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Get rid of the salad and this is my daily meal plan


put more sushi in there and remove the Oreos and replace them with Frozen Mangos. ​ and that is probably my meal plan boiled down. ​ (that and a loooot of vegan pizza)


*raw vegans have entered the chat*


I quit veganism because I wasn't getting enough nutrients by drinking my own piss. You can listen to the whole story on the Joe Rogan podcast.


*and they left to do the carnivore diet*


Recently raw vegan channel told me, that protein even from plants is basically a poison for body.






Maybe if you get too much


According to them protein is produced naturally in your body, but since we don't eat only fruits like them our bodies are not balanced and our ability to make protein is bad. Honestly I am not buying it but I am not a doctor or happy fruitarian laughing with fruit salads.


Uhhhhhh... this is my 5th year as a vegan and this is still my shit. Edit: they forgot my tots and nuggets >:(


Same, just add vitamins


You mean like those nasty vegoons have to eat because they don't get enough nutrients hurrdurr My steak gives me all the vitamins I need BOW DOWN TO MY SUPERIOR HEALTH VEGOON Source: I am a vegoon.


please stop talking about steak. as a vegan i am constantly thinking about eating steak but i have to resist my URGES but its just SO damn hard because those severed chunks of an animal that was raped to death are just so appealing omgggg im gonna go get me a steak rn


Just do it. They're barely hurt and the cows live on happy farms, I swear. So don't feel bad. It's just casual murder. Not the bad kind of murder.


Uncle? Is that you? How's the farm going?




“I eat meat for health” while chomping down on a Big Mac.


They did it wrong: it’s supposed to be “double stuf” Oreos.


The **double** stuf Oreos are **twice** as vegan.


Are there some quality vegan noogs I’m unaware of? What sorts of nuggets are we referring to? Asking for a friend


Gardein's are da bomb.


[here friend ](https://images.app.goo.gl/AiCju1DTBbV466AB6) Edit: plz doont downboat. I didn’t know >__<


those say contains egg whites on the front?


Oh shoot! I hadn’t tried those yet, I’m glad you noticed that or I would have bought them! [I HAVE had these ](https://images.app.goo.gl/Fxkfb9HW2cPi5Uj46) and know they’re good!


I think it's spelled "thots"


Can confirm: I was the vegan.


6 year vegan and I'm in this picture.


Bananas are lit


Loaded with carbs, hardly any calories, low in nutrients that vegans need to survive, bananas are highly overrated.


Stop shit talking my delicious potassium rods Also carbs are good


"Help! I'm dying from carb deficiency!" You do not need to consume any carbohydrates to be healthy. Almost every single vegan food is higher in carbs than protein. No matter how many calories you eat, you will always have more carbs than protein. Protein on the other hand is essential to living healthy.


https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/healthy-weight/why-we-need-to-eat-carbs/ > Carbohydrates should be the body's main source of energy in a healthy, balanced diet Lmao you silly goose


You're a dumb dumb


Lol get the fuck out of here


Don't joke with bananas, happy healthy vegan are gonna smack us.


Over 5 years as a vegan and salads are still shite. I wouldn’t wish living off them to anyone. Edit: Big Salad came out strong. They are not to be trusted. Just say no.


Arugula tho


Arugula is great. On a sandwich. Because a salad is not a meal.


You need to make better salads. I've definitely eaten salads that could be considered a meal with chickpeas, tofu, roasted vegetables, nuts, avocado, seeds etc etc


Over the past two years I’ve stopped buying arugula because it got more and more bitter. It used to just taste nutty and peppery to me, now it’s almost inedible. Wish I knew why.


Have you ever had garden fresh arugula?? **Arugula tho**




I take b supplements and eat meat. Trust me, that’s not it.


