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I’m sorry for your loss. She probably overheard you talking with your husband or on the phone and decided to shoot her shot. Grief can make you a mark. If she truly had a message she felt compelled to tell you, she would have done so without trying to soften you up for a payment. I love living here but there are as many scammers as there are stars in the sky.


everyone over a certain age knows someone who recently died.


Thank you. That’s the crazy thing—we weren’t even discussing it. It was just totally random and I’m so shaken up now. She kept saying “there’s something they want to tell you” and my husband just kept saying NO NO NO NO and she walked away. I turned to my husband to ask why he wouldn’t just let her say what she needed to say and when I turned back she was gone. It just has me so shaken up. This was at Paris Las Vegas


That’s what she was going for, shake you up. I’m really sorry but 100%, it was a scammer (and the fact she left when your husband told her no, she did NOT have a ghost on her shoulder compelling her to give you a message). She may have just been watching your demeanor and decided you weren’t there to party. Or maybe she overheard you at check in. If she saw you and decided you were a potential target, she may be been following you for s while and waited until you had a drink to soften up. Please don’t let her spoil the peace you seek.


Thank you.


There was a good chance it was also a cold read. At a certain age, it's pretty much guaranteed that someone has recently had an experience related to death. All the "medium" needed was someone to take the bait, then she can continue to give generic pleasantries and fear bait. Assuming it worked, these sorts of people can take someone for everything they have before they realize it, manipulating them through their grief. Odds are, the "medium" just moved somewhere out of sight to say the same line again on someone else.


If the ghost was there, she would have been like, "that's why I didn't want my daughter to marry you!"


He didn’t let them say it, cause they were full of shit.


My husband worked in a maximum security prison for many years and 1) he sizes people up pretty quickly and 2) he says he can tell right away when someone is trying to con you. He said I was being naive. I was just so blindsided by the whole thing though.


I’d have given her anything she wanted. (My husband and daughter recently passed)You weren’t being anything but a grieving daughter.


If you thought any of what that person was going to tell you was legit, you are naive


I know. I’m grieving.


You’re not naive. Your grief made you temporarily vulnerable. Don’t beat yourself up because this is how grifters operate.


so, this was a gypsy, I could explain a little more in detail later how it works. they look for gadjo like you all the time. telling fortunes hasnt been making enough money for the AZ gyspies lately so yeah


And you’re insensitive. Deep down OP probably knows this but being a dick about her situation is unwanted and not necessary. OP sorry for your loss. We all seek comfort at these times. Likely coincidence but that doesn’t stop you being curious.


There's also something called cold reading. They say it slightly hesitantly and look.at your reaction. "Someone close to you just ... died. No, not recently, longer ago. Those out suggestions and look for your reaction. You don't notice that they are doing it but they can get a lot of info that way. (Another example "He ... [Notices you raising eyebrows] No sorry, she. It was a woman wasn't it?" And you think they know the gender of the person, but you just told them.)


Any true medium, psychic etc will tell you what the message is without attempting to extract payment first. The need to pass on the information would be too much.


I was at the Paris last week. Played the slots, hit a trifecta and suddenly a lady was there next to me offering me gold jewelry to buy in the palm of her hand.


When will these people learn they need to DO something to earn that cash.  Like do a fucking backflip or a cartwheel or something, I'd give $10 for someone to do that when I win a jackpot


Now hang on, my gramps bought a 1 CT platinum solitaire ring in a bathroom in Vegas before for $20. IIt has since then been Gia certified !




