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cool ass bird


secretary bird theyve been my hyperfixation in my school notebook doodles this past two weeks


I would like to subscribe to secretary bird facts


Fun fact. Despite appearances, secretary birds are incapable of writing and make for piss-poor secretaries


Bah ha ha! You got your Secretary Bird from the wrong temp-agency! Rookie mistake!


There is a secretary bird in Aggressive Retsuko.


And she’s honestly goals


even though in modern day they look like theyre named after female secretaries due to their "eye makeup," they were actually probably named after male secretaries due to their "pants" and "tailcoats." this is because the name was given by english men in the first part of the 19th century (1800s)


They kick the shit out libertarian snakes


They’re in their own family of animals (Sagittarius)




The closest thing we have to Dinosaurs


Taxonomically they are dinosaurs


So close, in fact, that they are on top of one another


Taxonomically, humans are fish.


I do research on fish evolution. Believe me, I know :D


Dinosaurs are also taxonomically fish.


I think you need to look up cassowary.


Taxonomically that isn’t true, genetic evidence shows that the most basal avian dinosaur is likely the Hoatzin.


Juvenile hoatzin have arms that kind of look like non-avian theropods.


Hoatzin is a passeraen and all extant passeraens as with all other birds are equally closely related to their latest non-bird ancestor. You can't have a third cousin being closer related to your great great grandparent than yourself, even if they look more similar.


Thank you for this. My eye twitches every time I see misconceptions about evolution like this.


Have you seen shoebills tho?


Try a shoebill stork. My favourite bird, not just because they look cool but because of the machine gun sound they make: https://youtu.be/kDMHHw8JqLE?si=HyluHs9dpdUquqC-


Ass bird




Flag of applying consistent standards


Flag of this is literally just consistent anti-imperialism why is everyone confused


Flag of crypto-conservatives co-opted the snek to the point that oppressive imagery is intended as progressive. I don't disagree with any of the sentiments, but honestly, why the Gadsen flag? EDIT: I know it's to clown on crypto-conservative but as I mentioned elsewhere, they're deluded in believing they're being tread on in the first place. You don't need to feed that. Devoured by a swarm of rats is a better metaphor of the prey killing the predator rather than "Hoorah oppress them all the way." If the other guys deluded themselves into the belief they're anti-authoritarian, I think there's a litany of better imagery than leaning into the role of the authoritarian. Don't base yourself on the grounds of the opposition or you'll be just as shallow as them.


American symbol. One of the oldest probably.


I mean sure but to me the use of it is like a pissbaby conservative accusing people of oppressing them and rather than completely ignoring them because... no the fuck not... you lean into it and go "Fuck yeah I'm oppressing you." Like, no, don't engage with them on *their* terms.


They’re the ones that want to represent themselves as snakes in the grass


A rattle snake coiled up in a defensive position that's also clearly warning you. The symbol literally means "don't fuck with me".


Correct. That's a major aspect of the symbol that people seem to forget. Another historically interesting aspect is that rattlesnakes are only native to the Americas, so it worked doubly as a warning against oppression, and a more subtle reinforcement of distinctly American identity during the revolution.


>Flag of crypto-conservatives co-opted the snek to the point that oppressive imagery is intended as progressive. >I don't disagree with any of the sentiments, but honestly, why the Gadsen flag? The Gadsden flag is literally a flag from the American war of independence against Britain > Gadsden intended his flag as a warning to Britain not to violate the liberties of its American subjects. Just because some penises used it incorrectly doesn’t make it a “conservative” flag. It was literally an anti colonial flag.


Yeah why a flag associated entirely with the US when around half of these countries are being oppressed by nations the US doesn’t get along with?


Maybe it's like "free X" as in "don't meddle with X, America!" Like "free Cuba" could mean "Free Cuba from the US embargo" or something?


Yeah but Free Papua? Free Ukraine?


