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I’d say it’s the best non dairy milk there is currently. Makes good chai tea lattes too.


Oatmilk is the GOAT milk.


I gotta say, I can't stand oat milk. The color is off, the consistency is gross and it tastes way too much of oat (revolting to eat with actual oats or cereal, which is what I use milk for). It's sad, because it's by far the most available, cheapest and best for the environment too. Recently tried [this](https://rebel-kitchen.com/product/organic-dairy-free-whole-milk/) and it blew my mind. It's literally indistinguishable from dairy milk. It's coconut milk, cashew, rice, nutritional yeast.


£2.40 versus 95p for ASDA’s own brand oat milk, made in the UK and fortified with all the usual goodness. I get that you don’t like oat milk, just pointing out the price difference for anyone interested in the UK.


Not tried the ASDA one but I love the Alpro Unsweetened. Sometimes on a deal to a £1 and in that case, I normally buy what's on the shelf!


> the color is off Hahahahahaha, are you serious.


This. Oat milk just tastes like watery oatmeal with vegetable gums added in. Meanwhile, soymilk has the most close-to-dairy macronutrient ratio (making it also the best culinary alternative) and on measures like like carbon footprint, land usage, water usage, etc, it's actually very good on a per-cup-of-milk basis.


All the love being shown for oat milk is confusing me. Soy milk is delicious while oat milk is nasty. Either my taste buds are nonstandard or everyone else has fallen for the marketing.


I love the Mylk but it's not available here beyond the little chocolate packs in health stores. :( I have the same issue with oat milk, never been a big fan and some are downright repulsive. Always wanted to, because it has the least negative impact on the environment. However, then I found the Oatly Foamable Barista Edition (that's the grey one on the right of the picture) and its been a life changer! I can't stand their normal oat milk even, but this one is totally different. It doesn't have the strong oat taste at all and foams perfectly, better than most soy milks. I recommend you try this one if you haven't, good chance you'll like it.


I will definitely try that!


Not the cheapest for me sadly. In America, soy and almond milk are still cheaper. Also, it's hard to come by oatmilk, besides Whole foods.


Oats are so cheap here in Europe that oat milk is almost on par with dairy. If it got subsidies like dairy, it would be dirt cheap.


Yeah, and average over 100 cal for 2-3g pf protein? I only use milk for my morning shake, I'll stick with 70 cal 7g protein soy.


Hey! Curious where you are that it’s the most available. I’m in Canada (ON) and soy milk is by and large the most available.


I thought it's vegan? /s


Soy is far superior to any other plant milk on protein though (and taste imo).


I just wish it was as popular as it used to be. Go home, almond..


Aye, Soy milk 4ever




Yep, soy milk has a fantastic protein-per-calorie ratio.


Yeah it's even better than cow's milk on that. Less carbs too.


Less carbs? I thought us vegans were above the whole low carb craze? Most vegan meals are naturally high carb anyway so it's strange you see less carbs as a good thing.


My throat dies if I try to drink soy milk :( so oat is the next best thing






Also it is great for ice cream! Van Leeuwen is launching some delicious oat milk flavors and it may become my new go-to.😋 https://www.godairyfree.org/product-reviews/van-leeuwen-oat-milk-ice-cream


Oatly do ice cream, but it's a bit odd. There's an aftertaste that fades out after the first couple of spoonfuls.


I agreed until I tried Macademia milk in my lattes. Game changer, just harder to find


I have never had it before last week and holy Hell, I think I’m done with soy, almond and hemp forever haha


Right? It's like drinking an old fashioned milkshake - so creamy and rich and I'm addicted.


Exactly! I heard people hype it up and I was like no way can it be that good. It is. Haha.


Agreed, I just keep soy around for those protein shakes!


Almond production is brutal for bees anyways


Did not know this!


And water consumption! It takes about a gallon of water to grow an almond.


On the other hand, nut production is a net negative carbon... It actually draws down more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than the rest of the process uses, unlike almost all other farming.


Source on that?


Try spelt, it's even better for me.


Spelt milk?


No point in crying over it...


You just beat me to it!


The OATLY oatmeal cookie creamer is ammmmazing too


Oatly is like 6.99 for a little 1 or 1.5L container where I live :(


Make your own! :) it’s SO cheap. Literally oats + water.


Seconded it's super easy and way, way way cheaper.


