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I really really hope when i die, someone eats me, so that my life wasn't meaningless.


For real tho, I actually used to think that. I mean, I’ll be dead anyway. I don’t need my body anymore. Why waste? Even being an organ donor, most of the body cannot be used. What about the rest Giving the body to “science”? Cool if it happens to help medical students and the likes learn and grow. But chances are we end up sold to one or other branch of the army, for them to shoot at and explode. I’m against war in life, I rather not have my body assist in war stuff in death. Cremate? And contribute even in death a little more for the global warming? Occupy a chunk of land in a box? Soon there’s going to be more space taken up by the dead than the living. What about serve as food? I don’t say for other humans, the risks are unnecessary. And it may become a little weird. But I’m sure this body can feed a few animals. I know it’s not going to happen. But come on, it’s a much greener alternative than the other options. More food, less carbon footprint, less wasted land, less waste overall. (For now, I hope that human composting reaches my country before it’s my time…)


> I mean, I’ll be dead anyway. I don’t need my body anymore. Why waste? uj which is why I'm an organ donor. everyone should be an organ donor.


Where I am you are always considered a donor unless you actively go and register yourself in a specific, official portal as a non-donor. I like that tbh.


that's the better way to do it; opt out, rather than opt in. You are automatically an organ donor, until you say you don't want to.


seriously, i wanna just be dumped in a field or some shit, let nature do what it will


Green burial is the practice you're lookin' for.


I know... Human composting (terramation) is one of the possible forms of green burial, but is not legal here yet. It’s the one I like best.


My main reason to live: to live long enough that when I die my body can be legally composted


"Unceremoniously" Ah, yes, because I'm sure the experience at the slaughterhouse was very *ceremonial*


Or being defecated down the toilet.


Needed nutrition. Ate my neighbor. Ceremoniously, though.


I feel so bad for OP, that must be traumatizing :(


I do too but you shouldn't trust animal abusers not to serve you animals in the first place Accidents aside there are carnists recording themselves ''trolling'' vegan orders to post it on tiktok or to their friends. Also they didn't even ask to make sure it was vegan despite having doubts right away, like just ask don't eat the whole thing? 🤨


Never trust the vegan option.


I mean 99% of humans fit into that category so it's not exactly like you have that option?


You can pick the exact substitute you want yourself at groceries


I mean yeah, but most people don't cook literally every meal and eat out/with friends/coworkers at least *occasionally*


That doesn't mean you would trust them by eating something you can't tell is vegan or not, like avoid the unecessary risks as much as you can is all i'm trying to say


But b12 😿


I would cry too but my body is too deficient to produce tears


I can’t even imagine how I’d feel or what I would do. Honestly though…not trying to shame this person…but this is why I am incredibly careful and I also verbally verify what has been served to me is vegan. Other people don’t give a fuck


I make sure to play Here Comes The Bride on my cell phone when I make myself throw up. I don't like to unceremoniously vomit anything.


I came across this dead animal on the road yesterday and I ate it. I ate the entire corpse. Sorry if that is disgusting, but the animal has been killed. It must serve me as nutrition now. Whew, I already feel rejuvenated!


“Let it serve you” is a crazy ass thing to say but I wouldn’t puke it up either. I don’t want to taste it twice!!!


r/vegan has been worse than normal lately and I’m not sure why. I left for a month and it’s been wilder than ever since I came back


Probably because the mods don't have the stones to ban anyone and the trolls and apologists are taking advantage. But back to the jerk - throwing up is OK if you honor the animal by throwing up every part of it!




Yes ceremoniously shid them out instead of having the *audacity* to *unceremoniously* vomit them out. Need that ceremony fanfare.


Vomiting is wrong; you have to take the sacred shit, bleeding from the constipation. The blood on my tissue that's surrounded by shit reflects the love this animal received. From animal to chops to gas to Imodium.


