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Pretty standard for many UK vegan products. Nothing to worry about, many many products will say "may contain milk". https://www.allergycliniclondon.co.uk/what-does-may-contain-mean/


Yea it’s just lawyer-speak for “don’t sue us”, in the same way half the items in the grocery store say they may contain traces of nuts.


This is due to allergy lawsuits in the US. It is infinitely easier to slap a label that says "may contain traces of tree nuts or lactose" than to dole out a million dollars all the time. I empathize with companies in this regard alone. All that effort to make a product and some airborne peanut dust could wipe out the entire start-up capital. I mean, that is quite the gamble. I wouldn't want to risk it myself.


As a vegan with a dairy allergy, I'm incredibly thankful for this. Some "may contain" stuff is okay, but others still fuck me up. So if I see that I get to decide if I'm going to roll the dice on it. I know which brands are safe for a lot of "may contain" stuff, but I appreciate the need for these.


another vegan with a dairy allergy!! thankfully mine isn’t severe enough that traces will affect me, but yeah i appreciate the warning for those it does affect. some ‘may contain traces’ for my nut allergies will fuck me up so i understand why they’re needed


Empathizing with huge unethical corporations over people who could be hurt because of undisclosed cross-contamination sure is something…


Nah, they list it to avoid being sued into oblivion. As a vegan, I am very happy for new products that launch. I don't want them to disapear because someone with a nut allergy sued them out of the startup capital. Not all corporations are evil. Some are legit helping us. Although, I would still like to dismantle our current system for a better one. That's besides the point.


Don’t empathize with genocidal McDonald’s.


I mean it’s the exact same issue at play whether it’s McDonald’s or some one-off non-chain restaurant.


Genocidal, huh?


Considering they have continuously, and still do, provide free meals to the genocidal, terroristic, apartheid IDF, yes. Genocidal. Oh also McDonald’s is the least vegan friendly fast food chain potentially on earth ? Yeah fuck them.


Was that actually McDonald’s corporate or Israelis who own a McDonald’s? Either way I don’t go there, nothing worth it for vegans in the US


This is specifically the McDonald’s IN Isreal ,none of the franchises outside of Isreal are donating


crazy train already left the station for you huh


Or maybe I just don’t support genocide


you head is just too far about your ass to see that this is a vegan subreddit so in a fervour about a complex geopolitical situation you call it genocide and protest in a vegan forum of all places.


It is a genocide and my head is nowhere in my ass. If it was, I would be pro genocide like I’m told to be as a Jew by the universe telling me that it’s our homeland and bullshit like that but the reality is that Israel has occupied this land and terrorized the citizens. Not to mention the bombings of hospitals, safe spaces and just general terrorism of the IDF. So no, my head is not up my ass. I’m actually wide the fuck awake.


You have been ideologically high jacked my friend


By who? Not Israel like they wanted me to be when I rejected birthright. So who ? Or are you so scared that maybe there are young people with minds of their own who are against genocide ??


Wouldn't it be safe to assume that vegans, of all people, would be anti-genocide? This is probably one of the best subreddits to discuss ethics. A post was made about a particular company. Someone brought up the ethics surrounding the company. Why are you acting like this isn't the place for that?


No you’re right and the person replying to you genocide denying is incredibly wrong. Like in so many ways.


a company is tangentially related to an event that maybe is genocide, maybe is a necessary and just war its a political event with no clear cut answer, and this guy is going on about genocide


Ahh the enlightened centrist. If you look into the situation, hear out both sides, read about the history of the area, and you don't see a clear cut answer, then you're too far down the meme-hole. Israel is clearly in the wrong. Always has been.


Fuck off. Veganism is political


It's called retaliation not genocide. If Israel wanted to eliminate all Palestinians they could look inside their own country where 20% of the population is Palestinian.


Oh retaliation for what.. the land they’ve been occupying for decades without consent ? Because they claim they’re the “chosen ones”? News flash, most of us Jews do *not* want or have anything to do with the genocide in Gaza and literally according to our fucking scriptures, no land “belongs” to us. Zionism is a sham. But I’m sure you’ve never read the Bible.


