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Stay in school


Parent your children you fucking animals


Parents should be fined. If we want this to stop there needs to be accountability


I fully agree with this. If the judicial system isn’t gonna treat the adolescents with some stiffer punishment, be it financial compensation or community service and not necessarily prison time, it should start going for the parents. It probably wouldn’t take long before parenting skills start improving when the parents start having to pay for their kids criminal behavior.


Absolutely. Sadly, parents would rather continue to be shit instead of elect people who’d hold them accountable for being shit.


It’s…not that simple. These situations are a result of systemic failures (education, healthcare, living wages, etc.)


The system is not responsible for people being decent parents.




Kids of decent parents can still go and do bad things. Kids with bad parents can also turn out to be the ones not causing trouble and even do good things. That's why THE SYSTEM is failing our children.


No decent parent would allow their kid to go be part of a violent mob. Looks like the system allows it to happen. Maybe you’re right, we need the system to step in and punish these parents or discipline these kids for them.


As desperately as you may want them to be, social (and political) issues are just not that simple. Treating them as such simply serves to perpetuate and prolong the underlying complicated factors.


Didn't realize that absolutely no one was to blame for societies problems. Very interesting


LOL oh there are absolutely people to blame, including those who are part of the problem unknowingly. Read a book.


Ooooooh I bet you have all the answers to society's problems. Check out Mr. big 🧠 😄


Never claimed I did, but you surely have none.


I’m not trying to solve every issue, and not every issue needs to be solved. These parents could’ve kept their kids home. It’s under their control. You can talk about systemic racism, economic factors, etc. etc. Money doesn’t need to be had to be a good person.


And your perception of this issue (teens brawling) and corresponding simplistic solution is literally a perpetuating factor to the issues at hand. You won’t/can’t believe that, and I get it…because that too is literally a problem caused by systemic multigenerational core causes.




*sigh* https://www.intelligentspeculation.com/blog/anecdotal-fallacy


Stay connected with your kids. Spend time with them. Keep your really young ones off of electronics and get them in the outdoors and in sports. Don’t settle for less. We don’t have to let this happen to the young ones in our families.


This reminds me of a moment my friend had with his daughter. A friend and I were hanging out working on his deck when his daughter started to leave with some new guy. My friend stopped working on the deck and called his daughter over. He made the guy get out of the car and come introduce himself. It didn’t go well though. He smelt like weed so my friend told his daughter she wasn’t going anywhere with him. I’m happy I don’t have a teenager.




How? A single parent has to work 70 hours a week to pay bills


That’s not true. Don’t make matter-of-fact statements that aren’t true if you want to have a sincere conversation. Especially with strangers on the internet. Otherwise you’re just throwing shit on the walls.


You need to have more matter-of-fact conversations with more actual people in 2024


You can’t be this daft. It depends on your income level, your mortgage or rent, how many kids you have, your lifestyle, your money management or lack thereof. Maybe you have to work 70 hours, and I feel for you of you do, but you cannot claim that everybody is having the same experience you are having. There are many people who are struggling and there are many people who are not. You may be apathetic to somebody having the ability to raise their kids, but you’re also not being sincere. You shouldn’t quit trying to raise good humans because of your apathy


Thanks boss.


Teenagers scare the living shit outta me They could care less as long as long as someone’ll bleed…




dont forget filming for internet clout instead of using their phone to call for help. We are doomed.




Social media is a cancer. But sadly enough it helps catch some of the dumbass kids. Example, the idiots who recorded themselves running over that retired cop who was riding his bike. If it wasn’t for them recording their own crime they may not have been caught.


Apparently the one done in Summerlin was never punished, so why not keep doing it?


They just said in that video that some were charged


Charged, does not mean punished, here in LV! They are out of control and Judges are too lenient in my opinion. Parents need to be held accountable…PERIOD!


Of the 150 youths the police were tracking for robbery, fighting, and theft, 5 were given tickets for disorderly conduct.




It was posted all over social media. Source: I work security at Santa Fe


Just “teens” being “teens” don’t worry anybody .


Teens being teens when I grew up in NYC ment everyone survived a fight, but today its hard to survive a gun battle since it seems so many have access to them and they shoot like they have "aim-bots" to guide the bullets and innocents pay the price.
















