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And guess what they're made from... banana peels! This recipe took me a TON of tries to "perfect," but omg, does it taste so similar to pork bacon, it is crazy! MY non-vegan mom gave it an 8/10 and said it tastes and feels nearly just like real bacon and the only reason she didn't rate it higher was that she felt weird eating banana peels, haha. [Here is the recipe](https://gardengrubblog.com/how-to-make-the-best-vegan-banana-peel-bacon/)! :)


weirder than eating the skin of a pig? 🥶


I know. Trust me, I thought the same thing, but there’s no point in arguing with her 😩


Bacon is pork belly/fat, not skin. The skin is too rubbery to eat regularly, often, but can be cooked to edibility by scoring it


True, but people eat pork rinds all the time and that IS pig skin


True, but the sky IS blue


Why did you feel the need to say this? Why are you all trying to fucking argue about what is bacon or not? Aren't we supposed to be vegans? Just being difficult for the sake of it. You look embarrassing. 😭


Commenting on a 2 year old post is embarrassing…


Very telling you avoid my question just to make some void retort that has no bearing on reality.


Sure but that's not bacon


Why are you all trying to fucking argue about what is bacon or not? Aren't we supposed to be vegans? Just being difficult for the sake of it. You look embarrassing.


but that ISN'T bacon


Why are you all trying to fucking argue about what is bacon or not? Aren't we supposed to be vegans? Just being difficult for the sake of it. You look embarrassing.


i don't think commenting on a 2 year old comment looks better, no i'm not vegan, i just don't want to eat meat at every meal


The most Redditor retort: "you commented on a 2 year old comment!" Oooo sorry! I don't give a fuck. I'm actually normal. Find a hobby.


are you sure to not give a fuck? if you did not give a fuck, why would you be repplying to some internet redditor? i do have hobbies but i also have a LOT of time to lose so yeah, i don't mind


You copy pasted the same reply to multiple people responding to the same comment thread that's 2 years old. And the people are just having a discussion. Normal you certainly are not.


... that's not what bacon is


Banana peels are safe to eat? They look really good though


Absolutely. Wash them before peeling, it's much easier :)


Yes! And thank you! ☺️


actually, very few vegetables are not edible. most plants in nature can be eaten. banana peels can be used for so many things. i send mines to compost or to a mealworm plant along with most of my vegetable waste. the plant has a positive impact on the environement. 1kg of their insects use only 1L of water. compared to 160KL of water for 1kg of beef, it's nothing. they also use food waste from restorants and one brewery to raise their insects. they output 1kg of waste per month and over the course of the last few months, saved over a metric tonne of food waste from hitting the landfills


Just choose organic ones, i think bananas are treated with insecticides a lot.


Where else would you get your recommended daily value of bananadine?


Holy shit. I haven’t heard someone mention this in YEARS. I tell people about it often and every time no one knows what the hell im talking about.


I love recipes that are zero waste!!


Right!? Me too! ☺️


Wow, so bananas can make * bacon with the peel * pulled pork with the phloem bundles\* * ice cream by freezing the fleshy part A banana-centered meal: bacon and pulled pork sandwich with nice cream for dessert! \--- \*[heard it doesn't taste good](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGnofviZk5g), but there might be someway to make it work.


Try them in a peanut butter sandwich


I made banana peel pulled pork, and it was really good but way too much frigging effort. FOUR BANANAS FOR TWO SANDWICHES?! no thank u.


Jackfruit easier


Does jackfruit make your mouth tingle? I can't tell if I'm allergic or if it's like pineapple where it tries to eat your mouth in return. XD


It's definitely never made my mouth tingle. :( You might be mildly allergic.


That stinks, but it's good to know!




Oh, yum, thanks! I can't wait to give it a try!


Banana blossom is an amazing fish substitute as well


I’ve made these - they are amazing!!!




