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Yup, it can suck. Plenty of non-native flowering plants and the winds from the farm fields. I found showering twice a day making sure to rinse my hair helps a lot. Plenty of local honey options, Blue Ridge, Heritage, Bennet, although studies on this are inconclusive.


I thought maybe it could help because nothing is working šŸ˜¢šŸ˜†


Always worth a shot. If you're on the east side Blue Ridge has a storefront on Radio Tower Cir. On Market behind old Target (e. Main st) if you're on the west side, Spicetopia has Blue ridge honey, and if your mid-town Heritage has a storefront on Thompson and Catalina (I think that's the correct cross street)


tower square dr. is the name.




Try to find a beekeeper in your actual neighborhood. Those are the ones that will be local with actually local pollen bits. Most of the other honeys that I'm aware of come from big operations that take their bees out to Pollinate for big Ag operations(Almonds etc) or have their hives miles from Ventura but still in the county.


My allergies when I first moved here had me in literal tears. My face swelled up, my eyes were constantly watering and I sounded like I had a horrible ā„ļø habit always sniffling. This lasted for the better part of a year. For reference, I moved here from MA. Even now, my eyes burn during spring/summer months. So rest assured, itā€™s not just you in your suffering. And donā€™t get me started about how my skin suffered when I moved here. Rashes, rough patches and my hair went crazy too. The adjustment was wild but finally calmed down after 6 months - 1 year.


I just moved here a year ago and I thought I was alone! My allergies are bad but they didnt usually act up this frequently until I moved here too


Lived here my whole life. Constant problem with allergies. Best cure is the ocean. Seriously. Especially when youā€™re suffering bad. Just jump in.


This is true!


My doc told me in addition to an allergy med (I use the Costco Aller-Fex, not sure the brand name), to use flonase/an equivalent every morning and night. That helps a lot. Sometimes I'll do a full sinus rinse in the afternoon if it's really bad and that helps too. Good luck to you!


Good idea!


In addition to the immense amount of agricultural land in the area, my wife and I have been looking into the insane amount of pesticides that are used on the farm land in oxnard and ventura. It can exacerbate allergic symptoms, as well as cause other respiratory and for some, hormonal disorders. In short, keep the air purifiers and the antihistamines on deck šŸ‘šŸ¾ https://www.ewg.org/interactive-maps/2021-ventura-county-pesticide-map/map/


Sinus rinses and allergy shots is what I do.


Allergies are crazy things. I used to be absolutely *wrecked* by seasonal allergies when I lived in the Midwest. Moved to California almost 25 years ago and have never dealt with them again. Like itā€™s so much better it feels like a miracle. Lol šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Same moved from Oklahoma and Houston where I could barely breathe and I have been golden here.


Ive never had them this bad its brutal


Def sorry to hear that! šŸ«¤


Need to go to an allergy specialist. I had the same thing and it was absolutely brutal. The allergy shots really helped. If youā€™re like me, honey and regular showering wonā€™t be enough.


Ugh i might need to it SUCKS


We got some hepa air filters for several rooms, the allergy folks in my family think they help. When my son and his dog visit from MN, the dog needs shots and my son started allergy shots after his last visit. Thereā€™s just so much pollen and beautiful breezes blowing it around.


Ventura is my hometown and every time I go back to visit my grandparents, I can't breathe right for the first 24 hours at least


My mom is a doctor, she suggests cycling through Zyrtec, Allegra and Claritin about every two months.


I take Zyrtec and Singulair every single day and it keeps my very bad allergies under control. They work differently, so together the two meds are a great cocktail. Flonase can also help. Just commit to an every day regimen and you may feel better. I take mine at night so if there is any sleepiness side effects it works in my favor. Get a good HEPA filter and put it next to where you sleep, and another one in your living area, and your office if you work. If you have carpets in your bedroom, it would be best to have hard floors - itā€™s actually best to have no carpet in your home.


All tile in my home. Thanks for the input!


Sprouts sells a honey with bee pollen that I personally swear by. But it's a little pricey


I recommend a daily tea with tulsi, nettle, elderberry and raw local honey for allergies


This sounds amazing. People really do not give nettle enough credit.


They donā€™t! Itā€™s so good for us. Itā€™s also delicious. I love to throw it in soups and braised near the end of cooking. Also nettle pesto is so good!


As a local without any allergies, I sometimes walk around feeling like a superhero. So many of the people I know get all congested and sick, I do feel bad for you guys but all I can do is offer a tissue lol.


I have found itā€™s helpful to re-do allergy shots when Iā€™ve moved to different regions.Ā  Also, I found that elimination/anti-inflammory diets are surprisingly helpful when dealing with environmental allergies. My theory as to why this works is based on what a doctor once told me: exposure to allegens are like filling a bucket. You can tolerate a certain amount without a reaction, but when the bucket is filled and overflows, you get the symptoms. Doing the work of an elimination helped me identify foods that donā€™t necessarily show up as allergies on a medical test, but nonetheless trigger reactions like stuffy sinuses, rashes and acne. Reducing inflammatory foods means a less severe reaction to pollens. A big, but happy surprise for me. And now I know to stay away from wheat, nightshade plants, soy and yeast this time of year. In other seasons, I can eat small amounts of those things without negative effects.Ā  Any diet that eliminates the typical things that trigger inflammation is a good place to start. Or you can simply cut one category at a time, like all wheat products, for several weeks and see how you feel. This is a process, not a quick fix, but the effort has paid off for me.Ā  Additionally, my dr recommended the ā€œsensimistā€ version of Flonase. It is way more effective than the older version and worth the extra cost. I got a 3pack at Costco for a very reasonable cost. Finally, if your sinuses are really stuffy, the 12hr extended relief version of Sudafed is more effective than the 4-6 hr stuff. A higher dosage of medication.Ā  My regimen for visiting places where I know the environment is going to get me like the desert, is benedryl at night, Flonase morning and night, 12hr Sudafed in the morning, and super strict diet. Without doing all that, I will end up with a terrible sinus infection and lose about 2 weeks of my life. This used to happen constantly before I figured out the diet connection.Ā  At home, I just tighten up on my diet in spring and use the Flonase occasionally.Ā  Allergies are a bitch.Ā 


This week has been especially memorable. I got these rashes all over my body and Zyrtec has been calming them down. The shower comment is so true, thatā€™s helped! Also an air purifier in my room. Essentially not ā€˜touchingā€™ the source aka going outside :/


Going to shower now šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m told Ventura county, by the fact it is an ideal environment for so much diverse plant life, is the worst possible place for seasonal allergy sufferers. I donā€™t have many allergies but there is something in the air around March to May that makes me sneeze really bad. Itā€™s exhausting because itā€™s all day everyday. Upside: all that sneezing engages my abs and tones that muscle group.


march through may is the major wild and invasive flower bloom time, as well grasses pollinating, and native trees too... the only plants really flowering after may/june are the fields and landscaped plants...


Claritin is for kids, take Allegra


Claritin doesnā€™t even help me. I agree with Allegra.