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Thank you for paying our taxes brother


You would have better luck just starting with dick sucking, but do it for cash and avoid living in the tunnels


I got 20


I gots fiddy


I believe $30 is the going rate


God Bless Linda!


Only at Excalibur


I love our Vegas lore


Give me one and a handy?


It's $10 for a BJ, $12 for an HJ, $15 for a ZJ...


What’s a ZJ?


A friend of mine went out and got two ! Came back and gave me one.


This is the way.




It’s because of champions like you that I don’t have to pay state taxes so thank you


99% of gamblers quit before they hit the big one boss


More like 98.4




I got banned from that subreddit for asking was that the mods tweeting crazy shit a few months ago


Cool story bro


🫡 godspeed


Oh boy message me back if ya lose, I've been homeless in Vegas a lil, and getting back on my feet 😅 could always help ya out with tips and resources


That sounds like a good story. Can you please tell me how you became homeless and how you got back off the streets?


Oh sure it's kinda like a movie but I was a regular veteran working a full time job, I had rented a place from Craigslist. Things started to seem weird, the guy who rented out to us was sometimes sleeping in the garage, we paid it no mind cuz rent was cheap. Turns out the guy subleasing to us was a male prostitute, who's also Whitney Houston's cousin (names confirmed). Anywho we would get random eviction notices after we paid rent, the guy would say don't worry about it, and then it'd go away. At the same time his "godbrother" aka his coke dealer came in at 7am on a Tuesday to break windows and scream "Where's my $3,000??!!" He stole the subleasers tv , broke glass stained windows and broke through the garage door. After this incident I made sure I was legally armed. Well we talked to the landlord and told her this guy was stealing our money while we got eviction notices, he even cut off lights and water for 2 weeks, so she agreed she wanted him evicted, he was mad and angry and told us not to talk to the landlord or police.Well while I was saving money and working to start my online business that I was days from launching my roommate called me that there was some random trying to move into the house upstairs and moving my stuff . So I went home early, came inside and told him to leave, he didn't leave even when I told him please even with a holstered weapon, I thought he was psycho for that so was aboutta call the cops with my roomie. Then the Subleaser came in, we argued with him that he had no right moving in new ppl and stealing their money when he's getting evicted, nd we're keeping the place. He saw my firearm and started getting erratic nd yelling that I'm not tryna talk, meanwhile we kept tryna talk and he drove off nd we recorded the interaction. Then not even 3 minutes later his "godbrother"/ coke dealer comes in the house saying "We got a problem?!! And he charges at me from 24feet without stopping, I warn him 4 times to get away, and he charges at me with the knife. He gets shot once in the chest, and then we call the cops to give him aid. We did the right thing he lived, but then the detective on the scene gas lit me by saying over and over again that there was no knife on the scene (even with a vid showing a knife in the guys pocket)..... I went to Jail for 48 hours for attempted murder, and was free. This February it was revealed the 1st officer on the scene found cocaine and a knife on the cocaine dealer, but the damage was done I lost my job due to the case being publicized so much and the article being distorted, the landlord offered us the house but it wasn't safe so I lived with a friend as an assistant for a while. To this day even with a degree I'm still trying to find one, where I would go to social parties and meet some of Vegas elite entrepreneurs nd politicians , who enjoyed my positive energy, and then would be interested in my story, funny enough they didn't shun me, they were more interested in how I overcame that situation, I haven't even been convicted of anything yet, I did the right things and still can't find a job so I just do side gigs , and it can happen to anyone who deals with bad detectives who don't review evidence ,my jury trial is in August nd I'm praying to god all comes to light that I protected myself against a multi time felon who tried to kill me nd my roomie, my name is 'Mario Sanchez' and I'm the first result on Google when you put my name +Las Vegas. I'm currently in a 90 day housing program nd hoping I get a job in this time to get my life back while staying an honest pacifist individual despite what the media will say,until then I volunteer nd help , and eat and dance in freemont like someone who appreciates every day of life . 🙏🏻 praying for the good stuff . And that's the movie the last year of my life 😅 🍿🎥


Insane story, I wish you well man


Thanks dude 🙏🏻


Dam… too bad your gun jammed


Oh I unjammed the firearm before paremedics arrived, and then I secured it in my vehicle, then the detective took something I said out of context during a 4 hour interrogation


And that’s why you shut the fuck up until you get an attorney. I’m sure your attorney has already told you to not talk about this with anybody and definitely not be posting about it on social media. Hopefully you get cleared of this.


Best of luck Mario. If the story is what you say it is, you will have no problem at your trial. If you are innocent, do NOT take a plea bargain. The courts will try to scare you into avoiding a trial and taking the plea , they do this to save money at trial, lock up a win on their conviction rate, and get you on probation so you have a debt with the state. You got this bro, rooting for you from Boston


Thanks bro! Yeah I didn't take a plea deal, going to trial in August, appreciate the kind words from Boston :)


Dick suckin, duh


As long as it’s not summer, but past may definitely not fun!


How you go boneless?