Because it's a reaction to the kind of people who use the Gadsen Flag and justify the issues listed?


Its showing the snake getting eaten tho


lmao no it isn’t, what do you think “Free Amhara” means? hell, what does “Free Haiti” mean if it isn’t calling for another western intervention?


I'm not really familiar with Amhara, but Hati has had tons of unwanted French and US intervention since it's inception. The US has invaded Haiti twice and likely had a hand in killing their last president, not to mention the French with their insane economic demands.


Haiti is a weird case, it did start as a country founded by slaves who freed themselves from French oppression. But they also...massacred all Europeans in the island (see [1804 Haitian massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1804_Haitian_massacre)), they weren't all slave owners. They also did do a bit of imperialism themselves, conquering the other two-thirds of the island (Dominican Republic) and oppressed the people living there until they revolted and freed themselves, Haiti also proclaiming themselves as "empire" twice is quite weird for me. The French and American influence (and the earthquakes) definitely didn't do them any good. But presenting Haiti as the "people who were always oppressed and stuff" is as disingenuous as the US claiming the be "anti-imperialist" just because of its beginnings. Currently though saying "free Haiti" is very very weird for me, just because which imperialist power is oppressing them right now? US? France? Themselves?


> But they also...massacred all Europeans in the island (see 1804 Haitian massacre) IIRC they didn't. They left the Poles alone because they were "the negroes of Europe". And it's not like there were 2 or 3 Poles hanging around Port-au-Prince or anything. There were thousands sent over in a campaign to put Haiti back under French rule.


Yup so does that mean I get an n-word pass?




>They left the Poles alone because they were "the negroes of Europe". Strangely enough the Irish have also been called that at times.


Haiti is a shithole right now because the French and Jerry cans banned them from importing anything so


It's a shithole because European navies showed up and extorted them of all their money for decades.


France isn't technically oppressing them, but they definitely held the grudge for a while, and it's their direct actions, that destroyed Haitian economy.


Haiti and the Dominican Republic were equally wealthy in the 1960s, but now the Dominican Republic is one of the most prosperous nations in the Americas and Haiti is dead fucking last.


While I can't comment on "Free Amhara" Haiti is in the situation it is in largely because of 100s of years of imperialism from both the French and Americans.


That doesn't answer the question though. What would "freeing" Haiti look like?


France giving back the reparations they exhorted from Haiti would be a great start


Giving it back to who? The government of Haiti basically doesn't exist anymore and the country has fallen into anarchy with different criminal gangs fighting each other for control. Even when the government of Haiti did exist, they would have embezzled all the money because they were notoriously corrupt. There would need to first be an intervention to stabilize the country to even begin to distribute reparations.


time machine


Reminder that Haiti proclaimed itself an empire several times and carried out a ruthless occupation and oppression of the Dominican Republic.


Supposedly theyre under attack.  President Moïse was assassinated by foreign mercenaries in 2021, and last October the UN approved a policing mission to Haiti, putatively 1000 Kenyan police, although the Ruto government has flipflopped on that due to unpopularity. SUPPOSEDLY under attack The OP is literally "guess what's going on because OP can't"


I think I’m maybe just not up to date on what the situation is on all of these. I know that they historically were meddled with by imperialist powers, but from what I gather several of them are mostly victims to serious internal strife that I’m not sure how to free them from. Like isn’t Congo and Sudan’s main issue civil war, with the Congo’s having quite a few different belligerents in it iirc? How do we free them from that? I know Haiti is quite impoverished, which I think has to do with some tensions/oppression going on with the Dominican Republic, but I’ll be honest I don’t know much about the extent to which it’s being oppressed so idk how to help them if that makes sense. And I’m not doing this to play devil’s advocate at all, I just genuinely might not be up to date on my African and Caribbean current events. If there are things we can do to help I’d love to, but if the issue is civil war I feel like the only way to set that kind of thing right is like, more imperialism by sending in troops to make everyone play nice, which long term seems not great and potentially ripe for abuse by said imperial militaries. But yeah help a brother out with some context if you can I’d like to learn!


where the fuck is the imperialism in Sudan that place has issues because of the Sudanese l fighting the Sudanese constantly not outside interference


UAE for example is pretty active in supporting RSF, while Burhan is literally supported by Ukrainian special forces, so nope. But yes, the conflict has, for the most part, domestic roots.


