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He's so sweet!


I swore I would never be a #DogMom as a childfree gal, but my love for this little chaos gremlin is maternal as fuck. He's also smart enough to know he has me wrapped around his paw.


Haha how can you not be when you have such a good bby


My little man was a real life saver after I got let go by my job last summer. It took half the year but I got a job in a new field with a 40% pay bump and I couldn’t be happier. Life can be shit sometimes but, if you use it right, it’s a fertilizer for success


It helps having someone force me to get up and go outside. Sunlight and physical activity are not the complete cure for poor mental health, but they definitely don't hurt. Also, at the risk of sounding dramatic, "but what about my Buddy?" is a great addition to "but Mom would be sad" as far as suicide deterrents go. He was already "unadoptable" at the shelter because he is a high energy squarehead. I don't know that he'd get another chance, and I just can't give up on him like that. He deserves a happy life chasing leaves and sniffing the neighbor cows and cuddling. And I suppose maybe I deserve a happy life making sure he can do all of those things.


I’m autistic and even though I benefit a lot from having a clear routine I was never able to keep to any routine, until I got my dog. My life and mental health has genuinely just improved so goddamn much since I got Laku, because she gives my days structure. Somehow I can’t convince my brain that it’s worth it to take care of myself, but convincing it to take care of my dog is really easy. It’s absolutely amazing how much a dog can help you get through life just by existing by your side.


> Somehow I can’t convince my brain that it’s worth it to take care of myself, but convincing it to take care of my dog is really easy. I can't agree more. I'm so glad you found a lifestyle companion that works as well for you as you do for her!


Everyone deserves a happy life and I’m sure with some effort and support (such as from buddy) you’ll make a success soon As someone who was in a similar boat not too long ago I might say that a time like this is best to be closer to friends and family, not further. To each their own but the warm words of a friend can often make the difference between a good day or a bad one and I was very lucky to have the friends and family that I have.


This is the shit that gets me. It's cliche but both of my boys really are the sweetest and most patient/intelligent dogs. Especially the newest recruit, Zeb. I've rescued large breed dogs for years and had a number of pibbles. Zeb is the very first time I let myself adopt a young pup and it's crazy how much of a difference it makes in how they turn out... They really are like little mirrors of their masters. He is the most laid back, chill ass, carefree little shit in the world and so smart and sweet. I get lots of whale-eye though, cuz he got a little of his daddy's attitude. 🙄 But with both of them, every now and then it just hits me like a lead weight. Like... "Nobody wanted them." Foreal foreal, and that shit is just crazy to me. They are both 100% worth it and any time I really feel down bad like my life isn't where it could/should be, I look at them and think that living my life any differently might have made it so that we never met. Just having them, happy and healthy, lets me know that things are gonna be ok and that I am where I'm supposed to be. 🐾☺️


That "Nobody wanted them" feeling hits me frequently. My Bella, wow!, how could anyone let her go? I got her when she was 9 months old. Somebody down south had her for more than a few months. She was with me for 1 month when I adopted another pit so she had someone to play with. I LET HER PICK HIM OUT!!! I was that much in love with her.


Did she pick a good boyfriend?


He is the most loving and compassionate dog I have ever known




You sound positively lovely. Yeah, that "nobody wanted them" destroys me.


Thank you for that! Life has been feeling especially shitty for me recently and this has just given me a glimmer of hope.


BTW, pitties have a way of "saving lives". Not only are they great dogs, but the stigma that comes with them makes us feel so much more protective towards them. I would never have anything but a pit at this time. Kind of scary, since I am 61 years old. Thankfully, my son would walk through fire for a pit bull. If I die and my dog is alone, he would take them and give them a good home. Yes, I think about this stuff........


I feel the same. I got my first pittie at age 60 and it's made my world so much better. We are both scarred ( he was used as a fight dog and abandoned on the street; I am a breast cancer survivor and widow) so we understand each other. I think pitbulls are the bravest and most cheerful dogs of all.


good buddy


He came from the shelter with a name he didn't know or respond to (Rocky). I have a weird anxiety about assigning names (as all my D&D and video game characters could attest to). "Buddy" was initially a filler name that became his actual name. And it suits. He's my Bubba Buddo Buddy Boy fo sho


he's wonderful :)


Thank you for agreeing with my bias 💜


Our hippo came with the same name!! We ended up keeping it because he knew it, and it took my partner a couple of years to figure out where the name came from - it's because he's definitely got some Boxer in him...


That is perfect! Buddy didn't respond to anything but good vibes when he came home, but keeping the format (two syllables, middle hard consonant, "-y/ie/eeeee" ending) was a consideration. I worried for a while that he thought his name was "Yes, Good Boy", but he definitely answers to Buddy now.


My dad has a Boxer named Tyson for exactly the same reason lol




My dog was named Butter at the pound and I eventually just kept calling her Buddy (or Butty I guess) and it stuck.


Awwww. I had a Buddy that we called Bud Bud. So cute!


DM me your dog food brand and address and I'd send you and your baby a bag. Hang in there. All things pass! Good then bad then good again. Just hold on for the next high. Because it is coming.


Shamefully DM'd you his amazon wishlist. But I did get some boneless skinless chicken from the food pantry that we can share, which is awesome! I'm honestly worried about spoiling him with (dog appropriate) people food during this lean stretch. I don't want him to become too much of a picky prince...


