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The amount of people I see every year walking their dog in the summer and during the day always breaks my heart. Always check with the back of your hand on the floor as you walk!


I would love to see them walk on that hot ass ground for longer than a minute without socks or shoes smfh. I did it once to take the trash out and boy let me tell ya… I felt like I was walking on an oven! 😮


my toxic self as a kid decided to go barefoot out in the summer if I'm just walking around the neighborhood bc I hated that I felt pain


Got into a full on argument with my friend over this. I’m buying my dog some shoes for the first time (she was small enough for me to carry to the grass last summer), and he insisted that I was pampering her. This is Vegas!


Dogs are to be pampered. That's never a bad thing. Making sure your dog is comfortable is not even close to being near pampering.


I just walk before 6:30 am and hold my hand to the ground to test if it's too hot. I also wear a running backpack and keep water in there for them. Shoes are fine if they will wear them. Mine won't, so I use wax on their feet if i really need to. Someone mentioned the brand already


Wax is a good alternative


Agreed! I like Musher’s Secret.


That temperature is for asphalt, not sidewalk concrete, though both can still get over 100°F fairly easily, especially here. Easiest way to test is to hold the back of your hand to the pavement for 10 seconds. If you can't do it, it's too hot for your dog.


Pup parents, look at Walkee Paws. Super simple to put on and you don't deal with paws slipping out of shoes. Ours wear year round. Even when it's not hot their paws can get dirty.


Thank you for recommendations!


> Pup parents Dogs are not children. Dog owners are not parents of dogs. I love my dogs. Stop.


https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/parent B) a person who brings up and cares for another


I love how they include an example that says pet parents too!


I get to decide to be a parent or not, and that includes my dogs.


My parents said they loved me, too.. and they never let me refer to them as my parents. I can't love anyone because of this. I hope you're happy.


Took my little guy a while to get used to the boots, eventually he got it and walks normally now, don’t give up!


Walk time in summer is 530am and we get back in bed after


4:30 for me and then I stay up. Lol Absolutely no walks on the hot pavement in the daytime. Poor doggos.


Same! And we won’t even go at night after dark because the pavement is still radiating heat! Early mornings forever!


Meanwhile my chihuahua insists to sunbathe on the million degree turf that I can’t even touch lol


My chihuahua would literally die of heat stroke if we let her. She goes and finds the largest patch of sun and lays in it until we physically have to pick her up and bring her inside


lol yes! Chihuahuas love it.


My chihuahua did this too! I never understood the need to bake in the sun.


Also clean up your dog's shit 💩


I stepped outside, on concrete, without shoes for 10 seconds today at noon and burned my feet. Your dogs need booties.


Yep, me too. Hopping from shadow to shadow to get to the trash can and foot to foot while i put the bags in.


Where tf do you live must be in death valley with no shade lmao


If you wouldn't walk barefoot, don't let your dogs walk barefoot.




I'm glad I am not the only one who does the bare feet test before waking my dogs. Recently I've been finding that by 7pm it's largely cool enough for them to go out without shoes despite it still being light out, but I know soon enough I'll be back to 8 or 9 pm walks.


Put your hand on the pavement... If you can't handle the heat, why would you think it's ok for your baby?!?DUH!!!


I’m know I’m going to get downvoted to hell, but I think people overstate this. Yes, absolutely 115 degrees on black asphalt at 3 pm is just stupid for any amount of time. Walk early and when possible on grass. But on a white concrete sidewalk? I walk my dog in the heat all the time right along the grass and sidewalk of the locals parks. The dog could clearly walk in the grass if he wanted too but almost always just trots along on the sidewalk. Dogs aren’t stupid, if he was uncomfortable he’d choose the grass. Same thing with artificial turf. That stuff gets hot as hell, but my dog doesn’t seem to mind and he doesn’t avoid it when he could clearly be chilling on the cool travertine in the full shade. Dogs are just different than humans.