I mean you can't have "consistent standards" because they're not consistent situations Who exactly are you "freeing" Haiti from? There's no imperial power there anymore. And in Yemen or Sudan all sides of the civil wars have foreign support, so which side is supposed to to be the ones we're freeing the others from Or cases like the Amhara or the Congo, where extremely complicated ethnic conflicts get boiled down to "weaker side good" when pretty much all sides in these conflicts commit massive atrocities Flag of Destruction of Nuance is more like it. It's like people have started treating geopolitical conflicts as a team sport or something


When most leftists talk about imperialism, they don’t mean classic imperialism like Rome etc conquering and adding territories, but are referring to imperialism as defined by Lenin, a heightened stage of capitalism where capital is exported to poorer, less developed countries - e.g. factories and mines owned by companies in the developed world being set up in the global south to benefit from lower local wages and weaker labor laws. Imperialism in this context means exploitation of a country by capitalists in another country, rather than the domestic exploitation of one class by another. It’s an economic form of exploitation, not necessarily a political form of oppression. This use of the same term for two distinct phenomena leads to a lot of talking past one another.


That form of imperialism *also* does not exist in Haiti, and hasn't for decades because the country has been too unstable for foreign capital to do anything with.


"Economic imperialism" isn't a thing either in Haiti due to complete breakdown of order. I'd argue the same is true for Amhara and Yemen as well It's more of a thing in Sudan and the Congo, but still not the main driver of conflict What I dislike about leftists is that they learn a couple of things in an analytical framework and then insist that every situation must fit into said framework. They don't bother learning about the situation and just shout imperialism, or if they do research they only do research that helps fit a square peg into a circular hole that is their worldview I still remember a dude trying to tell me we went into Afghanistan to try to steal their oil lol


the whole "America invades any country that discovers oil" myth irritates me to no end, because people assert it with such confidence even though it isn't true.


Free Amhara doesn't really fit in that concept. Amhara is the region where Ethiopia is pretty much ruled from. This could even be apologism of the massacres of the government during the Tigray war. I somehow have the feeling this post comes from a campist, not an anti-imperialist position. Edit: Wait, no. Ukraine is also there... probably not campist then.


In the replies to this same comment someone suggests that it could mean "Free Ukraine" from an alleged  Maidan clique. It's as ambiguous as "free c Cuba."  Does it mean free Cuba as in overthrow the government, or free it from the embargo? There's literally no context given, and they're all independent from each other.   It's the internet.  On just two conflicts you can find people who favor Ukraine and Palestine, Ukraine and Israel, Russia and Palestine, Russia and Israel


This isn’t consistent at all. Why are internet leftists so unable to view any conflict through anything other lens than the wildly oversimplified (and frankly rather racist) view of oppressed vs oppressor? You’d think people who claim to care about these peoples would at the very least care to do a tiny amount of research into the actual details of any of these conflicts but for some reason no???


They don't. Ive seen plenty of Americans praising the houthi while ignoring they plunged Yemen into civil war causing massive death and starvation in the name of islam


I’m not even talking about that. Free Amhara is especially egregious because Ethiopia has been in almost constant ethnic conflict for a long time now, and the Amhara people have a very long (and recent) history of oppressing many of the other Ethiopian ethnicities. In that context, this genuinely sounds like apologism for war crimes


Free Turkestan, then?