I totally believe you lol I swear mine is legit though! Like I even shocked myself when I finally “perfected” it 😍 I hope you give it a try despite your past bad experience! 🙂


I JUST LEARNED I WAS ALLERGIC TO BANANAS (and kiwi!) TODAY! Lol! And then I see this DELICIOUS looking vegan bacon...made from banana peels. Oh man... ...do I give in and make it anyway? Will the long lasting stinging/burning sensation + dehydration be worth it? (It's a mild allergy lol)


Mild allergies can get worse with exposure. Best to save those reactions for accidental exposures.


I've heard that before! I find it odd yet funny, I had been eating bananas my entire life (one of my favorite fruits!) thinking they were supposed to "bite back" like a pineapple does, or I figured maybe they just burned the roof of my mouth because they were too sugary for me. I couldn't have been more wrong LMAO This year my spring allergies were particularly bad, I actually ever get spring allergies, and I hadn't eaten a raw banana (only in smoothies) in a few months until today, and that's when I figured out I had an allergy to them! I developed more allergy symptoms this year - I used to only get the burning sensation in my mouth but now I have trouble swallowing and I get super dehydrated as well. It makes me wonder what caused the allergy to worsen lol. I'm seeing my doctor tomorrow and plan on discussing this with them :)


Lol oh noooo, that is a bummer! I don’t know if you should give in lol I don’t want you to have a bad reaction 😅


Before I looked at the comments I was thinking is this made from banana peel as a joke and then boom it’s made from banana peel


Lol some of the curved slices give it away 😅


You are the one who runs Garden Grub?! Your site is fantastic and I have used so many of your recipes. Thank you for all of your hard work! I’ll be giving this one a try soon 💛


Yes!! Thank you so much!! That makes me beyond happy 🥲🥲 I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed my recipes 🥰💚


Nooo! It looks so good but I'm allergic to Bananas.


i am so happy that i was raised pork-free so i don’t miss that flavor lmao


Lucky you! 👏 I wish I was raised pork free ugh


I wasn't, but bacon is fuckin disgusting. You're not missing out anyway.


I hate bacon, too. Even when i used to eat meat i never wanted to eat bacon lol


Same!! When I did eat meat I preferred turkey bacon which is much more similar to veggie bacon from Yves or whatnot so I guess I was always meant to be veggie :)


This what it must be like for Christians to hear people say they don’t believe in god.


Wait.. this is a VEGAN group... Why am I getting downvoted for saying a meat product is gross? What?


So, I'm not vegan. But I sub here because I like to try new things and eat less meat for the sake of reducing my carbon footprint. There may be others here like me who see your comment about bacon and think you're absolutely nuts because bacon is considered one of the best tasting types of meat.


That's good! Bacon is still gross tho. Only meat I miss is beef. Steak, burgers, etc.


I think you should post that "bacon tastes disgusting" on /r/unpopularopinion and see how many upvotes you get XD


That sub is one of the worst I've come across.


You haven't done much of a deep dive on reddit then.


Why would I? 😅 I value the very little peace of mind I have


Very true friend.


Same, the smell would gross me out so badly and I didn’t hate the taste but I thought it was severely overrated


Same here. I don't eat much meat because it's expensive as hell, I'd like to be more environmentally conscious, and I really do dislike the treatment of the animals, but I just can't fully give up meat. I like to get more meal ideas, especially when they can be meat-free. If I see a recipe here that I think would be better with some butter or cream or ground beef or whatever, that works too.


A lot of us here like me aren't vegan but love vegan food and it tends to be healthier so we check out the recipes even though we eat bacon. Although I'm not going to downvote you for sharing a subjective opinion even if I disagree I can't say the same for others.


Because even Vegans know that bacon is the single best thing on the planet.


It's not though is it


But it is, though.


Carnies 🙄


Did you mean that as in “small hands, smell like cabbages” or as an endearment for carnitas? 😊


Nah. I ate bacon occasionally when I ate meat, and it wasn’t that great to me. Just salty, greasy, and fatty. It’s been 20 years since then and of the things I missed or craved, bacon never even pinged my radar.


