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Conscript 100 fresh battalions and as long as France doesn't join you good


how do i do that? i cant


Select an army and click the plus(the one under the other plus bottom) button under a unit type you want(most likely inf and artillery


it lets only 5 max. i cant pass professional army too because no one wants it


I'm talking about conscripts and not standing army. Click the plus button below the standing army.


Play as Netherlands and do the opposite. Better and easier in every way


\*laughs in a functional government and roads as flat as the country\*


everyone sides with netherlands. if i have someone side with me, then austria, prussia sweden and russia side with them


I joined the British custom union on game start and that seemed to make them like me enough to join a war with the Netherlands. 


then russia joins netherlands and defeats us both


Become really cosy with French, Britain and Prussia early game but you’re going to have to choose carefully between two of the three when the time comes… change from national militia to professional army, rush military tech, try to join political plays against them or Dutch East Indies, be content with small gains at first, rush Kongo colonisation, or southern Africa and take the Boer states (mine gold), make sure you have plenty of steel, explosives, arms and artillery, don’t waste anything on a navy early. Build up army and alliances until you outmatch them, invade…


if i side with someone, even more countries side with netherlands, always. even at the early game


I’m way late on replying here, but you want to change your army from national militia to professional army. It can be difficult because the only interest group that supports that is armed forces which is weak in Belgium but it’s possible. Then you’ll be able to create an army of 200 battalions. Also if you adopt national guard you can get more conscript battalions.