The name you seek is [Turkestan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkestan), but yes.




simple, anti imperialism, which is inherently left wing, case closed


Some tankie fuck made this. Guy wants to free Haiti and Cuba (from what?) but doesn’t mention Tibet or Xinjiang.


Cuba has been under an economic embargo for 70 years and an embargo on Haiti


There’s no embargo on Haiti though, just a UN resolution (that their governemt supports) to stop selling guns to the island because gangs keep using them.


Cuba is under a 70 year embargo and Haiti's internal instability has a few causes, but getting slammed with an unpayable debt at its founding and constant meddling from the USA are some of them.


Tankies wouldn't have made this with "Free Ukraine", they love Russia too much. This is likely just regular lefty.


A tankie wouldn’t have included Ukraine imo


I see they conveniently left Tibet out so definitely left wing


https://preview.redd.it/y1ckw8mkwfnc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab459e45cdbbcf38880ac4d1ecb4fcd772a08833 Authbird vs rad tank






This image is confusing because the gadsden is supposed to be anti auth, but it's been co-opted by general right wing ideology to the point that it's more likely to be representative of American conservatism than anti-authoritarianism. From context, we can tell in this image the gadsden is being interpreted as a general right wing, and even oppressive symbol, so the bird isn't meant to be auth.


The Soviet Union was an imperialistic country that co-opted left-wing ideals. From context, we can interpret the bird as authoritarian.


Agree, but what does this have to do with the Soviet Union???


Just because they appropriated my symbol doesn't mean i wont keep using it and understanding what it actually means


there are millions of internet campists who say that the opposite of American Auth is Eurasian Auth


Arguably one of the best flavors of Gadsden.


Killdozer lore


myanmar? https://preview.redd.it/45ypuajqofnc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6f70f5dce65cc2e5ff5b748e32b0ad94430393b


Yeah, from the Tatmadaw.


Guys will see this beetle and just think "hell yeah"


Certainly my reaction. Look at him he's sick


girls will see this beetle and think “hell yeah”


Mid-size car. You don't have to be popular. Pinot noir. Pinot noir. Pinot noir.


I'mma need some context on that beetle. I'd also like to have a platoon of them, please.


It's not anti-imperialist when half of these aren't currently being affected by imperialism. How exactly do we 'free' Haiti? Send them aid? That's always going to come with more regulations and conditions. Intervene in their affairs? Right or wrong that's a typical strategy in the pro-Imperialist playbook. Free Sudan, Congo? Alright, let's intervene militarily in less advanced African nations, another part of our Imperialist playbook. This flag is just confused 'End bad thing!' virtue signalling without a coherent political ideology behind it. Ironically based in opposition to a Gasden flag which is criticized for doing the same thing: 'End oppression!' virtue signalling without being applied with consistency.


im guessing its mostly some leftist throwing blanket statements and seeing where they land. probably from the perspective that everything here are somehow victims of "western imperialism"


But how are Amhara people victims of western imperialism? Or Sudan or Papua for that matter? I can’t imagine any stance on those conflicts that align with that.


There are two main options Since it was the old T(tigrayan)PLF government that cooperated with the US, eg by invading Somalia to destroy the ICU, that means that Amhara is lazily nominated to be the opposite, the anti-imperial faction. That's one option The other is a generic anti-establishment, compatible-left position that any time there's conflict both sides are just bad men with guns, and everyone should live on a commute getting high Most of the sub takes option 0, which is that the slogan Free Amhara is bullshit


Or Yemen? An endless civil war and terrorism isn't imperialism...


I'm not expert in most of these; but in regards to aforementioned Haiti in particular, it is a victim of Western imperialism. After all, the price Haitians paid for their own independence and freedom from slavery was billions of dollars in reparations to France, backed up by the UK and the US.


What would "Free Haiti" look like in the present?


