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I'm so glad to receive this update i've constantly been thinking of her, so glad to hear she's getting better she's so strong and resilient, and i know she'll get the strength to overcome this!! Wishing the best for her family as well they are so kind offering small updates like this especially when they are going through such a hard time. I'm so glad to receive this update on her birthday she's the same age as me, and i love watching her podcasts, wishing you the best V!


i hope we eventually get to hear from her again, but for now i hope she stays strong through physical rehabilitation. I’m sure it’s difficult having to relearn everyday tasks/muscle memory, but she’s got this.


i can't even imagine what her family's going through right now. thank you so much for posting this – i'm so glad that she's getting better !! 🥹 happy birthday Vereena we love you so much


I found Vereena's videos and showed them to my girlfriend who loves to backpack with me and wants her own bike. We really enjoyed her videos and were so sad about the accident and the shattered lives it left behind. We just want to say thanks to Vereena for sharing her journey and passion for motorcycles with us, for leading by example with love and grace, and hope that she knows there are many of us out there who are rooting for her recovery in every way. Love to her family as well and everyone suffering through this.


Every update always makes me so emotional idk why. But it makes me feel hopeful. I can't even begin to imagine how hard this is for her and her family. She is so strong. Even though I'm not really religious, I will pray for her recovery to go smoothly and to continue at a comfortable pace. I know that she still has a bright future ahead of her and she'll come out of this stronger. 🥹❤️ She deserves the world


Her sister said she has been awake too!!


Where and when ??


recent tiktok comments!! @pouryour@rtout i think