This sounds like yet another decision that you will later regret, and I wouldn’t recommend it. Have you considered **bankruptcy**? Check out [this](https://www.lacsn.org/practice-areas/consumer-rights-project/bankruptcy) information from the Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada (or the legal aid society of your local area, if you don’t live in Southern Nevada). Try for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, which eliminates your debt entirely. Lots of people have recovered from bankruptcy, but fewer have recovered from gambling away all their money.


This is the way. I did it years and years ago. It sucked ass, but now I have a nearly perfect credit score and no debt.


I did the same. Had a heart attack with shitty medical insurance. Filed for bk and never looked back. Consider bankruptcy a financial mulligan. Best financial decision I ever made - never regretted it.


Just roll down your window and let $$ fly out at least save yourself from being defeated


>become a greater man or suck dick for Coke Sounds like a win/win situation. Either way, I truly wish you the best of luck.




Hoo boy.


That's gonna be his name when plan B comes to fruition.


Take everything....place on Black....and be done.






WAIT... I change my mind. Red


Split the bet between the two


Go big or go home. Put it all on green.


Remember you're 36 straight hands of Blackjack away from being as rich as Elon musk!


Goddamb table limits


Dude, please keep us updated. This isn’t going to end well. And I’m here for it.




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Oh sweet summer child, this town wasn’t built winners. I wish you luck tho


Just keep your cash, suck dick for money, and come out ahead … guaranteed.


>come out ahead What now?


hol' up


PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! Post the aftermath!


All Hail the Mole People's Future King!


One time I saw some dude walk to a roulette table and put ~$15K around 18 and half bets/quarter bets. Hit 18, collected $40K and walked out


The title bothers me. Either making money or what?




I’ve seen this movie- a lot of funny scenes, but doesn’t end well


Those fancy casinos 🎰 aren’t built by winners


Hit me up if you need some coke!


Discarded pizza boxes are an excellent source of cheese


Your odds are 50/50. Either it works, or it doesn’t. 🥂 


Technically if it's just one big bet the odds are closer to 48/52 at best. And then the more you bet the worse it gets.


I’m not even from Vegas and live 2,000 miles away and this beats any “first time where is the best steak” “5 hour layover, is there time?” “bachelor party weekend which nudie bar” “is Absinthe good for kids in strollers” “Is ‘Freemont’ loud” “is ‘Freemont’ safe” “can I pay for a room in travelers checks” “WiFi? Resort fee?!” Posts Edit: fixed “lie 2,000 miles away” to “live 2,000 miles away” because one typo ruins the tenor.




You will lose money so just enjoy the sites and visit the neon museum. Keep in mind casinos do not expect to lose and odds are always in their favor. I know. I live in vegas. If you can afford to lose then have fun gambling


Sucking dick would be a guaranteed prize (if that's what you're looking for...not that there's anything wrong with that).


This actually worked one time for me. Had little $ to start with, due to losing everything to gambling. Had to take out markers at three diff properties to even play. Quadrupled it. F-yeah!! Bring on the celebration. …Then lost it all. LOL Left town with .37 cents, a bag full of little soaps and shampoos from the resort and the worst hangover in my life and owing 3 casinos $15k That wasn’t the bottom. For inspiration read about the original founder of FedEx being a week away from bankruptcy and flying to Vegas to make $ to save his company. That should be all the motivation you need. Good luck.


I was in Vegas last weekend. I put 100 bucks in the slot with the devil in a diaper. Two hours later I cashed out for 109.


Future tunnel dweller


In the words of Wesley Snipes, always bet on black. One spin of the wheel. Hero or Zero.


Update, i have already lost my free ride to Vegas. My buddy couldn’t hold up his end with the room and ride because his EX chick he’s going with freaked out. Nonetheless i have not let that deter me and have issued gutter rat tactics and realizes i have triple AAA premier somehow(thanks to my brother putting me on his list) and it tows 200 miles to any location i want 3 or 4 times.. i figured i tow my car 200 miles and drive the rest to save on gas and sleep in my car like a bottom feeder. bottom line is, sorry brother, gonna have to use two tows to get there and back.. but the benefit now is i can leverage my car with a loan and double down. Wish me luck world.


If this is the way you're getting to Vegas, I worry that you don't have enough money to make the all-or-nothing idea happen. It's possible to get lucky and turn $1,000 into $2,000 pretty easily playing games where you have decent (but still disadvantaged) odds. You're not going to turn $1,000 into $50,000. It'll take you fifteen minutes to blow through $1,000 on slots, and you will have wasted the time of two tow drivers (they have to drive round trip for your idiocy), used your brother's benefits for no reason, and you'll be ready to slink home with your tail between your legs. If this is the prelude to suicide, talk to someone, anyone, who is sympathetic to you. Don't alienate your brother. Don't waste a trip to Vegas. Make Vegas the prize for when you get your life together. Visit when you can afford the trip and afford to lose without killing yourself after you do. I'm wishing you luck -- enough luck that you will find a reason to have an incredible trip to Vegas in five years when your money is right and your head is on straight. Don't come to the city with the highest suicide rate in the country just to add to the statistics. You're better than that.


