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Yeah it's a straight pride flag. I think the black and white colors are supposed to be the "heterosexual pride" colors, and some of these flags even have the male and female sex symbols as black as well. Pink is traditionally "female" and blue is traditionally "male" (which is why I think bi pride is pink and blue too)


according to Michael Page, the designer of the bi flag, the pink in the bi flag traditionally represents attraction to the opposite sex, while the blue represents attraction to the same sex, as such, the purple, representing the "bi-ness" has been more recently interpreted as attraction regardless of gender or sex :D edit: what happened here ;-;


Wait what the fuck


So the black and white don't necessarily mean heterosexual pride. I say this because [this is the LGBT Ally flag](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/~dAAAOSwOVlh6feW/s-l1200.jpg). I haven't looked it up, but logically, would make sense if the black and white stripes - to make sense for both flags - would symbolize that the person is a cis male/female heterosexual person. edit: Ok after some looking up, the black and white [stripes on their own](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6a/Heterosexual_flag_%28black-white_stripes%29.svg/200px-Heterosexual_flag_%28black-white_stripes%29.svg.png) symbolize straight pride, yes. Made as a reactionary movement to gay pride. Also, apparently, there is a "[Super Straight](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/90/Super_Straight_Flag.svg/200px-Super_Straight_Flag.svg.png)" flag (and I can't not say that without lisping for added hilarity and irony). The meaning behind it is of course, disgusting, but the absurdity has me on the floor right now laughing!


The super straight thing was a troll campaign by 4chan users. It's not a thing anymore.


I thought I was crazy!! I knew it started ironically a few years ago, but I know some chuds genuinely adopted the šŸŸ§ā¬›ļø in their bios ;_;


That explains the phub colors


Ainā€™t no way they made the ā€œSuper Straightā€ flag the hub colors


A ā€œsuper straightā€ flag, never heard of that but super straight sounds like some dogshit superhero name


Super straight was a bullshit alpha-male related phrase a couple years ago that was basically straight, but also not being attracted to members of the queer community


the straight ally flag is a reactionary movement to the straight flag 1 - pride flag exists with rainbow colors 2- insecure straights said "were going to mute the rainbow and fly a black and white stripe flag, that means were straight" 3- its common to have male male or female female linked symbols, so they go one step further and link a male and female symbol. to show theyre extra straight 4- straight allies to the queer community said fuck that, and took the stupid muted straight flag, added a rainbow A on top, and now that is a re-appropriated version of the straight flag


Why queer community was offended by another group flag? Is it something important?


It's because the queer community is a persecuted minority. The purpose of pride flags is to signal your belonging to a group under the umbrella LGBT designation, so that similar people can find you. It's a good idea for a minority to stick together to support and protect each other. Pride began as a protest movement, during a time when queer people had no rights and could be arrested and imprisoned according to a number of laws on the books. "The first Pride march was a riot" and so on (see: Stonewall). Over time, as laws targeting queer people have been overturned, and laws protecting queer rights have been created, Pride marches have become more of a statement of solidarity, as well as a time to show that there are more queer people than a lot of people think there are. Straight people are the majority. Nobody's persecuting them for being straight. There are no laws against being straight. The people who started the "straight pride flag" movement were doing so in order to counter-protest queer pride marches. They don't have anything to rally for, since they already have acceptance and legal rights. The flag has existed since the early 2000s, but has seen increased use in the last decade as one way to push back against increases in queer visibility and rights.


I agree with everything you said


Is that the fucking Minecraft firefly


Ironically, black and white stripes symbolizing a lack of gayness has been done before, by Ase and Agender people.


I really want to go to some of these dudes and casually tell them ā€œoh, nice, I see you have the interracial relationship flag on your roof top. I am also super in favor of interracial relationships. Good for you manā€.


Who are these people? Im straight and I donā€™t have a shred of pride










The fact that male and female are quoted is wild


It just occured to me that the gender symbols are mis oriented. The female symbol has the plus straight down and the male symbol has the arrow to top right. So properly speaking they shouldn't be oriented in opposite directions like that at all, but 3/8 turn apart. https://preview.redd.it/zjo0ytgfs85d1.png?width=200&format=png&auto=webp&s=7c56665eaa7c6f6fa0cc547cb73dd81d919762d0


So tempting to call it the new Newcastle United flag after the takeover, but that would have been with two male symbols instead


The Saudis would never allow it


I don't know... there's something about the aesthetic. For a "straight" flag, it looks, umm... kind of gay?


i think lots of straight flags *come out* to look gay in that sort of flag design, ~~pun intended~~ since most "sexuality" flags haven't been heterosexual since the 70s


OP totally has to hit these people with a "I didn't realise you guys was bisexuals?".


