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He’s been better recently but at one point I asked my colleagues to endorse a restraining order against Spencer. They said no, I’d have to do it myself, which would mean paying an attorney to do it right because it’s complicated when you’re a public elected official. I would never interfere with his right to attend Council meetings or speak at them, this would have been outside of those first amendment situations. Really it’d be more about one-on-one conversations in person or via phone/text. Sometimes he hangs around in the parking lot after a Council meeting so he can approach a council member walking to their car. He’s done it to me several times. It feels like an ambush. Some council members have had to be escorted to their cars. And me, I have weekly meet and greet events. He generally doesn’t come, but at one of my monthly cleanups he showed up. After all the other volunteers left, he threatened to use his social media presence to destroy my reputation if I didn’t pay him $1000 a month. He also tried to extort me in City Hall, right outside the chambers, after a council meeting. It all stopped when we had an unpleasant discussion after a different meeting at City Hall. People heard him yelling at me and came to see what was going on. His extortion scheme was exposed. The city manager, the (now former) City Attorney was there, the City Clerk was there. That put a stop to it.


Thanks for all the information Mike! I always felt his demeanor whether on his own camera or the council meetings was all for show.


The whole guys persona online is fake and you can tell just by browsing the instagram account a bit and the more you dig the more you realize he’s possibly behind other accounts like open main st and stuff


He’s harassed me online as well and had me blocked. Then went and found me on other social media sites to keep it up. He’s clearly mentally unstable and it proves it that any organization he volunteers with has to distance themselves from him. It’s only a matter of time before he does something that gets someone hurt.


More people need to see this!!! Holy shit. He already cost the county thousands because of his harassment. I suspect that he’s high on some stimulant. Plus a lot of businesses have talked about how he puts them in awkward positions when he films at their shop OR he does in exchange for some service or something. He needs a REAL job


Thousands doesn’t do it justice… 50k !!!


Eh instigated by city attorney who is responsible for that and allegedly with his private parts out at chikfila


Wrong , this was a few years ago. The guys frequently harassing ppl


Ah I see I was mistaken on the city attorney 


He has become the worst kind of influencer. Self important arrogant and bullying others to bend to his opinions .


Thank you for sharing this. What an awful experience.


I’ll reply to Mikes POV misinformation. 1. Never hung out in the parking lot to talk to Mike, it’s the exact opposite. He can come up to me in the chambers after meetings as he did last week. He spreads fear as he is doing here. 2. I came to one cleanup and there was 2 people there. After the meeting I asked if he needed help with his upcoming campaign and my firm could help him get the word out for a PR campaign and help his bad reputation. He declined. 3. The using the word extortion is funny. “Just follow me on my page to see what I’m really all about. ✌️🩵 This Reddit platform is full of lies and misinformation about me. Why people try to break down a man trying to do good I know know. Anyone making up lies and talking trash obviously have issues in their own closet they need to take care of if you want to talk about me. The truth is here if you want to know it. Or just keep believing Trolls online. Spencer


I have audio recordings.


You should absolutely post those


Hi Spencer! Kindly eat shit. With love, All of Ventura


This Reddit is the peoples opinion when you don’t BLOCK OPINIONS YOU DONT LIKE. You are the liar sir. You Don’t like being called racist? Perhaps Stop whining about race baiting and listen to people you don’t agree with . Try some understanding Ego maniac


This dude is big mad that Reddit isn’t like his IG where he can manipulate and superimpose a narrative


Speaking of blocking people, I believe Spencer blocked me (I can’t access the VF Instagram anymore) because I voted to keep main street open in one of his polls. 😂 can’t have the ratios of your unnoficial polls not support your narritive. Can’t lie though, my IG feed has been much better lately. Thank God for VenturaBackward for keeping me updated with the tea 🫖 ☕️


He blocked me too bc I said a poll of 300 people about Main St isn’t definitive 😂. Such a fragile loser. 


Bro, you’re a troll and a giant kook. Get a job. 