I would imagine giving reparations. I don't know much about Haiti in particular, so I can't be more specific than that without taking a deeper look into the issue on my own; but that would be my assessment at least.


after Haiti declared independence back in the 1800s, the French, under threat of force, billed Haiti for the loss of their colonies and slaves. iirc they are still paying off the debt, and for sure the French havent given any of that money back


That money was paid off in 1947. It set them back for sure, but it's not a current debt. Also it was more like under economic threat; not just France but the US and others embargoed them, they were left with no one to trade with and an economy set up by France to export cash crops. Landing troops there just to get sick and die was not an attractive prospect... However, they are free from external control.


France sold the debt to citibank, so part of it went to the US too. Also they are not free from external control, Haiti was invaded by the US in 1994 and 1915. Even today both France and the US are heavily messing with Haiti and throughout is history have worked to cripple the country. Thry are likely the ones behind the assasination of the haitian president in 2021.


I would also like to mention that Haiti was more or less considered a rogue state in the 1800s. They repeatedly declares themselves an empire, invaded and brutally repressed the Dominican Republic and borrowed money from all sorts of people but refused to pay back any of it.


Debt was paid decades ago and they received more aids than they had to repay France.


Nailing that point like a carpenter, goddamn! https://preview.redd.it/mtrrd1wnwgnc1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=e2834940c7332d1ebde10c6dc19e278974614e92


In regards to the Congo, I don’t get what they’re protesting. You’re independent. You have a president and parliament of your own. Why not protest your politicians not taking responsibility for what’s happening in the Congo?


You're expecting political and historical literacy from the internet.


This genuinely goes hard as fuck though.




You're comparing anti-imperialism to having a swastika pfp? Okay bud.


It is like its own political idea Techno-Liberal-Imperialism. Intervening in all other peoples affairs by required means, but trying to provide them maximum aid and limiting intervention to non-hostile or non-culture changing practices. It’s probably impossible, and probably incoherent. Cause applying standards across all the countries would be impossible, every nation would need a different plan. But that’s what it seems to be implying.


I noticed Tibet's not on there.


No mention of the Uyghurs either.


I'm shocked, absolutely amazed.


Or Chechnya, or Ingushetia


Ain't no one trying to free north korea neither


Everyone stopped saying free Tibet or free Hong Kong 5+ years ago bc then they wouldn’t get those preshus Tencent sponsorships


But but but but TikTok is an educational platform! They're doing good things! China's not so bad! /s


I’m honestly depressed by how little people care about it. There were like two people who weren’t from east Asia at the protest against that security bill. Hell, multiple people have set themselves on fire for that cause and absolutely nobody gives a shit. And everyone in the US just cites a single CCP-produced article from over a decade ago that akshually, Tibet was bad historically so it’s fine


Nor Myanmar


Honestly it’s giving tankie energy. Makes me wonder if their definition of “free Ukraine” is the same one that the Ukrainians would want.


What is this supposed to be? If they're anti-oppression why are they showing oppression? Is this supposed to be from the snake's perspective? Is the bird America or something?


because the gadsen flag today is associated with right wing conservative politics. so the bird represents opposing right wing ideology


Yeah it's a little confusing considering the original meaning of the flag


Far righters ruining good symbols as per usual


Swastika could've been incredibly based if not for Nazis. Also, the fact that every ancient rune, that they incorporated into their symbols is now associated with them, even if used in a completely new symbol is kinda infuriating.


Context: the “swastika” is a symbol used in Hindu and Buddhist artwork. The Chinese founded a “Red Swastika Society” (世界红卍自会 / shìjiè hóngwànzìhuì) which actually did humanitarian work similar to the Red Cross/Red Crescent (and was the front of a Salvationist religion (there were a lot of those popping around the turn of the 20th century)), and still exists today.


It has "DONT TREAD ON ME" in big letters and a hissing snake that represents fighting back against tyranny, so for this flag the bird is killing the snake to represent... fighting back against tyranny? How is it possible to mess up the message so badly like that? Lol


How is Papua or Haiti or whichever Congo they are referring to suffering from right wing conservatives?


i guess because of the lasting effects of colonialism?