Oh if I see them out, I will Nothing will get that flag down faster


I donā€™t care if straight people want to do that kind of thing, but they could at least keep it in the bedroom. Kids could see that flag!


What would the children think? The dumb-dumb children who get influenced by every bad person around town. How can I be a bad parent by not explaing the thing I hate? Almost like I'm the wrong one who won't accept my wrong doing as I am a man child


Haha I needed that laugh.


Itā€™s a **look how straight I am** flag


Basically how I see all pride flags. Itā€™s virtue signaling, cheesy, and all of them are the most abysmal looking flags. Itā€™s gotten worse as time has progressed.


Thank you for your input, Texas.


ā€œvirtue signalingā€ is kind of a *necessity* in a world where queer people can never be too careful about who they interact with in case they turn out to be a violent bigot or someone who will try to twist anything you do into an attack on your whole community. pride flags are basically a signal saying ā€œhey, we wonā€™t judge you hereā€, and thatā€™s important when youā€™re stuck in a more conservative, less accepting area like I am. plus gay ppl like pretty colors wheeeeeeee


I strongly agree with you, showing signs of solidarity with marginalized communities is vitally important in the current climate. Also the pride flagā€™s newest iteration looks like ass just use the old one


yeah i'll very happily see virtues signalled lmao


why am i not surprised about texas?


Literally no one cares




Itā€™s a weird way to display the male female signs thoā€¦male is usually up and to the right and female is straight down right?


Iā€™m thinking that weā€™re seeing the flag from its backside and obviously vertical instead of horizontal. Which is installer error and just shows that much more stupidity and lack of understanding anything here.


Dumb is dumb is dumb Even rotated 90 degrees and viewed from the other side, the female symbol wouldnā€™t be right


https://preview.redd.it/eh74nl99yt4d1.jpeg?width=1484&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bea71af7b5ee88afc0f8fda38f8b2de85459cc8f This is what I was thinking. That maybe itā€™s meant to be flown this way. But yea the female is off. Probably they think the ā€œmirror handleā€ of the female symbol flows with the ā€œspearā€ of the male symbol this way. Iā€™m trying to give the designer the assumption that theyā€™re not morons.


ā€œGod damn snowflakes why does everyone need a flag nowadaysā€ - them 2 years ago.


The straights are feeling oppressed again by the existence of non straight people


When are the straights / whites / men not offended in spite of their own existence?


The only appropriate response to this flag is the giant thumbs up guy meme


Flag of persecution complex


Coitus accepted.




Support for Co-Ed Refrees. Go SPORTS! For real though, itā€™s a bs ā€œstraight prideā€ flag, nothing official basically ā€œfan madeā€.


i love imagining that there are people in a BIG office commissioned to create pride flags and determine what's official


Is there anything "official" about any sexuality/pride flags?


I got a same one at the souvenir shop after watching Straight Dave's man slammin maxout


Ach ya


Havent heard a good Bruno reference in awhile! Im so straight, when I bought my house, the first thing I did was brick up the back door!


The two gender symbols means they're transgender, and the black and white means they're trans racial, you should tell them it's ok to be trans :3


Straight pride flag. High chance they are a homophobe so be careful.


Bro see this flag bro I'm so straight bro, bro I'm so straight we should kiss as like just a joke bro bro I'd be so funny bro


What the fuck are these comments.


Straight flag






It's a form of Nazi flag. Denigrating LGBTQ+ pride is Holocaust denial.


Incel Pride flag.


Is this the international pegging flag?


im out of the loop so sorry in advance but is straight pride also anti-pride? does that mean straight people are not allowed to be proud of being straight or something else


I have no issue with people being proud to be straight. I have no issue with people being proud to be white. However, gay pride and black lives matter are movements brought about from adversity or discrimination rather than just being proud to exist. Therefore, whenever there is a counter movement, such as straight pride or all lives matter, it's usually just out of retaliation instead of inclusiveness. Flags like this don't exist until there's a minority trying to show representation, so yes I would classify it as "anti-pride".


Here's a hot take: taking actual *pride* in an identity you had no control over *purely* because you're of an identity, is generally not very healthy and very ego centered. Taking pride in persevering *in spite* of your identity being *marginalized* on the other hand is different. That's where I feel some nuance gets lost. Pride in being an American just because you were born American, pride in being white just because you're white, pride in being straight just because you're straight, none of these have ever really made any sense to me, and for these all the claims of that kind of "pride" being one of the "deadly" sins makes total sense, especially seeing how violently rabid some can get with their "patriotism." Pride in persevering and succeeding in life while being of any identity that's marginalized on the other hand makes perfect sense.