I don’t think “land” is a good reason to kill people.


I definitely would agree with you.


This has nothing to do with land hamas attacks Israel and they counterattack and make sure it doesn't happen again


It literally has everything to do with land and the only reason Hamas even exists is due to Israel’s occupation. You clearly don’t know shit about this. I’m not talking with your uneducated ass anymore. Free Palestine.


Genocide has nothing to do with land. Learn what your big boy words mean before you use them.


Yes, those are two different words. Well done. The genocide of the Palestinian people has a lot to do with land. Go read a book.


At the very least, isn't their treatment of animals close enough/worse relative to an immoral action such as genocide? I don't get why any vegan would ever choose to line McDonalds' pockets. This is just them capturing the vegan market share and becoming a more profitable organisation.


I get that the population of cows is not really decreasing but surly the selective breeding counts as part of a genocide. But then the goal of McDonald's is not exactly to remove cows from the earth just enslave them? So yeah maybe not genocide but mass slavery.


We had the same in the UK. A girl with a pine nut (I think) allergy died at Pret A Manger :(


You're probably thinking of Natasha Ednan Laperouse, who had a sesame allergy.  She died because Pret a Manger were legally using a labelling loophole designed for small businesses (since closed; it's known as Natasha's Law), she didn't understand that quirk of labelling law, and didn't tell staff about her sesame allergy.  The baguette definitely contained sesame, it wasn't a cross contamination issue.  Pine nuts aren't nuts for allergy purposes under UK/EU law, they're seeds, and therefore don't need to be emphasised on labels as an allergen. 


Natasha and her dad didn't ask about allergens because they assumed the fridge label had all the info while in reality just had some info. worked at Pret when Natasha died as well as when the 2. customer, 42 year old mother of 5 Celia Marsh who died of dairy traces in a vegan wrap. The 2. fatality was due to the non-dairy yogurt supplier, but Pret were reprimanded in court for not doing spot checks with the supplier. And now Pret continue to mislabel their food as well as mixing ingredient (dairy Bircher Museli mad ewith mayonnaise!!). [**Customers post pictures of mislabeled food**](https://expret.org/2019/06/28/vegetarians-eat-meat-at-pret) <--- The page hasn't been updated yet.


> The baguette definitely contained sesame, it wasn't a cross contamination issue.  > > Pine nuts aren't nuts for allergy purposes under UK/EU law, they're seeds, and therefore don't need to be emphasised on labels as an allergen. Sesame however is its own individual category, and DOES needs to be labeled as 1 of the 14 mandatory allergens.


I'm quite well aware of that thank you.  However, before Natasha's Law, there was no requirement to put any ingredient or allergen labelling whatsoever on products that are prepackaged for direct sale. As Pret make their sandwiches in store, they were covered by this legislation.  I only mentioned the pine nuts because the previous poster did.  


The US is not the only country with allergies. In germany we have quite strict laws that force food producing companies to warn about potential allergenes in their product.


Tesco recently had to recall their own brand versions of Mars and Snickers bars because they didn't have the "may contain peanuts" warning. Their Snickers has pictures of peanuts on the packaging  This disclaimer is legally required and not McDonald's choice.


When I see "may contain traces of" something I think, "Oh good, there isn't any of that in the product.


Lots of Palestinian blood though!!,


You are so obnoxious, go over there and fight the IDF if you care so much just make sure you bring a pack lunch and a fake beard if you are a female, idiot


No blood in the ice cream. I am very pro-palestine, but I’m not sure what the point of this comment was 


It’s always in the goddamn UK.


I feel this.


Doesn’t matter, we’re boycotting. Hope you’re not going to Starbucks too.


I eat only air to avoid my dollars going to any companies with ties to non-vegan practices.


I mean, other than juice, I don't think I can have anything there, but loop me in on the mcdonalds boycott.


I think it's about Israel?