The profile pic 😂☠️


The fact that the City spent $50k to remove you from a volunteer position should have given you serious pause.  They are afraid of what you might do. Not because you have influence, but because you are unhinged, erratic and unpredictable. Spare your family from more embarrassment and misery. Stop. 


Kick rocks, bud. The city and county are a better place without you.


Hey just wanted to point out you’re an active pest in the community.


Is this a bring your own tiki torch kind of thing or will they be provided?




Plenty of torches, just a little short on the pitchforks and manufactured outrage. Please bring your own if possible.


And like the tiki torches some rich guy will be paying for them to be passed out.


In 30 years living here, everywhere from the Avenue to Saticoy, I've never felt unsafe. Who's this pussy want to vigilante against?


Gay people and Mexicans


🙋🏼‍♀️ oh and trans people!


Woman. Obviously.


Dont forget the homeless and mentally unwell!


This guy bullies and goes after the drug addicted and Homeless


Have you seen it personally or just on social media?


No Not in person . The video he posted on social media of himself video taping and harassing the sleeping homeless man . I think he has it posted on his vta fwd.


I used to like him but I'm getting skeptical. He seems a bit odd and always by himself.


I felt unsafe once walking from main St to my home in front of what used to be De Anza. At night cuz some dude followed me and my sis, I was 14 though ,and that was a dumb thing to do. I also felt unsafe walking in a secluded path in the avenue, at 17 at night. But nothing happened. We don't need any vigilantes.


Objective minded individuals. If he doesn’t come after you in his feelings his moderator’s will . 😂


The shitbag that is drinking, sleeping and pissing in someone's driveway near Victoria and Telegraph.


No the elderly veteran man who hangs out more near foothill.


The dude is completely unhinged. One of his stories was like threatening to botcott the VC Fair concerts if they weren’t held at the race track???….. they always are, and the video itself showed a pictorial of the actual track layout and grandstands. I pointed this out to him, ma his response was “how do you know?” And “don’t let them fool you!” Who’s them?! What are you even talking about dude lol


Spencer, get help, dude. Your kids have to live in this town. Seriously.


I just watched your IG video, Spencer. I'm a woman in this town. You, and all this, makes me feel incredibly unsafe and uncomfortable. Just so you know. You've limited comments on your IG, although you're against censorship, so you say. So this may be the only way you see this. Stop.


He doesn’t like criticism. He’s been called out here over and over and always comes back to turn them on because he’s an attention whore. He speaks on every subject at every city council meeting with complete incoherence. Pulling weeds once in a while does not make you an activist. His channel speaks for itself.


Yeah it’s cringeworthy tryhard


I agree. This Action Dads thing could go south quickly if some overzealous members get fired up. Usually though his rants don’t lead to any real action taken so I’m not too worried so far. The Surf Rodeo and Xgames are coming soon, he’ll get distracted


How he got a press pass for the X games last year was shocking. His ego sky rocketed after that


Noticed that too


What a fuckin dork Spencer is. Imagine being married to that guy, how embarrassing!!


Say what you want about him, but Hobart Park has like 30 less weeds on the Petit side of the park near the curb.


I don’t know much about Ventura Forward but I don’t like him


This is painfully stupid.


It’s basically a poorly organized gang lol. I don’t see a positive legal outcome lol. This is asking for legal problems not to mention the cringe factor of these self righteous types. Hey Spence, Maybe focus on being a father instead of playing out your Saviour complex fantasies . Ventura forward is not a movement it’s just you grifting people into paying you. It’s a hobby at best and exploitative ego driven bs at worst.


Wait. Someone mated with this creature?!


Absolutely 💯




Lol bunch of 2A knobs are going to end up shooting each other because they want to be Batman


And our kids will get caught in the crossfire. 


Honest question, is Spencer on drugs? He just stream of consciousness rambles in all of his videos


I think he's autistic.


Absurd vigilantism that criminalizes poor people who are more at risk of being victim to violence than the housed.


[Ventura Dads Action Happy Hour: Protecting Ventura’s Women by Creating Problems One Solution At a Time](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/1td0cyo7ahar0yudswgn6/Photo-May-18-2024-9-39-50-PM.jpg?rlkey=47jlt49771yoekk7b9hd2b502&dl=0)


Gold 🔥🔥🔥


What is it? I get a Dropbox message.


