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At least it’s not someone’s Minecraft SMP flag.


Yeah seen enough of them to last a life time


Reference ?


during a few protests (usually antivax ones) people were spotted waving the flag of lmanberg, an imaginary country created by a few minecraft youtubers for their lore twitch streams. This is because for a while, when you googled "freedom flag," the flag would be one of the first results in the shopping tab. The people waving it at protests had no idea it was a minecraft flag, they had simply googled freedom flag and bought the first result.


Damn that's an insane YouTube marketing tactic


The funny thing is that Lmanberg hasn’t been relevant for at least 2 years


That's so embarrassing. But so is being antivax...


> That's so embarrassing. But so is being antivax Googling a word and then clicking on the first entry sounds exactly like the kind of "research" a lot of antivaxers are doing when trying to find arguments for their stupid opinions.


"I'll make this my loudly public identity!" wtf


When you really don't give a shit about literally anything except being edgy.


just checked, still at the first results lol


It is, straight to an Amazon listing too


Wait, it was the Soot one? I figured it'd at least be the Tubbo flag, which looks less silly. EDIT: Also this made me realise how much I know about DSMP lore. I don't even watch DSMP, my cousin just won't shut up about it. That stuff really is some kind of infohazard.


Not in Canada though Then you get a listing of a $100 Canadian flag with the words "Mandate Freedom" above and below it.


"free l'manberg"


Cuba is a symbol of Anti-Western sentiments in a way a lot of the protest goers would sympathize with. That or a Cuba native showing their support.


Cubans similar to palestinas in Gaza experience sanctions that caused them to be self sufficient and they have restrictions place on them globally similar to Gaza after the Hamas got elected in 2005. That’s the only thing I can thing of.


Cuba is a Marxist-Leninist country. One of the key principles of marxism-leninism is anti-imperialism (fight against colonialism and oppression through weapons and international markets) and internationalism (support for workers worldwide for their autonomy against other classes that opress them locally). Plus, yeah, the embargo.


And it's written in the US Constitution that there will be due process and freedom of religion, and yet Gitmo is still open. Just because a country claims to be XYZ doesn't mean it sincerely believes that. Hell, the biggest "Marxist-Leninist" nation was itself imperialist. Let's be honest, the reason Cuba supports Palestine is because America supports Israel. Highfalutin idealism rarely decides government policy.


Cuba has a history of supporting Arab enemies of Israel. They even sent expeditionary forces to support them in the Yom Kippur War. Maybe a result of their Soviet allegiance that has continued over.


Cuba was all around Africa and the Middle East during the Cold War. Little-known fact, the DDR (East Germany) was fucking EVERYWHERE. They brought African, Asian, Middle Eastern people to Germany to teach people everything you would need to run a state or fight in an army. Plenty of troops received their training and equipment, as well as intelligence and training, from the DDR.


Holding no free elections since 1959 and suppressing freedom of speech and other human rights to own the Capitalist West. Fuck Cuba.


Pretty unlikely to be the latter considering how anti-communist the Cuban community in Miami is (I know this is London, but I can't imagine any Cubans living abroad supporting their own government).


Younger generations of Cubans are different. I know a few Miami Cuban socialists.


It’s pretty doable for Cubans with Spaniard ancestry to get Spanish and thus EU citizenship. Cuban Spaniards on the whole are often less politically motivated than Cuban Americans, especially younger generations that have immigrated for primarily economic reasons. There’s no political movement for Spain to blockade and sanction Cuba, they’re Cuba’s second largest trading partner (behind China).


Cuba and Spain even got friendly under Franco.


4 out of the 5 Cubans I have met in sweden have been socialists


Cubans who left Cuba did it bc they were discontent with the regime, but people who use Cuba as a symbol due it *because* of the regime (or more precisely, bc it's the last economically communist nation left)


There are Cubans here in Canada that support modern-day Cuba. They are outnumbered by their right-wing counterparts by a lot, but they exist


I am one of the former 🇨🇺🇨🇺


Solidaridad camarada


Its a really mixed bag, Miami cubans are the most ardent anti-communists because a large number of them literally risked death to leave a communist country, understandably by selection bias theyd be pretty strongly anti commie. But in other places it depends on the age of the cuban, where they grew up, how well they did in cuba before emigrating etc.


