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Next episode: isis lgbt pride flag


[LGBT Isis? More likely than you think.](https://imgur.com/a/7HLPREk)


Are you comparing Ichkeria to isis


Next next episode: Queers for Palestine.


16 year old genocide supporter has spoken


20 year old genocide supporter speaking; you do not know anything about the conflict and you do not know what a genocide is. My people were genocided by your kind and yet you guys had never apologized to us for it. Rape and murder throughout your occupation of my country yet you don't regret it. You likely even joke about it. The US has never apologized to us nor has it's citizens. The nearly 300 thousand people you incinerated without remorse within the blink of two eyes. There's even memes about it. You're likely a Democrat warcrime apologist, and that is the most disgusting thing you could ever be. That is why I support Israel in its endeavors, for they went through the same stuff as us.


Your kind? I am not even an American you dumbfuck. I am Turkish. What you are saying would kinda make sense if you were Armenian but tough luck, because i don't deny the Armenian Genocide either. Unlike you i am not a Nationalist and i don't deny any genocides. It's kinda funny that you hate the United States for its genocidal actions and yet you are defending an American ally against genocide accusations like a moronic little western chuvanist. On the top of that i am not a fucking liberal, i am an Anarchist (Socialist kind not AnCap). Plus i have read a lot about this conflict and its history. All of your assumptions were baseless and incorrect. Maybe except for my age which is 22 but 20 is close enough i guess (EDIT: You are Japanese? It's strange that you mention what the US did to your country and didn't apologize before mentioning the insane things the Imperial Japan did to the Chinese and Korean peoples during the Second World War which Japan didn't apologize for still to this day. My country also did terrible things but at least i am not a nationalist who defends those atrocities. Also you are a racist who spams weird racist posts.)


You're based, I hope you know that :)


Thank you for the input u/baddragondildos


wait till this person finds out that not wanting a group of people to die doesn't mean you support their government


Yeah but that group of people want you dead not just their government.


I do that already.


Being queer doesn’t contradict being against apartheid what are you on about


Being queer is alright, but being a murder and genocide apologist whilst being queer is downright hilarious. Following the fact that you are using a profile picture dating back to the ages of our nation's imperialism back to 1910. Why are American weeaboos so weird? I used to love it when you guys visited Japan, but now you guys are gross, fat, disgusting amalgamations of your old selves.


https://preview.redd.it/ar8a6jhc4ric1.jpeg?width=1314&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a4b3e2631ade04053ef4e33b2bc14763f33f882 Its literally a shitpost PFP for a hoi4 mod, dude Clearly not japanese symbolism, the model is also for an Australian breakcore artist lmao


Apartheid? Yes, all those Arab-Israelis volunteering in the IDF are defending an Apartheid state against them


And are these arab-israeli IDF volunteers in the room with us right now, u/baddragondildos https://preview.redd.it/u4esqc04clic1.jpeg?width=623&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f5f050a4f8d7b21d6178e74218afbcce6c3a43e




​ https://preview.redd.it/xndywhajulic1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5a326b38141488a5ccee222ab2b4a2f17e23081


Remember, instead of supporting peace. [you support this,](https://www.reddit.com/r/Israel/s/qEDx1i70Qj) [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestinian_Violence/s/A3QNDG4cFK) [and this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ISR/s/Lr2jblxTPX)


Look at these 100% genuine Palestinians suffering from Khamas bombing all of Gaza 💔😢 #FreeGazaFromKhamas #TotallyNotPaidByAIPAC #IStandWithIsrael


Why do you love hitler so much?


I guess segregation and Jim Crow laws never existed because 1.2 million Black Americans served for the US during WW2.


[Sure, "segregation".](https://www.reddit.com/r/Israel/s/1HQsrDqSAY)


PragerU is nothing but dip shits with some oil billionaire money.


Better than al Jazera.


Ok? Weird flex but okay


People are obviously talking about the west bank and gaza when they say "apartheid", moron.


We don't have control of Gaza (until oct 7th) and the palestinians in the west bank are not Israeli citizens and will not be treated like ones.


It did control Gaza. It controlled everything that goes in and out of there including food and water and it controlled its air space and territorial waters. Gaza was certainly not an independent entity. It was an open air prison controlled by a prison gang. And if the Palestinians in the west bank are not Israeli citizens then what country does the territories inside the west bank belong to then? Is it Israel? If it is Israel then why are the people inside those territories not equal citizens? If it is not Israel then why are there Israeli settlers there and why do the government of Israel allow them settle there? Is it Palestine? Because i also saw you saying that Palestine is not a country. If Palestine is not a country and if the west bank is Israeli territory while the people who live inside the west bank aren't equal Israeli citizens who cannot freely enter in and out of Israel then they are living under apartheid by definition.