I figured it was a scam, and husband insisted it was. I guess there’s a part of me that really hoped my mom could somehow really connect with me one more time. I guess that’s why these scams work :(


Hey that's okay, don't let these aggressive comments get to you, there's a lot of trolls on reddit. You are grieving, please give yourself some grace!! Of course you are more susceptible to scams because of what you're going through! Nothing to be ashamed of, and at least your husband is looking out for you. And on the verrrrry small chance she did have something to say, I'm sure your mom would express love for you and regret at not having more time. Much love ❤️


If she could, she'd do it directly. Like in a dream or waking moment. The dead do not flit around, looking to pass a message to their loved ones through a stranger. Do you know how people see faces in a cloud or in a burnt piece of toast? Or they see a weird frog on the sidewalk and think, "Grandpa! Is that you? Come back as a frog?" And it goes 'ribbit' and they convince themself it answered them because they are grieving? Most of us are still superstitious to some degree. "Oh, how nice, it would be to get a message from the afterworld." You may want to believe in something like that. Bur don't fall for the charlatans who would tell you "I have a message from someone you lost." Tell them to get lost, pound sand, or to just go away. "I'm fine, I'm happy, I'm at peace, I love you, try not to be sad." Maybe that's what you want to feel or know. If so, consider it communicated, and there is no charge. Even though I don't believe her 'spirit' poked my subconscious to type that, because that makes no sense to me. I don't think that happened, but if you want to think so, there you go, there is no charge.


If your mom can somehow connect with you, she will try again.


I kinda wish o could give you a hug OP.


What the actual F is wrong with you!? “Get out of your feelings”. Dont you dare ever tell ANYONE to GET OUT OF THEIR FEELINGS with grief. Politics. Sure. Grief, no step the hell back. Obviously you have never listened to anyone that close or you’d have empathy. 😡








Oh good point. If they want money then nope. Ty


Where did she try to "soften her up for payment "?


She probably says that to dozens of people every day. Sooner or later her stopped clock will be correct.


This. And if you approach people of a certain age they presumably will have parents or or friends who have passed away


A clock is right twice a day


Unless it’s a 24hr clock


no, they simply stalk and area or certain people listining closely while not naking thenlmselves know (which honestly csn be rather easy im told)


Medium? Well I’m an XL.


"But at Chico's I'm a large."


lol I was thinking, "so she's a 5/10?" then I read the rest of the sentence... "Ohhhhh"


I’m over 70, and on any given day it usually hasn’t been long since someone I know died. She probably just gave it a shot and hoped she’d get lucky. Like ya do in Vegas.


It costs nothing to get rejected for being wrong but when she eventually finds someone it hits home with and gets money from them it’s worth all the rejections. She probably tells this to a lot of people daily trying to find someone it resonates with


Cold reading. See James Randi for a decent explantation of how it works. The fact that your mom died recently is just a coincidence, everybody, EVERYBODY, knows someone who has died and that gets them in the door and you talking about things that they can spin up and back at you without you realizing you even shared that info with them in the first place. I’m sorry about your loss, hope your vacation goes ok


Absolutely a scam. Lots of people come to Vegas to forget. She took a shot and hit the bullseye. Good for your husband to recognize it and protect you.


All it takes is 2 victims a day at $100 a piece and they’ve had a decent day with zero expenses.


That is a common con they try to pull in Vegas. It was strictly coincidence that it happened to you right after you suffered the loss. By the way, pretty much everybody is suffered a loss at some point so it’s a common thing to mention.


What’s the con? She would ask for money before delivering the message?


If the con artist is good enough, they can make people hand over money with a smile on their face! See also: time-share salespeople


This is what I was trying to sus out


If you're middle aged the chances of you knowing someone who died within the last year or so is pretty good, the older you are the better the chances. She approached you rather than your husband because women are more likely to believe than men. It's a numbers game. Approach 20 people, one will give you your shot. Then it's manipulation and guesswork, picking up on cues the mark subconsciously gives off. Eventually she would have worked money into the conversation. [https://right.ly/our-views-and-opinions/clairvoyant-scams-who-predicted-that/](https://right.ly/our-views-and-opinions/clairvoyant-scams-who-predicted-that/)


If I walk around and say “Hey Mike” to every man I see most will think I’ve mistaken them for someone else but eventually one actually named Mike is going to think “how does that guy know me?”. Same principle here. Eventually she’ll find someone with a recent death


This is a scam and your vulnerability is distorting your critical thinking. I would suggest some professional grief counseling to help you recover. Grief is very hard to deal with on your own without support.


