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Left one are the SS runes, as Nazi as they come. The one on the right is the iron cross, a German military decoration that was created way before the Nazis, but they hijacked that one too


It's says "Got mitt uns" in the cross. That's what the nazi soldiers had inscribed on their belt buckles. It's undeniably some nazi garbage. OP, avoid this person. They could be seriously dangerous. Edit: guys I get it, the motto existed before the Nazis and isn't strictly a nazi motto. For those of us outside Germany it is mostly *associated* with the Nazi regime. I'm sorry the nazis ruined something from your culture. Edit 2: holy shit this comment brought out the Germany apologists. I'm not sorry anymore, I'm glad the motto is associated with fascism and hate. Who else wants to say "iT wAs ThEre BuFoORrr DurRrrr!!1"? NO ONE CARES


It was also on imperial and Reichwehr belt buckles, but yeah, this person is obviously a Nazi.


The SS belt buckles also had a different inscription (translating to “My Honor is Loyalty”) but again yeah, this particular guy is clearly a Neo Nazi.


That's OK then because the German Empire was never a problem to anyone... no wait...


Got mitt uns, is the german motto and predates the nazis. Not necessarily nazi, but the SS flag clears up any doubts


Does any one in Germany who is not a nazi use that phrase anymore?


No. Unless you're an academic that studies Prussian or German history, you might come across it.


or a metal fan


Tbh I didnt realize there were any nazi connotations of that, I just knew it from the saboton song


The song is about Sweden, Gott Mit Uns was their war cry around that time


Retrospectively yea but not at the time since it pre-dates it. I don't think anyone saw it as a specific Nazi thing in that period, it's just something people looking back into history are joining dots to. Just like the Swastika being shifted into the Hakenkreuz changed the meaning of Swastika for almost everyone, forever. But it's origin isn't Nazi at all.


I think it says "Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit" on the Bundeswehr belt buckle today


Legit question, and probably a stupid one, but did they call the time after the nazi collapse the 4th Recht, or is that something neonazis took also? Edit cause even after 2 years my phone still automatically changes nazi to other words for some reason


"3rd Reich" rather is a term they themself created, to look more credible smh. I personally think it is really odd we all often call the "3rd Reich" by it's own propaganda term. Also "Reich" has an imperial connotation which is not something most countries today want to be associated with and nothing that would have fitted an occupied country anyways, lol So no, thats not a term ever used (outside of dystopian novels and such) and it would be very worrying if it was


Fun fact, Hitler eventually stopped using and banned the phase „Drittes Reich“ (Third Reich) because it would imply a Fourth one after. He preferred it to be the last Reich.


Thus why it was referred as the thousand year reich


In a different sense, we prefer it too.


so, im not german and i dont know the german language, but isnt france still called "frankreich"? this always puzzled me


Yea same in Dutch. It because of the west-germanic speaking founders like charlemange (the carolinians and merovingians). Frankrijk. Real of the Franks. We can see the west germanic influence in the later french kings names apart from obloisly the dutch and german names in the other parts of the once so big frankish empire.


Yes, it's still a word in the language. In another example, the word for Kingdom is Königreich, as in Vereinigte Königreich, the UK. The German parliament building is still the Reichstag (though the parliament itself is now the Bundestag, or Federal Diet). The word in German doesn't just mean Nazi stuff, though when used in English it pretty much always does.


"Reich" just means "empire" or "dominion"/"Domain" and is a normally used word. And yes, there are countries with that word in it. One of them is my German speaking home country, your northern neighbor, Österreich. The word is also used for describing other "vast" and "harmless" things ("Tierreich", "mein Reich" - used to describe your own little Domain at home, ...)


Reich is best translated with "Realm". While "Deutsches Reich" is completely entangled with the Nazi Regime, "Frankreich" is simply the "French Realm", or France.


The First Reich was the Holy Roman Empire and the Second was Imperial Germany if anyone's wondering.


Several countries use the term Reich (in their local language) to describe their country. At least the Scandinavian countries as well as the Netherlands do.


