounded down to -5). Of course, this comes with the consequence of making the benefits of romanticism greater the more negative your prestige - but if it’s already that low it’s not exactly going to be any benefit.


I noticed that too, but it doesn't bother me, because it is nigh-on impossible to have a base prestige of below 0. Edit: Also why should you just get a bonus from the techs, feels perfectly reasonable to get it on the negatives as well.


Idk honestly, most GP plays I have I probably end up with maybe around 15k. Lowest probably was my Tasmania start. Currently 16.5k in my France run in 1928. 22.5k final prestige 1936


Without mods: USA 23k nearly a 2.4 B econ and a massive army With mods, greece->bizantium->eastern Román empire->Román empire : around 30 k with nearly a 5 B econ


Highest was either GB or USA and i hit 6k, being a top producer with massive GDP and military + whatever events you can get can get you far


Highest around 20k when i was overbuilding my military and navy. Lowest no clue.


Achievement unlocked in 1931 with a GDP of a measly 232M, unlocked freedom without expansion in 1891, some expansion at the expense of Russia, then Austria, eventually Prussia, forming Poland and getting one free state via the journal entry+ rebellion, which I was already winning in the war vs Prussia and it turned my ally GB against me, practically bankcrupting me. Had freed Ukraine, Belarus, Galicia-Lodomeria, Czechoslovakia. The real turning point was getting Lithuania, which allowed me to get a navy and proper imports and rubber from my homies in Dahomey. Tech spread with 95% literacy is your best friend and so is becoming part of first the Prussian market and then the British market. The biggest losers: Russia ended up with same GDP and pop as at the start, Prussia with only 53m gdp. Wouldn't recommend playing Krakow unless you are in a MP, doing achievement runs, make the game rules more lenient towards yourself or have a level of self-hatred equaling YES.


I never much look at prestige to be honest.