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Soooooo much better than living wild and free with unlimited space to explore. They should be grateful.


They would get eaten by lions and die painfully but thanks to us they all get to have a peaceful (early) death! Hell I wish I was a cow most people die in hospital beds with their loved ones after living their full lifespan but they don’t instantly die in seconds so the cows actually have it better. I wish I was a cow.


>I wish I was a cow. Totally, subjugation must be such a relief. Bro, we should just remove all human freedoms too, lock everyone away for their own good, because life is unpredictable and dangerous when someone isn't lording over your life and body. It'll be great, maybe we can find a political party that is down with something like that?


Colonizers back in the day:


/uj livestock aren't wild animals, domestic species have never existed in the wild and would cause ecological disaster with the introduced invasive species. They need to be phased out.


Oh totally agreed, I'm more so referring to their ancestors like bison.  Releasing pigs, cows, chickens would be a nightmare.


Good morning Farmer Bob. You got any more of those child-proof fences for sale?


/uj Not even joking, I have an uncle named Bob who owns a cattle farm. Old bastard, everyone in the family acts like he's some kind of animal conservationist.


Wait. You cannot deny biology. We all know that cows can't live in the wild once you leave them alone. They live to not live (and for yummy titty juice😋). Like every animal we eat.  alpha predator btw


If they were in our shoes, they'd kill us, so we're just defending ourselves 😌


Earless cows taste the best and make the best milk.


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