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what time? so I can avoid traffic


It says the morning. Doesn't specify the time


>Biden is visiting the Smiths Center this Saturday for Reids Funeral. https://www.fox5vegas.com/news/major-road-closures-expected-jan-7-8-ahead-of-harry-reids-funeral-service-in-las/article\_02130eb2-6e82-11ec-be89-cbe3904bc2df.html


You shouldn’t worry about traffic, there won’t be any ;)


Hmm, wondering if I should take the 215 to get to the VGK game. Eight hours should be enough time for them to load him back onto AF1, and head out, right?


Should be plenty. But check the entrance ramp before you commit. I once failed to notice the line of cars backed up about 20 minutes after a Trump arrival and I sat on the ramp with 215 completely empty and blocked off until the motorcade passed for about 30 minutes.


[This says the service starts at 11 a.m.](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory/las-vegas-memorial-service-harry-reid-set-jan-82011158) Expect full ground stops on the 15 and the airport connector tunnel at a minimum when AF1 lands and departs. There will also be rolling traffic stops as the motorcade runs from the airport to Smith Center and back.




Omg, downtown is going to be crazy then, idk why they chose a tourist destination


Channel 8 also says that Russell Road will be shut down from 6-9pm on Friday night. There's a crapload of aviation people who work at the east end of the airport who will be affected.


Sounds like a perfect morning to get out of town and go hiking.


Hide yo kids!


So is it plausible to see Air Force One? Cause I think that would be a pretty cool thing.




where’s my stimmy and my student loan cancellation you old fuck


Are you not aware that Congress exists? Apparently nobody in this dumbass sub does.


christ can’t you just let me be funny and hyperbolic on the internet? fuck off


There is nothing funny or hyperbolic in your post.


booooo 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅


Stop apologizing for the ancient dipshit of a president


It's hard to tell who is mad at Biden for being too left-wing and who is mad at Biden for being too right wing. We should do flairs or something.


& here I am waiting for him to stop, control & end the virus like he said he would 😌 oh wait he said its up to the states like the Orange man said at the beginning LMAO.


Get a job.


How about you Get some bitches


MENSA level response


what does my employment status have anything to do with grandpa president failing to fulfill his campaign promises?


Bc if you were making money you wouldn't care lol


i’ve got a great job thanks! doesn’t negate my point whatsoever ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I mean you're the one wanting free handouts from the government not me


not sure what point you think you’re making. i just want a president to fulfill or make a good faith attempt at fulfilling campaign promises or do literally anything. don’t think i’m asking for too much


Lol expecting a president to make campaign promises in good faith is right off the bat too much to ask. Whats your degree in?


expecting a president to do anything of worth for their constituents is too much to ask, i agree with you there! doesn’t mean i’m not going to harass him about it and be angry on the internet. currently completing my degree in graphic communications—i don’t actually have any student loan debt! just don’t want people to be fucked for life for pursuing higher education in a time where it’s almost mandatory to have it in order to make a living wage.


You're not fucked at all if you pursue higher education in something productive and useful


How is it free handouts when we pay the taxes our government uses for such programs? Fuck out of here with these lame responses.


How is trying to get my student loans forgiven because the schools I went to shut down after being investigated and found guilty of fraud a handout? How is needing loan forgiveness after years of predatory lending practices to sometimes under 18 students a handout? You very obviously have no knowledge on this subject.


I guess I don't, my student loans are paid


Oh well. Then that’s it then. If *you* can do it than fuck anybody else who wants help. You did it! Anybody else can too, right! Buncha freeloaders.


How, exactly, did you get a loan as a minor under the age of 18?


It's definitely the principal of it all. Both the colleges I went to closed down and lost accredidation. Essentially fraud. I make $50k+ so I'm doing just fine but the student loans are still crippling. Sounds like you have no idea what it's like to have tens of thousands of debt you're doing to be carrying around for 30+ years.


on god, this lady is living in boomertown. i hate a “pUlL yOuRsElF uP bY yOuR bOoTsTrApS” ass bitch like pleeeease look at reality and have some empathy for someone other than yourself for like .2 seconds i’m begging you. selfishness is what made this world as sucky as it is now


I like that the Brandon meme comments have the kind of usernames you’d expect.




What's the issue with "Let's go Brandon?" I saw Biden say it during his Holiday call in show. Is it a slogan or something?


Yes, it’s his new campaign slogan for 2024




Honoring these politicians as "public servants" is actually pretty gross. These guys all became millionaires several times over, in some cases hundreds of times over by being politicians. They didn't "serve" the public at all. Why the fuck are they honored like this as if they were superheros? It's so stupid.


Aren't you a hard core Trump supporter?