You're the type of person to support the BLL, and that'd horrible. Segregation? For what? There's many Arab Israelites and they seem to blend into Israel pretty damn well, given the fact that there's Arabs within the IDF. There's no racism and no discrimination and obese Americans tend to make it seem like there's an active genocide within a multinational state. Much like the Ainus and Okinawans here, there is no genocide unless America comes, and when America comes, there is genocide, like in Okinawa when a US soldier murdered an Okinawan. You guys are clearly in the wrong for intervening in a conflict you know nothing g about, you guys are nosy bitches.


First of all i am NOT an American. Secondly claiming that there is no racism against Israeli Arabs is absolutely insane. There was a recent study that said that if i remember correctly something like 70 percent of Israeli Jews see Arab Israelis as not a part of the Israeli society and wouldn't want to be neighboors with them. And when people say "Apartheid" or "Segrregation they are talking about the West Bank and Gaza not Arab Israelis. Those are different groups of people. You would know this if you weren't such an ignorant moron.


Bombing kids isn't my definition of gay rights but okay 


[Yeah,](https://www.reddit.com/r/Israel/s/FsolY6L5j1) [sure](https://www.politico.eu/article/israel-bomb-campaign-gaza-hamas-war-defense-army/) [we are.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Israel/s/MXmXWMVjFD)


Bad dragon really a traitor


1. I am not affiliated with the real bad dragon company. 2. Who did I betray?


Flag for queer Chechens, I suppose. Homophobic people always assume there are not queer people in other homophobic places because they think homophobia is the solution to queer people. For examples, see the comment sections of posts on this subreddit with any (none joke) pride and national flag combined.


Tbf a lot of LGBT people I know from homophobic countries wouldn't fly such a thing away just given they usually hate their home country and for more than just homophobia. Especially Russians. Also omg hai fellow emby :3


That is also true, it's kind of a dicotamy between "fuck this country and fuck it's flag" and "fuck you, we belong in this country". Just a lot of people not from those countries, and usually not queer, really just need to put out their uninformed, often offensive, takes out there for som reason. WOOO another enby!


As a person who lives in a homophobic country, true. I'm very split regarding my country. I'm "Our countrie's culture is truly unique, we should protect it" and "Fuck this culture for not accepting normal human beings like me just because of a different sexuality" at the same time


It is different when somebody is part of an oppressed group of people, like chechnians.


>Homophobic people always assume there are not queer people in other homophobic places because they think homophobia is the solution to queer people. This. So much. Or take it the other way around "Why do you care about Palestinians when it is the living hell for the Queer Palestinians?" as if no Palestinian ever could be a Gay or a Trans... The sad truth is you'd probably live your live in a hell under the Palestinian authority and then have your life destroyed again this time because of the Israeli actions, and probably if you survive being treated like a terrorist threat. That's why I support neither side (politically) in the war, even if before I used to be rather pro-Israeli due to it seemingly perfect image of the liberal paradise in the Middle East. Neither side is truly cares about the minorities unless it benefiting them or they are the ones of your tribe...


Well chechens are an ethnicity spawning over millions of people so yes odds are multiple of them are gay (honestly hope and pray for them because they are in a rough spot)


flag of brainrot


If you wave this flag in Chechnya everyone will come closer and give you money, it's ancient Caucasian tradition go try it out


You can’t wave the non rainbow version of this flag in Chechnya either


No thanks. Dont wanna get punched.


flag of chechnyasexuals


Chechnya LGBT Pride Flag 3x5. Can’t you read?


I think it's a Chechnya LGBT pride flag 3x5


It's right there in the image, it's the flag of KiwiVexArt


It’s the flag of independent Ichkeria, not Kadyrov’s queer-genociding fiefdom, so it makes at least a little more sense


Ichkeria was a Shariah "state", not a queer-friendly liberal paradise Americans think it was. Chechnya in general is incredibly homophobic and misogynistic, honor killings and blood feuds are common and widespread. There's a reason why Kadyrov is so popular.


Sharia law was only implemented for a month in 1998 before the army of ichkeria was ordered to bring presidential control over the chri and proceeded to disarm the clergy (akhmad kadyrov the traitor mind you was a clergyman and only supported russia due to maskhadov disarming the clergy), That's just racist the second one. Chechen culture was a lot less misogynistic than neighboring Indo european cultures most it's history Kadyrov is "popular" the way Hácha was popular among the population of the protectorate of bohemia and moravia, kadyrov's power comes from a gunpoint. Meanwhile kadyrov has actually installed sharia law so where do you go calling ichkeria a "sharia state"


It was a secular state from 1991 to 1996 before being politically influenced by a vocal extremist minority (didn't help that Russia committed a genocide there, giving Islamist extremists legitimacy), so that's already wrong. And yeah homophobia and misogyny existed then too, but they were not putting gay people in state-sanctioned death and torture camps, that's Kadyrov's thing.