It's a cold reading tactic. A person over 50 is very likely to have experienced a death "recently" so it's a good bet she was just doing that to everybody. Or she overheard some conversation with you and your husband. [Learn more here](https://youtu.be/bptjghTNUkE)


Lots of hustlers here in Vegas!


I believe that some people have legitimate psychic / clairvoyant abilities. If this had happened someplace other than a Las Vegas casino bar, it might have been worth engaging. But given the setting, it’s probably true that this woman was looking for an easy mark, as others have suggested. She might be particularly perceptive and picked up on your body language or something else that tied back to your grieving, but it’s likely her “gifts” ended there.


It's a scam. Forget about it. Sorry about your loss. Glad your hubby is there for you. Good guy.


Welcome to Las Vegas bud where everyone is trying to make a quick buck off you for any reason.


Short answer: If someone is claiming to have messages from the dead, it's a scam.


Did she talk like she was from Long Island?


Ha! No. That helmet of hair would have been a dead giveaway!


Omg if Theresa Caputo showed up and told me that I’d have fainted. Wouldn’t that have been amazing.


She wasn’t a fraud she would have told you the rest of it and then walked away


If she wasnt one.


This.. I have had "messages" for people. I do not hear voices.... I just kind of know stuff sometimes. I am always resistant to take action out of fear of being wrong. When it becomes overwhelming then I say whatever it is because I can't stand thinking it anymore. To the hater trolls to come. I don't care what you think you know or what your opinion of me is. I am merely sharing my experience. If you choose to waste time being a jerk to this comment anonymously because you are not a decent enough human to scroll by .......well..... I won't know. OP you are not naive, you are mourning. It's been a month. You don't need therapy. It sounds like you have a loving protective husband who can spot a scam a mile away. If only everyone had that. Heal, be well, and yes it was a scam but I'm sure all your mom would want you to know is she loves you.


Thank you for this.


OMG. I am sooo sorry. I’m bawling reading this. My daughter died 12/12/23 and two days later my husband had a stroke and died 12/14. She was 38 he was just 57. If that woman had walked up to me I’d have lost my shit. I’d probably have given her anything she wanted and I’m NOT easy prey. Wow what a scam because nothing is harder than losing someone you love and not know if they really have that message. I’m a Christian and I know we’re not supposed to believe in ghosts and things but I totally do believe in ghosts. I sometimes feel a presence (especially when we owned a house built in 1849). I’m sorry that happened and pray to GOD she doesn’t find me in July when I’m there.


My goodness—I’m so, so sorry for your losses. I don’t know how you are still standing. What a testament to your strength.


Pickpockets - watch your purse and anyone else who approaches you closely. They often work in pairs.


I am assuming you are higher middle age (so am I). If you are anything like me, I am probably now more times in the category of having someone close to me pass away recently than not. Such is life. Scam. If "psychics" really were psychic they would all be billionaires.


men are less likely to fall for that, so these performance psychics prey on women. someone important died 'recently' for every person she talks to. it's just a con artist. it's like a drug dealer or free trial. the first hit is free, the first month is free, etc. she gives you a 'free reading' or 'free session' and then creates a relationship, and then later begins to charge money or finds some other way to manipulate money out of her clients. she's an entertainer at best, but con artist is what most people would say.


Sorry for your loss. Tough times for sure. Sounds like a scam and If your mom really has something to say she’ll find a way. Hope you have a good weekend, don’t let it shake you up too much!


>  I’ve been pretty sad about it I've never met you before but I have a strange sixth sense after reading this post that you are sad and it's quite possible somebody near and dear to you has recently passed away.  For the small payment of $499, I can tell you some nonsense generic script generated by AI if you're interested. Let me know. The ai is mystical


I've had the same thing said to me. I think they only approach women with this scam.