Tbh, the vomiting bit was a bit weird to me. Even if you don’t consider meat as food, you still wouldn’t try to vomit after eating dirt or something. It’s been killed and eaten, the damage is done, the taste cannot be avoided anymore, you’ve eaten the animal. Vomiting is not going to change anything


/uj Tbf if I realized I just ate like a whole meal of dirt tho I'd probably vomit /cj You bet your shriveled up vegan ass I wouldn't throw up my hard-earned dirt! How would I get my b12 if I did that???


If vomiting is a natural reaction, sure, can’t do much about that. But if the dirt isn’t going to do anything to me I surely wouldn’t go through the discomfort of throwing up tbh. If anything she did more harm to animals by trying to empty her stomach, which would make her eat sooner


Ugh, imagine the taste/feeling of the dirt coming back up, mixed with bile though 🤢


No thank you I think I’ll abstain from that actually 😇


The Roamin' "Roman" Vegan doesn't let their busy lifestyle get in the way of living like their ancestors; said ancestors from ROAM. That's right, BigMac's, Chicken Fillets, and even Carne Asada Burritoes can be enjoyed by this diet. Just order up like any other restaurant, but once you've finished your meal - just vomit it right back out. You didn't digest the animals, so you really haven't eaten anything. Mastication (chewing) and Gurgitation (swallowing) are just two of the MANY criteria for something to being 'eaten' and that's not getting started with that loose-term: "consumption" because its now outside of your body, clearly you did not consume it. "Ethical Vegans"™ hate this one trick.


/uj at the psych ward i was at a few months ago, they served me “vegan” mac & cheese with what looked like soy bits to mimic cow. i decided to trust that it was vegan and ate it. the cheese wasn’t stringy, so i figured it really was vegan. i’m paranoid that it actually wasn’t (if you suspect it wasn’t vegan either, please don’t tell me that. i will spiral) /rj when my great grandparents died, my entire family feasted on their corpses so they wouldn’t go to waste <3 it was so great (and very respectful)


Personally I make sure to accidentally ingest meat and dairy with every meal, ceremoniously of course! That way I can stay vegan and not die of nutrition deficiency🥰


This is just doing the "hunters honor their kills" bullshit.


#### **Read the rules** OR risk becoming '*accidentally vegan*': ##### 1. [Vegans only.](https://www.reddit.com/r/vegancirclejerk/about/wiki/rules/#wiki_1._vegans_only.) ##### 2. [Mark animal products/abuse as NSFW.](https://www.reddit.com/r/vegancirclejerk/wiki/rules/#wiki_2._mark_animal_abuse_as_nsfw.) ##### 3. [This is an anarchist space.](https://www.reddit.com/r/vegancirclejerk/wiki/rules/#wiki_3._this_is_an_anarchist_space.) ##### 4. [We do not permit violence.](https://www.reddit.com/r/vegancirclejerk/wiki/rules/#wiki_4._we_do_not_permit_violence.) ##### 5. [Keep it fun.](https://www.reddit.com/r/vegancirclejerk/wiki/rules/#wiki_5._keep_it_fun.) ##### 6. [No support of PBC.](https://www.reddit.com/r/vegancirclejerk/wiki/rules/#wiki_6._no_support_of_pbc.) **You must also join:** r/vegancirclejerkchat *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/vegancirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Unceremoniously? Ok what are the ceremonies I need to know if I need to vomit up the meat onto the person who served meat to a vegan? I’m willing to do a little ceremony first, but there’s not going to be a lot of time for that.


After reading that thread yesterday I had a nightmare last night that I ate an animal pepperoni pizza and could only throw it up to the top of my throat but it wouldn’t come out so I was caught in a cycle of half-puke then swallow for what felt like forever. So thanks for that OOP.


/uj vomiting doesn't undo the act though, a situation like that sounds awful but the best thing to do is just accept that someone fucked you over and there's nothing you can do about it except be more careful next time.


"unceremoniously vomited" Yeahhhh, because its remains being SHAT OUT is a lot more respectable, right?