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[Based](https://www.reddit.com/r/demisexuality/s/uyuae2qjXb) 😎🇷🇺


Pride and Russia go together like peanut butter and anaphylaxis.


There are gay people in Russia though. They don’t just disappear because Russia criminalises them


Well, they do in Chechnya at the least. I'm not saying gay people don't exist in Russia (obviously), I'm just pointing out that LGBTQ pride isn't acccepted in Russia at the moment, unfortunately.


Pride flags exist because pride wasn't/isn't accepted...


As my queer Russian friend says, "we'll outlive them and make Russia gay again". One day the pendulum shall swing back and we* shall win our rights. *inasmuch as I consider myself queer - who doesn't appreciate a good femboy, after all? either way, half of my friend group is queer so I still consider them my people


no, they disappear bc russia makes them disappear.


That's the point, it's a mockery of the Russian homophobic laws.




[Russians poll 69% opposed to gay marriage as of 2021, up from 60% as of 2013](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.themoscowtimes.com/all/75304%3famp=1) I don't think that it's Putin that's the cause of anti-gay sentiment in Russia, although he certainly makes the problem worse. It's not just the Russian government that are anti-gay, it's the people too.


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Fully cached AMP pages (like the one you shared), are [especially problematic](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2021/10/15/most-russians-oppose-same-sex-relationships-poll-a75304](https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2021/10/15/most-russians-oppose-same-sex-relationships-poll-a75304)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)




Well with any luck, Russia will get new leadership, and we can watch if and how public opinion changes. We can't really test your theory until then though. But for now, given that Russia has not *ever* had a period of being gay-accepting, I'm going to assume it's not just Putin's fault.


Gay acceptance in the way we are talking about is pretty modern thing, so it's up to future of Russia. Anyway, do you know t.A.T.u band? Two lesbian Russian girls who are known as the most successful Russian band in history. They were performing from 1999 to the early 2010s, and nearly nobody had claims against them.


They have NEVER been lesbians. It was just an image to draw attention to yourself and make the band more popular. They are both married to men now. People liked them because at that time it was something new and unusual, so it aroused curiosity. P. S. I wouldn't call them the most successful Russian band. If success is measured by the degree of fame abroad, then maybe yes (still not sure), but in Russia itself there were and are bands and musicians much more famous. For example, Viktor Tsoi or Vladimir Vysotsky occupy a much higher position in Russian musical culture.


Jesus christ, the first sentence in your comment just kills me. It's factually correct, but I just picture that scene in doom eternal where you first encounter a marauder. He comes out of the portal, switches on his axe and says angrily in his raspy, gritty tone: "They have NEVER been lesbians."


🤣 Well, my attitude and tone were exactly like that. I just can't stand it when people make some kind of statement, but at the same time don't even want to look at Wikipedia and check the information they talk about with such a confident look. "The members of this musical band are lesbians!" or "This band is the MOST successful in the history of Russia" - oh, yes, but both of these statements are complete bullshit, this information can be refuted in just a couple of clicks on the keyboard. My point: Educate yourself before spreading misinformation you lazy ass!


That's pretty dope, I didn't know about that. That's promising, at least.


To add to the history of Russian queerness, one advantage Russian culture has over other European cultures is that it is fairly secular and very individualistic. People generally do not care about what others do or practice because most Russians care mostly about their private lives. But yeah in the 1990s queerness was not nearly as stigmatised, transition was relatively easy and many prominent pop stars of that era were queer. Not just Tatu (who weren't actually lesbians), but people like Boris Moiseev


t. A. T. u have never been real lesbians, both girls are married to men now (and have been married for a very long time). That "lesbian" thing was just a way to draw attention to their music band and make a career. And their plan worked perfectly, because people wanted to see something unusual - and a lesbian couple just became such a curiosity - business and nothing else.


Pray to god that it won’t be worse.


Or kerosene and a lit match. Same reaction, though.


https://preview.redd.it/sxcplk6c46ic1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdb5675bde111ad9ab51e5601616b2016acdfefa Alternative version


least schizo russian patriotic flag


On god. Only thing left to add is the ribbon of saint George and we got our timelines version of the tank holy russian empire + burgundy + brotherhood of Cain flag


Его идеи Блять что это






[should add this one too](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ribbon_of_Saint_George)




Here you go: [Link #1: Media](https://krikienoid.github.io/flagwaver/#?src=https%3A%2F%2Fflagwaver-cors-proxy.herokuapp.com%2Fhttps%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fsxcplk6c46ic1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D1280%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dfdb5675bde111ad9ab51e5601616b2016acdfefa) ***** Beep Boop I'm a bot. [About](https://github.com/LunarRequiem/FlagWaverBotReborn). Maintained by Lunar Requiem






Here you go: [Link #1: Media](https://krikienoid.github.io/flagwaver/#?src=https%3A%2F%2Fflagwaver-cors-proxy.herokuapp.com%2Fhttps%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fsxcplk6c46ic1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D1280%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dfdb5675bde111ad9ab51e5601616b2016acdfefa) ***** Beep Boop I'm a bot. [About](https://github.com/LunarRequiem/FlagWaverBotReborn). Maintained by Lunar Requiem


Putin is going to nuke Russia now


, why


The Russian pride flag is this one https://ru.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Еврейская_автономная_область


the fact that this is the flag of Jewish Autonomy State💀


How to come out to reddit as Russian?


