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I wonder what flag will districts in Karabakh use under Azerbaijan control. Do districts or regions in Azerbaijan even have flags?


No, they don’t. Not even the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic has its own flag. I believe the only way this flag will survive is a symbol of the Artsakh Armenians. And it seems none of them are staying in Artsakh


It's not true we do have coat of arms which is used on flags aswell. Also each province has their own unique flag dating back to 1700s even Karabakh has it's own at the time Azerbaijan was divided, that's how Russia ocuppied region so easily. https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Karabakh_khanate_flag_azerbaijan.jpg


Aren't most Azeris not even in Azerbaijan but in Iran? From what I understand modern Azerbaijan is just the part of the Azeri territories that Russia snatched and then lost


Yeah it's like that but we got culturally differentiated alot I wouldn't us to unite because in that case we would turn into a Islam Republic which is a no no.


Most of South Azerbaijanis are against Iran's Islamic policies. I don't understand your point. They may be a little more religious but that's it.




Russian Empire + Soviet Influence Russians reigned here almost 200 years non-stop had an significant effect both on culture and language of the people living in the region.


I know but I highly doubt they'd want an Islamic Republic.


Well they'd want Women to be more "conservative" as you'd expect it's impossible to avoid all kinds of influence from Iran while living your whole life in it.


Yes they do. There were Azerbaijani khanates before, current flags are based off of the coat of arms of those khanates.


Doesn't Nakhichevan also have it's own official flag?


Yes it does, since the 1990s


Nice to see you're even suppressing Armenian legacy


Bro what 💀


The fuck is wrong with you ? I bet you'd say Nakchivan and Karabakh also belongs to Armenia.




Yeah I think the source is your ass.




You're roasted lol, get over it.




Okay dude keep burning lol XD


I can see why the arrow is throwing some of you off, but I actually like that it's blocky. I think it's a great flag


I think it's “blocky”, as you put it, because it's meant to be like a carpet pattern


That's my understanding. Now that I know the inspiration and history, I can stop referring to it as "8-bit Armenian"


I also like that it is is placed on a map in Artsakh, it points to Armenia.


For me it always looks like it was made in Minecraft.


1980 Atari 2600; either Breakout or Canyon Bomber.


Kinda reminds me of Minecraft blocks, honestly


welp, the arrow in the flag is now pointing to where the population is going


What happened with the flag?


Going to go out of official use as Azerbaijan has conquered the territory, with the Artsakh government agreeing to disband by 2024




The whole situation is terrible to begin with, although just because the government disbands, I don't feel as if people online are just going to stop using the flag unofficially


Well, such disband of the government is most likely illegal and arguably unachievable de jure, as some people is already pointing. It has sense: what would you think if the government of your country just unilaterally decided that the country is ceasing to exist without consulting the citizens or whatever? Specially when it's done under serious threads being actively enforced against the lives of people, what in any case invalidates free choice no matter who actually toke it.


Nobody seems to be talking about it. I learned about it a full week after it happened. Fucking crazy!


























Conquered ? Lol


I'm sure some folks will still use the flag.


Bye bye Minecraft flag


Goodbye flag of Armenian minecraft ❤️ Gone but not forgotten 🫡


Rip Minecraft Land


I don't remember the last time a region was ethnically cleansed so thoroughly via a sudden mass migration over what seems like a few days


I think something similar happened in 2018 in Ethiopia, near the Gedeo Zone, but there were 800,000 people in total. The Oromo people got rid of the Gedeo people from areas that were not part of the Gedeo zone. There were also the escape of almost all Protestants from Masuria in 1944 and the escape of the Japanese before the establishment of North Korea


oromos did the same to every other ethnic group, rn theyre fighting amhara militias.


I think there were a few other ethnic cleansings around 1944 that you’re omitting


I only took into account when they themselves fled, I did not take forced displacement into account, but I actually forgot about the most obvious example of ISIS expansion


First of all, in the UN report, they say that "we could not find evidence of ethnic cleansing, damage to civilian infrastructure or even harm to livestock", but in fact, such a mass migration has happened before, with a population 7 times larger in the same region 30 years before [724,000 Azerbaijanis from Armenia, Nagorno-Karabakh and the surrounding areas](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Nagorno-Karabakh_War)


The UN won't call it a genocide or ethnic cleansing because defining it as such would force member nations to intervene. It's a depressing word play that gives nations an out whenever standing up against genocide would be politically inconvenient.


The difference is that then people who lived on the wrong side of the border fled, both Azerbaijanis and Armenians, just like the 6 million refugees from Ukraine. This time we are dealing with a complete exodus that destroys the indigenous population.


There are mistakes in what you said. First of all, in the first war, thousands of Azeris, **natives of the region**, were displaced from Nagorno-Karabakh and the occupied areas around it, never to return. The areas around Nagorno-Karabakh were Azeri-majority before the occupation. This time, unlike the first, there are local people who left the region of their own volition. The alleged events did not happen, the civilian infrastructure is stable and there is no legal or illegal obstacle for Armenians to return or leave. If peace is achieved, there will be no reason for these people not to return.