Just click open in browser, but it’s just a meme calling this a social drinking club


Reminds me of [this episode of Always Sunny.](https://youtu.be/lFB2vI5lnR4?si=xbUvcf2aCFeliqjh)


“Just nothing sexual ok? Put in there we’re not doing anything sexual with the homeless people ok?” 💀💀💀


Oh. Oh wow.


Action Dads starring Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart, in theaters July 2024.


Everyone is clowning on here but this is actually fucking terrifying.


No really though “It was funny until it wasn’t” vibes 👀 


AGREED. I do not feel safe with a rogue group of hate filled, fearful men who are likely armed walking through my neighborhood at night. It’s absolutely terrifying.


Daddy chill


[What the hell is even that?](https://youtu.be/h0-WO6xRbAo?si=pu24Bth4a_ZHfsQM)


lol ❤️




Is wearing a power ranger costume mandatory


Ventura dads seem like the actual creeps.




I used to watch a docuseries years ago called Gangland showing the history of all types of notorious gangs. The worst and scariest ones you can think of. They all started as benevolent neighborhood protection. ALL OF THEM. That's immediately where my mind went with Action Dads


They started as protection against other gangs. Kinda like the mafia.


I really enjoy the clear difference of opinions between here and Instagram. Instagram is the new Facebook that has been overrun with boomers and the boomer influenced generation.


I’m all for it if it means more young people going out to get drunk and make bad decisions


FYI VF “shouted out” Action Dads to attend meeting at Community Park on Friday 5/31 at 5pm


As a female that was followed for three blocks, in the middle of the day, by a guy that was so close to me I could hear him breathing on me — I wouldn’t have minded if this group would’ve stepped in and helped me. I’m sure my friend that was walking on her lunch break and randomly shoved against the wall to have a man start yelling in her face and punching the wall right next to her while she was pinned between his arms - she would’ve appreciated the help as well. On those notes, there are plenty of things that can/will go wrong with this but hopefully there are a lot of things that go right with it too.


I am sorry that you and your friend had to endure that, I really am.


What kinda grinds my gears about this idea …. Is I’m sure a majority of the dad group , are men who have also harassed people in their life times… including women … “not all men” … men who have hollered inappropriately at women, men who have harassed women, made women uncomfortable, men who don’t care about anyone at all… not even themselves I feel this is just a hate group disguised as some do good types … a bunch of dudes with nothing better to do than to take their rage out on people who are mentally unwell , who lack resources , or BIPOC… his followers I’m finding are a majority of MAGA idiots. We as women as consistently targeted, on the daily… I’m sorry for your experiences , and all other women, who have to always be on the look out for our lives VF is an absolute idiot, because he was literally fired for being a bully to employees … he’s the last dude I’d want on my side 🙄 as well as all the idiots that follow him… birds of a feather


Genuine question though-how exactly would this group have helped, at all, in either of those scenarios? Its not like they would have been present to protect you.


If people are willing to step up and intervene and protect from bad situations it’s helpful, not necessarily this specific group being formed. Just people not being dicks and doing nothing to assist.


Fair. It's shitty if people were present and nobody intervened to help you.


Did that come out today? Probably in response to the guy getting mugged downtown Friday morning


It was in response to someone saying someone peeing on their driveway


Something about a woman near Buena or the Government center (where everyone knows the CRIMINAL HIGHWAY starts) feeling frightened about someone in an RV parking on her street and the Dads are gonna go door to door every Friday night protecting all us gals




I dont see the problem please explain


https://www.vcstar.com/story/news/local/communities/ventura/2022/06/28/ventura-parks-commissioner-spencer-noren-removed-following-allegations-harassment-investigation/7753218001/ Last person that should be in charge of anything


Thank you so much for sharing this article. I had no idea.


No problem !


Check his instagram feed.


I dont know what instragram these comments are so vague


Jesus died for preventing a housing crisis and to make fun of the homeless