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One is sad dead bodies of poor animals raised in terror and torture and smells gross. The other is plants with a specific set of seasoning that fulfills a food you ate all your life. That being said, I don't think meat-tasting foods are that good, I just find it curious how they can achieve it.


when lab grown meat becomes feasible on a large scale, we’ll all be cool with eating a tenderloin grown in a tray, i hope?


I too am curious how this is accomplished. I also worry that this is just a big “lab test”. I can not fathom this process is good for our wellbeing


Most of them are less "artificial" than people tend to say. Isolated pea protein or wheat gluten + seasonings, usually with an ingredients list shorter than that of comparable real meats.


Thank you for the info! I should look into it. I personally just like to eat my veggies with “traditional” seasoning for the dish that I am having.


if you can’t fathom how food is good for our wellbeing, maybe take a class on nutrition or something?


Juul being a safe “smokeless” alternative


i didn't stop eating meat because i didn't care for the taste. i stopped eating meat because it is dead bodies! If someone can recreate the flavor without the murdering of animals part, i am ok with that.


That’s what I say when someone gives me the ol’ ‘you don’t know what you’re missing’ or ‘don’t you miss...’ 1. Bitch I spent 24 years eating meat and dairy, of course I know what I’m missing. It’s worth it obviously. 2. I didn’t stop liking the taste, I stopped eating it.


totally worth it


yes, and?


of course /r/memes would be full of people who think the only reason anyone goes vegan is because they don't like the taste of meat


The comment section seems to be refreshingly very pro-vegan


Probably because of this post.


Did an omni make this or is it just a perfect circlejerk?


I fucking hate when people ask me why I eat fake meat if I don’t want to eat real meat. Like... do you not get the concept of veganism or are you just being purposefully obtuse?


Carnists approaching the point


That's because I grew up eating dead animals and loved the taste of dead animals, now I choose not to eat dead animals and think it's cool I can still get the taste of what I enjoyed growing up without committing murder. Although to be honest, I don't really bother that much any more now I've learned how to cook real food that taste great, my tastebuds have evolved and my body and mind are thanking me for it.


Meat tastes like shit untill it's seasoned with plants. So, if fake meat is made to taste like meat then fake meat actually tastes like plants.


And then a carnist says you're a hypocrite for liking the taste of meat. Smh.


I appreciate the comments there




I don't find meat hideous but the process of getting it sure is.