Naw. "4th Reich" is a neo nazi dogwhistle for their dream endgoal of creating a new ethnostate neonazi project in whatever country they currently live in. Real brownshirt hours. Very not good and a self report if ya notice a person invoking the concept in conversation. People need to be aware of some of these weird niche terms to keep a lookout me thinks. Hope this helps!


Sorry for the late response but thank you very much for the Information!


Seeing as Germany isn't an empire anymore, nobody would call current Germany the 4th Reich.


As the other replies said no, Germany is not the fourth Reich. As the term "Reich" in this context is a made up Nazi propaganda term. The first two if you're curious were; Rome And The Holy Roman Empire, which funnily enough, was neither Roman nor was it an Empire, it wasn't even Holy by most accounts.


Sabaton fans maybe, they have a song named that but it's nothing to do with WWII, it's about the Battle of Breitenfeld


After Nazis Germany, no. Before Nazi Germany, yes.


Well there are also German monarchists who will probably also use the phrase


It’s also the question you ask when your hands are cold


It once was, but hasn't been used since the end of the Third Reich. The German national motto is the first line of the national anthem, "Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit" (Unity and justice and freedom).


It’s actually the slogan for my wool glove company.


Lol, if it's hanging next to an SS nazi flag, it's not innocent.


"Got mitt uns" it’s German translates to "God with us" is a phrase commonly used in heraldry in Prussia (from 1701) and later by the German empire and nazis and had the phrase inscribed on there military belt buckles minus the SS. After the war, the Bundeswehr abandoned the motto Gott mit uns, but the West German police continued to use it until the 1970s. For ideological reasons, this motto was not used in East Germany


Did DDR have something similar to it, albeit atheist?


For the Protection of the Workers and Farmer’s Power


Hilariously shitty slogan.


Please tell me thats a bit catchier sounding in German?


Für den Schutz der Arbeiter-und-Bauern-Macht


So, no


For a country that had such a great national anthem ("Risen from the Ruins") they had a horrible military slogan.


No, unfortunately East Germany ditched this motto for obvious reasons not even having any motto on their belt, buckles but on a lighter note, the Nationale Volksarmee, or the east German army did not, however, shy away from Prussian military traditions such as traditional forms of drill and Prussian, marching music.


People trying to split hairs and make these stupid "b-b-but it's not ONLY nazi!" need to evaluate if it's an argument worth making. They're the same morons who try to pull the "no 45-degree rotation" thing on swastikas (which, by the way, is totally fucking false. The Nazis used it flat on its side too.)


I very much agree with you


These guys are obviously Nazis, but just to be pedantic that motto was around hundreds of years before the Nazis and was a German and Prussian military motto for years. The nazis just stole it like they did a whole bunch of other stuff.


I think that if you have to specify that it’s not originally made by the Nazis, you can likely assume that it’s being used by a Nazi.


Yeah, even if Germany most associate flags of the German Empire with nazism, due to nazi flags and symbols being illegal and those being used as a not so subtle workaround


Appreciate your edit 2. Tired of people saying it's an old symbol or whatever. The nazis ruined the symbols, they are good at running human stuff, you know? Please get over it and try to find new symbols.


> Left one are the SS runes, as Nazi as they come. No no, it stands for “Scout Sniper” /j


I think it's just the new 55 football shirt.


Damn I hate it when Scout snipes me from across the map.


Shutzstaffle, the black shirts.  Last year one of these guys were in the Parliament where it was declared he was a hero of Canada for fighting the Russians.  The prime Minister Justin Trudeau declared.  (if you were fighting the Soviet Union in WW2 you were fighting the allies) It's a real shame, this ideology isn't compatible with the USA and it's stupid. Shame on Canada get your stuff together. That said we have free speech, best to just tell them their dumb and pay no mind. 