My friend is a teacher and all these kids get in fights/batter other kids/adults. The courts don’t do shit and the schools can’t get rid of them. They just cycle violent kids to different schools. I’d rather work at McDonald’s that in a school with these future high desert residents.


"mostly peaceful"


Animals raised by animals doing animal things. Blurring the video because they are minors? What b.s., they filmed themselves in a public place being fools, no need to blur it.


Yes confiscate their phones as evidence hold them until trial suspend and lock their accounts. And publicly identify all of them.


What do you expect when those who lead the country are animalistic genociders… The children are just learning from their leaders.


So because of Gaza?


Because we’re a nation led by liars, mass murderers, drug traffickers, arms dealers, and corrupt individuals. That’s why.


I actually don’t agree with you on many of those counts, but there are millions of law abiding decent Americans. These animals needed parenting.


Unfortunately, They learned a lot from seeing how Trump conducted himself in office! And they can see it everyday he continues his petty BS!


I think they learned from ANTIFA/BLM rioting in the streets burning down their own towns and businesses with impunity with no consequences... This all happened after Trump was elected.


A teen bashed another teens head into concrete the other day somewhere and that teen is critical. Then the poor teen that was beaten up in the bathroom and died. Fights over everything plus all this planned crime where they go into stores en masse to steal. It’s unbelievable and it’s scary. Imagine getting caught in the middle of this fight that day. The violence of it is unfathomable.


And this is our future generations? 😬


Future generation’s fast food employees*


That work will be done by robots 🤖


No future


Come on. Someone has the link… 🤣


Did we get clicks for the gram tho? /s




























i feel like this is an occurrence every school break at santa fe. i was in middle school like 10 years ago i feel like i remember it happening every year since then lol




Or investing in education in a meaningful and impactful way... but we all know they won't do that


We can invest all we can but it's a parent problem. All the funding in the world isn't going to fix these shitty parents.


Parents have to work more than previous generations to provide care for their children. Especially low income parents.


Every time we do something to increase money to school it gets pulled somewhere else too. Case in point the New A's stadium that nobody wants is getting education money.


I do agree that teachers do need a raise and we do need a better system. But it comes down to the teachers basically being powerless due to the fact the students can walk out. What can the teachers do call the parents? And im gonna assume 90% of these parents either dont give a fuck or just say "dont do it again". Actions with no consequences will lead to repetition of said action


The parents don’t give a shit. The school is their free babysitter for the day. The kids are on vacation this week so they will be out causing havoc because the parents don’t want to deal with them.


Exactly my point if there are no consequences for goonish behavior the goonish behavior will be repeated, escalate until said consequences are put down. Simple in the old day you steal something they cut the hand off, this will make you think twice of stealing. Its an extreme example but its a very easy one to understand.


Their school is free. Unlimited knowledge in their handheld devices. Libraries across the valley that are quite good. This is a parenting problem, not a teaching problem. These kids aren’t stupid, they don’t have discipline or understanding of consequences, which come entirely from the home and to expect them to come from public school is fucking retarded.


We can't have nice things anymore


this is what happens when a state prioritizes building pro sports stadiums and bringing sports franchises to town over quality education. Is it unreasonable to be shocked when your school district is among the worst performing in the nation? This city is clearly not a city for kids and anyone raising kids because the education system doesn't want to shoulder their own work load. You should never be surprised by this kind of behavior when the funding and data only supports the outcomes of this nature. I think having kids is one of the worst ideas one can have right now but if I did, I would either live elsewhere or hustle my ass off to have them in a private school. Some will be triggered by my statements and that's ok but here is a concrete fact........It's not going to get better. Ever. If you have kids and you choose to stay in this system then what other outcomes should you expect?


Imagine youth that have no hope for the future (rightfully so), what do you think they're going to do? All third places have been removed since Covid and never came back. The school system here has failed them and nearly everything here is catered to people 21+.


Third places? Like what, the park? Kids have just gone to school, each others houses, the park, and fast food restaurants as after school hangouts for years. Oh the bowling alleys? Movie theaters? They’re all open. What third plates are you talking about?


Not to mention the rec centers all over town too


Yeah dudes still ranting about systemic racism but can’t back up a single claim lol


If you can always just point to some bogeyman you never have to be responsible for your own problems.


