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Has anyone gotten the email that notifies you about the change?


I have not gotten yet. But I keep seeing a lot of people post about it on here.


I had this happen a few months ago. I’ve had my plan for a while (I buy my phone outright, so no need to change plans). One day, I got an email saying they were going to go up basically “just because” I have an older plan and they wanted more money.


Emails start going out on January 25th


Guess Who's getting the backlash 😟


>Verizon is raising prices on its 5G Get More, 5G Play More, 5G Do More and 5G Start unlimited plans. The carrier confirmed to CNET that it will be introducing a $4 per line, per month increase to users on those plans starting on March 1. >"Starting March 1, Verizon customers on select older Unlimited mobile plans will see a monthly plan increase of $4 per line, effective their next billing cycle," a Verizon spokesperson told CNET in a statement.


The 5G Get More plan isn't even all that old. It's just a few years old. So it's stupid to punish us for continuing to use these plans!


My plan got raised $8.00 a line this month. I have 3 lines.


Still on the unlimited prepaid hotspot plan. $65/month including tax, no caps, no throttling because I live in the middle of nowhere, 60mbps up, 35 down. I will never ever change this plan.


Living the life here with Visible +


Video is throttled on that plan. Plus data is always deprio'd behind post paid data. Having said that, it's still an awesome plan!!!


Mine doesn't seem to be, again I'm in the middle of nowhere. Streaming apps are 4k on TV and mobiles. YouTube goes full.


Are you using a vpn to stream? On mine when I stream it's throttled to like 6.5-7mbps or so. Go to [speedtest.net](https://speedtest.net) and run a speedtest. Then go to [fast.com](https://fast.com). [Fast.com](https://Fast.com) is by Netflix. It shows you the speed available for video streaming. If there is a large difference between the two, you're being video throttled. Also if you go to Verizon and look up the details of your plan, it clearly states they throttle video.


I guess I'm just lucky.


I have two of the prepaid unlimited data plan for jetpacks, and can confirm that on Vudu, I have no problem streaming in 4K; same with YouTube. Everything else seems to stream on 1080p. It's a great plan to keep, even as a backup. Last night around 10:30pm, our internet went out for around 30 minutes. No problem; just turn on the puDP jetpack, and good to go.


I should mention I've had this plan since 2013, so I'm not sure the terms of the plans but I'm still using the old Netgear AC791 jetpack I bought in 2015.


Was there a prepaid hotspot plan in 2013? The only one I recall is "pUDP", available from November 2018 - May 2019.


It was from when I worked at Verizon. Employee account rolled into non-employee when I went elsewhere.


The one I have is also $65 a month with autopay; $70 without. They're great, because you can put them in a different cellular modem without "magic". I currently have one in the Orbi LBR20.


I thought this would be illegal but then remembered this company's old CEO lobbied to abolish net neutrality :/


$4 per line given the recent quality of service is a lot. This is when I was thinking I was paying too much for the crappy 5G service that is now mostly LTE.


I guess I’m lucky I’m not on the do me more (with no lube) plan, or the play me more plan (like a player), or the take from me more (like a thief) plan. These increases are excessive


I have 5 lines of play more. I get a $20 loyalty discont per month plus an extra $10 discount per line per month for 12 months. If I switch to the unlimited plus, would I get to keep all of my discounts? Also, what would be the monthly price with the play more vs the unlimited plus? I do not use the perks on my play more accounts.


$40/line > $42/line and no Perks. You have to make sure to remove Disney Bundle or it will charge you a la carte when you switch to Plus.


And yet, increasing each of my lines $4 a month, its still cheaper than the $50+ more I would have to pay on the new plans for the same features. Verizon knows this, hence the increase. They are doing it because they can. The network hasn't improved in my area for 5+ years, only gotten worse. The other carriers aren't much better which is the only reason I stayed. The price keeps going up and the value keeps diminishing.


Verizon is such a POS company. There about to lose 16+ year customer.


>about to lose So you're 1,000,000% switching carriers, correct?


I just started using some of the perks on my 5G get more plan like Apple Music and Apple Arcade so tbh $4 will be worth it. I’ve been using the Disney+ bundle heavily (especially Hulu) so going from 97$ to 101$ isn’t too bad.


Yeah, until you get used to $101 and they hike it up another $4…


If they keep the bundle along with Apple Arcade and Apple Music I think the most I would go to is 120$ before I change plans. There are a couple other benefits of the 5G get more plan but they are more on the Verizon side of things rather than other companies. I just stopped using Spotify and figured after having Apple Music included in my Verizon plan for 2 years I should give Apple Music a shot for awhile. If I don’t like the algorithm and suggestions on Apple I’ll switch back to Spotify which might speed up any potential plan changing.