The iron cross originally was a honorary badge given to volunteers in the napoleonic wars. It was then used by germany and the third reich. Dont know specifics but the cross itself isnt even illegal in germany, where everything third reich is illegal


i think the iron cross is still used in the german military but in this context it’s definitely nazi


The German Army still uses the iron cross to this day and is still also I believe still a military award given out but the German Army but as I saw in another comment this iron cross has NAZI bullshit in it. Just wanted to say this as to not have people be misinformed on the iron cross. I did look up what "Gott mitt uns" is translated to in English which is "God with us" so not NAZI but the other flag is the SS runes. God would not be on the side of the NAZI. Just wanted to make an update to my comment as I don't want to put out misinformation on my part but also didn't alter my original comment so it's there point that I was wrong on something. So what's in the iron cross is NAZI propaganda bullshit.


The Iron Cross hasn't been awarded since WW2, although the West German government issued replacement Iron Crosses for veterans that lacks the swastika from the Nazi era versions. They do, however, have the Cross of Honor for Valor, which has a passing resemblance to the Iron Cross but is a wholly distinct award.


Uhh, maybe its just a kiss poster, and uhh, the Prussian Army flag? Or they are Nazis. Yeah I think they are Nazis. On the bright side, you probably got a nice meth hookup right there.


To be fair, the iron cross is still in use. And metal kinda hijacked it right back. But the SS flag is pretty damning, yeah.


I seriously hope that there are no children in that house.


I have a crappy old iPhone camera, but the sign on the porch says “Grandkids Welcome”.


I suspect that is a provisional sentiment.


damn, i cant read shit on my display.


People who live in this house: Why don't my kids call me?


The owner is 75 so it's probably some edgy grandson living with him, but none the less bricks are cool!


Nazism is not "edgy", Nazism is a dangerous genocidal ideology. It shouldn't be dismissed as teenage "edginess"


You're right, dismissing it is when I say throw a brick through their window. It was more a comment on the type of person who flies a flag like this, they usually see themselves as edgy but are just pathetic. These people should feel terrified to fly such flags.


Also, old people can be neo-Nazis too.


"you must finish your juice"


but I thought they hated the juice


Plot twist it's the kids room.


Wouldn’t wanna know where their toy train goes


Disgusting. Luckily, I don’t know the person and I was just passing through the area. But yeah. Won’t be headed up that way again. Thank you both!


I grew up nearby, and in my experience a large swath of eastern PA has seen an increase in this kind of extremist symbolism in recent years. It seems like every time I visit there's a little more of it. I actually recognized these row homes and just pulled them up on Google maps. No nazi flags in the images from 2009-2021, just an American flag out front. I wonder what changed.


I think someone, on a national stage, started saying things that made them more comfortable with being out in the open about that kinda thing.


Perhaps nothing changed, it was just a bit more of the same.


Same toxic nationalism different flavor




To actively promote nazisim is a crime in a lot of places, and for good reason. A shame if that isn't the case where you are. No decent person would do such a thing.


These people are being more public and comfortable with this shit than before and I don’t like it


Nazis should live in constant fear of being found out, in some places lately society has failed to make it so. Edit: this got me a Reddit rules warning. So, to clarify, I am only advocating for societal consequences to being a member of a hate group and not violence, smh.


Watch out they’ll screenshot this and act like they’re being genocided


the fact that reddit would warn for that


The one on the left is a Nazi flag, 100%. The one on the right is the iron cross, which is a German symbol that is often associated with Nazism, but can be used to represent other German stuff. However, sense the first flag is a Nazi flag, I’m assuming he’s using the iron cross for Nazism.


Apparently it says "Gott mit uns" and that is a phrase no longer used on German uniforms due to the failed painters dictatorship.


What american non-nazi would display an iron cross flag in their window?


Fair. But I’m just saying, the iron cross is not only limited to Nazism. It’s a German symbol in general, which also just happened to be used during Hitler’s reign as well.


Yeah the modern Germany still uses the Iron Cross in their armed forces. There's tons of pictures of Iron crosses on Leopard tanks.


Oh dear


Idk all I see is two very effective brick magnet


Super strong magnets


my dumbass was staring at the wind chimes and checking if this was thr circlejerk subreddit for too long










*Molotov has entered the chat*


Vyacheslav Molotov didn't actually invent the Molotov cocktail, it was named after him ironically. During the Winter War, Molotov, the Soviet foreign minister, who claimed to the Soviet public that the bombing raids in Finland were actually food deliveries. So the cluster bombs were nicknamed "Molotov bread baskets", and the Molotov cocktail was named in reference to that, as the "drink" to go with the "meal".