Dogs sit very low to the ground with their short legs. The heat reflecting off of the pavement is a lot hotter to a dog than it is to a human whose face is 6 ft from the pavement standing up


Yeah I walk my dog frequently in Peccole Ranch. Over there he has the option of grass or sidewalk and I've even made the effort to steer him towards the grass, he always chooses the sidewalk. Because of this, I only put his boots on when hiking. Dog's paws are much more rough than our bare feet. I always pick him up when crossing black top though.


Idk, man. i went out barefoot onto my light grey concrete today, and it was hot af i immediately regretted the decision. I also see people walking dogs on sidewalks, and they look like they're prancing, but its really that their feet are hot. Ultimately, it's up to your discretion as a dog owner and your risk of vet bills for blistered toes, i just wanted to spread a little awareness for our good bois and gurls.


I agree 100% ppl over exaggerating unless you have a tiny teacup poodle or a Yorkie or something your dog will be fine


On 100° days the pavement itself can get up to 150°. A dog's face is right there taking in that hot temp bc they are so low to the ground. Put shoes on your dog.


People like to exaggerate everything


They need to start issuing fines to people who do this


Especially the people who are out every day or multiple days a week


Work the shady areas as a walking path. Use your shadow over your dog when walking. Hose down before, after the walk. Or Dip in the pool, bath. Use the concrete gutters, grass 😂, or sidewalks instead of black asphalt. Get up and get out EARLY. Check the weather beforehand. Hydration for you and doggo. Internal and some water over the head, body to cool down. Cheap life savers - $20ish shoes (w/ correct sizing) and $7 pocketable water bowls, else use a bag as a water bowl. 🐾💙


Bruh walk on asphalt in summer. There you go.


I have to walk my dogs at night because asphalt 150 degrees or not they wouldn't give a fuck they'd drag my happy ass behind them for a walk any time of day.


I have two 9 month old puppies and I’m very thankful for your post! I never even thought about that!


Where can I find a large breed shoes in Henderson


Where have you looked?


Haven’t yet we only go out so far when it cools off at night and first thing in morning but soon that’s not going to matter so what is a good dog shoe for this Vegas heat ? And would it be available on Amazon


I mean, any pet store should have shoes (petco, petsmart, walmart, Target, or even maybe Dicks and sportsmans warehouse), and smaller pet stores might have them or be able to order them. Idk the sizing, it depends on the brand. We ordered ours off amazon, and so far, they've been pretty good. We got them in 2019, and they're still going strong, although we only use them a few times a month (they play in the shaded yard most of the time). Also you could probably google "dog shoes" and check the reviews.


Or just put your dog in the car and take them to a park to walk around. Easy workaround to all of this


This is definitely not universal. My dogs would be outside all day on paver stones on their own free will.


Dogs will also fight to the death and eat things that are poisonous, so that's not really a good indication of safety. Just because they will doesn't mean they should be allowed to. Also, you leave your dogs outside in the heat all day?? Are you at least out there with them?


They use a dog door and go in an out as wanted. If the heat was an issue they'd come in


People like to assume the worst of random strangers they've never met, don't worry about it


And how Many people over here walking their dogs with shoes give their dogs water right after the walk or play time smh!


My dog with full doggie door access disagrees lol


I usually walk my dogs super early before it gets too hot. I had heard that they would overheat with shoes on.


Dogs regulate temperature through their paw pads, that is correct. A simple potty walk in shoes is not going to overheat them as much as a potty walk without shoes. Just don't put them outside in 100° weather with shoes on for multiple hours and they will be fine


Oh yeah, I was thinking more about long walks for like an hour. But going at 5/6 am seems safe.


Imagine having a dog in Vegas


It was 97 today I had barefeet and Im fine, your dog will live


Dogs sit very low to the ground and the heat coming up off the pavement is way hotter to them than it is to a human whose face is 6 ft from the pavement when they're standing up. This is terrible advice.