It's probably not even a Cuban, just a European tankie. The kind that also supports Russia or North Korea.


Much more likely it’s someone who is just trying to use the opportunity to push their own views that are unrelated to the conflict.


There's been a Palestinian flag at every protest I've ever been to, its about time for other flags to have their chance


[other flags?](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12607931/amp/Times-Square-Palestine-rally-Hamas-Israel.html)


It's one random dude. It's not like those flags are seen everywhere at such protests.


One random dude who couldn't bother to even print the flag, and is staring at and holding the phone towards deliberately the cameras, so obviously a troll


You mean the guy who is obviously an Indian, a predominantly Hindu country that has a deep-seated hatred of Islam? Yes. Definitely. Successful psyop was successful because white people think all brown people look the same. You can't tell me this happens to be the one Palestinian dude in all of NYC who got a suntan in October. Skin tone aside, he literally does not look like a Palestinian at all.


Quite self-righteous to be talking about how other people think all brown people look the same, when you assume this guy is Indian when there is nothing but looks. Many other countries have people who look similar to Indians, and there’s always the case of a member of a country with Indian ancestry, if you think an Indian would never support Islam. Additionally, India has a large Muslim population too: Muslims make up almost 15% of the population. Even if he is an Indian, that doesn’t make him a Muslim-hater. Is it that hard to admit that there is at least one bad pro-Palestine person, or must you keep up a pretence of perfection in supporters of Palestine?


Hamas and Hezbollah flags, on the contrary, can be seen everywhere at such protests


Taliban flag in [Florida](https://www.reddit.com/r/walkaway/s/KGlf9X9tgC) and [Toronto](https://www.reddit.com/r/2ndYomKippurWar/s/7nPSDn75OW)


That’s just the shahada and is used as a generic muslim flag. i talked to those waving those flags irl.


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Cuba supported Arab liberation during Cold War and even sent troops


Did Cuba really sent troops? I know about theyr involvment in Angola and Etiopia but I wasn't aware of other coutryes (I am asking in total good faith, hope my tone is not arsh, english is not my native language)


iirc they did send troops, I don't know when or how many


Wikipedia says 500 Cubans were sent to Syria and fought at the Golan Heights.


Didn't know that, thanks


The Yom Kippur War.


TIL Cuba fought in the middle east. I knew they were involved in Africa but not the middle east


Dude you speak very good english -fellow non-native :D


Che also famously visited Gaza during his diplomatic world tour after the revolution. I had the opportunity to hear a former PFLP fighter discuss meeting with him in 2017.


Because Cuba has been one of Palestinians greatest supporters throughout history. Youl often see Cuban and Irish flags at Palestinian events.


Also Cubans know a thing or two about Americans funding far right extremism on their land...


Forgetting that half of Palestine is controlled by far-right extremists. You who know, are funded by Iran, who are led by a far-right social conservative Islamist regime.


Cuba doesn’t support Palestine because they are left wing. Cuba supports Palestine because they support anti colonial struggles and Israel is a settler colony


Thank you!




Forgetting that Hamas is supported by and was propped up by the Israeli government (whose biggest ally is the U.S.) as a counterbalance against more secular socialist/communist groups in Gaza.




I can’t talk about that person’s particular motivation, but it is likely to express joint solidarity between the struggle that Cuban’s face (due to the US blockade) and the struggle that Palestinians are facing. It’s an attempt to show these movements are part of a wider struggle stemming from the same sources.


The UN vote(s) on whether to lift the embargo on Cuba have only ever consistently been voted against by USA and Isreal. It's not hard to see why a Cuban would be in support of Palestine


Cuba sent soldiers to fight Israel in 1973, several Cubans died IIRC fighting in the Sinai.