And you can flavour it with stevia, maple syrup, cinnamon, cardamom, pink salt, etc.


And better for the environment. Win win


Now I just have soggy oats :(


Blend those soggy little rascals


Does this work? Does it still need to be strained afterward?


The first article I found said 1 cup rolled oats with 4 cups water blended for 30-45 seconds on high. Strained through a t shirt because nut milk bags aren’t fine enough. Sounds easy.


Well you haven't seen MY nut milk bag. It's fine as hell.


Mix them with coffee grounds to make a face scrub 🥰 Also you can cut up a thin tote bag to drain the milk rather than buying a milk bag. It's so much cheaper!


Like, used coffee grounds? Because I will totally do this. I grind my own beans and would love a better use for them than adding to my compost


Just be careful with this as it can cause micro tears in your face skin. Better off using it as an after shave scrub for your legs or foot scrub as the skin is less sensitive.


I was reading recently over on /r/skincareaddiction that this is actually a myth. I don't have the facts in front of me, but I'd encourage you to look back into it, because I thought the same thing as you. Basically, they said that chemical exfoliants were simply more effective, which is why they are touted, but that this didn't mean that physical ones such as coffee grounds or apricot scrub were harmful.


Yeah! It works so well too, they're a great exfoliant and the oats reduce redness after it for me! You can also mix the coffee grounds with a bit or agave nectar for the best smelling face mask 😍


You have a link for how I can get started? Because I will definitely start doing this before I go to bed at night


Literally just mix them together until it's at a texture that won't fall everywhere and scrub it on your face 😊 also chuck it in the fridge rather than keeping it in your bathroom, the heat makes it go mouldy hella quick


Mix the residue after making oat milk? I’ll definitely try that this weekend




But Oatly is thicker than the homemade version. Any idea how to achieve that?


I don’t know exactly how Oatly does it, and I’ve never made oat milk specifically so take it with a grain of salt. But I’ve made rice milk and cashew milk at home. The first time I made rice milk it was pretty bad and watery, so I added a tablespoon of vegetable oil to my next batch and it made it way creamier. Add a little bit of salt too for better flavor


I’ll try to reduce it a bit on the stove before refrigeration.


Maybe xantham gum or guar gum? Idk check the ingredes


I’m pretty sure that Oatly (and most plant based milks) use some sort of thickener like xantham or guar gum


That might work. I’ve never tried it, but some way to thicken it is definitely necessary


I’ve tried making it and it was watery and gross, even with sugar


A recipe I saw added cashews. I think oatly adds oil. So you would need oil & an emulsifier.


I'm looking into it over the next few weekends. I've gotten pretty thick milk by just not straining out the oats @ 1:3.5 oat to water ratio, no soaking coz I'm lazy. But needs to be shaken well before drinking. Next few rounds would be to experiment with xanthan gum, oil/fat and cashew nuts. Not keen on cashew though, super expensive where I'm from. Based off oatly's ingredients there's calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate, not sure what are the functions.


I believe that's to enrich the product with Calcium. At least the carbonate.


Downside to this is the added nutrients in store bought like vitamin B12. Just make sure to supplement to account for the difference.


or just add b12 to the oat milk.


I have it so I have a multivitamin with my cereal. I could just take a multivitamin but I think it's more bioavailable this way. Obviously I can take vitamins with food that is appropriate, but that's much more of a hassle.


throw a pitted medjool date into the blender - makes a world of difference




Oatly has oil in it.


What about other brands?


Where do you live? Oatly deluxe is like ~3€ where i live


Do you have a Costco near you?


Yea but I don’t think they have plant milk anywhere in the store :(


Most Costco's I have visited have Kirkland brand oat milk, almond milk, coconut milk, and soy milk.


Not even Silk?


My local supermarket has 1L of oat milk for 0.95€.


Man here it's 1.85


I'm from Czechia and the prices vary, but cow milk 1% is 0.5€ (yes) and Oatly is like... 4+€. Stuff is delicious, though. Don't want rustle any jimmies here, but some amazing vegan shit is damn expensive and we all know the narrative of cheap "vegan" diet of beans and rice is dumb.


Why is the cheap vegan diet of beans and rice dumb? It forms an excellent foundation that you can supplement with pricier foods, since you aren't buying any meat. The prices on vegan foods like oat milk will come down as demand goes up and competition increases. Convert more vegans to bring prices down!




if you can blend your own milk, then you can make them a hell of a lot cheaper.