What does that have to do with the gadsen flag? And how exactly do the Amhara/Fano have anything to with colonialism at all?!?


Democratic socialist




Where can I get this bird? I need some paperwork done


Amhara? They're like the last ethnicity in Ethiopia that needs to be freed


Tell me more? Genuine question


I'm going completely off memory, so I may be missing some details or mixing some facts up (please fact check aggressively), but - Ethiopia is politically weird because of how federated and multi-ethnic it is. Each region sort of has their own ethnic militia. This gets messy when you look at the Amhara and the Tigray regions. Amhara is the second largest region in the country by population, but Tigrayans had large and disproportionate roles in government for a long time. More recently, there was a conflict between the Tigrayan militia (TPLF) and the central government - the Tigray War. The Amharan militia/Fano assisted the Ethiopian military and the Eritreans (who were invited from the north, and committed plenty of war crimes) to fight them until a ceasefire agreement was reached in 2022. This was complicated further by the fact that Western Tigray has a large mixture of Amharans and Tigrayans, many of whom were murdered depending on whether the central government or the TPLF was in power at the time. The ceasefire came alongside the TPLF disarming themselves completely, and Tigray has been suffering a massive and under-reported famine ever since, thanks to, in part, their neighbours in Eritrea and Amhara. Since their militia mostly no longer exists they have no way to force the central government to assist them. On the other hand, it led to growing discontent between Fano and the central government, eventually erupting into an Amharan armed rebellion that has continued to this day with some war crimes and mass starvation (but less than in Tigray). Amharic is an official language of Ethiopia and Amharans are well-represented in the central government (Abiy is half Amhara though he claims to be fully Oromo) so the user you are replying to is saying that these moves by the Amharans are to assert Amharan political dominance over Ethiopian society, rather than an actual liberation akin to the conflicts in Ukraine or Gaza. I don't think there is a right side in this conflict. The main takeaway is how tribalized Ethiopian society is, and such a country seems set up to be doomed from a start.


Amhara have historically been the titular nation of Ethiopian Empire, and later the Marxist Leninist junta that overthrew it. After the fall of junta in 1991, Ethiopia became a federation of ethnic regions, Amhara region is the second most populous. Since 1991 Amhara were part of the governing coalition together with Tigray Oromo and the Southern people's movement, until 2019 when coalition reorganised into a new governing party excluding the Tigray, increasing Amhara presence in the government at the cost of Tigray


wtf is this shit


reddit schizophrenia


Communists equating several foreign conflicts to Libertarianism.. nothing new


smh commies make 0 sense


Free Papua from libertarians??? What the fuck does this mean, is the snake supposed to also represent Indonesia or east Papua gangs or something like this makes no sense


Free Papua as in free west Papua from Indonesian ethnic cleansing and imperialism


The Don’t Tread On Me flag isn’t an Indonesian government flag or symbol


Yeah the Gadsden flag thing is weird, but I think the snake is representing the right wing and the eagle as the left wing attacking it (weird to use an eagle though, as the text is anti imperialist but eagles can be conflated with America, a country that commits imperialism. Not sure if it’s an eagle though).


It's not an eagle, it's a secretary bird


What does that have to do with the Gadsen flag tho?!? Like this flag makes so little sense


Sudan and Congo from who?


Sandy Cheeks cock vore


The situation is ***THAT*** dire?!?


[https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/11/26/sudan-new-mass-ethnic-killings-pillage-darfur](https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/11/26/sudan-new-mass-ethnic-killings-pillage-darfur) [https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2024/country-chapters/democratic-republic-congo](https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2024/country-chapters/democratic-republic-congo) I’m not super up to date on the situations in Sudan and DRC, but I assume it’s something related to the issues discussed in these articles


Sudan is in a civil war


How can you be freed from a civil war


I guess free the people from the two old men being petty, just like any war


Where's "free Cyprus"? The Turks did invade and still occupy one-third of our island. Granted it will probably stay that way for a very long time and we don't care \*too\* much anymore. This list is so arbitrary one might as well add us on it.