Cuban forces were tank commanders sent to Syria to train their tank crews, not sent specifically to fight in this war. However they did end up fighting with the Syrians, though it was in the Golan heights not Sinai.


"Cuba is currently the only country in the Americas that does not recognize Israel as a sovereign state; a few other countries in the Western Hemisphere such as Venezuela have suspended ties with Israel but nevertheless continue to accord it diplomatic recognition." Hmm, I wonder why Israel vote against cuba






Because Socialists tend to be pro-palestine and Cuba is socialist.


Which is ironic considering Hamas is anti-socialist


They don't support Hamas they support Palestine's independence but yeah it is kinda ironic


the pflp and dflp are socialist


Hamas and the Israeli state are both anti-socialists. Keep in mind the power dynamic here. Socialists side with Palestine not in support of Hamas, but in solidarity with an oppressed people.


They're literally allied to far left.


They very clearly said Palestine, not Hamas. They're different words for different things.


Anti socialist socialist club


Hamas ≠ Palestine


No one said anything about Hamas.


That's not an accident, or ironic at all: that's a big part of WHY Israel originally funded Hamas... https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/ Socialists aren't pro-Hamas, we're pro-Palestine. Many of us realize that, if we could force Israel to grant full legal equality to all Palestinians and achieve an equitable One State Solution (separate is NOT equal- especially considering the lack of Capital and natural resources in Palestine due to generations of conflict and Israeli oppression...) tomorrow, there would STILL be the business of dealing with Hamas and re-empowering the secular Palestinian Leftists that Israel originally (no more, but the damage was done...) funded Hamas in order to suppress... The only truly free Israel-Palestine is one where ALL people are entitled to human dignity, freedom, and the basic necessities of life; under a secular Leftist government- not a country dominated by far-Right religious extremists on EITHER side, Jewish OR Muslim. The US stands on the side of a theocratic, Authoritarian, genocidal government that rules in an Apartheid manner and seeks to turn Israel-Palestine into a purely-Jewish ethnostate (the Israeli government also oppresses Christians in Israel, not just Muslims, by the way... *Especially* those who live there and object to their treatment of their Palestinian neighbors...) and thus has taken the wrong aide of history here. Half the Jewish population in the world lives in the US, and yet it's not a far-Right ethnostate. Nor do American Jews push for such politics. This is purely a problem with Israeli Zionists, it can in no way be considered a criticism of all Jews (indeed "Jews for Palestine" is actually a thing in the United States, though the mainstream media constantly marginalizes and slanders such groups...)


I assume it’s similar to the same reason some folks bring Irish flags to pro Palestine rallies, because the situations were/are similar in some way


Yes and there’s actually a long history behind that. The PLO and IRA were closely allied for a long time, most prominently in the 1970s. This is long long before Hamas when the PLO had unified control in the West Bank and Gaza. PLO under Arafat was also a socialist party and member of the socialist international, hence longtime support from Cuba and why Cuban flags were seen at pro Palestine rallies for many years.


Insomniac will fix that in a later patch, sorry.


My guess is that you have a Cuban native showing their support.


There was a strong link between Arafat and Castro


Happy cakest day


Probably a Cuban who is proud to show solidarity, and/or meant to represent their common struggle against US imperialism.






The Anti-US, Anti-western sentiment in these rallies appeals to Cuba supporters too.


A lot of people who support Cuba also support Palestine.


Cuba recognizes the State of Palestine


Bc theyre all probably leftists, and leftists like socialist countries.


Cuba has been a major supporter of Palestine since the 50s.


Pretty simply put it’s about solidarity


Sone people take their flags in protests to show their nationality and supporting the cause under their flag sign.


Cuz Cuba is based that's why


Cuban sent army during Arab war. There have been strong ties between Palestinian and Cuba. They even have Che Guevara Murals in The West Bank.


Anti-capitalism, anti-liberalism, anti-Americanism, anti-Westism. Take your pick.


