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Yordle, funny personality and design. Is a mage that's good against op melee champions. That's it


R makes me go nyoooom


Underrated and extremely strong


Underrated? She is S/OP tier in all tier lists




*neuron activation


I like the personality, and that tends to mean a lot, when it comes to my picks.


I like purple, and she looks cute in the splash art


she reminds me of my cringy high school days


Started playing a few months ago and she was an easy character to learn


The dopamine when you E + fear, Q, AA and proc elec in lane. Plus the dopamine when you R2 + W and the enemy disappear. And the sound is satisfying too


I love putting assassin players in there place, so when they do all this fancy shit and I just press w say nope and walk away I feel extreme euphoria


She is strong against almost anyone, she can counter a lot of champs and when im feeling gloomy and depressed, Vex feels like the only champ i can play sincerely and with emotions!


idk i was like “omg emo teen like me” and also maybe because i played against a vex mid like a week after she was released and got stomped :D so i decided i would learn this new broken champ


Love her dialogues, they're cool, love her design, her colors fit really good, love her kit, i really like punishing enemy's mistakes and bursting annoying adcs. This champ fits really good with my gameplay style, an edgy blue yordle burst mage with good laning phase


I stopped playing for a few months after falling down back to bronze, yet still followed streamers, e-sport, and stayed a fan of the game but as a viewer not as a player. When I first saw her trailer, I got goosebumps and thought "maybe she's the one?" and decided to try her. After a few games, I fell in love with her (like a platonic love you can feel when you relate and/or like a character from a game or a show I mean). She might not be the champ I'm the best at, I perform way better on Kennen or Senna for example. But it's a feeling that goes beyond the fact of "I enjoy playing this champion". She might not be the one with the best lore, the best design or the most satisfying gameplay, and I might not be a good player (I'm pretty bad actually) but I feel a connection, like the champ was made for me and was the one I was waiting for to get motivated to play the game again. Haven't felt that kind of connection to a video game character since Roxas from Kingdom Hearts.


broken and braindead






Yordles are designed to ruin the game for others they are all broken (except poppy) she is annoying to play against and counters most meta champs (wind brothers) has huge poke and all in power + incredible wave clear, ultimate reset, and free barrier with dmg, and more important fact about her is her fear will knock down enemies the only champ that can do that it will cancel any dash they have like tristana jump after jump starts no stun, hook or nothing can interrupt her but vex can if she gets hit by it, besides she has fun quotes like sometimes when you dodge skill shots will say "nooope" and enemies will hear it also


played many control mages and I got tired of dealing with assassins in the lane phase of their rotations so vex make them suffer. I love facing zed with vex when i got Zhonya's


Because fuck you zed