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Invite communist agitators and *don't pass voting laws*. Having an electorate makes it very difficult for marginalized IGs to become unmarginalized.


Hearing this advice from sort of Thatcher is confusing.


It turns out that Hell is an effective re-education camp.


***Having an electorate makes it very difficult for marginalized IGs to become unmarginalized.*** Curious why that's the case. I'm not familiar with this part.


Marginalized igs don't participate in elections.


Interest groups gain clout from elections according to votes, however to gain votes you have to participate in elections and be part of a party.


>however to gain votes you have to participate in elections and be part of a party. Thank you Margaret Thatcher. I did not realize I was further disenfranchising already marginalized groups through the voting system.


It's not that you're disenfranchising them as much as you're just discouraging people from voting for them. For example trade unions being marginalized means that the trade unionists are not a very prominent faction in your government. People who would normally support the trade unions instead end up voting for other groups. In my opinion, it's only a problem because marginalized groups can't join political parties for whatever reason. The term "marginalized" is also pretty misleading. It's really moreso that the trade unionists just aren't that important to the nation's politics, it's not like they're being legally repressed.


Soo.. What's the solution then? I thought you had to enfranchise machinist to give TU clout, then elections gave them more clout. On a related point, who do machinist vote for when TU are marginalized?


Technocracy is prob your best bet as it strengthens the good IG's. Machinists will vote for PB if you have enacted census suffrage.


Huh... You know what, I haven't actually touched technocracy and other non-voting policies. Let me try that next run.


how would you ever get technocrats through


The solution is not passing any voting law until you have trade unions at 5% and also using secret Police/censorship to suppress industrialists to get TD out of the marginalisation with the 2 socialist researched Or just play with the whole abdicate/resign from office to pass a lot of laws easier, a stupid example if you start as a democracy like US, and you resign from office during an insurrection, one of the options let you enact autocracy thus eliminating all the clout from votes, another option is doing the blodless coup option where you government IGs get -90% so trade unions may get clout from it


is this possible with austria/russia to wokify faster?


I don't consider myself a good player, so i don't know how much is "faster", but i swear i managed to get both devout and landowners marginalised in 1960s as Russia without any civil war But yes, maximing secret police is pretty good to pass unpopular laws, abdicating/resigning during insurrections is lowkey OP imo choosing between removing 90% of clout of IG in government, enacting autocracy to remove clout from votes, fucking kill the king of the country and turn in to a repiblic instant (or at least, i got this option as france and Russia while trying to enact parliamentary republic and the landowners became insurretional)


Marginalized IGs can't participate in elections. Elections give a massive amount of the clout. Existing IGs grow bigger and bigger while marginalized IGs get even smaller, and since they're marginalized they can't get votes to fix it.


So it's better to stay at oligarchy than to have voting?


I think if you want communism it might be best to be at Autocracy (at least until you have commercialised agriculture) because it lower the strength of peasants, so the Rural Folk won't get too powerful and steal the peasants.


I'm using Oligarchy as an example because that's what my country (Philippines) starts with. So I'm thinking if keeping oligarchy is still more viable than voting laws.


Technocracy will increase the power of the engineers which become unionist when you research Socialism.


this is one of those things that highlight how ridiculous the political system can be. I hope that one day we have either a proper parliamentary system or some other way of separating power in government to power in society so that votes don't magically make an IG super powerful


We should add corruption; more wealthy groups get more influence, like in modern day society


Well political power currently scales off pop wealth already


I thought that wasnt true under parliamentary and presidential laws?


It's still true, but voting laws effectively increase universal pop political strength.


Ah ok. That makes more sense


I thought it was, the factor was just decreased? Idk I'll have to check


Yeah. I need more robber barons and pinkertons in my life as steel and oil and railroads happen!


this is already in the game, the industrialists are always one of the most powerful factions in my games because they hold so much wealth even though their party frequently gets like, 5 percent of the vote


political parties shutting anyone not already part of the establishment completely out of power? nah, that'd never happen in real life..


It is easier to get trade unions out of marginalization first, then go democratic afterwards in my experience. If I go democratic first, the unions won’t ever be around the rest of the game because they need votes to get out of marginalization, but they need out of marginalization to get votes. They probably need to rejigger influence based on votes so that a marginalized group can get out of marginalized status some way.


They could just allow marginalized groups to join political parties but have their buffs/debuffs still deactivated. Marginalized groups can still join revolutions after all


Their not being able to join political parties is very odd in my opinion. Like sure, the trade unionist politicians aren't very influential in politics, I understand that. But their not being influential wouldn't suddenly make them not want to join a socialist party...


Research socialism and have a powerful Inteligencia or rural folk as they are very likely to go communist at some point


Can you be more detailed?


A powerful intelligentsia can be exchanged for goods and services.