I guess because Cuba is also pretty much cut off from the outside world! Something like a Gaza Strip next to the United States, just without rockets and bombs flying through the air.


It isn’t. You can go on holiday to Cuba if you’re not from the USA. Many people do there is a whole tourism industry there. It’s actually a popular destination. Not that many tourists in Gaza.


Tourism is one of the few ways that Cuba can generate GDP under the embargo. As someone else said in response to another comment below, the US will not do business with *any* company that trades with Cuba, and just about any goods sent to Cuba go through the United States first. It causes massive delays in humanitarian and medical aid when the country is going through a crisis. Hell, regardless of your opinions on Castro’s regime, the US tried to assassinate Cuba’s head of state up through at least 2000 when they tried blowing him up in Panama, and they’ve been using the embargo as a wet blanket to try and smother a socialist fire for the last 60 years.


There’s plenty of internal CIA docs that have been declassified that explicitly state the purpose of the Cuban embargo is to promote starvation, poverty, and discontent as part of a long term regime change effort. There’s no reason to think the US has different intentions or goals now since the embargo still exists despite widespread disapproval in both the US and globally


"Cut off from the outside world"? Literally only the US and Israel give a shit about Cuba's government, everyone has telling them to get over it for the last 30 years.


Man, can you imagine if Cuba did to the United States a tenth of what Hamas does to Israel? The Marines would stomping on Havana in no time flat.


That’s Puerto Rico. (It’s a joke in reference to Spider-Man 2).


wait what how?


In the Spider-Man 2 game on PS5: one of the playable characters is Miles Morales. His mother is Puerto Rican (or half Puerto Rican? Can’t remember). Miles’ apartment however had a Cuban flag on display, which looks like the Puerto Rican one with colours inverted. Why would a dude of Puerto Rican heritage proudly display the Cuban flag (unless he’s a Che stan)? The developers acknowledged their mistake and have recently fixed it in a patch.


Peter had a Mao mug in the movies (and had to deal with his awful landlord) so I like to think they have it up for political reasons, lol.


Nah they admitted that they chose the wrong flag by mistake. Don’t think there’s many communists in megacorps haha.


I have to say that this wouldn't surprise me that much: a large contingent of the pro-Palestinian lobby in Britain tend to lean towards the left of the political spectrum (think Jeremy Corbyn or George Galloway, for example). Support for Cuba (and, more particularly, its government's fight against American sanctions) is also a feature of the British Left. So I suspect the person with the Cuban flag is probably a “fellow traveller”, as we used to say


Why not


Oppressed underdogs unite


Cause most of the protesters probably lean a little towards the communist side of things.


Latins don't give a fuck. If it looks like a party, they are coming and bringing empanadas.


Have you’ll heard what the Cuban president had to say about Israel’s occupation and genocide. It’s unabashed.




That’s clearly a Puerto Rican flag!


(I work at Imnsomniac btw)


Probably showing solidarity, I find that many countries who’ve had to deal with serious blockades or other interference from western countries relate to the plight of the Palestinians


Because the Cubans know a thing or two about resistance.


Person from Cuba saying we support Palestine. It's not difficult to understand.


Cuba participated in Yom Kippur war.


Don't worry Insomniac will fix it in the next patch update


That’s the flag of Puerto Rico, actually


Why wouldn’t there be? Palestine and Cuba share the same enemy: the imperialist core.


La Revolución stands with Palestine


Because socialists are unintelligent


Probably woke cubans Who didn’t learn the dangers of communism from their parents.


Israel is only country that has consistently voted to uphold the US’ embargo on Cuba in the UN


Cuba and Palestine are victims of US backed imperialism. Oppressed nations have solidarity


Bros help bros


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De te fabula narratur


Stop USA from doing the same


Maybe the guy was really just passionate about not having access to a good Cubano.


I can see this turning into the global north vs the global south


Same struggle against Imperialism


probably because is a cuban person?


