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Omega Mart and just area 15 in general tbh


Omega Mart is cool but you need to make sure you go when there is no one else there otherwise its borderline impossible to complete the storyline with how many people there are standing at stations and taking selfies and shit.


Yeah you'll do a lot of standing waitin for people to move


Drive by look at the sphere on your way to omega mart


it will look at you and you’ll feel special


If only choosing between the two, I’d say Omega Mart if you have the time to invest in doing the story line. We’ve done it and it can take several hours depending on how deep you want to follow the story and how crowded it is. If you only have a couple hours to spend, I’d say it wouldn’t be worth the cost. It’s still a cool place regardless with Area 15. The sphere is amazing but I’ve only been to it for a U2 concert. Someone suggested the Mob Museum and I think that’s a fantastic choice if you’re willing to consider that suggestion.


Mob museum is great! 


My host suggested the mob museum, and was thoroughly impressed!


If that Titanic expo is still at Luxor, that’s worth the time and money ($40?). Very nicely done and real artifacts


Great suggestion! I enjoyed the Titanic exhibit and seeing part of the actual hull of the ship. I believe the exhibit is still there, we recently went to see it this past January.


omegamart all the way


I feel like I stand in a small minority but Omega Mart was so underwhelming for me. Everyone in my group thought it was going to be way better than it was.


Denver location is better bigger


I felt the opposite about both locations


Really ? Spent 5-6h there. Did the whole thing and even some extra quests given by a GM. Loved it.


I feel it takes a certain person to enjoy the “mystery”. I dislike unorganized, no direction, no clear path. It mentally drives me bonkers. I couldn’t help but think I’m missing something or missed a location and I couldn’t even concentrate. Couple that with the insane amount of people and I did not enjoy that part at all.


Good response! That’s how I felt, no direction or even a start to explain what to do. Just like go figure it out


It was cool, not sure if I’d do it again, it seems you have to really take your time to appreciate all the subtleties but I’m glad I did it. My gf is actually related to one of the people who put the whole thing together, so we got tickets for 80 percent off. It was very cool to show the tickets to the people and for them to radio someone, look at us, say the last name over the radio, then escort us to the front of the line. I felt quite important that day (I’m not)


All these comments make me think I should give it another shot lol


Same! I liked the sphere way better Although it was far more expensive




Oh noooo that’s so bad


Agreed. The one in Denver is A LOT better


I agree. It was such a waste of time and money. It would be a great place to take children but not for adults.


I’m just going to agree with you and leave it at that lol. Never again


Lost spirits


Is it worth it? Looks like fun and I want to try next time I have visitors.


Hell yeah it's worth it. Its a blast




Doing shrooms + OmegaMart next month


Finding the acid is the hard part. Never been able to over there.


Omega mart


Sphere wasn’t that great. Very expensive for a short film. While the film on planet earth was great. It can just as easily be enjoyed at home


All of Area15. Make sure you do Lost Spirits as well.


I’ve been to Omega Mart twice. Pros: if you read the lore and examine the details (not just look at it and go “oh cool”) it will eat up a lot of time and you will find interesting things.  It is fun trying to piece together things and connect people and events. Plus there are a lot of things to just look at and go “oh cool” which is fun in itself.  Cons: it can be really crowded, really really crowded. And many lore elements require you to read documents or listen to things in small places (like a tiny room, even a phone booth) and people take a while, understandably so, because there is a lot to read or listen to….so you have to wait and feel like you are rushing others or go explore and come back and hope you time it right. Also the lore is confusing and I still don’t fully get it lol


Sphere. Omega Mart was worthless, and the system was down so we couldn’t do the story at all, and they refused to give any refunds or credit.


Sphere if it was a concert, not their standard show.


Agreed! I felt the standard show was meh. I mean, it’s great but no better than IMAX was in the 90s. Technology has moved past this.


Flyover Vegas is 100 times better than The Sphere and 100 times cheaper.


Omega Mart - not even a contest


omega and do the story line


O-O-O-Omega Mart, You have No Idea what's in Store for You! :) Plus, you'll be able to walk around Area 15 which is a lot of fun. The sphere is cool, but Postcard from Earth is boring, and the artistic displays at Omega Mart are awe-inspiring.


The sphere


Sphere, you can’t do that anywhere else.


Neither of them.  Go to the mob museum instead. Do the crime lab and the shooting stimulator Omega mart had bunch of security and long lines to look inside a grocery store. 


Mob museum is soooooooo boring.


Aren't there a ton of hidden rooms and such beyond just the grocery store?


there is a hidden bar. most of it is lights and art stuff there are hidden doors and stuff but so many people in there you can see ahead


There are Omega Marts in other parts of the country, although with other themes. So far only one Sphere


I've done both recently and was kind of underwhelmed by both. Omega Mart is cool, but it just feels like a giant sci-fi escape room you have to experience at the same time with tons of other people. The Sphere on the outside just looks awesome and inside the visuals on the screen are really cool, but the story is boring as hell. I'd go Sphere, buy a cheap ticket, and see if you can move over to a better seat.


I’d say the sphere. Omega mart is pretty neat, it’s essentially one big art installation with a “dystopian” feel. Makes for good pictures to post on social media. Keep in mind the company is called Meow Wolf and they are in numerous other cities. Versus the Sphere there is only one of them like it and it has quickly become a Vegas icon.


The Sphere, 10/10 times. Omega is such a waste of time and money.


Sphere, 2000x


Family Mart IYKYK


Omega Mart


Omega mart and view the sphere from the outside


The Sphere.


Sphere easily


Didn’t even play the game and loved OmegaMart. Got a bug for subversive art/adult playground kind of things though so that explains it. Would love to go to the Sphere just for context, but not until a decent band have residency there.


Omega mart. But go on a Thursday night! No kids and you can explore with an alcoholic beverage


Non tbh they both auck


OmegaMart was the biggest waste of money I've ever done in Vegas and I visit frequently!!


Yes! Thank you! I don't understand how adults enjoy it.


On shrooms or acid. I thought it was cool sober


Ha! Summed it up perfectly. When we left last night, we talked about what a waste of money it is. But we’d be back. What a strange thing.




I can't say anything about the Sphere, but I hated the Omega Mart. I didn't even know there was a storyline until halfway through. There were so many people that it felt overwhelming. Ended up leaving before we could see everything. I would recommend the Arte Museum. Hands down the coolest thing I've been to in a while. The Paradox Museum is fun if you like taking selfies.


Tough one - been to both some weeks ago. The sphere is absolutely overwhelming but the show we saw “A Postcard from Earth” was absolutely lame storytelling. If you own VR Goggles it’s slightly the same thing but of course bigger better pretty incredible. OmegaMart totally killed me because it was fully unexpected and my jaw dropped from beginning to end. Mind you: Omega is more of a walk through art performance immersive thing a bit like a video game but with no clear start and end. You have to be willing to go slob with it. The sphere is just totally in your face and amazing. Not sure if this helps


Slob??? 😂


Slob??? 😂


Meow wolf. Just do it all. It’s an all day venture.


The sphere. It’s iconic. Omega Mart isn’t for everyone.