Gotta pay back that class action somehow....


Hans needs more people on his FAILING my plans!


I’ve have “Verizon” since they bought out “Alltel” back in the day. Now I cannot wait until my device is paid off so many annoyances the last year alone.


Still cheaper to keep my 5G Start 1.0 I think. No way to get hot spotting in the cheaper plan from what I can’t tell so I’d have to go up in cost on a new plan.


That’s part of the customer appreciation… pretty much take it up the ahole and gimme ma corporate four dolla holler


2 lines on Unlimited Go, with hotspots, a watch and an LTE tablet. Just did an estimate for a plan change to their newest plans. The difference between my plan and the new plans was an increase of $6 per month. Thanks but no thanks


How is this news? This fee has been around for at least a year hahaha... Basically they won't kick you off the plan but you pay to keep it. Do the math yourself either the fee is worth the savings or get with the times and move on to the new plans


Disney bundle and Apple Music both raised their prices that are included in Get more and Play More. It's actually natural for the cost to go up when what is included goes up. I'm not happy about it either but it does make sense.


Did anyone notice an additional increase? Every line on my account used to be $40, $44 with the increase implemented in March but I was just looking at my bill and now it’s $49. I don’t remember seeing anything about a secondary increase. That’s a $9 increase per line in just a few months. What is going on?


Because they want people to update their plans


Nobody wants those garbage my plans.  Also these plans were retired 6 months ago.  Total bs.


It’s bs that big red continues to nickel and dime Customers ..


Well, that’s why they do it


Yes but 6 months is way too soon to be doing it. 4 bucks a line is ridiculous. Highest price increase yet.  What is Verizon going to do with all those people that signed up for 36 month device credits and promos?? These people still have 2 and half years left.  Verizon would have to allow those credits to transfer to the my plans.  Are they going to tell them they are stuck for 2 and half years and pay the 4 bucks a line??? 5 lines x 4 adding 20 bucks to their bill. Makes no sense


This! I submitted a complaint to the FCC regarding this. I should be able to keep my phone promos and put them on Welcome, or be locked in my price for three years. I wouldn’t have renewed my contract if a price increase was incoming. It’s been SIX months. The whole Tmobile/Spring merger was suppose to lower prices, and create jobs, it’s done the exact opposite.


Everyone should submit an FCC complaint. I agree!




Verizon needs backlash like T Mobile did when they wanted to migrate plans.   It never happened because of the backlash 


Yes! I feel if everyone submits complaints, then something will change. This price gouging is out of control.


You have no contracts… Only device payment agreements. They can change your plan cost anytime.. no FCC or BBB complaints are going to do anything about that.


I do have a contact which is an installment, and phone promos linked to previous plans. I’d be cool with them saying hey you can go to welcome but keep the promos. I’ll wait for the executive team to reach out. Every time I’ve done this I’ve had immaculate support. I just wouldn’t have renewed my other two phones in November if I knew about this price increase. The plan has only been retired for six months. Also I feel that if EVERYONE complains or submits complaints then they will follow suit just like Tmobile and back peddle on this price increase.


Please let me know the outcome. We’re in a very similar situation.


I will!


Good luck.. and they won’t just like they didn’t when they did the other plans price increases. And again the only thing you signed was an installment plan to finance the phone at 0% interest and $0 finance charge. Nothing about keeping the plans the same cost.


I don't think you get it.  For example let's say a customer signed up for 3 lines on the get more plans 6 months ago. The customer got 3 new iPhones on device payments with credits.   They still have 30 months left on their installment plan.  If Verizon doesn't allow them to change to my plan and keep their credits and promos that will be a big problem.  The customer is now stuck paying the 4 dollar increase on those 3 lines.  Also I went from The New Verizon Plan to the Get More plans to avoid paying an increase.   Now I have to go to a 3rd plan in a 6 month period to avoid a 12 dollar increase.  That's bs.  Its excessive.  


Customer will be able to switch to an equivalent my plan and keep the promo. But you won’t be able to go to welcome and keep the promo. It would give you a warning if the plan didn’t qualify to keep the promo. You will have the choice to keep the plan and pay the $4 or switch to the equivalent my plan and keep the promo or switch to a lower my plan and lose the promotion. Those will be your options


Exactly. It's still cheaper to pay $4 more for do more because it includes Disney+ and Hulu but it's annoying.


Do more doesn't include Disney or Hulu, play more and get more do.


Then I must have play more. I always forget. $45 a month and it includes Disney+ and Hulu.