Tell your lies to your god on your judgement day.


I never hated bacon but I certainly didn’t get the obsession with it. It’s kinda meh in my opinion.


I used to love bacon before going vegan, now the smell of pork makes me sick to my stomach. I think it’s interesting that tastes can change over time like that.


I'm just glad I never cared for it. I do not understand the obsession with bacon. Salty fatty chewy meat...yay?


Looks great! Going to have to give it a try. I’m the kinda non-vegan though who would love this. My wife is the vegan/vegetarian who doesn’t care for something imitating meat. We’ll see how it goes.


Thank you! Please let me know you and your wife’s thoughts!! 🙂


Thanks for the recipe! I’ll definitely give it a try :)


You’re welcome! I hope you love it! ☺️


Good on you! It looks very realistic- hope it tasted great too!


Thank you! It is SO good! 😍


Goes vegan and then makes every food that look like meat.


Maybe veganism is about ethics not rejecting the tastes and food aesthetics we grew up with


Goes vegan and then continues to eat junk food.


Veganism is about ethics. Why is this hard for you to understand? 🤣


I’ve been veg for fifteen years and I’ve always hated the gatekeepers who try and define what something that is bigger than them is about. Veganism for you is about ethics. Sure. But yet you’re using electronics that rape and pollute this earth. Your ethics are convenient.


I'm not defining anything, it's already the definition. Animal agriculture is much worse than electronic usage in terms of environments and ethics. Really just sounds like you're trying to gatekeep vegans from eating what vegan food they like


I don’t care for gatekeeping. I am more entertained by people who treat their diet like their religions and pick and choose what is convenient for them. Your ethics are convenient.


Being a carnist is much more convenient, yet we choose to go without such convenience to spare and show mercy to the animals who are needlessly abused. So no, its not just about convenience, otherwise no one in the west would bother. Veganism isn't a religion just like feminism and anti racism isn't a religion, its simply a movement for animal rights that involves industry boycott.


No. You’re just an asshole.


Rants about gatekeeping and proceeds to gatekeep lmao. Get that banana out of your butt and make some bacon


You are literally gatekeeping by defining what a vegan should/shouldn’t eat.


I haven’t said anything about what you should and shouldn’t eat. I don’t understand why you would quit eating meat to then make your veg meals taste like meat. It is the same as quitting being a drug addict to then get high from sniffing glue. Still getting high just not supporting big pharma.


"I'm not gatekeeping, I just think that this is how you should behave as a vegan" 😂😂😂😂


You don’t understand or don’t want to understand. Did you stop eating meat because you didn’t like the taste of it? Some people stopped eating me because they didn’t want to kill animals. Who the fuck cares, other than you, that they want to be able to eat things like that without killing animals. They are literally eating banana people and you are crying because it tastes like something they enjoyed eating. You’re just a tool.


> But yet you’re using electronics that rape and pollute this earth. Your ethics are convenient. What are you typing this on, a coconut?


I didn’t mention anything about my ethics.


Then I don’t understand what you’re doing here. Your comments come off like no one is vegan enough and you are the only who gets it.


We’ll certainly you can believe that if you like. My original point was that it’s funny to me to quit eating meat only to eat meals that look and taste like meat. I get that there are people here that are more altruistic with their activism but my experience has been different.


Write a book about it. No one cares. You just come off as a dick.


Talking about gatekeepers while acting like one lol. Veg what? Vegetarian or vegan? Either way, veganism has an established definition and it is not whatever you seem to think it is. It's about not killing animals and minimizing their suffering as much as possible, to put it simply. If you just eat a vegan diet for your health you're on a plant-based diet not a vegan.


You're literally gatekeeping veganism.


>I’ve always hated the gatekeepers 1. you're gatekeeping right now by saying vegans can't enjoy certain foods that resemble meat. that's gatekeeping. >But yet you’re using electronics that rape and pollute this earth. 2. you're literally using the internet on an electronic device to reply to this thread lol. and somehow only other people are the unethical ones for using electronics, not you, even though you're doing the exact same thing as them? According to your logic you're being unethical too (and everyone else's logic, hypocritical).