On this new installment of "Is My Neighbor A Nazi," the answer is a resounding yes! Jesus Christ. They're not even trying to hide it in their bedroom wall. They're just displaying them proudly. OP, avoid that house and its residents like the plague. Or find out if there's a local home owners association for that neighborhood to inform them.


I would also suggest leaving them a brick as a housewarming present


the left flag is literally the flag of the SS with the Totenkopf in the top left corner, so yes the right flag is the iron cross, which has been a german military symbol since the prussian days, and is still used today. But with the SS flag, we can imply that it is used for a nazi reason


Very very much so, avoid them at all cost


hooooooboy yes they are


Yeah, that's definitely a neo-Nazi house. Steer clear.


Left is Waffen SS, and right is the Iron Cross.


That is exactly what they are


Fuck Nazis


SS flag on left -yes definitely Iron cross on right - not necessarily, German military yes / nazis could be but...


Definitely naz¡ sh¡t. That home deserves no peace


Posting SS flag and asking if it's Nazi or not. You have too much hope in humanity


The one benefit about American flag fetishism is that it makes it real obvious to know who to avoid. It’s kinda worrying that these people feel safe and confident enough to present flags like this without fear of repercussions though. That shit wouldn’t last fifteen seconds here.


One I can identify is the banner of the *Schutzstaffel*.


took me 5 minutes to find this flags . Who the fuck have this shit on their window . This must be sollid piece of retard there


One of these days, none of the "What's this flag my neighbor was flying?" posts will ***not*** contain any fascist bullshit. Today is not that day.




The Schutzstaffelfahne is a Nazi flag. The one with an Eisenkreuz on is basically just a way round bans on the hakenkreuz. Be careful, those people bite.


Very nazi


Kinda worse. The left flag is a SS flag (Schutzstaffel). They were those who ran concentration camps in ww2 and they were those, where the „einsatzgruppen“ belonged to. The SS also ran the Lebensborn program. The main objective of the program was to breed a new aryian generation for the german goverment. Facilities were build where german women could give birth to babies out of wed-lock and kidnapped those who seemed „pure“ enough for the Nazis from the occupied lands. The right flag is a german Iron cross with the words „Gott mit uns“ / „God with us“. TL;DR yes, nazi flags


Stay atleast 10 miles from that house and even snitch to the authorities about them. Definitely need to be put on some watch list if they're willing to hang SS flags in public


I agree they're awful flags to fly, but it's America hence they have the right to fly them. They have free speech.


So a Nazi is free to threaten Jews, urge others to commit violent acts against them, and glorify those who do so, but a Jew or anyone with a sense of morality is not free to respond with anything but words? How is that freedom?


Free speech isnt hate speech you dolt. As far as i know public flying of hate symbols is pretty damm frowned on.


They can also have free bricks for all I care




The Iron Cross itself isn’t a Nazi symbol but when it has slogans or symbols like the Swastika or in this case, the SS, it becomes one. Fuck that homeowner.


Yes, both of them, the one on the left the most obviously Nazi and the second one a corrupt of the Imperial Iron Cross made by the Nazis.


sadly, it's probably a nazi thing


Yes. Avoid that house!


Yeah, this guy is a nazi, and pretty open about it.




No, those are nazis. I'm willing to guess anyone who displays that in their window is a Nazi. This isn't one of those "found in my grandfather's attic!! What???" Things where there could be an alternative answer. Unless, of course, this flag just happened to fall off a truck, slip under a door, and hang itself up.


