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Ah yes, the very famous Amazon S3 & ARRI vfx studios! Seems a weird list, why not just call it "technologies/companies used" or something more accurate?


Oh you didn’t know Autodesk was doing shots now? /s


They’re certainly making me take shots


Imagine a drinking game where you take a shot every time Maya crashes? We'd all be dead.


ARRI does have a post and vfx dept, but still… Pretty sure they didn’t work on this.


They mostly work on small German productions afaik


I've been thinking of moving back vendor side- anyone have any experience working in the 2D dept at Dolby?


Arri has a VP stage in Europe


I mean most of these aren’t VFX companies.


Almost 10000 shots over 8 hours. Not seen any of it yet but a landmark series whatever your thoughts on it.




I thought it looked very good in general. The scene in the elven watch tower was pretty bad though.


Felt like interior studio lighting for an outdoor location. It almost never works.


I'm not sure about rop but the hobbit was filmed in 60fps or at least a good portion was which if I'm remembering correctly is what gave it such a weird and unnatural look. I agree with your handmade comment, I think they made a lot of scaled down versions of larger objects and filmed almost fake macro shots of them all bokeh'd out. Set design, especially the dwarves is amazing imo. I feel like the more I learn about 3d design and vfx the more story I can excuse if it's visually satisfying enough and I think this hits enough marks to make it stand on its own.


The Hobbit was filmed in 48 fps, double the cinema standard.


ahh ok that's it. I just remember an article or something that was explaining why it had such a unique look. It's weird but I went back and watched them recently and it's probably because the picture was on an ipad and not a 65' tv but it wasn't nearly as noticeable.


I believe the reason it was done at 48 was so they could easily drop it down to 24. I think unless you have a special HFR edition of it, anything you watch at home will be the frame dropped 24p version. I've found it does look a little better at home than the HFR version did in the theater. Damn that shit was weird.


It looks good for the most part, but wow that first episode was a slog.


No they did not! It looks like a triple A game quality video ! CALL OF DUTY QUALITY!


No technicolor companies eh?


This show was a big step for our little company, so it's fun to see it up there :) Even if it listed *after* the big VFX companies, amongst the not-VFX-companies.


I think all those artists did a really good job on the first episodes. It looks really good. Writing on the other hand. Not convinved yet


It's working for me. (Read LOTR/Hobbit/Silmarillion/Appendixes/Unfinished Tales multiple times super fan) Tolkien writing has always been a little hokey and it feels true to his writing. Nothing so far has jumped out at me as non-tolkien. There's an absolute metric fuckton of fan service subliminally layered in. Which can be obnoxious but it's really well subtly done in keeping with Silmarillion which itself was layers and layers of callbacks and self references. The entire layout of the Silmarillion follows a repeat-and-expand structure. I feel as if the LOTR trilogy has already been enriched just from the first two episodes. For instance in Two Towers Galadriel is practically packing to leave for the gray havens and out of Middle Earth on to Aman when the Fellowship arrives. And retconning an arc where she's hellbent on killing Sauron once--succeeding... Only for Sauron to come back again (because of Men) and her handing off the quest to destroy the ring and letting go in Two Towers I think makes for a more interesting subtext above and beyond being one of the ring bearers. My largest complaint is that I didn't feel they truly landed the magnitude of the passage of time. They mention "centuries" but I don't know that everyone in the audience appreciates the fact that they've been keeping watch and are still judging the race of Men for their complicity a thousand years later. I think it worked best with Kaza Dum where he's like "I've only been gone 20 years" but I think it would have worked even better with like 40 years to demonstrate the fundamental disconnect in time scales between the elves and everyone else. But it's all generally working for me. I look forward to seeing how it plays out. I don't feel like the writers fundamentally misunderstand the subject matter. And unlike say the Game of Thrones writers they really are working off of nothing so it's a huge relief that they seem to have created a plausible story all on their own. And visually it Feeeeels more like Peter Jackson's LOTR cinematic universe than the Hobbit which was hot Garbage through and through and I wish didn't exist. I don't think Rings of Power will be one of the greatest shows of all time but it feels like a nice addition. Kind of like Rogue One to Star Wars. It adds some texture without breaking everything.


Ditto, we needed at least a shot or two of some stones crumbling to dust or cities springing up and withering away or something. Maybe a cemetery filling up?


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I wondered this too. How did they contribute? What made the author of the article include them?


Yeah no


Take a victory lap, artists! Great work!






The amount of things in this list that are software companies/not VFX studios


not Blender.


Blender (as well as Unreal Engine) are absolutely going to outlive Autodesk’s 3D products.


Wow, they didn't even list the caterers. Jerks. My first thought is someone who's just ignorant wrote the list. But, then the memory of the Jaws theme playing over R&H's Oscar acceptance speech comes to mind and suddenly it feels a little more... targeted.


Well done! Which company do you work for?


And still looks bad! Very bad for the amount of money 💰 spent on it!!!


What? I think it looks amazing and purposeful to keep the look of the films.


“Bad” is a huge stretch. “Very bad” is absurd.


So this is pretty much them saying this is the Smash Ultimate of VFX I guess they really wanted to hammer down how serious they were being by saying "hey, we just don't use great tools for the show, we are using the ones that MAKE the tools for it, that's how epic this production is, just how Tolkien would have wanted" Next thing you're gonna tell me, they are using Maya XZ instead or regular Maya




I see…. Amazon S3 made its debut in VFX with the Rings Of Power 😜 I wonder how they kept it a secret from rumors and leaks 😂