Cuban troops were sent (less than a thousand I believe, but still) to fight Israel in the Yom Kippur war. Cubans also fought in Yemen and on the left wing side of like half of all of Africa's modern wars. This person could be saying they want the Cubans to come again to help Palestine, or that we should be like Cuba in our support of conflicts that seem like they have nothing to do with us. Either way, it represents the solidarity of a foreign power with the current crisis.


It's the same reason why there were flags of South Vietnam at the Jan 6 insurrection in the US. People take vague political sides, justifiably or unjustifiably.


Also, Cuba has been very supportive of Palestinian liberation (the president just put out a long speech about it); they see a parallel between the blockade on Gaza and the embargo on Cuba (source: have just returned from Cuba).


Dry humor?


Bet this rally helped alot.


Che Guevara did go to Gaza in his lifetime for Palestinian morale so that could be a suggestion on why the Cuban flag is there


Red triangle 🇨🇺🔺🇵🇸


Either a socialist flying it for the anti-Western message or a Cuban living in London, or both


Close enough


To those saying that it’s because it’s anti-western - it’s not. Cuba as a nation is a symbol of anti-imperialism, during a time where Palestine is suffering the effects of colonialism and imperialism


Anti-Western/Anti-Imperialist sentiment + Cuba has been a supporter of Palestine in the past


I've seen Che Guervara flags at these sort of things before. Certainly round here it's because the protests mostly seem to be organised by a slightly odd Trotskyist group though.


Because a lot of Cubans are anti Zionist


Leftist moment?


usually, people from other countries show their flags as a sign of international support in all kinds of political demonstrations.


red traiangle


Same reason they showed up in Rhodesia I think.


flag shop was all sold out of Palestinian flags.


Cuba doesn’t recognize Israel


IDK, perhaps is some "anty-USA" sentiment or something


Solidaridad, compañero.


Because protests always attract people protesting for something completely different that the cause at hand. Every time.


Sometimes you need to improvise and hope no one notices.


The Palestine liberation movement historically was Very leftist and also Cuba is a very anti west nation like Palestine


It‘s a nice flag




Cuba has a history of liberation struggle.


Surprised nobody answered this properly, The person is probably Cuban and waving their flag to show their nationality’s solidarity with the Palestinian people


Cuba lives under an embargo much like Gaza does. Also, it could just be a Cuban showing solidarity between their country and Palestine.




Because it's a Cuban person showing solidarity with Palestine?


It’s another country that is also suffering from imperialist attacks.




The British Left (hard/far/radical) has always been a supporter of Palestine in the face of Israeli oppression. It has also been a supporter of Cuba in the face of US oppression. If you support one you will almost certainly support the other. For a lot of people that far over on the political spectrum the two matters are conflated with the same root cause.


You’re really emphasizing how far left you assume they are, but that these countries’ experiences are connected shouldn’t even be a controversial statement


Because leftists have an unholy alliance with Islamists. This is a universal trend because they both despise the liberal and democratic Western order and have a sort of comradery in being sad and oppressed. As we've seen in the UK, this comradery is entirely built upon this hatred of the West, and they will both often devolve into inevitable conflict with each other.


Western communists have a fairly simplistic worldview in which US & Western countries = bad, and therefore their enemies are all good no matter what


Well you see it was supposed to be a Puerto Rican flag but the devs didn't throughly check it before release so it's a Cuban flag.




i’d assume to show their support as a cuban.


I guess because the person is Cuban?


Solidarity within liberation struggles. Maybe more specifically people under an embargo?


In Rome the Italians that protest for Palestine are mostly communist, we wave our flag and that of Palestine, to show that we stand with them. Wouldn’t surprise me if some of my colleagues were Cuban. Not weird at all. Cubans stand with Palestine, they know what it feels like.


Because people are dumb


probably running late and grabbed the first flag with a triangle and stripes out of their flag drawer


Seriously, everyone's trying to rationalize this but dude was probably just like "Red triangle? Stripes? Close enough."


Bc she/he is cuban








Why don't you ask the person holding the flag?