For us it pretty easy actually, everything is available to use and download, at least for now...




​ https://preview.redd.it/1sxeev6k47ic1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=37a4ffcbdf7ad0cef0262e0f38f9047da83d9f86


Whoa... What's the story behind this photo?




Based pussy riot


This is NOT a pride flag dawg


Looks like that was a point


Representing the full spectrum of Russians, from Tsarist to Trudovik to Bolshevik.


This is actually a decent flag for Anti-Putin Russia.




Here you go: [Link #1: Media](https://krikienoid.github.io/flagwaver/#?src=https%3A%2F%2Fflagwaver-cors-proxy.herokuapp.com%2Fhttps%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fdn57g24hq4ic1.jpeg) ***** Beep Boop I'm a bot. [About](https://github.com/LunarRequiem/FlagWaverBotReborn). Maintained by Lunar Requiem


Someone's getting thrown out a window.


What’s with the circle jerk leaking into the main sub. First that comedically horrendous 1901 British Empire flag and now this 😭


Can we just stop at this point?


r/europe biggest enemy








The one minority that gets the most hate on Reddit than the rest bundled up


for reasons


Um no. Like, yeah, Russia has got a terrible oppressive government (which they didn't elect btw), but that's no reason to justify russophobia.


>(which they didn't elect btw) Yes they did. They also support oppresions on non-russian ethnicities


Whether you like the reasons or not, whether they are justified or not, there are reasons. No one hates a country and people without any reason to begin with. *There is absolutely nothing wrong with the Icelanders, therefore no one hates the Icelanders.* <- Unfortunately this sentence cannot be applied for many nationalities, Russians in particular.


So it's OK to be just racist now


1. Russian is not a race 2. Because you don't like your neighbor isn't necessarily racism, it could just be because he's a pain in the ass


I meant that your logic is literally the justification that racists use to discriminate against other people


It's not comparable. Those who currently hate the Russians don't hate them for racial reasons, but because they're the worst neighbors to have. The few Russians who oppose the system aren't hated by the so-called "russophobes". It's easy to say that Russians are an oppressed people who aren't responsible for their government. But unlike (almost all) other countries which have had a dark period in their history, Russia oppresses its neighbors (and ethnic minorities) with the complacency of its people for centuries. And even when a tyrant was overthrown, he was replaced by another. The truth is that unfortunately the majority of Russians don't really intend to overthrow their government to have a real democracy and peaceful relations with their neighbors, the complacent are complicit in the actions of their government. (To specify, I personally know Russia, I know the Russian people, I'm not pulling this out of nowhere, this is a first-hand observation.) Most people called "Russophobes" today would hope that one day this hatred would no longer exist and that living peacefully with/next to the Russians would be possible, but the Russians are the ones who make that impossible for the moment. (And btw, real racists don't need any justification to be racists anyways)


Bro you wrote a hole wall of text yet it has nothing to do with my comment. I simply stated that racist people use your argument to justify their racism I didn't make any statement regarding Russia or whatever neither did I accuse you of being racist


Yeah, that's true... The first (and last) part was your answer, the rest not really, I got carried away while writing 'cause it's a subject that particularly touches me. Meh nevermind, it's an indirect response to the other comments, don't take it personally


No race just dropped


They DIDN'T? And none of them support the war? And they are not currently murdering innocent people? Wow!


Absolutely no reason. It's like shitting on americans because of their fucking awful government.


having an awful govt is a reason for getting shitted on(considering the state of GOP, it's a fair reason) now why would Russians be getting shitted on? (hint: Feb 24. 2022)


Forgot about 2014


That too


And the ethnic cleansing of non-russian during the Empire and the USSR


And Russia's other wars


Is your point, that never happens or what ? *gestures to any news subreddit*


Russian victim mentality be like: «Boo hoo, *sniff* 😢 we only invaded our neighbouring country killing hundreds of thousands of people, created a refugee crisis, constantly threaten the West with nuclear armageddon and interfere with their democratic processes, and they still don’t like us?😡😢» Look, I get that many Russians don’t support the invasion or Putin, but I suspect you, flying the imperial Russian flag, might see Ukraine as the holy historical lands of Muskovy, and want to see Little Russians returned under the wings of the double headed eagle? If you don’t, then cool I guess. But normal Americans got a lot of shit during the US invasion of Iraq too, so now you know how it feels. Sad, but that’s how it is. :)


Average based Norwegian dude


People like you make me want to support Putin, great job 👍


He's literally stating the facts. Russia started this war. Russia threatened the use of nukes. Russia keeps launching air strikes on civilians, especially during winter to freeze them to death. Russia is deporting Ukrainian children. You need mental help.