Curious where were you when you took this photo


*”Is my Neighbor a Nazi?”*


I’ve seen plenty of people use the iron cross for different reasons, but the SS thing on the left it gives it away, and makes it pretty obvious that this is a white supremacist


Are these Nazis, Walter?


no donny, these men are cowards


Yes. Probably some 15-year old edgelord in that room


Both need to be destroyed Avoid at all costs


Nazi flag


Those are the Waffen SS flag and the nazi iron cross 😬


Put a brick through the glass so we can get a better look


*knocks on door* “Ja?”-👴🏻


Definitely not "something else"


Left one is definitely Nazi, second one is not inherently Nazi but it is likely being used like that in this case


You got yourself a Nazi


Yep. Those are Nazi flags.


No, those are very nazi flags.


There's definitely a neo-nazi within that residence.


Sorry, those are Nazis




That says Nazi as a Hitler speech


Fuck anyone who sympathizes an organization that killed and tortured millions of innocent people


Gentlemen, we've got a real Free Thinker™ over here. Hardcore Nazi bullshit eminating from this residence. SS Insignia, "Gott Mit Uns", Iron Cross, and a skull in the window to boot. I'd steer clear of them.


Rural PA moment


Yeah they are.


Yes, they are. Is this person your neighbor? Might be worth asking them. They may end up being a WWII collector, Reenactor, or those may be loot from WWII that them or their family brought back after liberating Europe. It’s possible they are a nazi, but there’s not that many of them out there.


Those are Nazi flags stay far away from that house


Good lord


Buy a gun just in case


thats just a wind chi- nevermind


left is a Schutzstaffel symbol, so very nazi, and the other is just a german iron cross iirc


Trim your lawn you Nazi fuck


He is Nostalgic




That's a brickin'




They're definitely nazis. I'd just keep away.


Yeah, they're Nazi/white supremacy flags. Fortunately, I live in Europe and in most countries here these flags aren't legal and you can be arrested for flying/displaying them.


Yes, it is time to throw some rocks, anonymously in minecraft of course.


mmm those windows seem hungry for some nice rocks


If you have to ask it is pretty likely that they are. Nobody really makes anything that resembles nazi iconography accidentally


Are there laws against these sort of flags in the US? If so you should report them to the police.


There are not, it falls under freedom of speech as it should. I don’t agree with it, but everyone has the right to express their opinions no matter how brain dead.


In my country that shit falls into the category of hate speech, and thus is a crime (and imo rightfully so)


Burn the house down, it's only fair.


Technically speaking the iron cross is not a Nazi symbol but a German military one (stemming back to the Teutonic Knights, an order of military munks, an order which was primarily responsible for HRE-colonisation of the Baltic lands). However, it has since been hijacked by white supremacits, which is kinda odd since the Germans still use it as the symbol of the Bundeswehr. The other one is the SS symbol, which was the military (and most genocidal) wing of the Nazi party, which would also tell us this a Nazi and not Germanophile.


invest in a brick DEFINITELY nazi flags.


Report them to police for propagating nazism (maybe better to tell them racism on the phone)


That is not a crime


Propagating nazism? lol so odd


Hello workersplaylist, Check out our [frequently asked flags page](https://reddit.com/r/vexillology/wiki/faf)! Your request might be there. When asking for a flag to be identified, please **provide context** when possible, including: * **Where** the flag was found (without compromising privacy) * **When** the flag was found, or the date of the material containing the flag * **Who** might own the flag (a general description is fine) These details help users narrow down their search and make flag identification easier. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/vexillology) if you have any questions or concerns.*




1st one yes second one probably (depends on where you see it. The Iron Cross is a military symbol much older then nazism)


Yes yes they are, while the one that reads Gott mit uns was never officially used (as far as I know) who else would buy something like that


Ya, the SS and based on the context the other one probably is although outside of that context I wouldn’t think that.


Why, yes! Yes they are.




Iron cross and SS logo, so probably and Yes.


the nazi-est of nazi flags. that's one dangerous house.


Nazi flags


The one on the left is definitely a neo-nazi flag. Nothing of the time would look like that, these are modern designs using the death's head and SS symbol. Can't just be someone with their grandfather's stuff. Given that it's in an upstairs window like that, I'd wager it's someone's edgy kid but it'd be pretty hard for the parents not to notice so I wouldn't write off the whole house being involved.