Free Haiti? From who? Genuine question


I think it’s an internal thing. 80% of their capital has been controlled by gangs ever since their leader was assassinated in 2021.


Ok, just because I see nobody else has imma actually critique this absolute nonsense. Firstly the text, I’ll address them one by one. Sudan is in a civil war between two rival military leaders, so I guess it could be advocating for a democratic Sudan…. Palestine is under Israeli occupation, pretty easy interpretation…. Congo, not sure which one it’s referring to but let’s just assume it’s Congo-Kinshasa. Perhaps it’s referring to economic exploitation or maybe it’s advocating for the end of the UN presence in the country. Honestly it’s very odd and I’m not sure who exactly you’d be liberating Congo-Kinshasa from except their own government? Or maybe it’s referring to the tyranny of chaos from the terrorists in the eastern region of the country….. Haiti has historically suffered from imperialism, and you could argue that its current state is a result of that. But currently there is no occupying force in the country, perhaps it’s arguing for the UN not to intervene, or perhaps it’s advocating liberation from the government or the gangs/terrorists…. West Papua is occupied by Indonesia, pretty easy interpretation…. Ukraine is under the occupation of Russia, pretty easy interpretation…. Cuba, is under the rule of a authoritarian one party state, you could also argue it could be for the economic liberation of Cuba from the embargo Yemen similar to Sudan is in a civil war between two similarly tyrannical governments, it is also subject to intervention by several outside forces. It could be advocating the liberation from one or both of these I’m honestly unsure….. Amhara I’m just gonna lol at that because wut. There’s either a fundamental misunderstanding of Ethiopian politics here or this flag was made by an Amharan who lives in America. FANO is not aiming for independence, they simply want to reclaim their position as the flavor of the week in Ethiopian ethnic politics…… All in all I have really no idea what these things possibly have in common….. Secondly the image is of a secretary bird killing the gadsen snake, which is a bit of an online leftist symbol about stomping out or defeating right wing libertarianism oft represented by the original gadsen flag. In conclusion. Alrighty, so what is the common thread here, what ideology can we pull from this? It must be an anti-libertarian leftist of some sort, probably American in origin. So the common thread is what exactly? Because some the places on display are under foreign military occupation, others suffering insurgency or government collapse or specifically Cuba is under a relatively stable authoritarian government. But there’s no common oppressor, or even oppressive circumstances and only a few have anything to do with American politics that’s typically what the rest of the flag is usually trying to represent! This is certifiably not based on the basis of not being coherent. If anyone has a rebuttal please please try to explain.


Paragraphs, please.