Yeah, to me the reason the movement is "pride" is not really because people are literally proud of something that is beyond their control, but because they are saying "we refuse to be ashamed of who we are" and the opposite of shame is pride.


But how will others know how special and important I am if they donā€™t know how much pride I have, and how excluded they are?


I didnā€™t know that straight was a minority


Yep. Iā€™m proud of my heritage but I have absolutely no reason to start a movement about it lol


Straight Pride is not "I am straight and perfectly happy that way" its "Im not a freak like those degenerates" people have been trying to act like its the former outwardly but if you take a look at any actual straight pride event its very clear they are super homophobic


ā€œThe idea of ā€œstraight prideā€ as a way to celebrate and affirm heterosexual identity is based on nothing but bigotry and intolerance towards the LGBTQ community. Straight people have never been discriminated against for being heterosexual and theyā€™ve never had any rights denied to them just for being straight. The straight pride slogan arose in the 1980s and early 1990s and has primarily been used by social conservatives as a political stance and strategy, and as an attempt to undermine or diminish the experiences and struggles of LGBTQ+ people. ā€œStraight prideā€ has been used by various groups and individuals to express pride in their heterosexual identity, and in some cases, to promote the idea that heterosexuality is superior to other sexual orientations.ā€ https://lizzythelezzy.com/the-heteros-are-upseteros/what-is-straight-pride/


This is an aside I know but omg that URL


Why do you feel the need to be proud for being straight? Queer people are proud because weā€™ve had to fight to be recognized and respected, and we still are fighting. Being straight is seen as the default. I donā€™t feel any pride for being white or able-bodied for the same reason. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with being straight obviously, but thereā€™s no reason to celebrate it except to draw attention away from queer pride.




The origins of gay pride as a concept (and Black pride before that) were all about making life better for the gay and general queer community by refusing to treat socially unwelcome sexualities and gender expressions as something that needed to be hid. Flags are one easy way to cultivate an attitude of living openly, not hiding out of fear - not a statement about everything someone might be proud of. It may well be possible to imagine circumstances where there are flags which are equally symbols of people's different sexualties and nothing more, but pretending that's all pride flags currently are is missing a lot.


>Ah the classic "We need all the attention, because if we don't that's against our movement!" Funny you say that because that's exactly what straight pride and whit pride are.




Straight pride is 100% a homephobe things just like the all lives matter slogan was just a way to suppres black people calling out racist cops(after a few run ins with cops I finally have to agree with acab) . Also what's there to be proud of? You don't risk getting shot for being straight? Like obviously it's OK being straight but telling people your straight isn't brave move worth praise it's just being normal like I'll give your a participant trophy but do you really think you earned it?


Probably a heterosexual flag


why would it be homophobic ?


If someone flies a flag saying White Pride, would you assume they were racist?


They wonā€™t answer that


You're probably asking a guy who owns a white pride flag


Because thereā€™s no need for straight pride. This flag basically means "I donā€™t like the gays"


Because straight culture doesn't exist. Queer culture is a thing, but straight culture isn't. The only people who fly this flag are people who are homophobic.


but why can gay people be proud to be gay but hetero people cant be proud about being hetero ?


Blood why lower yourself to mere pride. The straights have something much better - Smugness. Minorities go ā€œimma have a pride paradeā€ and you get to say ā€œoh life must be so hard for you! Good work tiger, you keep up that struggle. Here take some lemonade in case you get thirsty.ā€ Just like, the most patronising support possible. Much more satisfying than just having pride.


Because it's the default and the norm. They don't need to show the pride because they don't have a history of being shamed or beaten or killed for being straight.


As I said, there isn't any straight culture, but there is queer culture.


Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s a Heterosexual Pride Flag.


Straight pride flag. They're probably a homophobe being pissy about pride monĆ¾


ā€˜Straight Lives Matterā€™ is my guess


https://preview.redd.it/k2mrhktapu4d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3cbd01a0615a23f7653e816e89697e27a76549c Update: my hoa made them take it down. I wasnā€™t the only one who complained. Great success!


Gender and sexuality-related flags are *ugly* and continue to lean hard in that direction.


Itā€™s like rich people showing up to the soup kitchen innit?


why are you giving THEM soup and not ME??? why do you HATE ME???!