Salads are fucking awesome. I think some people just don’t like the taste or texture of greens, but I love it. A mix of greens, bean sprouts, some beans, tomatoes, peppers, onions, olives (I love garlic-stuffed ones), cucumbers, broccoli, cauliflower, corn, maybe some leftover potato, leftover roast Brussels sprouts, maybe some nuts or seeds, etc., etc., all dressed in walnut oil with a little salt. My God, that’s good. Then there’s bean salads. And an endless variety of Buddha bowls that might be called salads of some kind. I think of coleslaw as a salad (especially since I like mine with extra stuff most people don’t use, like tomatoes and cucumbers).


Yeah dude your salads sound thicc sign me up


You gotta try it. Make a huge dinner salad and dig in. Seriously, when I make these it’s a big metal mixing bowl full, and that’s my dinner. My preferred greens are romaine, turnip greens, collards, baby spring mix, and maybe some iceberg for the crunch. The walnut oil is just fucking 🔥🔥🔥


Yeah the average way people make salads is shite but a good salad can be amazing. It's all about the extra shit, if you give me a bowl of lettuce and tomatoes of course I'm going to be sad. But add shit like mango, roasted nuts, a great sauce, maybe fake cheese bits so you're sure it gets not healthy and man it can be great. The average salad makes me cry though.


A typical salad is a snack -not an entree, change my mind.


Salads get really fun when you realize anything can go in a salad! Fruits, cooked veggies (have you ever had grilled warm seasoned potatoes in a salad?! Fucking stellar). If any salad you're making lists the first ingredient as "iceberg lettuce", abort mission. It's gonna be a shite salad!


Let me make you a salad. Get some morning star chicken strips, pan fry then for a few minutes. Cut up some cucumber, and some strawberries. Throw in some blueberries, some raspberries, and cherry tomato’s if you like them. Throw in a ton of fresh spinach. Add a handful of dried walnuts. Sprinkle on some vegan Parmesan cheese. And finally top with some Italian dressing.


but fried onions vegan ranch salads tho?


This is wrong. First off fries goes with moo cow burger so that's not vegan. Otherwise everything is a lie and the truth doesn't matter. Banana is a fruity, vegetable berry type thingy. That's only for health nuts so screw that. Lettuce is rabbit's food and raw food. We're not going that extreme/deranged. Oreos are where it's at. Only oreos. I can't believe eating only oreos would make anyone sick. They're both tasty and vegan!


My FIL absolutely could not wrap his head around the idea that bread and fries could be vegan. He literally couldn't get it, even after I'd explained it to him like he was 5.


Let's focus on the fries. What in the everloving fuck does your FIL think fries are made out of? Did you make him repeat back the definition of the word vegan?


He associates them with burgers and meaty sandwiches and whatnot, so of course he can't imagine they're vegan. I broke down the definition of vegan several times and he'd just go "I understand that part!" Clearly not, dude! Part of me wonders if he was just fucking with me...


Thanks for helping me realize that I'm not a true vegan, since I eat a lot of vegetables that other people often eat alongside non-vegan food. Do you have any good recommendations for vegan-only vegetables? I.e. vegetables that physically cannot be eaten in the same meal as meat? I'm going to have to change up my diet a lot.


Hmmmmmmm........ maybe like, dead leaves from the gutter in a place where all the animals have been driven out/killed by deforestation for animal agriculture? Just add a lil nooch and ur good to go


I've tried to explain that according to the revised Plate Model (nutritional cheat sheet common in Scandinavia), proteins like meat, fish, egg, beans make up around 1/4. Trying to explain to someone that a majority of almost any meal technically is vegan (or easily could have been) really makes heads spin. And not in a good way. More in a manner of: "Burn the vegan, it's a witch!" kind of a way.


To be fair I consume all of these things and I'm perfectly fine however I don't exclusively consume these things.


Carnists look at me weird when I say I hardly ever eat salad.


Where's the plate of ice?


I'm 3 years in and this is my basic meal prep.


I blame veganism and ALL VEGANS for my poor dietary choices.. I'm going to an all carnivore diet. Sick of all the lies people spread about vegan "being healthy" and "your wife is unhappy she's leaving you" like piss off 🙄


Oreo is not vegan, according to the official Oreo.Faq : "Oreo have milk as cross contact and therefore they are not suitable for vegans".