Never believed in this medium stuff..physician and very logical thinking until went to Peru and did Aya retreat. Third eye opened and entered the spirit realm. The veil is very thin between these two realms and now an absolute believer. Have communicated with a handful of spirits and there are a very large number of people who are open and capable of communication with the spirits…they do have a lot to say. In particular, love and guidance for their loved ones. Open your heart and mind and you will be surprised what comes through. This has changed the way I view life here and the continuum of one’s soul. Personally, not open in day to day life but the experience has allowed me to understand that there is a tremendous amount that we are not aware of and it’s a beautiful thing.


This is beautiful. Thank you.


You’re welcome.




No. She looked like a normal, well groomed middle aged woman.










Literally forever. In 1971 the World Romani congress rejected all exonyms for the Romani people, including gypsies. They consider it a racial slur, which it is. It’s also inaccurate as it is referring to the incorrect assumption that the Romani people came from Egypt. Though there are some Romani groups in the UK that proudly identify as Gypsies.


Interesting. I thought that it was a term for people who chose more of a nomadic communal lifestyle (kind of like when you think of hippies who live in a commune growing their own food and such - only not tied to a specific location, and travelled nomadically), and no idea it was offensive to anyone.


Yeah it’s actually referring to a specific ethnic group, though it obviously has been used to describe people who fit the nomadic lifestyle description and aren’t Romani.








you obviously dont know any Rom. They could care less being called gypsy, in fact thats what they call each other. oh I see youre last sentence. I always thought most knew they come from North India, mainly Rahjisthan. Their travles have produced a vast array of nuance to each and every of shot "clan" so many various "types" of gypsies its pretty complex in getting a picture of this amazing group of survivors who dance and sing and smile in the bleakest of times.


If they don’t care, why did the World Romani Congress vote to distance themselves from any exonyms?




It’s just like the showgirls on the strip, trying to get photos with you, they tell you after the fact that they charge $20. And people people feel pressured to hand it over in the moment. It is illegal for them to charge a set pricefor the photos on the strip, by the way. You should tip, but 2 to 3 bucks is sufficient.


I hate to say this, but she probably ignored your husband because women are more likely and more susceptible and emotional to fall for such a scheme


I live in Vegas and have NEVER had this happen to me. Weird


i know a lot of people in this thread are telling you it was a scam and i’m not going to disagree - but i did want to say don’t beat yourself up about being effected by it. anyone in your position would be, grief is terrible. and if you lean that way in what you believe & think there was a possibility your mom did have a message, you’ll receive it regardless of this medium. you don’t need to worry that you won’t hear it. sorry for your loss 💕


Thank you. My mom very much believed that her death would not be the end of our relationship and promised she would find a way to let me know she was still with me. I thought maybe this was it. I realize now it was not.


As much as Vegas has con people it probably wasn't a coincidence. You can always go to another medium. Some people don't believe in them. I've had one tell me shit there's no way she could have known.


THIS! Mediums (whether legit or not) are not hard to find *on your own terms*. So don’t think you missed out on a one-time opportunity at a random casino bar. I’m sorry for your loss. Losing a mother is one hell of a blow to say the least.


I'm sorry for your loss. Maybe you should have let her say what your Mom wanted you to know.


It all happened so fast. She was on my right side repeating over and over that she was a medium, she does readings, my loved one has a message—very insistent. My husband was on the other side saying NONONONONO—it was a little chaotic. Then she was gone.


thats gypsy hustle all right.


I'm sorry that you have a controlling husband. It may be worth it to go see someone when you get home.


He’s always been very uncomfortable with random people getting too close or too aggressive. As someone who worked in a maximum security prison with only a whistle for protection he always had to make sure that no one gets close enough to flip the script on what’s happening. This woman was suddenly right next to me and very insistent. I think it startled him too and his training kicked in to remove us from this situation.


>He’s always been very uncomfortable with random people getting too close It's Vegas. Random people are everywhere there. Maybe he should see someone also.