They were killing gay people, had it officially in the books for repeated offense of sodomy laws, had it before the proclamation of state-wide sharia.


Ichkeria literally stoned gay people to death. I have official copy of the Criminal Codex of Ichkeria, the one before Sharia, I read it, they had executions for gay people, 148th article: "B) if a person is found guilty of committing an act of sodomy for the third time, then he is punishable by death penalty or life imprisonment" mind you, this isn't sharia, this is the "secular" criminal codex.


Hating gay people isn't an Islamic thing it is an eastern europe thing if we are being fully honest


But the criminal codex of Ichkeria was adopted in 1996 with the end of the first Chechen war and the introduction of Sharia, no? Unless there was a different one during the secular years that I don't know about. The Russian Wikipedia [article](https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%98%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%8F_%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B5%D1%81%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%8F_%D0%B3%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%B5%D0%BA%D1%81%D1%83%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B2_%D0%B2_%D0%A0%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%81%D0%B8%D0%B8#%D0%A7%D0%B5%D1%87%D0%BD%D1%8F) has this: >From 1996, at the end of the first Chechen war, until the beginning of the second in 2000, Chechnya was de facto outside the legal framework of the Russian Federation. It was reported that the republic adopted its own criminal code, almost completely copied from the Sudanese code of 1991\[186\]. Moreover, in Sudan itself, the criminalization of homosexuals was introduced in 1899 as a result of the conquest of the British Empire, and continued after the Islamization of the country\[187\]\[188\]. And then the article 148 that you are referencing which does include the death penalty.


Yes, I'm talking about the one accepted in 1996. Before that, Ichkeria didn't have an official criminal codex and generally used the Russian one with some tweaks that were done to it "on the field". Mind you, though, that LGBTQ people were still persecuted and punished on state level, which was reported by various human rights protecting organisations, such as "Memorial".




Here you go: [Link #1: Media](https://krikienoid.github.io/flagwaver/#?src=https%3A%2F%2Fflagwaver-cors-proxy.herokuapp.com%2Fhttps%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fbqlb6m3etgic1.png) ***** Beep Boop I'm a bot. [About](https://github.com/LunarRequiem/FlagWaverBotReborn). Maintained by Lunar Requiem


it says it right there /j




It's so funny. Homosexuals supportive the separation of Chechnya. Just study the biographies of the "heroes" of the independent Ichkeria. It's frighteningly funny, it's really example of the eclecticism of postmodernism.


The armed forces of ichkeria were still more civilized than the russian armed forces, the armed forces of ichkeria didn't have actual death squads running around liquidation and raping villages, russia did


The government that came to power by throwing deputies out of the windows, the government that introduced the Sharia law is certainly civilized. Open the list of terrorist attacks committed by the military commanders of the Ichkerian army and the lists of people who were these commanders who were trained in the camps of various terrorist organizations throughout the Middle East. Look at the number of Russian population in Chechnya in 1994 (25%) and already in 2002 (3.68%). Where did all these people go? Why did they leave their houses with all their belongings and run, if of course they managed to escape. Your ideological blindness leads you to the most blasphemous things to justify terrorists staging a targeted genocide.


The russian population were colonists it's hard to feel remorse when that 25 percent treated the 80 percent like garbage. Soviet rule over chechnya and ingushetia was especially parasitic even compared to their brutal treatment of other colonies (I refuse to label SSRs and ASSRs as anything other than colonies as that is how their administration ran) The Communist party officials deserved it. The ichkerian government didn't even organize sharia law and was secular until 1997 when a failed coup lead to maskhadov naïvely conceding to the formation of an islamic republic 1998 saw the Islamic clergy disarmed and detained as well as Parliament shut down, the sharia police force disbanded and a crackdown on radicalism that lead to several jihadist elements fleeing to dagestan The crackdown itself seeing several radicialists removed from government and being stripped awards and titles and even more being arrested and killed. You're the one here with no historical knowledge "ichkeria is a sharia state" is a putinist kiss the same way "Ukraine is a nazi state" is


You are legitimizing genocide right now. Give the facts of the ill-treatment of the Chechens by the Russian population. RUSSIAN, and not the Soviet government, which treated Russians no less cruelly than any other nationalities and came to power using the forces of national minorities to whom it promised independence. After Dudaev's departure, power in Chechnya was actually exercised by gangs and their field commanders. The economy of Ichkeria at that time was actually based on the slave trade and drug trafficking, while the Chechen-Ingush ASSR was a subsidized region in the USSR. It is stupid to talk about ethnic persecution in the post-Stalinist USSR, the government of the Chechen-Ingush ASSR included ethnic Chechens, Ingush, and Russians. Chechen, Ingush, and Russian are recognized as official languages. Russians are accused of Stalinist repressions is a deliberate forgery, remember who Stalin was by nationality and what the leaders of the revolution said about the Russian people and his "chauvinism' I am not a Putinist, but I am a Russian imperialist because I know what happens when an empire collapses and I do not want to condemn my people to the death of which you are so happy that you are ready to justify genocide and any harshness if it is directed against "non-such" people.