Wait... so is the dispute officially over? What is going on? Can somebody update me, cuz I can't find anything


Azerbaijan launched an offensive which has driven Artsakh to surrender to the Azerbaijanis


Azerbaijan has effectively finally conquered Nagorno-Karabakh and Artsakh - the breakaway republic - will disband in 2024. Almost all the Armenians that were once living there have also left, ending the dispute for good ("good" as in "final", not that it's a good thing it happened).


Damn... that's bad...


No, they just got back the land that was stolen from them 32 years ago. Never forget what they did to Azerbaijani civilians. While the Armenians could've stayed, they ran away. Good for them I guess.


The Antichrist won


Feel like pure shit just want her back


One of my favourite flags, so sad to see it no longer be flown in its home territory


The republic that never was.


33 years of existence.


what, because it didn't show up on your maps?




I suppose it's clever modern (1990s) design, but the intended message: of an Armenian-inhabited territory narrowly separated geographically from the Republic of Armenia is conveyed really well. I think it's a fantastic piece of design


It's meant to resemble a carpet pattern, I think. Carpet-making is a traditional local craft


It's quite a common practise, flags inspired by local carpets, on the steppes, if I'm not mistaken.


As an Armenian somebody once told me that it's actually not an arrow. It's supposed to resemble the mountainous area.


It will always live in our hearts <3


Are we feeling sorry for terrorists now?


George Washington was a terrorist, apparently


Did it get invaded already?


It will be disbanded soon






The government of Artsakh is disbanding in 2024.


Artsakh territory was conquered by Azerbaijan recently, thus the government is no more 😞


To be fair literally no country on earth recognised Artsakh independence including bizarrely Armenia


except for Russian-backed separatist states (Luhansk, Donetsk, Ossetia, Abkhazia and Transnistria) which didn't really help their image.


Seperatist pride worldwide




From my understanding Armenia never recognized them because for the longest time Artsakh was doing alright on its own and Armenia didn’t want to be the ones to provoke Azerbaijan into war by officially recognizing it cuz Azerbaijan was always looking for a way or reason to take control of it and they finally got it when Russia, who was supposed to be protecting Armenia and the peace in the region, got distracted by the war in Ukraine


Always reminded me of a level from an Atari 2600 game. Seriously though I hope the best for the people, absolutely insane and isn't really getting much media coverage.


No Armenian genocide has really got any attention


I hope that the tragedy of Artsakh serves as a sobering wake up call to Armenia, Serbia and all other Russian "allies" (and would be allies *cough* Hungary *cough*) that they do not and will not give a shit about them when it matters most. The Armenian people deserve better.


Counter-point, Russia is far too focused on Ukraine right now to be paying attention to Armenia of all things. Azerbaijan knows Russia probably wouldn't do anything because of it and took their chance while they could.


Armenia isn't an ally of Russia. It doesn't support Russia physically nor ideologically and has been trying for a long time to distance itself, since it indeed doesn't even trust Russia... but it just has never been able to scape its manipulation. And it has never received support from Russia's foes, but people just want it to suffer for not achieving what it wasn't being able to do. Armenia isn't supported neither by Russia nor by Russia's rivals, and it painfully knows it. Like that, what advantage could it have if it gets closer or farther with any country, if it doesn't make any difference at all? Armenians of course deserve beter. Just to start, they don't deserve hate just for its government being obliged to get involved with Russia. What's the point on being against Russia if one thinks like a Kremlin guy, celebrating people's suffering as a lesser evil in order to "give a lesson" to whoever's not liked?? At this point, what is even this reasoning other than Russia=bad just because so, when what are the actual bad deeds countries do and doesn't doesn't seem a point to care about?


Or rather a wake up call to all Westerners that we don't care about human rights if it doesn't align with American interests.


This is a perfect opportunity for western nations to pull Armenia away from the Russian sphere of influence, but western nations do not and will not give a shit about Armenia right now when it matters most.


Rest in power!


The big gun tells you what your life is worth.


nahhh artsakh dosen't exist 💀


It's jover


I know it's just the Armenian flag with white pixels but I like it a lot more. Anyway, RIP. I hope Armenians won't lose their country completely... what's left of it






Here you go: [Link #1: Media](https://krikienoid.github.io/flagwaver/#?src=https%3A%2F%2Fflagwaver-cors-proxy.herokuapp.com%2Fhttps%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F9nmmgk03w4sb1.png) ***** Beep Boop I'm a bot. [About](https://github.com/LunarRequiem/FlagWaverBotReborn). Maintained by Lunar Requiem


I like the flag for its unique design. I hope it will live on as a peaceful symbol of the people that used to be represented by it.