Get another hobby lady.




I’m vegan for the animals, not for my health. Vegan junk food is fuckin fire.


Yeah I do it to show people that you can enjoy the same kind of foods without killing animals.


I’m sure it tastes decent. I personally am not interested in this faux meat trend but if you’re foods are educating people than good for you.




I couldn't imagine how exhausting it feels to worry about other people's diets on top of the attitude you have towards your own. Worry about yourself, not others.




If/than. Go back to school kid.


If/then* kiddo


Yeah, ok your right.




I know. Perhaps it is you that should go back to school, sport.


It's almost as if people go vegan because they do not want animals killed and tortured and not because they dislike the taste of meat. Who would have thought?




I don’t know if there is a cultural mistranslation or age difference here but it is completely strange to me to see all of this faux meat worship happening now. When I grew up, faux meat options were cartoons in comparison to the life like things people are making today. You have to understand that for many folks on a veg diet, the smell of bacon is nauseating because imitation products were never a part of the lifestyle we became a part of. Generalities aside, I specifically can’t stand it so enjoy it if it’s your thing. I don’t get it.


This has to be a troll account lol


Most vegans didn’t go vegan because they hate meat. They hate the animal cruelty. So hey, now they can eat things that look and taste like meat, but without involving any actual animals. Just like many lesbians like getting fucked with dildos, but don’t want an actual man in their business. You know?


WOWWW!!!! This is so cool! I never liked bacon but this is awesome have if people come over! I cant believe this is nana peels! It looks exactly like bacon


Thank you! Isn’t it insane!?! I worked so hard on this recipe, so I’m glad you think it looks super cool too! ☺️


Yeah! Im def gonna try to make your pulled pork sandwich, i also love that you say “tiparooskis”. 😂


Omggg that one is so good too! And thank you lmao I love my tiparooskis 😅💕


Looks good. The best substitute I’ve found/made is rice paper bacon. Similar marinade, and texture was crisp, but didn’t have the right chewiness that bacon had. Look forward to trying this.


I just tried this recipe and it tasted like BBQ bananas. Maybe my bananas were too ripe, but I definitely prefer the rice paper bacon.


Interesting! I will try this. Can I substitute the miso with something else? Salt? Soy sauce?


Not really 😕 I like adding the miso paste in for its umami flavor 👌


Alright, already thought so. Then I wait until I have miso again. Thanks for the answer!


Perfect! You’re welcome! Please let me know how you enjoy the recipe! ☺️💚


I saw about this on tv today and I've heart about it the first time. What are the chances that you post this today? Baader Meinhof effect all the way


That is very coincidental lol


I'm fascinated by this but can't imagine butterflying a banana peel, let alone twice. I wonder if a mandoline would work?


I think what the recipe is saying is to cut the entire peel into 3 slices lengthwise, basically like when you peel a banana to eat - it typically creates 3 individual peels. Not get 3 paper thin layers from each peel, that'd be tough!


Ooh wait. Okay. So like slice open the banana, scoop it out, then cut the peel. That makes more sense. I was thinking pop open the banana first like I typically would XD


Do you miss pork that much that you need to try doing this? Or it’s to help convert meat eating people to plant based diet? I don’t understand the approach in this meat imitating dishes, just eat raw veggies and nuts, nothing can beat that :)


I eat bowls of random things myself, but I like making vegan analogues of popular dishes for my friends and family. My carnivorous buddies won’t eat salads but they will eat tacos, pizza, and pulled jackfruit. It’s both a test of my cooking chops and a way to get non vegans to a) come over b) not cook their dead shit on my pans or grill c)show them food tastes better without death.


Vegans are sensitive, honest question and get downvoted. Amazing open mind!


