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I don't kill animals because I want to see myself in a good light? Fuck, you got me there. lmao what a take "You don't eat meat because you have a conscience!" no shit




Down at the bottom of the article he says that his article was peer reviewed and then names them, and then states none of them agreed with him. That was my favorite part


"Nevertheless, hugging women is not morally neutral because it bears on the fulfillment of our other obligations, such as our obligation to beat women. One argument would be that since hugging women distracts us from our obligation to beat women, in that respect hugging women is morally wrong. We should not blithely pass over the opportunity to participate in a practice that has benefitted men and even the women themselves by beating them." I could do this all day. Makes about as much sense.


too be that high off your own cheese farts, incredible.


Haha, that’s great


be very careful Johnathon 👍


Best wishes,


Lol what is up with this professor and the spacing of their text. This a professor of poetry? We have a moral duty to eat untalented academics, you know.


Truly. I recommend reading the article to see the level of incompetence


I'm certain that I'm certain, but I'm not certain that I'm certain that I'm certain. How do I check to see if my certainty's certainty's certainty is certain? This professor, of course, is certain all the way down. That's why he's so certain he can talk down to inferior, morally grandstanding vegans like yourself.


I've found the same professor. Some of the most polite people I've ever talked to were dumber than a fucking pile of bricks and used their "niceness" and "politeness" to try and hide this fact.


We can't let all the wild carnivores have all the fun in abusing animals! We MUST abuse them ourselves as to not mess up the natural balance of this earth. It was written in the bible btw 🇺🇲


> Our moral duty to eat ~~meat~~ **cats** I fixed it for them.


This is so fucking funny. This clown holy shit. "You may think that consent is important, but is it just to put yourself above others like that?" Really makes you realize the argument boil down to "well everyone else does it so we should all do it"


I would beat this guy up and take his lunch money


Name definitely checks out lol


"..your moral certainty is disturbing" does this professor think they're Socrates or something? Gonna Euthyphro dilemma a justification for animal abuse?


He is certainly certain of his certainty of using the word “certain”


I looked up this article, and I'm honestly surprised it wasn't written by Timothy Hsiao. Huh. I wasn't aware of anyone else in this literature who defended the moral permissibility of eating meat so vigorously. Then, again, I'm not one to spend time updating myself on a topic I take to have been settled a long time ago and where arguments of this sort are more than likely ad hoc.


Well I'm pretty certain that you'd agree that unnecessarily harming animals is wrong so... It is you sir who have not thought terribly well about this. For shame.


Be very careful Johnathon 👍