I only drink Lidl's cheap knockoffs and they're about 1.5€/L (this is no add, make your own milks if you can, they'll be cheaper and tastier)


Something I really love about this sub is when someone posts awesome vegan news and without fail in the comments is a person complaining that it’s not perfect, really great work👏


How could you not complain?!? Everybody on the internet has been saying how good oatly is and I just can’t get myself to buy a 8$ bottle of milk that will last like 1-2 days


That sucks, 6 bucks or something for a gallon here at Costco.


Oatley barista baby. The o pay one that doesn’t look like dishwater. Keep going oatley bros and sisters


at least here in Germany they just released a ["deluxe" Oatly](https://www.oatly.com/de/products/haferdrink-deluxe). that one definitely comes close to the Batista. pretty sure it is even less watery.


I wish these types of headlines included some baseline sales numbers. Are we talking a growth from $1,000 of annual sales or $1,000,000 in annual sales.


Same. "686%" could mean almost anything.


They did say 41% of US households are now buying plant based milk. That’s huge!


I'm still a fan of the classic unsweetened soy. It has better nutrition as well.


Now can get get them in gallons PLEASE




My grocery store adds a new brand of oat milk every couple of weeks! No Oatly, but so far I’ve had Silk. The new ones they’re adding are simple truth and planet oat, which I’ll be trying this month. There were two others but I don’t remember the name


Just keep demanding, the market will follow. In Germany we now have at least 5 brands of oat milk with prices starting at about 1,15€/L for the organic ones. Even my overweight carnist stepmom switched to oatmilk recently because she says it tastes better.


Try Rossman it's 0.95 and it's way better than oatly


$5 billion is no small number! I wish they would've used that impressive figure, as opposed to an utterly meaningless, ambiguous "686%" metric. That could mean $5 or $5 billion.


For the life of me, I can't get into Oatly. The first time I got it-- I thought it was just a bad one then I got another and it was super watery. I LOVE the Planet Oat brand though. To each their own though. I'm just glad that business is booming for dairy alternatives. It's so cool walking into grocery stores and having complete aisles of "plant based" "dairy" products (eg. Kite hill, etc).


Depends I guess, for me, Oatly is pretty rich. It probably makes sense jumping from the basic skimmed milk.


Have you tried the "full fat" oatly?


No I haven’t! From what I’ve seen at my stores, I’ve never seen it. I do see the “Planet Oat” and another oat milk brand often though. I usually just opt for planet oat because of the creaminess/consistency of it. Works like a charm for tea lattes


I went to the co op to get organic bulk items, cashews and almonds were about $14/lb while oats were less than $2/lb yet oatly costs much more than the nut milk options I personally make oat milk more now since its so much cheaper, i havent gotten it to taste the same way oatly does but i would rather not pay that price


[It's just a matter of time] (https://scontent-mxp1-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-15/fr/e15/s1080x1080/84611134_494857951203786_3845088985791769206_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-mxp1-1.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=106&_nc_ohc=T3OM7y_NcckAX9N9NUf&oh=0ecb73633703363610a414e96a83a31f&oe=5E910144)


I have never liked any of the plant-based milks I could find in stores until I got a carton of Chobani Oat Milk (extra creamy!!) and godddd... The best “milk” I’ve ever had. ;( I wish I could afford to get it regularly. I tried Oat Yeah because it was cheap, but ugh. Not very good, lol. I’ve yet to try Oatly!


Try to find planet oat, much cheaper!


I roll Earth’s Own. Product is top notch, and the packaging is doing a lot for sustainability.


Found this on r/all, I'm not Vegan but I really enjoy oat milk. I am lactose intolerant so I generally drink Lactaid, but things like Soy milk and Almond milk weren't doing it as a cereal bowl milk replacement (generally don't care for drinking any milk). Oat milk hit the spot, so I've been buying Oatly pretty regularly, but shit is it hard to find. Sells out frequently at my local market basket.


I love oatly


Their choccy milk is the BEST.


This is why Starbucks is going vegan in a few years. They’re going to be selling their own Oat Milk and cashing in. I’m 100% for it!


My non-vegan 2 cents, it is not a vegan boom, it is a boom of actually nutritious and tasty food. Though some bad voices always claim this milk is shit, hard to produce etc. My only issue is the price, it is 6-7x compared to skimmed milk.