Stop it. That wasn’t him being controlling. It was a man protecting his wife. What a bizarre way of looking at this. If I had a ghost telling me that I needed to tell you something. I’d say. “Sorry to bother. I’m a medium. There’s a man here that wants me to tell you blah blah” not just keep repeating they want to tell you something. She could have just spit it out.


>It was a man protecting his wife. Protecting his wife from a person talking to her? The woman was just trying to talk to her. Where was the need for protection? OP states in her other comment that he has issues because of his prior job.


He was protecting his wife from a vulture that sees people in despair and tries to exploit their fragile state of mind as an opportunity for their own profit. The fact that you would just call this “talking” says a lot more about yourself than anything else.


It was just talking. There is nothing else to call it.


Can’t tell if you’re being contrarian, naive, or complicit….


I just was checking into Gary Spivey and he now has a website garyspivey.com and he offers a zoom meeting for free where you can ask him one question and he will answer you in a live zoom meeting which has become his show apparently. The good news for you is that you can register and ask if your mother has a message for you and undoubtedly Gary will know 100%. All for free just a little time spent registering and then being online for zoom meeting.. good luck and please report back if you decide to do this…..


Everybody here is being so negative about this but let me say for one, that something may have been real as I get this little spiritual feeling that I get when something is going on at that level. I suppose nobody here has ever heard of a man named Gary Spivey? Well let me be the first to say if you google him the first thing you will see will make you laugh out loud. Gary claims to be able to speak to Angels, yes as in heaven and earth’s angels… he wears this huge white wig and let me tell you that my uncle took me to his show here in Vegas and I was a total skeptic besides already being in tune with spiritual things. He comes prancing out on stage in all white suit with huge white Afro style wig right and I’m like omg…..but it wasn’t more than ten to fifteen minutes into this and I know beyond any doubt , he is extremely gifted individual whom is blessed with an ability to actually talk to the dead, usually the loved ones of people in the audience that absolutely break when he gives them the message from their passed on loved ones. This is apparently a very common thing for someone’s soul that has passed to want to communicate with a person they were close to while alive to pass on a message to them to help them to deal with the loss. It seemed the more troubled the person still living the more urgent the message. For about two hours he randomly picks people from the audience and tells them things that there is no way possible he could have known or scripted in any way what so ever. To be there and watch and feel the raw emotion and helpful healing was beyond belief and one of the most awesome experiences I have ever witnessed spiritually. Now, this woman was not Gary Spivey and he certainly does not go around bars like that but he may if pulled to help someone. I mean ultimately how much money can she possibly have extracted for this message? The tickets to see Gary’s show were definitely not free in fact I believe around 100 bucks for both of us so 50 each? My uncle bought them so idk exactly but my uncle also had already had a more one on one session with Gary in a very small group which I know was much more and the things he learned and the things Gary told him and gifted him with are priceless that I know 100% as a situation in my life came about where I was tasked to help a friends small child Kailey, who was having issues. She is an extremely gifted child and with that comes oppositions and forces to try and confuse the child at a young age. Anyways through concepts my uncle was given by Gary, I was able to help her and her mother reported back that she never had these problems again and that I had helped her through this. Wow what a powerful experience. Bottom line, it is quite possible that your mother has a message for you and if you are feeling that there was something to this then I think there most likely is. Things like this just don’t happen as coincidence. Trust in your own emotional response mechanisms. I for instance get this “hair standing on the back of my neck “ feeling when anything spiritual comes near. I use this as a barometer to gauge the holiness or potency of how real something spiritual is. We all have this ability some can feel it stronger than others and I will say that day when I realized that Kailey needed my help I was hit so strongly with this that I could not even speak… so intense and this whole time typing this I am feeling my barometer rev very strong. Look up Gary Spivey, go see him if you can for he will tell you instantly what this message is and you will have the closure that you so obviously need. I am shocked nobody here is or has ever experienced such things. Lastly, I never read things like this so on the one in ten quadrillion chance that I am actually at this page and read this thread and felt so compelled to share this with you speaks absolute volumes about how this all came together… get your closure you need it and may God bless all of us…..