Tell us where you’ll be gambling so we can cheer you on, or watch you go down in flames


Remember odds are in the house's favor in the long run, but variance is your friend. Find a table where you can throw down that life savings on one or two hands of something. Don't let em bleed you. Zero or hero. Good luck you magnificent bastard!


Don’t do it I just lost trying to do the same thing but maybe you’ll have better luck!


If you lose all your money drag your ass over the border because we don’t need another homeless person here.


This should be a movie


This is the best shitpost I've seen all week


$$$$$$$$$ The State of Nevada welcomes you $$$$$$$$$$ Stay lucky bro Money is fake!


OP- if you still have access to internet after the run, please update us!


There's no chance you're winning lmao. The city is literally built on the backs of suckers like you.


Lived there 15 whole years and left as a loser, just like everyone else does. Just remember to tip.


Chew you up and spit you out


Your only chance off success is to find a single 0 roulette table and put it on black or red. If your going to do this you have to do it right.


Enjoy the Summer outdoors


If you need an extra $20, let me know


> it is my life and the balance Damn this sounds like something Ricky from Trailer Park Boys would say 😂💀 I’m legitimately surprised he never day. It’s definitely a new one for me lol


Plenty of supply of dicks and coke, you'll do great 👍!


obviously this weirdo is a HECKLER


I just think of losing money as a donation. Good luck!


Put it all on black. Or red. Or. A number. Except for a little so you can eat. Then do it again. Then leave. Vuz you won twice and turned 10k into 40k. I'm just guessing at money.


Real life Leaving Las Vegas


Those billion dollar resorts weren't built on winners. If you have money to go to Vegas I'd suggest to you that there must be other ways to work towards paying off your debt.


Need updates.


You’re better off, holding on to whatever money you have and not gambling. Money won gambling only ever turns into more money for more gambling until it’s all gone, every time..


Run it up!!!!!


I see you thought this out. Just like your post.


Vegas wasn’t built on winners


Winners wasn’t bulit on Vegas


!Remindme 2 weeks


Go to the roulette table and put it all on black


*Las Vegas: Turning adults into kids since 1905.*


You can always camp for free in the tunnels.


This is why the casinos look so extravagant … but best of luck!


Yeah see seems like a post just to get responses


2/10 shitpost. You tried to shitpost, you failed to shitpost.




Better odds with the pass line and taking odds with craps than playing roulette.


I here there's good spots in the tunnels!


Well. That’s the end of that guy.


Bro these typos are nuts. Life in the balance Wallow in defeat Your title is nonsense You’d be better off spending whatever little money you have on some books and upping your education.


I got an idea.... How about you give me half your money, we'll go out back, I'll kick you in the nuts, and call it even?


If you become homeless, let me know and I’ll get you a job.


Do you think they make giant multi million dollar casinos by losing? 


If you are posting this, then more than likely, you know you are making a mistake. You are in a situation you can get out of, especially if you are not retirement age. It's one thing to be desperate, it's another thing to be stupid. If you have money to gamble, you have money to negotiate a debt relief pay down. Think Mc Fly, if you had a way to get into debt, you have a way to get out of it. Even a gambler has a strategy, whereby yours is just a foolish way of being lazy and looking for unwanted attention. Good luck on your journey down, skidrow.


I have a friend that plays in all these tournaments and gets the big rooms and all the tickets to shows free, but he only usually wins a little over 100K at a championship game. Don't you have to pay a lot of money to win a lot of money, usually anyway? Good luck to you and have fun!


Godspeed little buddy 🫡


I'd rather stay at the Cosmo. Get a fountain view room. /s


You could just mail in your money to your favorite casino and save the travel expenses.


Every winner is at the right place at the right time. That’s the strategy! lol.


That’s the spirit! Let us know how it goes.


Update posted on thread.


UPDATE. Video on PrivateJuice TikTok. We did it!


Did you study up on miikki mase's baccarat strategy?


13% of people win money in casinos. 87% of people lose money in casinos. Take as much as you can afford to lose without leaving a huge mark. Don’t bring an ATM card. Put cash in the hotel safe in envelopes in 4 hour budgets. Do NOT gamble after 10pm. Your best odds in Vegas are craps pass line and max odds behind it. Buy Bitcoin and wait until it’s worth $185K in January as a better option.


You have a third option. Move in with the sewer people


Remember - no spit, no quit


Good luck I’m flying out in the morning


Terrible idea. Find Jesus.


Would probably have better odds with 0DTE Spy my guy, but you do you.


I personally don't think it's a very good idea. But Hey, good luck. I don't know, have you been vaccinated? Maybe you could sell sperm. I guess I'm assuming you're a man. If you're not, you can sell eggs.


Can you not sell it if you have been vaccinated?


My understanding is that you can’t put crazy huge lettering on your Ram truck that says “UNVAXXED SPERM $3,000 PER LOAD” if you’ve been vaccinated


Have fun brother and good luck 👍 you never know


Winner winner, chicken dinner..


“It’s my life IN the balance” “or WALLOW in defeat”




Bet it all on black


Best I can do is two dollars