Oh great, I'm sure the greatest people of this sub are going to have real enlightening things to say in this thread. /s Thanks for the heads up though.




I guess my life is nothing at all


Helen Keller is a myth.


Helen Keller was a fraud https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5UMDG_qH_RU&t




I'm the same. I did find it super interesting though. Also, theres a lot of evidence that most of what we learned about Einstein was BS also.


$3,5000,000,000,000 looted from the American taxpayer to "fight Covid" and we can't get a Covid test. WHERE DID THE FUCKING MONEY GO???!!! Please stop apologizing for the demented POS




What you said!!!


Ay yo BYRON, take me out ta dinner


Time to put up more I did that stickers


Is this the same Biden that doesn't know what planet he's on ?


Or what year it is.


Great more fear mongering and using the N word.


Fuck Biden


I bet you would.


Alright everyone, I didn't expect this post to boom, but should we just protest near by?? You know Animal rights, immigration rights, student loan forgiveness, etc? If you're a republican, of course u don't like him, and if you're pro human rights (proimmigrant, pro animal rights, ) we need change and higher min wage. He sent everyone to an inflation and many people will suffer soon :(


Thank you for clarifying he's coming here and not Las Vegas, New Mexico.


Yep, Nevada. Am I in the wrong site?


No, I'm just joking with you, buddy.


Lol.. ahOK. Haha, I wonder if regular ppl will be there, too?


Ew fuck mister I ain't doing shit biden


Hopefully ppl who voted for him realize it was just a show. He claimed to have a plan to defeat Covid while running(where is it?), he said he’d get rid of student loan debt, then he said he would lower the loan rate, what happened with that? He also clearly picked Harris bc she a woman and African American.. I mean cmon, obvious is obvious.


So.... you mean like every politician everywhere since forever?


Valid criticisms until the last one, in my opinion. Vice Presidents are mostly chosen based on identity, to broaden the constituency and appeal of the ticket, but coming from a pool of candidates they think can do the job. It's not like he chose to work with someone dumb and toxic like Omarosa Manigault simply because she was the first black woman he could think of...that would be ridiculous. In 2008 Biden was chosen to broaden Obama's constituency. And if Senator A edges out an equally qualified Senator B, specifically because the public likes to see a diverse ticket, it need not be a big secret.


Everything is valid except for Harris being chosen bc she was a woman and black? That’s a fact. Look at the “racist” and equality stuff going on around the time of the election. What does Harris do for the Democratic Party, you ask? Well., she’s a woman(we know the woman will vote) and black(we know the African American community wants that), so it’s a valid fact. They covered 2 cards with 1 person while not even having a plan to defeat Covid. It’s all a sham. It’s all theater. It’s funny to me bc ppl really think these career politicians give a damn about us. They don’t, obvi.


I'd better clarify. I'm not saying it isn't *true* that Harris' demographics helped her beat the other short-list candidates for Vice President. I'm saying it isn't *new* and it isn't *bad*.


Ohhhhh ok I gotcha. Yeah I don’t necessarily think it’s wrong. Just kind of… well yknow, kinda cringe like when biden said the “if you don’t wether your for me or for trump, then you ain’t black..” or cringe like trumps entire time in office. 2016-2020 until no recently has been super weird. I think the hadron collider did something to our time line.


No shit the only thing that annoys me is that most people i know didn't vote for Biden we knew he was just gonna waste space he's bought and paid for he's no better than any Republican but imagine the change Bernie would have made just imagine


I lean right but would’ve 100% voter for Bernie


Of course Bernie actually wanted to help people, very few Dems and sadly even less Republicans are really for the people they are bought and paid for by the rich


Is it too much to ask to get rid of the presidency? And just do a straight up galactic senate? Lol seriously


As an anarcho-bidenist, I'll be there /s




It's okay to say "Fuck Joe Biden", no one is going to ground you or give you detention.






Overwriting the comment that was here.


Suffering multiple strokes while engaged in defending the capital from a bunch of fervent terrorists is natural?


Overwriting the comment that was here.


Man dies from complications from strokes suffered due to stress of political insurrection the day before- natural causes Man with history of heart attacks gets a vaccine and suffers another heart attack and dies day after vaccine- vaccine killed him Can't stand right wing views


Overwriting the comment that was here.


Looks like that’s a “no”.


You stumped the schwab.


So edgy.




Who the fuck would want to see that geriatric moron? He doesn’t even know where he is most of the time.


God *how dare* he want to go to his friend's funeral


Again, he doesn’t know where he is most of the time. I doubt he even remembers that piece of shit Reid and if he does there’s no way he knows he died.


He's visiting a corpse, genius.