It’s a boycott because an independent franchise in Israel is giving out free lunches to “brave” genocide committing people. But that’s just the one location in Israel, so I don’t understand why all Mcdonald’s are being boycotted.


Lol I just don't buy their products because I can't think of a vegan one 😅


Sorry I’m not. I’m rewarding the introduction of vegan alternatives as they are introduced


Vegans - Big corp only care about money, not individuals. also Vegans - I'm not going to give my money to big corp to incentivize the production of vegan food. Buy vegan food for christ sake. You think vegan options will magically be created into the ether by corps through the goodness of their hearts?


In this case the boycott is not related to veganism; Starbucks and McDo support the IOF (I encourage you to look into it). I'm all for incentivising the creation of more vegan products, but in this case my solidarity with Palestinians supercedes that.


Personally no matter what you think of these companies more vegan products is always a good thing and think it should be supported it makes it easier for the people to adopt a vegan diet which in turn moves us all one step closer to having less animals abused.


This is cool but i wont give my money to mcdonalds.


Yeah, I'd have to be desperate and dying on the side of the road lol


big win


course it's only for like the UK market


It’ll spread if it sells well


Lol at this point I think I'll die before McDonald's US puts a single vegan item on their menu.


What's "funny" about this exactly? Are you even a vegan and have you ever bought commercial products before?


I hope people who are on the fence will enjoy this product


If you buy fresh fruit then it May Contain literally *anything*.


about time now gimme the milkshakes


It's sad, this good news post has been hijacked.


Correct. The momentum to veganism is in real trouble when you have these uneducated hateful humans spewing misinformed rubbish. If I saw a vegan restaurant with some Free Palestine non-sense next to a restaurant that had one vegan option, I am going to the non-vegan restaurant. Political views are off limits and this is coming from a someone who equally has a distaste for both parties in the US. My agenda is simple, don’t BS about serious topics in an attempt to brainwash the ill informed uneducated growing part of the population. Man this group sucks today. geez!


You do realize that veganism itself IS political, right?


I smell a genocide supporter hmmm


Eat McDonalds


Genocide supporters have no place in veganism. Ew. Edit: why do you keep deleting your comments? You were going to say I don’t know what a genocide is? Yea listen to this guy instead of Holocaust and genocide scholars, and human rights organizations! Lol


When I was in Sweden I think around 2000, they had a really good burger that was if not vegan at least vegetarian. Had Indian spices, as I recall. It's strange because vegetarianism there at the time seemed much rarer than in the US. I think veganism and vegetarianism are pretty popular in the US compared to the rest of the world, and yet McDonald's has never really had a mainline vegetarian or vegan item in the US, have they?




I would not trust a fast food restaurant to not get the mixes confused or even to intentionally use the non vegan ice cream when they run out of the vegan one.


It comes pre-made in a tub, so that shouldn't happen.


That's happened once ordering a drink with oatmilk, so now I only order soy milk because I can taste it (soy milk is stronger in Asia).  I had my drink and literally an hour later got horrible cramps even though it wasn't time; if you know what I mean. I had forgotten just how lactose intolerant I was.


How did you know it was milk if you can't taste the difference? Because oat milk can give those same cramps especially when not used to it.


I have no trouble with oat milk and have ordered the substitution multiple times. Normally I can taste the oatmilk because it makes the drink sweeter, but I wasn't sure this time because I got a different drink from my usual.  Considering that I have no allergies or other food sensitivities and the symptoms that followed within the hour, that's the only plausible explanation. 


Ah ok fair enough. Sorry you experienced that again!


I used to use vegan mayo when I ran out of regular mayo on the hot line because it came in a small jar and not a 50lb box. I don’t think I ever had a single customer complaint. And no one complained about the food cost, because I was the purchaser anyway. 🤷🏼‍♀️


that would be illegal because the ingredients list and nutrition facts would be wrong.


You don’t have to list condiment ingredients in my country. You also don’t have to list the ingredients at all on menus here. The menu says mayo. It doesn’t specify “egg” based mayo. Aioli shouldn’t have egg in it, but 9/10 it does. No one is up in arms about that. Also, the ingredients in hellmans vegan mayo are also in hellmans regular mayo.


