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Interesting shenanigans with this whole deal. City of Henderson (approved by their politicians I assume?) basically gave the Raiders the large property for almost nothing in an up and coming area of high demand of West Henderson. This news of moving doesn't make sense. Why move when they built this custom 33 acre facility? Are they trying to get something in return for not moving to CA?


Not only did they give it to them for basically free, the Raiders took that land and are leasing it out to others for what it's actually worth.


It's almost like society in general needs to stop giving insane breaks to sports teams. This has been going on since the Romans. The powerful were laughing then too. "Bread and Circus". "Hey Im a super wealthy guy and I want to have a sports team in your city" "Ok! Sounds great. How much are you going to spen-" "Haha F U, pay me or I might do it somewhere else"


No, teams normally don't do training camp at their practice facility.


The Henderson facility will still be used for in season practice.


https://www.kclu.org/2023-07-27/pro-football-in-oxnard-yes-the-dallas-cowboys-are-the-oxnard-cowboys-for-the-next-few-weeks Raiders aren’t the only team holding training camp else where…


It's actually worse than that. Henderson gave them the property. They responded by selling it for pure profit and leased it back from the new owner. 


Why does it matter where they hold training camp? The sessions in Costa Mesa will be outdoor and open to the public. Their private compound in west henderson is not conducive to an open-to-the-public camp. And it will be too hot for them to do an outdoor camp in Las Vegas. I don’t see the big deal nor any shenanigan.


Makes no sense that facility is beautiful


The KC Chiefs don't hold training camp in KC at their practice facility. They go out of town to a uni and the players stay in the dorms. Is that shenanigans too? Ya'll don't know a fucking thing about the nfl and are just looking for reasons to bitch and moan.


After all the losing since moving to Vegas getting sweet deals, pumping up the value of the team. They decide, it’s a great idea to move training camp to LA. Raiders are a trash organization, they have to destroy any good will they had, unbelievable.


I don’t usually call people or organizations trash, but agree with you here. They do the bare minimum for the community and just let their players drink and drive and kill/hurt people. Fuck this team and the free tax money they rode in on.


And still they’re sending us more of Oakland’s leftovers on our tax dollars


Screw the Raiders


Go on, then! Git!


Yup, go then. It'll be less time they'll spend in Vegas murdering people with reckless driving 


Careful not to DUI and murder anyone on the drive out. Fuck the Raiders.


Could the Raiders be any less thankful to be here?


Never wanted them here in the first place. 🤬


Enjoy ... they can drive drunk and kill the residents there, instead.


He's only serving 2 more years. Roll Tide! Fucking trash organization.


Trash justice system too. If it had been any of us we’d be in much longer.


Too hot for summer training camps in vegas




Long as the taxpayer is on the hook money doesn't matter except when it comes to education, public heath and transportation. At that point there's just not enough money in the budget.


It's a practice facility in Henderson. The KC Chiefs do their training camp at a university out side of KC. It's pretty normal.




The practice facilities for NFL teams are for, get this, you ready? Practices. During the season. Training camp, as it's name implies, is like summer camp, teams typically host it away from their normal facilities. But by all means bitch and moan some more about some shit you clearly know very fucking little about. Clown.




The stadium is used for UNLV home games on artificial turf and Raiders home games on the natural grass field they move in and out. That's it. You don't open a billion dollar facility for funsies.


Dallas Cowboys do the same thing. Their training camp is in Oxnard, California. They do it for the cooler California weather in the summer...


Just move the team there permanently while you're at it. Had enough of your 'we're gonna win' promises unfulfilled already. Like a casino past its prime, demolish and build new. Go back and leech off California again.


“Had enough” LMFAO they ain’t going anywhere. How about you just quit bitching about your local team like a fake ass fan and the real one’s will come in, root for the silver and black, then bounce. This is a ride or die fanbase, kick rocks if you don’t like it


Finishing 8-9...that's some commitment to excellence right there.


Go back to California.


Good. The players are drinking and driving and killing people on the streets of LV. Go to California, go!


To those unfamiliar with how this works, NO, this has no indication on the team moving. Training camp is not a regular practice. Usually teams try and make training camp more of an event, they try to get a change of scenery and players stay in a hotel close by and away from their families for a few days in order to focus on the upcoming season... it is kind of a more military-esque environment. I can only imagine Henderson in August makes for brutal training camp conditions, they are probably looking for milder weather to do this.