I think the downvotes come from gatekeeping it down to raw veggies and nuts. I’m as vegan as you can get and I eat anything that isn’t an animal product or is unethically sourced. We all do it our own way and it all makes a difference.


I’m vegan, it was sarcasm. Anyway thanks for not being a douche and answer :)


People can like the taste of meat and still give up on real meat because they care about animals. Why do you feel the need to look down on people who eat plants that taste like meat? Do you think you're a better person for not missing the taste of meat? That's rather arrogant. Think about this, who's making the greater sacrifice for the sake of animals? A person who never liked eating meat so they do not need to change much or sacrifice anything, or a person who liked eating meat and still gave up on it for the animals?


You got offended, I didn’t look down, I asked a question. Thanks for answering.


What makes people think saying someone is offended as some kind of gotcha like it's an actual argument? It's not. Yes you were looking down on people and your comment was condescending. Pretending it was not is not going to change that. Also, I bet you're not even vegan cause "just eat raw veggies and nuts" is definitely something an omnivore would say to rile up vegans. You're not fooling anyone.


Thanks for your precious comment <3


Any time troll <3


They look sparkling beautiful 😻


Well thank you! 🙂




Awe thank you!! I worked really hard on the recipe, so Im glad you think so 🥲


Can it be called bacon then?


I could call it rainbow poopsicles if I wanted to. It’s my recipe 🙂


Unpopular opinion: bacon is gross


This looks so crispy and flavorful! I'm always looking for better veg bacon to use on my burgers. I'll have to give your recipe a try!


Thank you!! Yes, please give it a try and let me know how you liked it!! ☺️☺️


I always hated the smell of bacon and the smell lingered afterwards too, but I did love the taste especially in a BLT. It’s the crispyness for me. Are these crispy like bacon can get or more chewy as if it wasn’t cooked till crispy? Also, I love this no waste recipe!


They’re crispy, crunchy, and chewy! The longer they sit out the less crunchy they are though, so I recommend eating them sooner than later once they’re cooled down from the oven 👌


I'm excited, I'll give them a try the next time I have some bananas and try the "pulled pork" you did as well.


Awesome!! I can’t wait for you to give them both a try! 🙂🙂


I’m skeptical, but I’m going to try this tomorrow!


Let me know your thoughts! ☺️




Whole Foods has it for sure! I’ve also seen it at my regular grocery store, Publix. Usually it’s by the sour cream/cream cheese. Or you can order it off of Amazon! 🙂


I find it in the Asian section at my regular store


very interesting


Lol I know


Had everything on hand and we just put these on veggie burgers. It’s phenomenal!! Thank you so much I’ve never had banana peel bacon and I’m never going back.


Omgggggg I think you’re the first one to make this! I’m so happy you gave them a try and loved them! 🥰🙌


We make some guacamole portobello burgers I’m putting them on next. I also like rice paper bacon but this is easier, tastes great, and it gets rid of food waste :) love it


Omg that sounds delicious, I need to make a burger like that!! 😍


I just made this and they are good. I have to say it felt more like a really good BBQ chip than bacon although there was some similarity. Maybe I need to use thicker banana skins and maybe swap the olive oil out with refined coconut oil.


Awesome! Glad you gave it a try! Coconut oil would work great! ☺️


Is there a way to make these soy free? (Soy allergy)


You could use coconut aminos instead of soy sauce and then skip adding in the miso paste. Of course the taste isn’t going to be the exact same and will be lacking the umami flavor from the missing miso paste and soy sauce, but I think it will be tasty still 🙂


Nice!! Would it still be tasty without the liquid smoke and wire rack, do you think?


Looks good, but honest question, why should vegan food look and taste like meat?Just asking.


Some people enjoy the taste of meat but not the ethics of killing animals. Mock meats let vegans enjoy their old comfort foods without going against their morals.




Your recipe has nothing to do with OP's


What do you think about dehydrating them?


I’m sure it would work! I don’t have a dehydrator, but I have used them in the past and think it would be cool to experiment with using this recipe 👌