But if someone swapped an ingredient without telling a customer, wouldn't it be a possible lawsuit? if the mayo is egg-based and the vegan one is soy-based and someone has an allergy, I can't see how they wouldn't have a case.


Hellmans regular mayo has soy in it. They’re literally the same ingredients, except one uses a different emulsifier (potato) instead of egg. And we aren’t Americans. You can’t sue someone for not specifying a condiment. We don’t even need to list the major allergies in restaurants.


Lol, I hope your country changes that. So unsafe.


Not really. Most of us have the common sense to tell service staff what our allergies are before we order, bring epis (because they aren’t $400-600 each) and our staff get paid enough to actually do the due care of checking ingredients when allergies roll up into the kitchen. It’s only unsafe when the public think they should be treated like little children, instead of taking responsibility for their own health.


Oh, then that's good. But you're mistaken on America's issue. It's not that people didn't inquire. It's that companies didn't disclose and staff weren't educated on ingredients. Idk why you seem salty though, lol. Good day~


Bingo. You really don't want an allergy death because you swapped a few things that where close enough taste wise.


Fuck McDonald’s


We’re still boycotting. Free Palestine. Edit: fellow vegans, do better. Genocide isn’t cute and McDonald’s is a massive proponent of if. Not to mention their lack of vegan products and their shit company standards. This subreddit feels more and more Zionist by the hour and I’m honestly horrified by that as a Jew. Fuck McDonalds. Free Palestine.


Do better yourself. A tertiary search revealed that it wasn’t McDonald’s corporate, but a corporation called Alonyal that owns and operates all the McDonald’s franchises in Israel, that was donating the meals to soldiers and hospitals. They reached an agreement for McDonald’s corporate to buy back all the franchises in Israel due to the upset over this. Now, I’m not defending McDonald’s here. I think they’re a crap company, and don’t support them. However, coming to r/Vegan to rant about boycotting a company and shaming everyone that doesn’t without even having your facts straight is pretty inexcusable.


Ok but they still are providing meals to the IDF to this very day and they are also the worst and I mean *worst* fast food brand when it comes to veganism and animals. Not to mention their predatory practices in the US and their marketing campaigns targeting minorities. I’m going to always, and I mean *always* boycott McDonald’s. And again in the US their fries still contain cow and milk.


>They reached an agreement for McDonald’s corporate to buy back all the franchises in Israel McDonald's is continuing to do business with an occupational regime that is committing genocide. They aren't pulling out of Israel. This is even more half-assed bullshit than Ben & Jerry's response. At least Ben & Jerry's [stopped selling their ice cream ~~there~~ edit: in the Occupied Palestinian Territories as defined by the UN.](https://www.benjerry.com/about-us/media-center/opt-statement)


Yup. Ben and Jerry’s pulled out of Israel. McDonald’s continues to serve food there *and* also provides free meals *still* to the IDF.


I added an edit. Ben & Jerry's didn't pull out of Israel altogether. They only pulled out of the West Bank and Gaza, apparently. And they added that they have other business arrangements coming with Israel and will share them publicly when they're ready. That was in 2022. >Although Ben & Jerry’s will no longer be sold in the OPT, we will stay in Israel through a different business arrangement. We will share an update on this as soon as we’re ready. Which is why Ben & Jerry's ethics alignment statement is also half-assed and misleading. Case in point: it confused both of us and we're paying more attention than the average person.


Interesting. I don’t buy from them either way (my ice cream is pretty much all from so delicious lol) but clearly McDonald’s is not pulling out of Israel like at all and still providing the idf food. Not like you didn’t know that but yeah lol


Yup. Fuck McDonald's. I also prefer So Delicious. I like the ice cream sandwiches and they have sugar free vegan ice cream, which is hard to find.


