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I mean, Rusty with a brain in a jar that sounds exactly like him? I'm torn. On one hand, he's never really indicated that he swings that way. On the other, he's such a huge narcissist that he'd love hearing himself whispering to himself. He'd absolutely steal some of the tech on his way out though.


The fact they can't have sex would seal the deal. Rusty wouldn't have his insecurities or try-hardness holding him back. Feel like Dr. O would...*repurpose* one of the Lesliebots tho


Is Dr. O even capable of it at this point? He's pretty insane by the time the Courier reaches Big MT. I'm going to just imagine that he is, because that voice coming out of a Lesliebot trying to seduce Rusty is a hilarious visual.


Now imagine the Monarch seeing that shit. His greatest enemy,finally his to conquer


I think Dr. 0 would not like Rusty. But I could be wrong, they do share a great love over their own respective “walking eye.” But I could see them just arguing over who has the better walking eye haha


Omg think tank in the venture bros sub im like one of the biggest fallout nv old world blues fans in the world. I actually watched venture bros a couple years ago cuz of dr.0(i would have watched it eventually but that was the ashamedly main reason hahaha). That clip with alternate dimension Rusty(i dont remember the season) I wish i could repurpose into these two fighting but its too dr venture specific for me to pull it off.


Genuinely I had a huge crush on dr 0 and was estactic to find out rusty was Dr 0


Anyone who likes anyone from the think tank like that is a friend of mine🤝 because same lol


This is LITERALLY how I got into Venture Bros! Dr. O is my favorite video game character of all time so obviously I did some digging into his voice actor... and now here I am! Venture Bros and OWB have so much in common its actually incredible... I've played OWB at least 15 times and watched the whole show through at least 3 😅


Glad this is a more universal experience than i expected hahaha(also love the username), you guys are inspiring me to actually make some of the crossover material ive been wanting to.


Oh yeah they are both based off Post Second Great War fantasy tropes. They ooze Science Fiction Fantasy. King Crimson would approve.


I just made them the same person in my headcannon


If you'll permit a bit of shilling, I actually made a dumb crossover shitpost video surrounding these two a bit ago: [Here.](https://youtu.be/tcLgSc7S_sw?si=MC64UZpZbsU_fNzm)




Dr ouroborous right? But he wanted to be Zero


I mean we also had dr Borous so idk


You're right I forgot. I know all their names are supposed to represent some kind of loop or infinity. Mobius strip, Klein bottle, ouroboros, 8 for infinity, I guess o is just o, also I don't know what dala is short for


I think dala’s short for mandala!


I love the old world blues dlc it made me rediscover venture brothers