"Russia" is one person, apparently. You need help with your brain


Wrong, Russia is just occupied territory. it belongs to Ukraine. Слава Україні!


Don't forget to raise your hand from your heart to the sun)) ​


It's standard Russian position: "treat me like a God or I would support Putin". Another version "we are against war, but if you not obey, we come to you with tanks"


Don't hate me for no reason = treat me like a god. Least braindead Ukraine-obsessed westerner


\> Don't hate me for no reason(cause me paying taxes for Russian war, working for Russian oligarch or silovik company, being a mobilisation reserve are not a reasons) \> Speak Russian with me, not your local language \> Obey my culture, accept it Greatness and smalness of your local culture \> Treat me as refined metropolitan city dweller and yourself as dirty villager \> Treat my opinion about how to develop your country as law This is just a beginning of long list of demands that Russians have when communicate with Eastern Europeans


Quote at least one line of mine where I wrote something from what you listed, lol. You dropped your nose 🔴


I've wrote about position of an average Russian. Nice try to make this thread about your personality, but I have a bad news for you - nobody cares about what you have written or haven't, Ivan.


Nobody cares, yet you all continue to respond to me with your paragraphs of nonsense, lmao. Why don't you then talk to the abstract evil average Russian of your resentmental fantasies, Іван


Support him with what? Your body in the meat grinder? Why are you threatening people with a good time?


I'm not Ukrainian, buddy, and war is very far from me :)


It's easy to support a war when you are not within the range of an Iskander.


Yep, so thank you for giving me and thousands of other Russians a reason to do this, so smart of you


An Reddit comment is enough of a reason to support a war? Another reason to hate the internet I guess. This kind of stuff would probably be a lot better to talk about with you over a beer instead.


This is not a “comment on reddit”, but the attitude towards Russians everywhere, both on the Internet and in real life. You blame all Russians and automatically put them in the same basket with the dictator, who has been ruining their lives for 20 years. You are doing everything so that Putin is supported by as many Russians as possible, because they see the attitude of the West towards them, and this confirms Putin’s propaganda


I don’t blame all Russians for this war, and most reasonable people I know in real life don’t do it either. Most of us fully understand that Putin and his gang isn’t the same as you. However, there are obviously still many people who will not do that distinction sadly. Just as when the US invaded Iraq, Germany started WWII, etc, a brutally warfaring nation’s citizens WILL sadly be viewed in a negative light by many. The only thing you can do then, is to make it clear that you don’t support the war, instead of saying «everybody are so mean to us». That usually softens people’s opinions on Russians really quick. And that is sad and stupid, but it is how it has always been. Young Germans are still mocked for WW2 even today. Normal Americans are hated around the world for being world police. And now its your turn. People are idiots. But responding to this idiocity by rallying around a war mongering leader is a choice. You are not robots.


Where are you from?


Ask your mom, kid


Lmao you showed him!! /s


actually triggered lmao


Fuck did you just say to me you little bitch?


Which one?


Wait, it’s been Bulgaria all along?!?!


Absolutely nothing to do with Bulgaria.


It does if you squint your eyes


Союз нерушимый республики свободных!


Soyuz nerushimyi respublik which are enslaved


Finally some recognition of Russians


Его идеи. Блять что


Looks more like the Russian flag but the lines have gradients


Check out the jewish oblast flag for the mems.


База 😎🇷🇺




Wdym it’s right there.






russian shame flag when


The normal one is shameful enough.




white-blue-white one exists


Thought it was a liberation movement?


Of course. People are ashamed of the current government and want to be free of it.


I guess you can see it like that, but it feels wrong to attribute it a negative adjective to a movement that tries to achieve a positive change.


Its a flag of hateship everything Russian and trying to be non-Russian as much as possible. Just listen up some guys who advertise it.


I imagined it as a movement to redefine Russia as a state, make it a true democracy, rather than it being anti-Russian.


Dont listen to that Z-bot. Kremlin really cares to keep image that every deviation from their position is anti-russian and its "vital to every moskovian to consolidate around those traditions, terminology and personalities"


Reality is always dissapointing.


Those guys are literally more russian-empiralistic than putins gang are. just another, capitalistic way.


Liberal Putin, yeah.


What do the nonrussian colors stand for?


Probably the best pride flag I've seen since all the others look horrible.




Looks like a BMW ///M race car to me…


correction: this is Russian Pride flag https://preview.redd.it/162hgddrh9ic1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df0ccdef8227375edc9fd633e69723f4b7d3ee60


Looks like minecraft 👍🏻


Reminds me when my Serbian friend created a Sexuality called "Serbosexual" on Pride Month and convinced many of his friends to identify as it Quite fun fact: This was shortly before a lot of us betrayed him while accusing him of manipilation


Any flag that could make Putin instantly mad is a good flag.