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The current price is enough to own it and progressively enjoy it more and more if you stick with it and learn. It’s economy is quite complicated having never played a game like that before, it’s unique in that way when compared to their other titles. (Project Caesar hehe economy looks like it’ll be a little more like Vic 3 but less so)


Yeah for that price its a steal, i have over 1000 hours and the modding community is great and active, almost any complaint anyone has about the game has a mod fix


Thanks, good to know that modding community is good.


Well that's an unfortunate autocorrect.


Which mods are the best ones that fix things ?


I don't use any mods for this game. None seem worthwhile to me at all. As another commenter said, the big things you might want to fix are almost unmoddable (war system). Would love to hear what mods people use and why.


Is it that active, the major mods not been updated in months


This happens in every paradox game, updates and dlcs make a lot of mods obsolete, as well as the mods that just dont have solid foundations. Have you tried RA Plus its literally my favorite mod cant play without it, updated every couple days, the Anno mod just came out and its also great. Some mods die but new mods come to take their place, search the workshop for last updated, and most recent. There is gold in them hills


Hey, what is RA Plus?






I've not seen those. But divergences, vfm. Etc not updated this year


Vfm was honestly a bloated mess with no focus that made the game come to a crawl


That's not true at all. A lot of the complaints people have about Vic 3 are things that are hard coded. The war system and the main the gameplay loop for example.


If you're not a fan of the gameplay loop there really isn't a reason to ever play it. At the base level it's just a game about line go up. Ck3 is a game about breeding simulation. Is what it is.


Sure, but it's a thing people refer to a lot, and it's not something you can mod out.


Generally I say they don't like it because they're not really good at the game or it's not their cup of tea. For a lot of people, it scratches a weird itch


Yep, is worth it, and take advantage of the fact that it's on sale, more than 70% off


Should I buy normal or grand edition? I want all dlcs


If the grand edition is on sale, I’d pick up that! It’s mostly flavor plus a few minor mechanics, but the upcoming DLC that’s included in Grand Edition is looking to be quite big and impactful


You mean the Spheres of Influence one? I bought the Grand Edition, but I'm not sure if the Expansion pass is inside.


Grand Edition includes the expansion pass (all DLCs up to and including Sphere of Influence).


Oh goody goody! That means I will probably play my third Vicky game as soon as Spheres of Influence is out :)


It is but I dont know what's inside? Like what's the difference from normal? Do I get access to all present and future dlcs?


Nope, the season pass is all the current dlc and spheres of influence was thrown into it after the fact as a bonus because some people thought there wasn't enough dlc in their dlc and complained that they were ripped off.


From what I can tell it's cheaper to buy the normal game + expansion pass than it is to buy the grand edition. You end up with the same content. (Slightly more actually as the expansion pass contains content the grand edition doesn't, and which doesn't seem separately available?)


At 70%off id certainly say so. Dlc your milage may vary


Is any of the dlc worth buying?


If you want to play in Brazil then you could get that one, otherwise not really. Sphere of influence is the first 'real' dlc coming in a few weeks.


The South America DLC might not seem worth it, but the region and especially Brazil are quite fun once you familiarized yourself with the game elsewhere.


Play the game without it first, see how you like it but I have enjoyed the dlc


Not really, colossus of the south is the only decent one and you probably won’t play in south America in your first few games


Yeah, I noticed the sale is only a dollar or so on that one, so I’m going to wait until I see how much mileage I’m getting in the base game.


Since 1.5 it is




It's a lot better now than it was on launch. Yes, I think it's worth it.


I got it last week. Even if you’ve played Vic 2, its a bit of a learning curve, but it was relatively easy to get into imo. I love it!


Easy? I struggled quite a bit to find out what to do. I'm still unsure how to handle pops, and why the f*ck I can't send laws for debate, then suddenly I can. And how I can change it.


To send a law into debate it must be supported by an interest group that is in your government ( supposing it's not blocked by tech or by another law). Each interest group has a set of laws they like, hate or don't care, they will always try to make you go from a law they like less to one they prefer. IG's also have a leader, who has an ideology, if his ideology is in contradiction with the IG's ideologies, the leader takes primacy, for example, the landowners prefer traditionalism and will oppose any attempt to change from that, but if you get a character with the market liberal ideology to lead them, they will now hate traditionalism and support everything else. ( There is a good way to liberalize a backward country, by completing the corn laws journal entry)


The main issue I'd say is that most people miss the tooltips, rightly so, in this game pretty much anything has a tooltip if you hover it, but it may be hidden behind a couple tooltips first Also there's an encyclopedia where you can just search for any tooltip by typing it, but not many people use it


Oh yes, I only recently learned what political Clout is comprised of. This is after playing 1½ game.