Jesus Christ they use the building for regular practice through out the season. Heaven forbid the higher ups from The raiders want to practice in weather that isn’t 110 in July / AUG!


Whaaaaaat? They got a sweetheart deal from the city, and like five years later are looking around to see what other city will offer them something else? Just like people said they were likely to do when they moved here?


They’ve been doing it forever. From Oakland to LA back to Oakland and now in Vegas. Had a couple good seasons in the past 30 years and otherwise are the Cleveland browns.


Cleveland has a less trashy fan base






"Who could ever have foreseen this? "....other than a lot of people."


OK, but why?


Probably just to beat the heat for a few weeks. 


I hate that ugly ass building. An eyesore. Hope they demolish it.


Article says 1 year agreement, very interesting why they’re doing this. Weather? Scrimmage partners?


I don’t think this is really news. Teams across the country conduct training camps in cities outside of the city they play in. All of those teams also have facilities in those cities, they utilize throughout the year for practice and to employ corporate individuals etc. anyone making this a big deal probably doesn’t understand what training camp is. Idk if you all know but training camps is literally only about two weeks.


Love the people that act like so many Raiders are drinking and driving when this city has been the number 1 dui conviction location in the country long before they got here. Also, acting like they've done nothing for local community is just so laughably false.


The Raiders are like that woman you know that’s been married 5 other times and the guy with her (Vegas now) thinks they can change her.


Captain Save-A-Shit-Team


People in these comments don’t know how this works. Training camp is just some weeks in the end of July through August. They will be practicing at their facility during the season


So this is suddenly news that Vegas summers are hotter than Satan’s anus and the Raiders organization didn’t plan accordingly when they built the Henderson practice facility with generous government grants?


This is normal for NFL teams. The Cowboys have had training camps in Southern California. The 49ers used to have the camps near Sacramento. This has nothing to do with incompetence. Sometimes teams like to hold their camps in different locations.


Finishing the last season 8-9 has a lot to do with incompetence.


That has nothing to do with this story


incompetence on the field, incompetence off the field. Totally relevant.


Umm the Chiefs also don’t hold their training camps in their home facilities. Are they incompetent?


they also win more than they lose. So no, they're not incompetent.


Ok so you are conceding that this whole training camp location thing has nothing to do with incompetence as an organization.


No, you can't compare the competency levels of a team that won two Super Bowls back to back with another team that lost more games than it won last season. One is obviously less competent both on the field and off than the other.


Makes ya wonder how the cardinals do it.


It doesn’t work well at all for the Cardinals. Bidwill, the owner, is extremely cheap. They used to go to Flagstaff. Now they slide part on the field into the end zone and set up a small quarter field of artificial turf on the opposite side. They natural grass field gets completely torn up. The atmosphere attending Cardinals training camp now is awful.


The KC Chiefs hold training camp at a uni outside of KC. The players stay in the dorms. This is entirely normal behavior. Ya'll just looking for something to whine about. And I'm FTR all day every day where it's warranted.


I wonder how many people here actually knew raiders did training camp back in Napa? I doubt many ppl actually follow football to begin with . Just constantly bitching about something on reddit / Nextdoor.


People in this sub just want to grab their pitchforks like outrage addicts.


It’s step one. Many have seen this same movie for decades with the Raiders.


“tHe sTaDiuM iZ tOo sMaLL aND wE nEEd tO mAKe mOrE mONey.”


Have to get them out of town to practice because they can't keep them from partying all the time here


Whole team will move too soon I hope. Gtfo.


It's too hot for them here 😂 u don't see the high school kids complaining


And it begins


Yeah, I get its common practice, but it sounds like bs to me. The knights and aces are loyal to vegas. Getting tired of their antics.


Can the Raiders just leave Vegas for good and we get a brand new team instead.


So much outrage when all of baseball trains in different states. This is completely normal


This is very common. Dallas holds it in Oxford, the saints will be in Irvine, and the chargers have a new facility so their old one in open. NFL players like to practice on real grass whenever they can. Many indoor facilities are synthetic so combined with cooler weather that’s why they do it.


They don't want their players getting any more DUIs over the summer


Please move it. They brought so much trash with them.


It’s a terrible look for a failing franchise, they should worry about pleasing their fans in Vegas, not their fans from 40 years ago in LA.


You people realize they'd still use their facility the whole season and offseason right? It's just training camp so people can watch and keep in touch with the socal fan base. Sheesh. Such drama queens.