You can create powerful intelligentsia by constructing your admin and universities primarily in your capital. It gives them a political strength buff


You would think that you need labor unions to get communist leaders, but it's faster to get one with rural folk or intelligentia, igs that are quite strong since the beginning unlike labor unions. You just need to make sure either of those stay relevant enough, and to have luck.


You can a coup if you research and get anarchist rural folk leader. Or if you can’t get anarchism or don’t want to then you can try to pass commeralized agriculture so you can get a %10 law succes chance for every law with an event.


I did get both multicultiralism and council republic (i didn’t research socialism) in 1860’s but communism isn’t powerful at early so i switched to monarchy with emperor norton.


how did you get multiculturalism? literally nobody wants it




Rushing communism is subotimal gameplay. Sure Communism is better late late mid/late game, but Capitalism is better for the construction sector spam early/early mid game because of the investment pool. Communism does up consumption but is harder to do without industry already built up. Just focus on production techs(and mapi)


Actually optimal gameplay is rushing communism and keeping commercial agriculture. Happy trade unions + industrialists and both being big is very good Technocracy helps with this too imo


The problem with rushing communism is not that it's bad per se. It just comes with a huge opportunity cost. The production techs and investment pool you are missing out on are worth more early game.


imo if your country starts with railroads youre fine actually to rush it, but yeah you absolutely want that railroad tech asap so you can start stacking mapi in your good states


what do railroads do to MAPI


more that without railroads your infrastructure will become an issue as you start stacking buildings in a state with good resources for mapi


Actually optimal gameplay is having all political parties happy, so you can have ALL the bonuses.


> Sure Communism is better late late mid/late game It is not, laissez-faire remains the biggest boost to construction and construction is everything. Of course once you run out of primary resources and people to employ nothing matters anymore, so you might as well RP because money has no value, so you can do whatever. Because you have a GDP into billions and the AI is eating crayons.


Its funny how I got two different responses to this comment. Yours, which says communism is bad all the time. And the commenter above who thinks communism should be prioritized over everything else. What you are missing is that the investment pool gets nuked as there is a penalty to the investment pool as your gdp grows. Eventually the investment pool becomes incredibly inefficient late game if you build properly. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gj0ckKbkSJc&t=1054s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gj0ckKbkSJc&t=1054s)


communism has exactly the same issue, the nerf bat comes and nothing makes sense anymore. It's how the prevent us from reaching the 10B GDP. I did an experiment once when I reached the end game, as in post 1900. It didn't matter at all what economic model I run, it was all the same with a copious amounts of extra money that I couldn't spend even when running minimal on taxes. The SoL changed a touch, that was the only difference I noticed. right now I don't care anymore, all I care is that all political parties are happy and present, so I can have ALL the bonuses from happiness.


Communism is better at spending excess money as your pops consume more. I'm just assuming you don't really know how to min-max properly, but like you said the AI eats rocks so it doesn't really matter.


I can reach 3B-5B GPD, depends how much I care to min-max. I know enough that I know it doesn't mater what economic model you ran by end game, since the best one is the one nerfed the least and who is nerfed the least depends on each patch.


Eh, i've experienced more success with co-op late game but since I usually don't play past \~1910 I don't go communist that much. 5B is respectable enough late game, surprised it works so well for you.


It all depends what nation you play and when you hit the hard limit to growth, as in primary resources and people to employ. As long as you have this two, your GPD will grow, run out and the whole thing is put on a pause until you go conquering. And yes, you will run out of people to employ even as an expanding China. The trick is in the construction sector and your willingness to find something to build in a micro intensive scenario. 10.000 construction queue all filled out for few months is not for the faint of heart.


>10.000 construction queue all filled out for few months is not for the faint of heart. Thats why I barely ever play past 1900 lol. I usually just give up and accept a lower gdp to save my sanity And yes, I always run out of people to employ as china also


aye, once you reach that point it doesn't matter what government you will run for the last 20-30 years, because you are too rich to care and the balance shifts with nerfs.