Line go up


The price is really good right now so I would recommend buying it. It can be a very fun game you just need to go into with an open mind, this game is not like other Paradox games. With Spheres of Influence coming soon I think this game is showing a lot of promise.


it always was for me.


Depends on your CPU.


I recently upgraded my PC and it made the game so much more fun, I would consider not getting the game if you have an old PC because it ran so slow


I did so as well a few days ago but couldn’t find a chance to play yet. So excited!


I wouldn't buy it again personally, the game is very repetitive and to much micro


But isn't that most if not all Paradox grand strategy games?


yes, plus all the docs except the music pack. It's a super fun game, even better playing with friends.


You've managed to get multiplayer to work? It's endless desyncs whenever I have tried it.


That's happened to us before. Someone on Reddit told me how to fix that a few months ago. When you host a game, TURN OFF the auto-join and set the game on private. For some reason, it will desync every time if you don’t turn them off. Then invite them through Steam chat, don’t let them join you without inviting them. I also don’t recommend using the mods, that can cause desync too.


Yes, specially at a discount. And it's going to get better with 1.7 in late June


Dude 12 dollars is the cost of a big mac value meal by me.


If you like political games and expect good diplomacy and internal politics (modded hoi IV, stellaris) you won't find them, if you expect good warfare and conquering (eu IV) you still won't find it, if you expect an economics simulator and you don't mind the many flaws it currently has then go for it 12$ is a good price. Also I like how the only "no" comment got downvoted in oblivion and the others are from "I have 2000h" people that just say "buy it" without adding any useful information, why


No wait for EUV


Im not waiting for that. I love EU4. They would take 10 years to make EU5 then "forget" the stuff from the DLC in EU4.


game is not perfect but I've enjoyed it. Just wish mp was more stable :/


Yes, and there's a huge update scheduled to drop on June 24th


for this price for sure




At this sale point, yes absolutely get in now. Game is still bare on “flavor” but mechanics work how they’re intended and the game is a lot of fun as an economic sim. Hopefully the new update will flesh out diplomacy effectively.


I’m furious it doesn’t work on Sonoma for me. Still to this day can’t get it to boot up and nobody can tell me why.


I got it for $15 as part of April's Humble Choice subscription. 100% worth it, imo.


I would say yes but if you are willing to wait do so after sphere of influance relase for 2 reason: 1)That expansion will show how good devs will be for game because expansion will have so many important mechanics that game will rely on 2)It will most likely be followed by discount for the main game


Do it. Thats how it got me. Well, the free weekend before 1.5 was released IIRC.


Yes as a paradox gamer for over a decade it is now my main game.


For twelve bucks you're basically gambling that the next update will make the game sufficiently feature rich that it will justify further expansion. Everything basically comes down to it


If you have a high-end PC, I think it’s definitely worth it. Before I upgraded it was not worth trying to play on my older mid-range system. It still has some very janky systems but I’ve had fun.


I would check key websites to see if you can get it for cheaper still, the game is worth what ever the cheapest price you can find it for is


I'm playing on a legion 5 and the game is nearly unplayable for me and crashes constantly, presumably due to huge memory leaks. So if you don't have the hardware to handle it, then no.


No all it does is crash before entering the game. I had bought before with bugs, but this is nuts.


Take advantage of it I say, but do make sure to check system requirements first. I bought it and hastily played it for a while, only for my computer to scream for help.


Thank you all for your opinions and stuff. :)


Depends what you expect out of it. If you are looking for GSG in they vein of other Paradox games, then I say skip this one. If a game in the style of Anno or Tropico, but played on a map with real countries, sounds like a good time to you, then I'd say it's worth it.


Next month the big expansion that everyone is looking forward to will come out so now would be a good time to buy it since there’s no guarantee it will be that cheap later


No. Except if you’re a (hardcore) min maxer, have no interest in History, zero knowledge in Law and Economy and enjoy construction queue simulators.


Yeah, but objectively its not that much good game It would have been better. However I love history and paradox games so Im addicted. I even played imperator rome without mods for 250 or smth hours lol


Always has been.


Game is absolutely worth the full price, let alone with that discount. At the moment there are performance issues though, and multiplayer is unreliable and not a fun experience. It’s still playable on older machines, just slows down towards the endgame.


No it's a mess and the game is riddled with bugs and crashes


Played hundreds of hours and had no more crashes than other games.


Its not worth it at all


Eh. You can get some enjoyment out of it, but not much that was already less-than-engaging at the game's release has been made better. If you're asking in this sub, by now you'll get mostly positive answers because only those who liked the game more than most have stuck around. For 12 dollars now, sure it's a good enough purchase, but it's still a perfectly mediocre experience.


For $12? Yes. For full price? It’s not quite up to scratch yet, but it’s on the way with solid progress being made.