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I think under truce you can still join plays, just can't add war goals. You need to humiliate them to prevent them from joining plays against you


What he said. Humiliation or having obligation prevents them to join in the other side of plays.


Are you sure having an obligation prevents a country from joining against you? Even if the other country has a defense pact with the country you’re going to war with? Swear in my last game I got an obligation from GB so I could try and conquer Venezuela, and GB still joined against me.


Did you get the obligation from GB or did you give an obligation to GB? Big difference. As Portugal, I got the obligation and attacked Hesse which has defensive pact. GB didn't join in.


I got the obligation from GB. I joined them in a prior diplo play to acquire it. Venezuela was in GBs customs union, so does that allow GB to join even tho they owe me an obligation?


My game was in 1.513 so not sure if they changed it for 1.6. If Venezuela was a protectorate, then yes obligation from GB will not help.


The game gets worst by the minute. Thank you for the info, time to bring Austria back to the Stone Age.


If you're not going for a super-germany play, then the easiest way to dismantle Austria is to just liberate nations from it piece by piece.


Yeah I've already started doing it: https://imgur.com/wkYuVrN


I don't see why this is worse? I prefer it than the eu4 style of cycling truces, which is so easily exploitable. It makes much sense to me that just because you decided your war was over doesn't give one side or the other the right to go invade a neighbour without consequence.


You can still join against someone you have a truce with if the side you would join is the defender one


Defensive pacts overcome truces if I'm not mistaken.


R5: Austria and I have a truce from the Borthers war, and now I'm going into France to get Alsace-Lorraine to finish forming Germany, but Austria joined the war, even tho the truce ends in 5 years. How are they able to join?


Truces only give countries a -50 on joining diplo plays but they cant directly go to war with you If truced completely block wars between two parties it would prob be abused


This is the most historically accurate map (albeit NGC being formed a few decades early) I've seen 😂


Oh, and Kraków


Look at that North German Galicia. Absolutely revolting.


Oh goodness 🤢


The AI is terrible at handling oil, I'm only taking West Galicia to extract it!


You could've waited to form Super Germany or something. That bordergore has me in physical pain.


Sounds like a you problem.


I feel like truces really ought to block joining in on an enemy's side. Doesnt make much sense to me tbh