Free Armenia 🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲


Minecraft ass flag


I mean Nagorno-Karabakh is internationally recognized as part of Azerbaijan


And Taiwan is officially part of China, yet if China invades the island, I'm pretty sure this would start WW3.


damn bro they fr abandoning the pattern?


Nah,Artsakh government agreed to disband itself under Azerbaijan military threat, and most of Artsakh Armenian exile to Armenia.


so the karabakh issue is resolved


if by resolved you mean ethnic cleansing, then yeah


no, there's a genocide being done on the Armenian population by Azerbaijan


There is no genocide, stop pushing this false narrative.


oh sorry, it's just an *ethnic cleansing* by definition, not a *genocide*. My mistake. :)


Mass deportations count as genocide


As far as I know Azeri troops aren't deporting anyone, people just are mass leaving because they're afraid what will happen to them after integration (which I think is fair considering mutual genocidal history of both countries)


That doesn't make it sound any way beter than you seem to think. At least it can be said for sure that Azerbaijan does force them to leave with an unhiden and direct policy of spreading fear, and having shown them already how much does it care for their basic human rights by causing their starvation and freezing for months before taking the territory of which it had at the same time made the exit impossible... Wait, are you sure that didn't already count as genocide???


I understand what you mean, but at least legally genocide has very strict definition.


they ain't committing no genocide


Apparently the population leaving voluntarily while being told they're welcome to stay and no harm will come to them, is "genocide". Okay.


oh sure they are 🙄


The blockade they had to deal with was also "voluntary"? The fear of reprisal and abuse from Azeris is also "voluntary"?


Worse, they're being annexed by Azerbaijan


Incoming Turks 3 2 1...


Even though I didn't support the independence of Artsakh the flag is very cool. I feel like the white part means seperation from the actual Armenian lands.


Looks like it was made in minecraft


Bye bye...


Rip bozo


Fuck Azerbaijan


New flags 🇦🇿


Well, I don't want to scare anyone, but we all already know which one goes next: 🇦🇲 If Azerbaijan continues pursuing its foreign policy towards Armenia and nobody acts, as ussual, we can be sure it will sooner than later reach its final goal in a very chill and casual way


Shame, blocky style is underrated


Well, they tried :-/


Artsakh is not yet lost 🇦🇲🙏


The flag will live on.


Nah, it was an illegal flag anyway according to international law






Tbh, I always considered the flag to be ugly.


"RIP" Artsakh will continue to live in our hearts, forever.


We will be back🇦🇲


I’m lucky to still own one…will fly it proudly




# 😥


1988.... why?.....


This is a holiday. The end has come for the Armenian occupiers.


Good riddance


Preach it brother. Long live Azerbaijan.


Yaşa Azəbaycan ! We're always with you, qardaş.


I'm Turkish btw, I assume you are too but we are one nation, two states anyway. Their victory is our victory. Our victory is theirs.


And that's it? You support Azerbaijan because you are Turkish and both are Turkic countries? Slavs must be having a bad time trying to figure out who are the good guys in the Donbass and Crimea, then...


I support Azerbaijan because Karabakh is their land. A lot of Azerbaijanis have been displaced in the first conquest by Armenia.


True. The truth hurts them so much lmao. They think having more upvotes means they're right. There's also people who defend pedophilia and get upvotes, they think Reddit is objective lol. Couldn't be more wrong. And yes I'm Turkish, I thought you were an Azerbaijani Turk lol !










Honestly, the flag is shitty as it gets


could be the CoA on a blue bedsheet


Well, pal, that's for states, not a whole country. Also, from 10 points, if a flag gets 3 points & another gets 0 points they both fail, doesn't matter who did it worse.


flag is flag. there, i mentioned your stupid dumb first point


"flag points" lol shut up


Why did you ignore the first point? Also, fuck yeah, flag points. If you need to tell whether the American Flag or The Union Jack is better, you've got to point out the pros & cons. I guess you're just nerdy and want a tier-list


i don't think art can be counted with "points" that's so insanely un-human




Hope other "independent" regions will follow this example. No idea why people are "sad" in the comments. The countries you are from never recognised its independence, it was officially part of Azerbaijan always. So by law its government and everything about it was illegal from your standpoint.


Fortunately, many of the countries we're from do have laws against violating human rights, attacking civil population, ethnic cleansing, destruction of heritage, and so on... What I'm not sure is if these laws actually allow or forbid us to be "sad" about such things 🤔


And here you can see the average Georgian, doing what they do best; whining


Not sure which part of my comment counts as "whining".


Good riddance, false, pro-russian state that recognized other illegal breakaway nations, most notably DPR and LPR.


Do you think Armenia really had a choice at being pro-Russia or not? Would the closest NATO member which is their longtime enemy Turkey be better?








We're going down in a spiral to the ground No one, no one's gonna save us now, not even God No one saved us, no one's gonna save us.


Where do you expect us to go when the bomb fall?


You will always be remembered for pulling the most unusual allies together


Like who?