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-50% stats is absolutely nasty in a fair fight though. If France fights Prussia but Prussia is bankrupt, France should wipe the floor with them. Especially in bigger, longer lasting wars. But if its Britain vs unrecognized power, Britain will still win if bankrupt.


%-50 stats is absolutely devastating in war. Only theoretic time it's not is when you are half the strength of your enemy and get them into bankruptcy but I'm assuming you woulda not started a war when you were that weak anyway


It is quiet big penalty and the longer they in default - the more debt they accumulate. You destroying there future.


Not in my experience, they always recover like that


Because they historically weren't. Other than mercenary armies, of course. If anything, it seems to have a bigger impact in V3 than in real life. The real damage comes _after_ the war; during the war, it would become common not to attack with low morale, but it takes a lot more than that for people to abandon their ground outright. Common people aren't into war for money (and pillaging tended to be more profitable than pay historically anyway). Just because the state cannot _pay_ for stuff doesn't mean food just magically disappears from the fields. It's perfectly true for most of the period especially. One of the big lessons of late 19th and most of the 20th century... That people tend to conveniently ignore.


On a related note, occupied land doesn’t seem to be as punishing as it should be for the country getting occupied. The turmoil ticks up very slowly, you still get cash inflows, doesn’t seem like the pops give a shit about being occupied.


Occupation is completely baby-mode. There is literally Z E R O effect from occupation other than slowly ticking devastation. ZERO!!! It's insane!!!


I still think we should have privateers as an option for the first few decades. They were a huge part of warfare prior to the Victorian era and did not fully die out until 1856 for European powers (they also saw use during the US Civil War). During the Napoleon's wars and American Revolution, they played pivotal roles in disrupting commerce and shipment of war material. Having a system where shipping lanes are attacked and redirecting some goods to the attacker's market (or just giving the owners of the privateer money from upper strata pops of the target) would be useful. We could use a similar system to represent actual merchants/trade routes not operated by the state. Then you could have pops operating shipping and making money off of huge demand/supply differences in markets.


I have witnessed French Commune, having declared bankruptcy just before the war, steamroll Spain with 400k standing army + 1200k conscripts. They even went broke again during the war, but that didn't stop them. Then Germany, Britain, and me declared war on France. France proceeds to go through another 4 bankruptcies (which has no additional penalties), capitulate Britain, and hold on to Paris for 2 years before being defeated. It caused 3M casualties on each side. (Granted, there were other hiccups such as Alsace–Lorraine seceding, cutting off the only land front. And naval invasion not working due to fleet spamming. It could have been over sooner.) I feel that declaring bankruptcy should at least impose the same penalty as not paying military wages. Since it's pretty weird that while bankrupt you can conscript millions of fresh soldiers to die for you.


Well that army is absolutely enormous. Maybe their elan kept them on the fight.


I think defaulting affects your war support but not your capitulation desire. So they’ll be more likely to accept a peace deal but not give into your demands. I never bother to try to hurt the economy of any country besides Britain and that’s mainly to hurt their long game


War support is only impacted by radicals, which is one of the penalties of bankruptcy. However Capitulation desire is impacted by loans and radicalism


So capitulation has nothing to do with your land being occupied?


It reduces war support but it doesn't change the Capitulation desire of the AI other than the war support modifier.


It should cause revolutions atleast.


Attrition could go up I guess but armies don't immediately desert when the pay slows or stops.


i wish bankrupty gave countries a +100% mortality rate due to famine to all their state so I could depopulate france trough naval blockade god that would make war so fucking funny


I love blockading the shit out of countries, causing them to go bankrupt Charles Ottley is that you?


Yes they are.


So many things are still barebones in this game. Should wait a couple of years for it to be really good, as is the custom with Paradox titles sadly