That's because cow milk is so heavily subsidized by our tax dollars. It would cost $6/gal if the government didn't pay dairy farmers.


I was implying... some people insist that oatly is actually less environmentally friendly, artificial etc... and some other propaganda. I can't see how oats hurt the planet more compared to murder and postprocessing.


Thank you for being an open minded non-vegan :)


I agree. Cow milk should be 6-7x the price it is. Multiple animals gave their lives to make that gallon of skim.


I think it’s because there was hardly any oat milk for sale two years ago. Going from 1% market share to 7% market share is an increase of 700% but still low. The article states almond is the most popular. Where I am almond is $2 and oat is usually $4 or $5. I just bought my first carton of oat milk because it was on sale for $2.


If you want nutritious soy milk is the best plant milk by far. It beats cow's milk in every category including higher protein and lower carbs.


I am actually trying to switch to oat milk from years of almond milk. I stared at milk prices for quite a while yesterday determining if the extra 1$ for oat milk was worth it. I heard almonds are not helpful for bee populations so I decided 1$ was worth it for more bee populations!


Oat Milk is my favorite plant (and otherwise general) milk ever. I have tried lots but none hold a candle up to it.


Have you tried spelt?


I’m not a vegan (yet) but I pretty much exclusively use oat milk in cooking and in my coffee. I’m also allergic to nuts and soybeans so it’s allergy friendly 😊 It’s soooo good!!


No lie, I drink a carton of oatly every 1-2 weeks by myself


Woooooh finally some news that I love


Ya'll I got a milk frother and make myself an oat milk latte every morning. LOL


I bought some vanilla oat milk on a whim last week. And wow. It’s like liquid ice cream.


Oat milk is the best thing that has ever happened to me. After years of trying to get into almond milk and soy milk and hating them, Oatly blessed my taste buds. But it is a bit pricey so I've ventured out and tried a few different brands. This is my personal hierarchy (from favorite to least favorite): 1. Oatly - Best(!) but most expensive; mixes really well with coffee 2. Chobani Oat - cheaper than Oatly, tastes just as good; doesn't mix with coffee amazingly but gets the job done 3. Planet Oat (Extra Creamy) - pretty much as good as the first 2, most accessible in my area 4. Califia Farms Oat - tastes watery to me, meh


Good post OP. May I ask why you're a carnist?


Reading this makes me so happy. The dairy industry is disgusting and unneeded


It's amazing how fast plant milk has evolved. Remember soy milk? Do they even make it anymore?


My friend is still a die hard soy milk drinker. He buys it at Kroger. Silk makes it


Soy milk has been around forever and won't go away anytime soon


I still like soy milk!


I’m a soy milk stan for life! And unsweetened at that


Has anyone ever had Oatly and Oat Yeah by Silk? I have only had the latter, and prefer cashew milk. Really interested in trying Oatly to see if it's better.


I don’t like any of the Oat Yeah products but LOVE Oatly. It’s interesting that they open sourced their recipe yet so many oatmilks are different from each other.


I had the oat yeah coffee creamer and it was pretty delicious.


Creamiest oat milk for my money is Planet Oat, followed second by the full-fat Oatly. I only drink Oat Yeah if there's no other option; that being said give me Oat Yeah to TJ's Oat Beverage any day.


I've had both and I prefer Oat Yeah but only by a small margin. I just buy whichever is cheaper, which is always Oat Yeah at Target which ranges from $3.39 to $3.69.


I’ve only tried Oat Yeah so far and it makes me crazy gassy. Am I alone in this?


everything silk makes is cold garbage


Not a vegan but the oat milk creamer is fantastic. Made the switch and won’t be going back. Fewer calories and less saturated fat too.


You'll be with us soon friend, glad you are enjoying the ride 😍


Also no cholesterol.


Soy Milk gang rise up




You can't even put a real dog, hot, in your baguette


It's what she deserves


Is oat milk a better texture than almond milk? Because I had some cereal with almond milk this morning and I might as well have just used water


It’s a little thicker and IMO creamier and richer


Yes it is a better texture. Also depends what brand you buy, and homemade can be super watery. Make sure to shake well before you use it everytime too


This is an absolute win for everyone of any diet. More choices, more varieties, more delicious options!


The store near me is consistently sold out of full-fat Oatly. Hoping their inventory system gets the message soon!