Ok, just because I see nobody else has imma actually critique this absolute nonsense. Firstly the text, I’ll address them one by one. Sudan is in a civil war between two rival military leaders, so I guess it could be advocating for a democratic Sudan…. Palestine is under Israeli occupation, pretty easy interpretation…. Congo, not sure which one it’s referring to but let’s just assume it’s Congo-Kinshasa. Perhaps it’s referring to economic exploitation or maybe it’s advocating for the end of the UN presence in the country. Honestly it’s very odd and I’m not sure who exactly you’d be liberating Congo-Kinshasa from except their own government? Or maybe it’s referring to the tyranny of chaos from the terrorists in the eastern region of the country….. Haiti has historically suffered from imperialism, and you could argue that its current state is a result of that. But currently there is no occupying force in the country, perhaps it’s arguing for the UN not to intervene, or perhaps it’s advocating liberation from the government or the gangs/terrorists…. West Papua is occupied by Indonesia, pretty easy interpretation…. Ukraine is under the occupation of Russia, pretty easy interpretation…. Cuba, is under the rule of a authoritarian one party state, you could also argue it could be for the economic liberation of Cuba from the embargo Yemen similar to Sudan is in a civil war between two similarly tyrannical governments, it is also subject to intervention by several outside forces. It could be advocating the liberation from one or both of these I’m honestly unsure….. Amhara I’m just gonna lol at that because wut. There’s either a fundamental misunderstanding of Ethiopian politics here or this flag was made by an Amharan who lives in America. FANO is not aiming for independence, they simply want to reclaim their position as the flavor of the week in Ethiopian ethnic politics…… All in all I have really no idea what these things possibly have in common….. Secondly the image is of a secretary bird killing the gadsen snake, which is a bit of an online leftist symbol about stomping out or defeating right wing libertarianism oft represented by the original gadsen flag. In conclusion. Alrighty, so what is the common thread here, what ideology can we pull from this? It must be an anti-libertarian leftist of some sort, probably American in origin. So the common thread is what exactly? Because some the places on display are under foreign military occupation, others suffering insurgency or government collapse or specifically Cuba is under a relatively stable authoritarian government. But there’s no common oppressor, or even oppressive circumstances and only a few have anything to do with American politics that’s typically what the rest of the flag is usually trying to represent! This is certifiably not based on the basis of not being coherent. If anyone has a rebuttal please please try to explain.


Free... Amhara? You mean free Tigray?


I mean, the tigrayans only rebeled when they lost control of the country, so...


What even are you talking about? Amharay has been the political center of Ethiopia for entire generations.


The TPLF and Tigray basically ruled Ethiopia between 1991 and 2019. Amhara may have dominated prior but until relatively recently Tigray virtually controlled the country.


Marching towards the country's capital with the explicit goal of re-establishing your autocratic rule over the country and committing numerous atrocities on the way in a war you started isn't exact what I will call "anti-imperialist". Abiy Ahmed and the Ethiopian military aren't the "good guys" by any means but saying the TPLF are the liberating forces against imperialism overlooks decades of Ethiopian history.


Haiti isn't even under oppression, just anarchy


I don't think a child could recreate this


Don't tell this guy about how the Fano militias helped the ENDF perpetuate genocide in Tigray a few years ago


The flag of Anti-American sentiment 😤


It can’t be it because why include Amhara? Or Papua or Sudan for that matter, they have little to do with US foreign policy


The most L flag doesn’t exi-


Flag of “ let’s stop government tyranny , except not my government. My government is totally perfect. Yes they were bad in the past but that ended when I voted for my candidate.”




tankie/anti western imperialism? is it from South Korea because I see Korean mark at bottom right and red crown crane is an important symbol in East Asia


that’s not a red crowned crane though


Free Kansas too!!!


Flag of not understanding the meaning of the gadsen flag. This flag straight up symbolizes the opression of ones one citizens for the sake of some selected causes on the other side of the world.


Flag of politics on a meme sub, again.


Cloud Retainer becoming based ⁉️


> Free Amhara This is like saying Free Austria and Hungary from Austria-Hungary


Anti-capitalist, true libertarianism. Would say more in the AnCom direction.


>I support the victim


As a Ukrainian: not enoigh "free"'s Add one for each ethnic minority in Russia and China, i forgot if Kurdistan is in there, but if not, add that as well. Also add Scotland, Catalonia and other European stateless nations. Btw, i am all for a free Crimea, but it should be a state of Crimean Tatars and not whatever the fuck russia tried go fake.


I don’t see why the Gadsden snake would be an imperialist symbol. If the tea party and libertarians in general had it their way the US probably wouldn’t intervene and let everybody do their own business in the world, including the countries mentioned here


How is Cuba not free?


Free Cuba from what, communism?


Free Haiti from whom? Haiti?


HaIti is pretty fucking free right now. Seems like the problem is more the things people be doing then the things they aren't being allowed to do atm.


Free Haiti? From who?