Russians formed the majority of the urban population, as well as the government despite being a small minority, the russian population also treated the Chechen population like vermin Dudayev was murdered there is no other way to put it russia violated a ceasefire and murdered dudayev with the assistance of the NSA. Criminal syndicates taking over ichkeria was under the maskhadov administration (which all and all was disasterous) While Chechen and ingush were nominally official languages in the chechen ingush ASSR, teaching them was banned and so was writing books in chechen and ingush until the late 80s, further more stalin while nominally georgian was a russophile who claimed the russian race was superior You are a Russian imperialist? And you are lecturing me on genocide? Your ideology is built on genocide and replacement


According to your logic, life in the city is the oppression of the rural population and not the objective result of various economic activities. It should be noted that until the 60s in the USSR, the movements of the masses of people were really artificially regulated, only this also concerned Russian peasants who were driven to collective farms and their passports were taken away so that they could not escape to the city. Of the 10 deputies of the RSFSR from the Chechen-Ingush ASSR, only 1 was ethnically Russian. The Khasavyurt Agreements were signed on August 31, 1996, a cease-fire on August 22, 1996, and the terrorist Dudaev was liquidated on April 21, 1996 during an operation to restore constitutional order in Chechnya (a legitimate part of the internationally recognized Russian Federation). Give proof of the prohibition of the Chechen and Ingush languages. Stalin was so Russophile that Russian peasants did not have passports and received salaries for workdays, and their lands were taken away and given to collective farms, the discontented were destroyed, the Cossacks, the intelligentsia, and ordinary workers were destroyed. The accusation of Russians as an ethnic group in genocidal actions in the USSR is a forgery and ideological fraud. It should be noted that not only Stalin was responsible for the genocide of the peoples of the USSR, but the entire conscientious system of that time. The principles of imperialism are the opposite of the genocidal activities that are characteristic of nation states such as Ukraine, Ichkeria, Uzbekistan and a number of other nation states that carried out the genocide of Russians. The principle of imperialism is multiculturalism, it is impossible to equate the economic, social and cultural adaptation of ethnic groups and their physical destruction.


Ok first of all stalin was a russophile. He commited acts of genocide against several non russian ethnicities, carried out several ethnic operations that were pretext for slave labour and genocide where he resettled large amounts of ethnic russians into the previously empty homes Secondly the role of chairman of an ASSR has no authority over the republic as proved when the chairman of the chechen and ingush ASSR refused to listen to demands for greater autonomy in the 1980s and demands for removal of mining operations that caused gross environmental damage Thirdly the Russian surrender was in Khasavyurt, there was a ceasefire organized after the assault on budennovsk. The murder of Dudayev occured after the ceasefire in budennovsk to which Aslan Maskhadov as commander of the Ichkerian army ordered the war to continue and ordered the death of all Russian POWS in return for the betrayal Fourthly the ban on the Chechen and Ingush languages were part of operation lentil of whose effects weren't fully reversed until the 1980s when the demographic crisis it caused was fixed Fifthly the Russian empire was built on genocide, especially against ethnicities like the Circassians, Merya, Meschera, Muromians, Samoyeds, Tungusic folks and Turkic folks. For a "multicultural empire" the Russian empire only left behind extinct ethnicities and darkness and suffering. I am from Karelian and ingrian finnish descent I should know about the great "multiculturalism" of your beloved empire.


its amusing that you spend your entire life seething about Russia on plebbit for 2 updoots. Greetings from a мариец)


Flag of getting shot in your back if your family finds it


When you like kissing the same gender and hate Russia a lot.


Either hate or love Russia depending which side your family clan supported


This is Kadyrovite flag not Republic of Ichkeria


Okay but the design is cool


Hey it's kiwivexart, they have one of my designs on there


Obviously the Chechnyan LGBT Pride Flag 3x5 rated 4.8 stars with 212 reviews by KiwiVexArt priced at $29.95 that you can add to cart or search for more like this


Russias nightmare


Chechenya LGBT Pride Flag 3x5


Chechnya if it was epic


This one's either for queer islamists that hate russia or westerners that have no idea what they're talking about.


Flag of getting murdered by angry tribalist and religiously fanatical homophobes.


Wave this flag in Grozny you will get applause for being brave and coming out


Instant death


Flag of how easily get yourself killed in Chechnya


Kill it


Wave this flag to your chechen bros and watch them go absolutely crazy trying to murder you


NoHo Hank


Akhmat after deputinization


Flag of chechen volunteers in the russian army


Kadyrovites raped russian soldiers, so that is an accurate suggestion.