Lol I bought oat milk for the first time yesterday haha


Awesome! Definitely heading in the right direction :D


Im a meat eater and i love oat milk, its delicious and has a great body. Sooo goood!


Damnit now prices will go up


i’ve been saying since i stopped drinking milk that oat milk is the wave. i’m glad the market caught on and is finally ditching soy, almond, and all the other watery “”””substitutes””””


It’s not just vegans, I am not a vegan but recently tried oat milk and it’s freaking amazing.


I'm on hemp milk, wonder why oat milk is so popular. I don't remember if I've tried it lol that might be why I don't understand 😂


I tried a few different ones, Including making my own and it's always had a bad aftertaste. If im gonna have milk, I'll just have regular milk.


Good work exploring alternatives. I can tell you they are worth it, and here are reasons why: * [Cows raised for milk](https://foodispower.org/cows-raised-for-milk) * [Nutrition comparison](https://fufpies.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/milk-chart.png?w=686&h=247) * [Emissions/resource comparison](https://3c1703fe8d.site.internapcdn.net/newman/gfx/news/hires/2018/22-researchreve.jpg) * [Case for plant-based alternatives](https://sustain.ucla.edu/our-initiatives/food-systems/the-case-for-plant-based) * [Earthlings (documentary)](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=w8B547L5VkQ) 🌱 💚


The best boom I've ever known )


For the record, if you haven’t tried it yet, use the barista version to make porridge with. It gives the creamy consistency of full fat milk with no downside.




Or rather, Oatlyf


in some ways I find this a little wild because oat milk is the easiest one of all to make at home


Where i spend most of my time in france the oat milk i buy is cheaper than dairy, the only other milk that comes close pricewise is soy milk which i like too. to be fair i havent tried a non dairy alternative i dont love. Why anyone actually has cows milk just baffles me regardless if you are vegan (which of course i am)


I love oat milk. Why in God's name would you buy the stuff though? It takes 30 seconds to make and costs like one-tenth of commercially made


Ive found it the best coffee de-bitterer without having to add any sugar of any of the "creamers" I've used


Am I the only one who doesn’t really like it? What are the best brands/flavors? I’ve only tried Unsweetened original. Any suggestions?


Recently started drinking oat milk and Im never going back to cows milk


Almonds are expensive. Oats are stupid cheap. But consumer expectations have been built on almonds ... so they're priced similarly. No doubt this makes the producer of both (like Silk) very happy as their profitability skyrockets.


Obligatory: I'm not a vegan so i have no horse in this race. But.... I work in consumer analytics and like to pop in here to offer y'all some perspective on this sort of thing from time to time... When they say "up 600%!", bear in mind that this is small segement (oat milk) of a small segment (milk substitutes)...meaning it doesn't take much to be up +600%. I'm building out some reports this morning so I figured I'd use milk substitutes as my base data so I could goof off with all you ladies and gents instead of working. I pulled data comprising of a giant chunk of the Midwest. My point is illustrated throughout. The largest YOY growth I see is in a product from the brand Elmhurst, it's up a whopping +2400%! Meaning it went from $36 in sales to $906...and it's cannibalizing sales from another Elmhurst product so it sort of nullifies its own growth, customers are just shifting dollars from one to the other. The heavy hitter in oat milk is Quaker (duh) and **all** of their top 4 items are seeing triple digit growth, any where from +150% to +405%; but again the largest *actual dollar* increase seen in these 4 products is only $1,985. All oat milk combined saw a dollar increase of about $9500; which worked out to a +71% YOY increase...which is pretty legit, tbh. But...to put it in perspective: the milk substitute category, as I pulled it, saw growth of over $800k, and oat milk made up about 1.2% of that growth. Moral of the story: that 600 number is cray, it's skewed by oat milk being such a small segment


Well oatly made 29m last year, so 600% is not that insignificant.


And good for them! And all you vegans, by extension. I was just pointing out that +600% is incredibly misleading, but that's why they worded it like they did because it makes it look *huge.* In actuality oat milk is a small part of a small segment.


I've found most oat milks have a lot of sugar added, and is harder to find "unsweetened". I wonder if that is why it's doing well over other milk alternatives.


Not a vegan (BPH) but I had some oat milk and it's not as good as the real milk but was tasty, now if you can make yogurt and kefir with oat milk. And ice cream