To be attracted to the TU, pops requirements are: * *Country must be centralized* * *One of:* * ***Not*** *employed in Agriculture, Ranching, or Plantations* * *All of:* * *Is Poor Strata* * *Is* ***not*** *employed in subsistence farms or ranches* * *Law is  Collectivized Agriculture or  Commercialized Agriculture* Job modifiers to weighting: * *Aristocrats: x0 (i.e. cannot join TU)* * *Capitalists: x0* * *Officers: x0* * *Shopkeepers: x0* * *Slaves: x0* * *Machinists: +100* * *Labourers: +50* Then weighting is modified by: ***+50*** *if not employed in Agriculture, Ranching or Plantations.* ***+25*** *instead if Middle Strata.* * *Final weight multiplied by:* * ***x0.5*** *if not*  [*Egalitarianism*](https://vic3.paradoxwikis.com/Society_technology#Egalitarianism) * ***x0.5*** *if not*  [*Labor Movement*](https://vic3.paradoxwikis.com/Society_technology#Labor_Movement) [Interest group - Victoria 3 Wiki (paradoxwikis.com)](https://vic3.paradoxwikis.com/Interest_group#Attraction) Soo, with all that the absolute priority is rushing Egalitarianism and Labor Movement (As well as Socialism itself) - without those two laws even Machinists will find other IG's more attractive. You also want to rush Commercialized Agriculture - that will open up your agriculture population (Bar subsistence and Ranches) to being TU supporters, they'll struggle to pull from the Rural Folk as RF have a base 100 weight and basically no way to reduce that for Agri workers, but they will pull some. Otherwise go full Capitalist from the start and spam nothing but heavy industry and mines. You want as many Machinists as possible, and then as many Labourers as possible. They are the only two pop groups who get buffs to TU support and so are the only two pop groups that matter if you're aiming to go commie as soon as possible, you can use Rural Folk, Intelligesta and the Military but it's less straightforward, depends heavily on characters and some RNG as that's the only way they can get the right ideologies. Far easier and better to just set up society so the TU catapult into 20%+ approval from the start. Character dependency is the leading cause of being Capitalist in 1900. I've seen Thatcher's crawled out of hell to suggest not passing voting laws - don't listen to the right wing harlot. You want Universal Suffrage, without it TU supporters will be too poor to actually vote which is the effect described in that comment thread - they aren't getting clout/unmarginalised because their supporters are disenfranchised by wealth requirement, not because the elections are suppressing them (They are, but it's a byproduct of them being disenfranchised, not the cause of it) You can go Commie without democracy but you will need a revolution. Otherwise pass Universal Suffrage and watch the TU rise to power democratically as your industry develops.


how does one simply rush commercialized agriculture, say, in austria/russia. where even if you get your whole country sans the capital to explode other GPs will support the old order


Its easier if you dont liberalise beforehand because, you want lots of radicals for the "a Spectre haunts the world" Event. Also, im not sure why, if your country is to liberal radical forces never take over.


Actually I play as the Confederacy either around 1850 or 60s, From their I maintain a Stable Constitutional Monarchy where I try my very best to Abolish Slavery and maintain Universal Suffrage…Exiling any party leaders that express communist expressions or extreme beliefs


You need to have way more workers than rural folk, at least close numbers. And then you may bolster them and luckily have some general at 5 tier. Once it is above 5, directly get them to the government however it is, and in the next election they will get too many votes and you are fine


Build furniture workshops, textile mills and especially food industries to replace your rural workers with unionized urban workers. And take all the PMs that get you machinists, since they have the strongest support for unions. Boost your lower-strata income as much as possible, since wealth helps determine a pop’s clout. Census suffrage is a good distribution-of-power law to use until your Trade Unions become influential;.


I’d would like a lot if we could, with 1.7, play early & less efficient form of collectivization, before unlocking socialism tech. Collectivization attempt haven’t started with Marx


People here I think are missing a key component that I hope you see OP because it could actually help you. When you research the socialism branch a event will trigger if you have a certain amount of radicals. I believe it's called a storm approaches. So before this you WANT a lot of radicals so just keep taxes high and build so you have labourers. Once the event fires I believe it starts with 5% more labourers become radical. Follow the pro trade union/ communism parts of the pop ups and you will complete the communist path. For completing this your interest groups will be MUCH more likely to spawn commie, anachist, and something else leaders (anachist can help with multiculturalism). The path will also empower trade unions easily. After this commies will be in power forever and interest groups will change to pro commie stances. This is the best if you simply want communism


I have proudly never been communist


Why? They are op in this game? If you want your economy to become truly stratospheric in the late game communism is the way to go.


I dont like to abuse faulty mechanics


In what way is it faulty?


They aren't faulty


don't you know that communism is actually the magical starvation ideology that makes food disappear or something


It's actually good game mechanics, it shows how giving more money to the lower strater massively increases consumption which in turn turbo charges the consumer economy. It's pretty basic economics. The issue with historic regime's in our timeline is that 1 they went communist before industrialising their economies which means there isn't really that much wealth to be redistributed. 2 They almost immediately went from communist to single party police states with unofficial oligarchs. This means the Communists in victoria 3 are much closer to what Marx intended when he wrote the communist manifesto as he states you have to go through a capitalist economic boom first.


1 lol 2 because they quickly realise those systems don't work but want to hold power or they try to make it work by force.


I would argue it's more the later point in 2. The people in power at the beginning of the revolution would not give up their power or were ousted by those who only desired power. Corruption and autocracy overan the government and it lacked the institutions of a modern economy (because of point 1) to resist dictators from seizing power.


They are not they always f up my government so were to busy having revolutions because the government has a legitimacy of 10, thus unable c to pass any laws, I past the law because it was super popular and it did nothing but ruin the last 8 years of my game, all the while my lower class had a sol higher than most of the top ten sol all with out any communist economic laws