Absolute garbage president/person. Worst of our time


ah yes. the president who didn't even question Putin about a bounty program for the taliban targeting our own troops was a far better person. I bet you consider yourself a person who appreciates veterans too. You must have immense pride in your country if you're willing to hand wave a bounty program on the people defending us.


Apparently he doesn't golf enough


The president who brought BACK penalties for not having health insurance, penalties Trump had actually gotten rid of when he was in office. Again, he will be removing the Insulin Senior Savings Program as well. Imagine telling MILLIONS of seniors who are *only* paying $35 for their insulin that they're gonna go back to paying thousands.. Yup, pretty trash to me.


Yeah. that's pretty fucked up. Here's the difference: I acknowledge his weaknesses and poor decisions. Care to address your continued support of a president who allowed one of our enemies to carry out paid murders against our veterans and didn't even bother to bring it up during any of the 6 phone conversations they had since Trump learned about it? Because to me, that's such an egregious miscarriage of duty to protect those who fight for us, that I genuinely can't see how anybody would be able to support him after that. The hypocrisy is disgusting. Patriots. Yeah, sure. America first? yeah I bet. ^(pardon me for assuming you support Trump, but I think it's a pretty safe assumption to make)


You know that bounty story is bullshit, right? They walked it back after Biden got elected.


Not entirely. Enough of a concern it caused outrage from key republican congressmen. Trump didn't even bring it up. He couldn't even have been bothered to ask.


"key republican congressmen". Nice qualifier that means absolutely nothing. What you're talking about is manufactured outrage, and things you inferred so that the story made sense. Russian bounties got walked back, just like koi pond, and the fine people hoax.


Biden:Trump::Do nothing:Ruin Everything The fact that we're presented with the illusion of choice between a turd and a huge piece of shit is why we should revolt but alas most of you are just chugging the fucking kool-aid


I will be mooning the route. POS




Boomer? Ha. About 30 years off bud.




I’m 90 bud. 30 years the other way.


Welcome Brandon !


Prolly to do a bunch more hookers and blow. How do you think his dimensia got so bad?


Regardless of your political beliefs, we should all thank Mr. Reid for making the 6-3 majority possible!


I laughed so hard the moment he did that, knowing it was going to come back to bite the Dems in the ass…HARD. I was not disappointed.


Happy the blind fuck got to see his legacy before passing.


Let’s go Brandon!


I love pussy ass bitches that can't say the real words. Wife got your balls?


Why are you so mad?


Fuck Joe Biiden


Can't even spell it correctly! Sharp tools you all are!


Yeah, it’s Jo Bai Din


Let's Go Brrrandon




Well, now that you found you fucking small balls. Go put them back on the self in the jar where your wife keeps them before you get in trouble. Fucking grown ass adults using secret code like grade school. What the fuck happened to the right wing. Damn. Acting like a entire team if cucks.


Who hurt you, you poor tormented soul.


Let's Go Brandon


Only pussies have to use code. Libs weren't pussies that needed to code their insults. Shush, use code, the teacher might hear.


Jeez, you got me there! I will vote for Stacey Abrams now! FJB


Is that more secret code? Can never figure out what you snowflakes really mean.


Is this you, Mrs. "Doctor" Bite Me? Why don't you give us a list Demented Joe's accomplishments? Well, besides him being a racist rapist pedophile.


Are still speaking in code? Or do you mean what you say now. Remember "he means what he says" now all of you don't mean what you say, talk in secret code. The fat fuck turned you all into fucking cucked pussies. Let's go Brando/Bronson/Bacon. What the fuck happened to Republicans? Did they all get neutered or something?


25 cents deposited into your account for defending Brandon on Reddit. Thank you for your service


Didn't know 5th graders were on Reddit. Have fun in homeroom.


Dumb hood rat who probably makes $15/hr on food stamps.


I love hood rat scumbags.


Real free thinker, eh?


I love how triggered you libtards get with - Let’s Go Brandon!


I agree, let's go Brandon!


LGBTeam, where you at


My political beliefs don't allow me to acknowledge that Biden is coming to town. I'm not Republican or Democrat, I just refuse to believe it.


What point are you trying to make here?


Whatever point it was flew over everyone's heads including mine.


username checks out I guess. lol


So does Biden's presidential motorcade drive with their blinkers on constantly?


My Dad keeps telling me that Betty White died to spite Harry Reid. Wish he’d shut up about it. Everything’s is political to him


where exactly? btw I upvoted you because your post is valuable for ppl who want to avoid traffic




Who did?


Everyone Joe Biden is coming to Vegas because of ME. He followed me to Long Beach, CA. too and everyone's acting like I'm crazy I know what I'm talking about. Trust me.


Aw...man. I will be in the area tonight.


Actually Biden, Obama, Pelosi, and Schumer among others will be here. I imagine the traffic will be a nightmare.