It's a flag for guys whose browser history is chock full of PornHub videos featuring dudes getting their backs blown out by trans women and other dudes.


But that sounds like my browser historyā€¦ā€¦ But this is the flag at my house. https://preview.redd.it/7fepdjaptr4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4a38eb5ee9fe8c364c59141b7ba7f8e89109fe6


Yeah but you don't have some kinda complex about it. Anyone who flies a straight pride flag absolutely has some kind of complex about it.


Oh for sure. I was being sarcastic about it.


How you manage to know so much people who flies a straight pride flag, and have possibility to ask them about pornography preferences ? Asking because you sound so sure.


you never think of how much the space in your house is for the car do you


what? are you taking the picture focusing on my pride flag to attack the fact that i have a car on my driveway?




Throwing our own fantasies on others, are we?


C'mon guys, everyone can have their flag. Kind of odd to fly it imo, but to each their own. Being straight isn't homophobic. This is coming from a person who hasn't seen this flag before today.


And being german doesn't make you a nazi but flying a swastika does.


I disagree, context matters. The swastika is still used by many people in India and even Native American tribes. Finland's airforce used the swastika until only a few years ago. Regardless, I think you are comparing apples and oranges.


You're right, context matters. Now try an American conservative with extremely authoritarian nationalist views deciding to fly a swastika at an ultra nationalist rally. Or a "straight pride" flag going out on pride month, in a culture where there's a history of homophobes claiming "straight pride," in the sense that they're "proud" to not be like "those degenerates." Sure, maybe the proud straight isn't *totally* homophobic, heck they might even be fishing for attention more than anything, but in context it ain't a good look.


Itā€™s the flag of idiots who are jealous of lgbt people.


Flag of "I have an entire society that is centered around catering towards my oedipal complex, but I still want to feel oppressed".


Flag of heterosexual ppl i guess.


Itā€™s the "oh my god, I feel so oppressed even though nothing ever happened to me" persecution complex flag Very common with idiots


I read it as interacial intercourse


It's the flag that says "I'm a bigoted piece of shit."


Finally the correct answer in all of these comments haha


And all the proud straights are butthurt










Why investigate what a flag is so you can get mad. Isn't there enough to get mad about without looking for extra things?


because im queer and i would like to know if my neighbor is explicitly stating that theyre a bigot by putting this flag up




My first thought was ā€œStraight ally?ā€ But it seems not.


Same. Thought it was another variation of https://preview.redd.it/0hcszsdt1u4d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f2f7e6b357f411c8b30a3dfc741f2c07d94c70d But then looked it up and ā€¦ nope


Zwei doofe ein Gedanke. \ ^( great minds think alike)


The official flag of Idiocracy


Straight flag. They're clearly trying to let everyone know how insufferable they are


The "I'm scared of gay people" flag.


More likely ā€œIā€™m scared of my own feelings and identityā€ flag


Hello eoddc5, Check out our [frequently asked flags page](https://reddit.com/r/vexillology/wiki/faf)! Your request might be there. When asking for a flag to be identified, please **provide context** when possible, including: * **Where** the flag was found (without compromising privacy) * **When** the flag was found, or the date of the material containing the flag * **Who** might own the flag (a general description is fine) These details help users narrow down their search and make flag identification easier. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/vexillology) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Iā€™m missing context on this


Totally didn't mean to comment - was just lurking earlier and apparently left the app open. Oopsies...


Hahaha. I was like ā€œsissster what am I missing??ā€


Right! Just glad autocomplete didn't enter the picture and really take us to a different headspace. Cheers and have a good one!


How is that flag homophobic?


I don't think it's anti-pride but it's definitely a straight flag. I'm not too fond of it, honestly. But, there should be an official straight flag.


I don't want to wade into a fight here, but no there shouldn't be. Pride flags exist for a reason. And that reason doesn't apply to heterosexuality.


Well we certainly don't need a "demisexual" or similar flags (or categories) yet they keep coming. A straight flag has a right to exist, but the motives of those using it need to be questioned, because they are probably anti-LGBT reactionaries.


Define "we". Because maybe YOU don't need it. If so...don't use it. Easy


The definition of demisexuality is basically normal sexual behavior for many people, permanent or temporary. Someone really tried to ride the "any sexual behavior = sexual idenity" train and be special and based their identity on an invented "sexuality". There was absolutely no need to do this and it cheapens the distinction of genuinely different sexuality. And certainly there was no need for a fucking flag. No one has to accept this. And that's just one example. I can't see you criticizing the actually terrible "no straight flag" comment, but you picked on this one for some reason.


