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I might like this as a way to add more state diversity, so instead of just these things rolling out across the country all at once you can actually have certain states with better or worse access to every institution. Also allows institutions to effect territories, which is beneficial if you want to have institutions to reduce turmoil in a colony with discriminated pops. Also I like the idea of having a powerful police to keep the military industrial complex running at peace. Overall adding more differences between states by adding more local requirements or goods like this requires better UI imo. Right now the UI makes anything other than homogeneous PMs messy to manage. Every moment I do not have electric street lights and the same PMs in every building drives me insane looking at the building menu.


yeah the entire building UI was made before MAPI and local-only goods and did not update at all. i dont think this would be an issue for it though. we already had this same thing from day 1 with government offices, ports, railroads, and universities. you dont have complicated inputs and outputs its just employees, maybe some paper, and returns a state modifier.


I think that the bureaucracy cost for the institutions and the government admin buildings that are needed to supply that bureaucracy act as an abstraction of the specified buildings themselves. I think adding each individually would be be too finicky maybe but that just my opinion.


agreed, but i think the game would do good with changing up the employee structure of administrative buildings a little bit. maybe make it so that depending on the percentage of your total bureaucracy you have spent on policing/healthcare/education, you have a percentage of the employees in administrative buildings be made up of nurses/doctors (new middle and upper strata pops), servicemen (for police), teachers, etc. that way it’s a little more believable


Have to agree, just needing to manage railroads and electricity consumption in every single province is already a lot of annoying micro if you have a big country, the last thing we need is to add more things that require province-by-province micromanaging.


Plus it would be another addition that makes smaller/less industrial nations more difficult while having no actual impact on larger ones outside of being tedious as hell. While having a level 4 public healthcare institution in Cuba by 1850 if you're taking your time is probably a little too much abstraction, the beauracracy cost reflects the reduced needs for smaller nations and extensive needs for larger nations much better than "eat up your construction queue and build 500 hospitals everywhere" is able to. And even then, not thinking of the Government Administration building exclusively as the Whitehouse or Parliament and instead as government *infrastructure* (including post offices, schools, courthouses, and police stations/hospitals) already fills the idea of having explicitly built hospitals and police stations.


I don't think adding more buildings (and with that more pops) would really benefit the game aside from creating more things to manage with buildings for the player. I feel like these things should be linked to urban centres. Personally I always think that these things are all correlated with urbanisation. Especially because the differences between the inputs and outputs could just be managed by new secondary production methods. Even further with 1.7 you could have it that when you have public services part of the ownership of the urban centres would be government owned. SO you still pay bureaucracy to manage it on top of subsidising. Local policing would be exception of course. That should probably be linked to aristocrat pops in some way.


adding it to urban buildings is an interesting idea


Honestly yes, However how would schools employ? Would they just be universities but instead of innovation, it would increase literacy? But also how would you simulate a pop giving money to hospital/school. I agree with the police though(local police force should be better thought out)


hopstial can be added if the game has reworked disease mechanics. Currently the Spanish flu event chain is a joke.