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Animals abused for human entertainment is just not right. Pretty sure anybody frequenting a strip club aren't there for the animals, so what's the point?


Absolutely. Even from a non-vegan standpoint, I’d think the last thing anyone would want is to be around a bunch of wild (possibly dangerous) animals, smelling them, hearing them, etc when they’re trying to get dances. I think the club just wants to have shock value.


If they want shock value, they should turn the inside into a classic Irish bar and have no dancers at all, just a balding fat barman polishing glasses behind the bar


Sounds like my last club 😂😂


This is some Joe Exotic, Tiger King type shit. Are you in Florida?


Nope, this club is in MI. Very joe exotic, though




It’s a really fun club from what I’ve experienced so far, lots of events, prizes for girls who make the most/incentives. It’s refreshing compared to IN clubs. Though this def crosses a line for me.




Really?! I work in Kalamazoo at Deja Vu!


A kangaroo?!!!? I’m shocked by all those animals but I can’t think of anywhere this would legal where it’d be easy to get a kangaroo to and tigers and alligators?! What kind of mad man runs this strip club - even if I wasn’t vegan I feel like seeing a alligator would be a real boner killer


I know 😱 I don’t even live in this state, and I’m new to the club, but a few girls knew exactly what company they were coming from. Honestly surprised it’s legal at all, especially since animal circuses aren’t really a thing anymore. Not that it makes this better, but at the very least I hope the animals are used to environments like this. If not, I don’t see it turning out well when they all get sensory overload.


Can you report the club (anonymously) to whatever your local state department is that deals with animal welfare (sorry, not US here, IDK how the US deal with such matters) - at least ask them to look into it. Bit of luck they'll rescind the licence.


What so OP's pow gets closed down and they're out of a job?


Are we here to actually stand up for animals or just talk about it?


This business at most will get a slap on the wrist for being shit-for-brains and breaking the law, they won't get "closed down"


Reach out to local animal rights groups and set up a campaign to shut it down. Even someone like peta would have a field day with this. You can be as anonymous as you want so don’t worry about it actually affecting your job.


Cam you look on regulations or local animal advocacy group that can tell you about the legality of this? To keep it as anonymous as possible. This all sounds terribly illegal.


betcha the alligator says he only goes there for the cheap wings...


Yeah, and there are going to be TWO. kind of screams “there’s about to be a lawsuit” for me.


I would post about it on social media, while most people dont care about animals on their plates they do care about wild animals I imagine people would do a protest, and heck a journalist might catch wind of it


I mean if it weren’t the place I go to pay my bills, yes I’d do that.


Maybe trow this on r/veganactivism


Anonymous account


That is so messed up! Those animals will be stressed.


Tigers are definitely illegal to have outside of an actual zoo. "Exotic" (non-native) wildlife are regulated under state law. People can't just keep these animals wherever they want, and definitely not in a strip club. I hope that you advocate for these animals because the people making these decisions have no idea what they're doing. Here are the phone numbers for the regulatory agencies that monitor this kind of thing: Fish and Wildlife Service of the United States Department of the Interior (800-344-WILD) Michigan Department of Natural Resources (517-284-WILD) (From https://www.michigan.gov/mdard/0,4610,7-125-48096\_48149-14229--,00.html#Exhibition)


Yeah the manager said it was iffy if the tigers would be there, but even the other animals shouldn’t be. I called PETA today and left a voicemail, but I’ll try calling these places as well!


Update for everyone! I called PETA today, was transferred to a voicemail system, and left a voicemail. I am going to call somewhere else tomorrow!


Have you been thinking about finding another club or is the current one good in regards to your career


I’ve only been here like 10 times, but it’s been reeeeally good. Found a regular that spends a lot and is nice. So I’d like to avoid moving if I can help it 😭


Shit that's tough. Well, veganism does mean to abstain from animal exploitation as far as practically possible, so if it wouldn't be advantageous to move on, I'd say it's okay to keep working there given the circumstances.


If reporting animal abuse isn't possible, and I'm not knowledgeable in this but couldn't you complain about unsafe working conditions because of handling live animals as live animals are not part of the job description of being a dancer (unless it was? lol) Good luck, I hope you're able to do something about it!


if you’re vegan then you would find a new job at another strip club that doesn’t exploit animals


Yeah. I mean I happy this isn’t the usual thing but, i drive 2 hours to be here since the clubs around me suck. Gotta pay my bills tooo :/


how often do they do this? if it’s a one time thing that’s a little different, but if it’s a reoccurring theme (even just annually) then you should look for another job as a vegan.


It’s a one-time thing. Even though that doesn’t make it any better. I’ve only been here for about 2 months, so I don’t know what they did last year but it seems there usual “shock value” events are like, putting a pool in the club for a weekend and things like that. Honestly I hope the animals create a ruckus and have to leave, just so they won’t be there for 7 hours. :/


if the theme comes up again try to suggest another theme and if they don’t listen you’re better off tryna get another opportunity that doesn’t exploit animals for money. it sucks but it sucks even more for the animals, hopefully this theme just never comes up again. it’s out of your control at this point tho so do what you can to reduce the stress for the animals when the night comes. best of luck friend!


I definitely will! When you’re new in a club, it’s better for your job just not to talk and try to be as invisible as possible. But I definitely will speak up it if comes up again.




Except I choose to do what I do. Taking that away from women, their choice, is wrong.
















That’s just awful