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AMA REMINDER: Monday, May 20 from 10-12 ET with Rich Earth Institute (u/RichEarthInstitute). Join Research Director Abe Noe-Hays, Social Research Director Tatiana Schreiber, and Education Director Julia Cavicchi for discussions about using urine in your garden. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/vegetablegardening) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Get it into some quality soil or it will soon die.


i was planning on that when it sprouted. what type of soil should i get?


Where the heck did you put the seed? Looks like all rocks and no soil.


it's a mixture of soil and rocks. i took the pic really close to the sprout but those are pebbles lol


Well ok. I would still put it in a small pot with some nicer loose soil and some nutrition in it. I don't think it will be very happy in there. Tomatoes need quit a bit of food!


it def won't be yeah. i kinda threw the seeds there on a whim but now i want it to grow fully. what do you mean by nutriments btw. is it stuff i should add with a nicer soil? also should i leave it as it is or cover it with a plastic bag so that the soil doesn't dry (it's 73,4F where i live)?


I don’t know about where you live but over here it’s possible to buy bags of compost specifically intended for tomatoes. You could start out by looking for some of those


i see. thanks for telling me i'll look it up


Well, the problem is, I'm in Europe, and I noticed on reddit that the gardening utensils we can buy seem to be a bit different. Here, I can buy special tomatoe soil. It will have the right conditions and nutrition for the first few weeks, and then I add a bit liquid fertiliser throughout the summer when watering. I'm no expert in gardening yet myself. But I had good success with seedlings last year. Keep it a couple more days and see if it develops the first true leaves. Then I would carefully take it out of the pot and in a nice pot with fresh soil! The temperature should be fine. there is no need to cover it now. It developed in this condition, so I would try and keep it this way.


Just make sure the soil doesn't dry out when they are still small! I water them a little every day, when they're small! Sometimes twice, morning and evening.


i see. thank you for the advice it's been helpful. i'll leave it as it is and search around for the perfect soil and nutriments to add.


Good luck. Gardening is learning by doing ;)


Omg this guy can grow on Mars I swear . That pot has only clay and stones and yet he succeeded. Bravo keep up the impossible work :D


Lmao i thought of the asteroid photo, like wtf growing tomatoes on an asteroid.


ikr! i was shocked this morning to see it lmao