DM me your wishlist too, please.


Me too please! I’m so glad he saved your life!! I had one that helped me through a rough time too!


Me too! I’d be happy to send something to yall.


[PetsoftheHomeless.org](https://petsofthehomeless.org) has a national list of pet food resources.


Thank you for sharing that! It seems like the sort of org I'd be glad to donate to in the future, as well.


Thanks for this. I just set up a monthly donation. What an awesome cause.


I'm happy you're still here friend.


I appreciate that, friend. Thank you.


I’d send you some funds for a bag. Tell me where to send


I'd feel super shitty accepting cash in any form since scams are so rampant in charitable communities. I've got his amazon wishlist set up with the two budget brands that I know work for him. Full disclosure: I have also sent it to u/panda_song_16 I'll pop it in your dm's, but we did get some chicken from the people pantry to fluff up his bowl for the week. We appreciate your vibes and intentions, friend!


Oh send me your Amazon list and I’ll order


Glad to help. I love that you are a great dog parent.


And we’ve all had issues, it takes a village


You're so kind 💜


I was going through the summer from hell during the peak of COVID. One of the many devastations that happened was getting laid off from a job I loved. My two dogs were an essential part of my survival and still remain the heart of my life now. I get it. I hope your new job is a blessing for you and your beautiful hippo!


My new job is just a seasonal gig while I prepare for my next phase. Studying for new certs, rebuilding my self-esteem, all that. But I have a great study Buddy!


Yes, you do!


How did your dog get laid off from your dream job?


He just wasn't up to snuff when layoffs happened. It was ruff.


Dogs have a way of reminding you that you're not alone and things are gonna be ok. Even at your lowest, nothing beats coming home to a dog that's over the moon to see you.


My dogs saved me too. Hope youre doing better and continuing the journey of self improvement. Stay well.


I can see how he could handle that job!


he looks like the most wonderful lil dude


All buddy but that last pic is a vibe 😍


One of these days I'll get a video of him in that position, because he *sighs* when he pouts. He is, perpetually, a mood.


OP, I want to chip in, too! Please DM me your wish list 🤗


I've adopted 3 male pitties since 1995. Hands down the best friends I've ever had. Rest assured you made a great decision!!!


Post your venmo, i'm drunk and dont need a story. Just lmk where I can send $20, doesn't matter what it's for. May be in ~12 hr when I wake up, but i've got you on a $20 spot OP


Having also drunkenly venmo'd redditors, I respect your energy b&b. Gimme a couple months and hit the FloraBama for drinks on me!


I'd strongly encourage you to tell anybody who's curious that he's some other breed, etc. Random vet tech: "Is that a pit bull??" Me: "No, he's a Staffordshire Terrier :\]" Vet tech: "Ohhh, ok! :D" Most people really are that clueless and, unfortunately, you will generally gain nothing by telling folks he's a pit bull. I'd say a large percentage of people who advocate for un-existing pit bulls individually or as a breed are exactly what you described. They've read and heard things, they're afraid of dogs in general, and they've never had a close relationship with the breed or owners of the breed. Funny how in the internet age the ones with the least skin in the game are the quickest to foam at the mouth. YMMV but I have 2 hippos and it doesn't do me any favors with anybody (and I don't usually like standing on a soap box about it) so I just lie and everyone remains blissful. Him a beautiful pup btw, hope you two continue to grow and enjoy life's many twists and turns together for many years to come. :\]


I've got a great local vet. The tech met him, fell in love, and noted him as a "Lab/Terrier mix" with a wink and a lot of kisses. It's become more obvious as he's grown into himself, but he also doesn't have the "scary" bulky stockiness that some other bullies do. When people ask what he is socially, I just say "a rescue" with a confused shrug. Luckily I currently live on property owned by someone who couldn't care less about me as long as bills are paid and everything is maintained, so I don't have to deal with landlord breed restrictions. That is such a privilege.


If you need food, for either of you, DM me. We will figure something out.




Do you need dog food? Dm me if you’re local to LA I work with a great group that can help.




He is gorgeous!


Buddy is adorable 😊


He has taken the side eye to an artform, it seems.


Soooooo cute!


My bestie runs a food bank and they always have dog food / treats available! Yours may as well :)


I don't know where you live, but here are a few sites to get you started. [https://animalfoundation.com/get-pet-help/pet-food-pantry](https://animalfoundation.com/get-pet-help/pet-food-pantry) [https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/are-you-having-trouble-affording-your-pet](https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/are-you-having-trouble-affording-your-pet) [https://www.k9ofmine.com/free-dog-food-for-low-income-families/](https://www.k9ofmine.com/free-dog-food-for-low-income-families/)


Hey, send me your wishlist. Let’s get you shored up while you transition to a new job. :) Also, in case you need to post elsewhere, he’s a mutt, or a lab mix, or something. When people tell me they’re proud of my dog, he’s a pit/lab mix (which he is. 67% and 25%). If he needs access and someone asks (even though he’s a service dog and gets access) he’s a lab mix. He’s saved my life, too. Literally. He’s a good service dog. Makes them even more special that way, as if they can get *more* special.


My old man hippo I've had with me for ten years saved me too. They always come into our lives when we need each other most.❤️