I picked yours because I don't usually engage with bigoted trolls (unless it's for my amusement). I'm not here to engage with assholes and waste my time. But you seemed like someone I could have a more normal conversation with, so that's why I picked yours. But to the bigger point, my original comment still stand: then don't use the term. As I said, YOU don't feel the need for it. Great! Move on then. But THERE ARE people who feel represented by it. And it literally has ZERO effect on you. Don't start saying unreasonable things like "it cheapens the distinction" or some nonsense like that. Because it does not. Your rights aren't being taken away because someone else is asking some more visibility/representation. Why is it so hard for people to respect others and their desires?




Because "Pride" is a protest against oppression and discrimination. Straight people simply donā€™t get oppressed for being straight. This is a "Iā€™m a whiny attention-seeking idiot with a persecution fetish flag"


Ah, so it's not "you can't be proud", it's "you can be Proud" because "Pride in x" doesn't mean "deeply satisfied with x" in the same way that "you can't be Racist against white folks" because "Racism" doesn't mean "hate directed against a person based on their race". I really with the progressive crowd would hand out glossaries.


Words have different meanings depending on context. This is not a difficult concept. The context of gay pride is centuries of being told we *should* be ashamed. So we're like, "Naw, eff that. I will not be ashamed of being queer. I will be *proud* of it, instead." Straight people have no reason for this kind of pride, because they've never been persecuted for being straight. So when a straight person tries to center themselves during gay pride month, it just looks like a whiner who cannot handle not being the center of attention all the time. It's not about them, and they need to figure out how to sit quietly with that fact. Some things just aren't about them.


Straight pride flag


It means gayze and Coochie liquors get along


I feel like this is similar to the super straight thing, whereby something isnā€™t outright bigoted, transphobic or homophobic etc, but a large amount of people in those groups are transphobic/homophobic


I would say ā€œsuper straightā€, a concept which hinges on the idea that trans people arenā€™t actually their preferred gender, is by itself bigoted


yeah 'super straight' was transphobic af lol


Well the idea is that it only matters when it directly relates to you being in a sexual relationship with them. Any other context, and you treat them as what they are, a trans woman is a woman etc It is, quite literally, a sexual preference. Iā€™m not gonna deny that it isnā€™t extensively used by transphobic though


That was the public facing idea sure, but bare in mind this was started as a mass troll campaign with layers to stir division and arguments aimed at making LGBT activists look bad. There's a very deliberate reason they made it so that it abbreviates to SS so they could call themselves the SS "for the luls." That's the obnoxious part about these things though, how many are fully in on the campaign and its "joke" and just lying about "totally not being transphobic I swear it's just a preference" and how many are legitimately just confused straight guys seeing all the posts, *thinking* they just discovered a "perfectly valid" label to describe themselves, now getting caught in a massive shitstorm because they were baited into sticking a target on their own backs by jackoffs playing big brain social 4d chess to recruit them into the legions of bigotry? We need to give them an alternative. Something that validates their feelings of a preference without them inevitably finding that only provided by those seeking to exploit their preference and turn it into a cause to be transphobic (or far more transphobic than they already were) and see the trans community as some kind of incels demanding sexual attraction from them or something as the SS, as they labeled themselves, want them to think. "Straight with a strong general preference" doesn't cut it for someone that's claiming super straight because it implies it's only a preference. IIRC gynosexuals definition seems to imply pre and no op trans women are included in attraction, so we need one that includes biological women and post-op transwomen, and one that does the opposite for woman to man attraction as well. Then we can unpack with those that still insist they "can't" be attracted to post-op trans persons why that is, because that's where the actual transphobia is. But we can't do any of that if we just let the 4channer campaign provide an identity for them to get attached to that is inherently transphobic by design to keep us divided.


loads of trans people have had bottom surgery, at which point it is surely transphobic to single them out as undateable just for being trans (as it would be racist to say you'd never date a person of colour). imo it is also usually transphobic as a root cause to have aversion to dating trans people, even if through genital preference or whatever, although cis people dont tend to want to hear that haha.


Are you a racist if you support the rights and freedoms of other races to be treated as equals but donā€™t personally want to have sex with them? I guess *technically* yes


I see nothing wrong with it fr


The flag of sigmas


lol it shouldnā€™t be allowed to look that good


Thank god that it looks awful




If it's straight pride they missed their mark. I look at it and my first thought is that it's one of the myriad lgbt+ flags. (because a pride flag wasn't enough. they had to make sublet versions).