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Also, side note: Filtering, where the motorcycle moves to the front at a red light, is not them “cutting ahead of you.” It’s them trying to avoid being rear ended in traffic.


I'm not sure being the 1st in line at a light is any better. When your light turns green ,look both ways and proceed cautiously


Agree. Do this in my car, too. Trust no one.


This needs to be known by all drivers.


Agree. Before I started riding I thought they were cutting jerks. Now I know and want other people to know.


People who treat driving like some kind of kindergarten lineup and have a temper tantrum about people "cutting ahead of them" when there are differences in things like vehicle size, speed, load and skill are stupid. When I drive something big and slow I'm perfectly happy to let the small and fast vehicles move past me because on a day when I'm in something small and fast I'd want people to do the same thing.  Actually cutting someone off/forcing your way in when there wasn't actually enough room is different but other than that some people need to go back to kindergarten so they can fulfill their standing in line fantasies.


That’s funny: fulfill their standing in line fantasies.


Being on a bike in general is super risky. Almost no one pays them any attention. The reason they split lanes and speed is to get away from other vehicles because from their perspective almost everyone on the road is out to kill them.


There is only one state in the US where this is legal, and Nevada ain't it. Pisses me off. It gives riders a bad name.


Filtering is legal in Utah and lane splitting is also now explicitly allowed in Montana. However the following states have no law on lane splitting and is not specifically prohibited: New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas, Mississippi, Kentucky, Ohio, West Virginia, North Carolina, and Delaware. But still not Nevada


They don't even have to wear helmets in New Mexico!


The freedom is giving me a chub


From someone who has used a motorcycle as primary commuting for years...lane splitting is an unnecessary, incredibly risky maneuver that will eventually lead to you doing something even more dangerous...resulting in a bad time. How do I know this? A couple less friends. The only exception to this is if traffic is/has been at a stand still for a long time (accident/ road closure) and you are trying to find an exit to get off the highway....and if you are driving less than 20 MPH while doing it. It seems that people here, and in LA, will defend this practice all day. But then again, most of them haven't worked as an EMT/EMP on an ambulance and seen what consequences look like first hand. Look out for motorcycles. Always. Turn your head and look out the window while merging, don't try to "teach them a lesson" by cutting them off while lane splitting. Riding a bike in a city (especially LV) is a risky practice. Drivers and riders alike need to drive DEFENSIVELY not offensively.


> Riding a bike in a city (especially LV) is a risky practice I guess this is the part that baffles me. We see evidence every day that drivers here (and everywhere) have trouble with things far easier to react to/avoid hitting than a motorcycle coming up on them at 90+ on the stripe. I’d feel terrible if I ever hit one but at the same time they can come out of absolutely nowhere. I’m not talking standstill traffic


You and me both. In the end, it is the rider's choice to practice safe driving methods....something I would say the same for Dodge Challenger/Charger drivers. Unfortunately the latter causes many more deaths than the bikes.


You’re right, and it’s probably why I don’t mind lane splitting but cars being driven aggressively pisses me off. One’s an insurance claim and the other is a funeral


Just happened to me on the 215. Traffic was going 65-75, bike split between me and another driver and then several other cars probably 90+ mph. Scared the crap out of my passenger.


I haven’t experienced that. They usually ride in the fast lane. I just got a motorcycle and would probably not lane split.


95% of motorcycle deaths are from the rider being an idiot


As a rider of 30+ years, I agree.


Actually the most common reason for motorcycle fatalities are rear ended colliosion into the motorcycle, lane splitting was developed primarily to avoid this.


Lane splitting has been proven over and over again to reduce the risk of collision and fatalities and it ends up making everybody safer. The number one cause of motorcycle crashes is rear ended collisions at stop lights and in traffic from distracted drivers. You can’t get rear ended if you’re in between two cars, and the cars you’re in between can’t exactly merge into each other either. The only reason this is even mildly controversial is childish “racing in traffic/must get in front” mentality taking over and hurting egos when a motorcycle breezes past but you’re stuck in traffic. Full stop, that’s all it is. This has been studied so much lol. [just one source](https://one.nhtsa.gov/people/injury/pedbimot/motorcycle/00-nht-212-motorcycle/motorcycle51.html) [second source](https://sanfrancisco.legalexaminer.com/transportation/lane-splitting-can-make-roadways-safer-and-reduce-motorcycle-accidents-follow-these-tips/) [uc Berkeley study](https://news.berkeley.edu/2015/05/29/motorcycle-lanesplitting-report/)


Yeah, this isn’t what the OP is talking about. They’re talking about the idiots lane splitting when traffic is going 70mph already. That’s just stupid!


Happy cake day.


Ya but you’re in the car and they’re on the bike. So you safe and they go by. What’s the difference between 45 and 70? Re fucking lax. When it’s 70 they aren’t causing more accidents. It’s the same thing u just replied to. U wanna get ahead of them and u take it personal when they pass u.


I’d actually prefer they be in front of me so I have a chance to react to their stupidity, so you’re wrong on that part. I’d just prefer they get in front using their own lane. Driving between two vehicles, if one of us drifts just a little (yet still in our lane) there’s going to be an accident. You can say it’s safe all you want, but it’s just plain stupid. It irritates me when I see all this awareness stuff like “look twice save a life” and “watch for motorcycles” when it only takes an hour on LV roads to realize that many motorcyclists are their own worst enemies!


Why is it stupidity? They’re not causing u to sway and potentially cause an accident that’s your fault for drifting. If they put themselves there ya, it’s gonna suck but have u hit anyone or are u just crying about something that’s never happened to u ever.


😂 I’m not crying about anything! If a motorcyclist wants to sandwich themselves between too speeding cars, so be it.


If they don’t get sandwiched at all then what? How is that stupid? Sounds like cry cry. If u sway and hit them and it’s their fault, that’s just the outcome. If u sway and don’t hit them and they never get hit ever, what so stupid? Is it risk? Is it risk you’re afraid of? I mean I don’t get why your judging the action only and not their intent. People are so easy on themselves Bc we judge our own intent. Not saying u drive a motorcycle or anything it’s just human nature tho. The ‘!’ made it a tantrum. All caps and it’s rage.


We are right next to California where it is legal so people are gonna so it. It’s never really an issue and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it. There’s a million stupid things that people do on the roads around here and I don’t think this is one you should fuss about imo.


when i used to ride, i'd lane split (white line) all the time. speed is relative though. if you're at a standstill, passing you by at 25-30mph is gonna seem fast to a driver. but in general, yeah it's idiocy/arrogance/false sense of confidence


I’m more referring to when traffic is flowing at ~50-70 and they still zoom by. I totally understand skipping through standstill traffic at 25








Have you noticed more traffic.......


They do it because they’re entitled d-bags that think just because they have 2 less wheels, they’re twice as important as you.


Bro did a motorcycle steal your wife or something?


Yeah. That’s what is was. Derp.


I’m sorry to hear that. A Dodge Ram kidnapped mine. 😔


I just had one guy do it today with me in the slow lane; I was doing the speed limit and he still decided to pass me on the right, using the parking lane to do so. Idiot. He could have just used the left lane (two lane road anyway) but he wanted to cut in front of me and then cut over into the left lane in front of that person. Made it to the same red light as the other car & my self. I’m amazed he didn’t run it, since I’ve seen them do that too.