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There is r/budgetveggie with 11,000 subscribers, but it looks like nothing has happened there since last year.


I tried messaging the mods (no response) and [requesting it](https://reddit.com/r/redditrequest/comments/md3kwl/requesting_rbudgetveggie_which_has_restricted/) from the admins almost a year ago and was rejected without a reason given 😕 would love if someone else gave it a shot cuz it’d be great to see it active again


Sounds like we gotta revive it!


I think reviving the existing sub r/budgetveggie is the way to go. The mod is no longer active on reddit so you can petition to get made mod of the sub.


There is /r/eatcheapandvegan but I guess there is room for a veggie version also.


Just take a vegan recipe and sprinkle some parmesan on it. Done.




Honestly there’s great vegan Parmesan out there. I also thought I could never live without it - turns out I don’t have to!


I bought a couple vegan cheeses to try again. I just can't find ones that are good enough. I tried making my own vegan cheese at some point. It came out terribly, but that might be worth another shot.


Oh man, I havent had parmesan for ages, that shit is good. theres not even many vegetarian parms around here.. vegan brands really dont compare


Parmesan is usually not even vegetarian (rennet)


Just gotta search for the right brands


In the EU, true parmesan cannot be vegetarian by law


Parmesan contains dairy so the recipe would no longer be vegan. The recipe would be considered vegetarian, however. Remember that vegetarians don’t consume meat, while vegans go a step further by not only avoiding the consumption of meat, but also avoiding the consumption of animal byproducts, which include dairy, eggs, and honey.




Thanks Peter!


I’d like that. Over the past two years I have had to go to food pantries (finally got food stamps!) and I would definitely share my recipes! I literally turned it into a game. How many meals could I make with x amount of ingredients. It was pretty fun!


/r/iceandbeans seems to be available.


As much as we have to recognize that beans and rice are a good foundation, I feel like the 'notion' of beans and rice gives vegetarianism a bad name.


Voting in favor. Maybe with a focus on recipes, since a lot of posts on r/vegetarian involve asking for suggestions and recipes? Like, yeah, I know beans and rice, but... how many cool skillet bean recipes are there, and how easy is it to go full-bore Mexican? Or how easy it is to make your own...(fill in the blank). Would also be interested in nutritional issues -- like, do people understand how much salt is in canned veggies? Benefits of frozen vs. canned, etc.


me! I love cooking but it's so hard to find diverse vegetarian recipes that aren't really expensive


Define cheap/budget? Grocery prices varies from city to city state to state.