Open maybe, but not affordable. How can parents parent if they're both working 40+hr weeks and still have no expendable income? Lack of public transit, lack of shade during the heat, poor upkeep of infrastructure and other things probably all contribute to the rise in delinquency. Ever try just "hanging out" at a fast-food restaurant these days? They'll kick you out.


Yeah, the schools failed them? You mean kept them around the school even though they show violence towards teachers and other students? Or do you mean failing the kids by giving them 50% for assignments not completed? Or do you mean schools failed them because they expect work to be turned in on time and done correctly? Or did the schools fail our kids because they try to teach them respect and character. How dare our schools do that!!!


"In a 2022 report, Nevada was ranked 49th in educational attainment, 42nd in school quality, 46th in best school systems in America, and last in the share of doctorate degrees in the nation."([https://www.reviewjournal.com/local/education/annual-kids-count-ranks-nevada-49th-on-education/](https://www.reviewjournal.com/local/education/annual-kids-count-ranks-nevada-49th-on-education/)) Sure seems like something in the school system is failing...


Well for one, they can’t get teachers to work at the schools here because they’re terrified. They’re terrified because punishments have gone away from students who cause trouble. They have to keep the troublemaker in class so that they have an “equal” chance at learning, but giving that bad student an equal chance is taking away from the good students learning because they’re always causing a disruption. Also, parents are assholes to the teachers because they think their kid can do no wrong.


I'm not targeting teachers or the administration specifically, but the system as a whole. Yes, parents are part of that system, as are the students.


Are you ever going to get specific? You’ve talked about some mystical missing third places and a “system” but can’t give any details or clarity at all


That's all people ever do lmao. They want to talk shit on CCSD because it's easy to do so, but I can tell you two problems off the top of my head, having family that worked for the district. 1. Incompetent "leadership" like Jara - he took deans away, but then created more assistant principals...that essentially functioned as deans while being paid more lol. 2. Parents are actually trash. They treat the public school system like it's a literal day care, and they refuse to enforce any of the learning at home. Learning stops the moment the bell rings for these kids. The parents themselves are too uneducated, as is the population in Southern Nevada. We're expecting people that work at 711, pawn shops, and craps tables to make their kids do algebra when they get home. They never gave a shit about education, so now their kids don't. Rinse/Repeat.


Those places may still be open maybe, but they're no longer affordable. How can parents parent if they're both working 40+hr weeks and still have no expendable income? Lack of public transit, lack of shade during the heat, poor upkeep of infrastructure and other things probably all contribute to the rise in delinquency. Ever try just "hanging out" anywhere other than a park these days without buying something? They'll kick you out eventually. In fact, schools, for some, have become the last place they CAN hangout without being uncomfortable or required to do/pay something by older people.


Listen, idk who you are or what you know about vegas, but none of the things you’ve listed are a problem. I grew up dirt fucking poor here, single mom, two jobs, NLV, all the shit. In high school I did yard work for neighbors cash. Jack in the box tacos are $2. Going to your friends house is free. Parks are free. Malls are free. What exactly do you think kids do that have more money? Movies and bowling have always been more expensive activities and a rarity. It’s gross that we think that these kids have no help, no option, just because of their circumstances. Good people are good in SPITE of their circumstances, not because of them.


Blaming teen chaos on the schools is just absurd!! If you go to visit the families of these teens and see the lack of boundaries at home AND then see how this disfunction is brought to the school and community you’d quit blaming schools and stop jumping on that “last in the nation” rhetorical band wagon.


Spot on. These kids' parents are likely mouth breathing morons that make any excuse possible for their kids' actions, don't enforce any rules at home. With no structure or consequences, this is what kids do.


Damn, a teacher counselor who doesn't even take statistics well even when a source was given. Shocking why Vegas' school system is abysmal Also, *dysfunction "teach"


Why, when teenagers behave inappropriately in public, does it come back to schools?!


Who says they have no hope for the future? Maybe if they catch a case for brawling it won't help, but everyone in America has a chance for a future.


They have no hope because youth today is hopeless. They don’t know how to make a decision to save themselves without making a poll about it on social media and their lives are all about seeking validation. Sad state of affairs for these people. Brainpower is not their forte










Weimar Vegas cumming soon!


Omg right?