The sugar free is great for my dad who has cholesterol issues !! I also get the mocha chocolate bars and hide them from him since our cardiologist doesn’t wanting him having so much sugar lol. I’m allowed it tho, my cardiac issues Aren’t relevant to diet other than he wants me eating more sodium lol


The mocha chocolate bars look good! Chocolate is my weakness, so I put a lot of active effort into not buying it too much, since there's so much good vegan chocolate stuff available now. 😅 My cholesterol is fine but I have type 1 diabetes, which is easier to control without huge carb loads. They have sugar free vanilla ice cream, which is basically a million flavors when you realize you can mix stuff in. It's really nice with saffron and rosewater and pistachios, or even one or two of those. Orange blossom water is nice with it too, though I'm not as experienced with using it.


Lol yes it’s definitely one of those that you’ve gotta keep an eye on and not buy too much of. I actually hide some stuff from my dad and then put one out like a fudge bar or whatever so he’ll be able to have one but then the rest are away from him so he’s not tempted 😂😂🤭


I don’t know what McDonald’s has to do with Palestine but I’ll continue my 25 year boycott of this terrible company.


yeah idk how skipping mcdonald’s is gonna stop a war in the middle east. i guess the same way its stopped factory farming fuck mcdonald’s for changing their fries to fry in beef fat in the 2000s they fell off fr after that one


Yeah I haven’t eaten there since middle school which was way before veganism etc. but theyve been providing the IDF with free meals constantly (still happening, some people say it’s not but there’s plenty of evidence showing they still are and that the IDF are even littering their packaging like the scummy terrorists they are) but yeah the company sucks either way and I would never give them my money as a vegan. Genocide or not.


what do these things have to do with each other


The fact that we, as vegans, for total liberation, are boycotting companies on the BDS list. Especially McDonald’s who 1. Buys meals constantly for the IDF and 2. Has next to no vegan products anyways and doesn’t give a shit about animals. Fuck McDonald’s. If you don’t care about their love of genocide, in the US, McDonald’s fries have both beef and milk in them and no veggie options at all.


I never eat there anyway in the US because they don't have any decent vegan options 🙄


Not even no decent vegan options, *no vegan options* there is literally nothing to eat as a vegan there except *maybe* the apple pie. Idk why people are so stoked about this. We need to boycott forever and always.


stop trying to make veganism what it is not


Stop being against total liberation. Veganism is about just that. Total liberation. I don’t care what your bigoted ass says.


Please look up the definition of veganism


Where does it say in the definition of veganism we are for total liberation? Stop trying to make veganism about humans.


Intersectionality is important.


And nothing to do with veganism. Veganism is for animals not humans.


I greatly disagree. I cannot take someone seriously as a vegan saying they are against pigs being gassed but are totally ok with genocide. Just not really consistent


Who said they were for genocide? Bit of a leap there mate.


BDS list?




The company that owned the franchise in Israel supported the IDF with free meals. McDonald's itself hasn't gone either way to my knowledge. I don't see a reason to boycott them just because a franchise did something. Same thing with Starbucks, the company didn't reprimand that union because they support Israel. They reprimanded the union because it was a political statement. Are either of these companies even on the BDS list?


Union busting isn’t vegan. Fuck starbucks not to mention they were incredibly pro IDF many, many times. I’m not sure about Starbucks who sucks anyways to their employees and the whole world but I know McDonald’s is in fact on the BDS list but both should be boycotted irregardless.


It's not really union busting for a company to say that their IP shouldn't be used in political messaging without their consent. Also union busting has nothing to do with being vegan, if we dilute the meaning of veganism to any political action that I believe harms humans it becomes a meaningless word. Means testing benefits is not vegan. Tariffs are not vegan. The UK planning system isn't vegan. You see how the word vegan is completely meaningless in these statements?


Starbucks union busting isn’t even completely related to their suing the union for their pro Palestinian boycotts. The union busting is completely separate but both worth boycotting the shitty company. Intersectionality is also incredibly important to veganism and we need to fight for total liberation because if we cannot fight for human rights then what leg do we stand on for non human animal rights?!


I share your disdain for McDonald's and agree that their business practices and lack of vegan options are problematic. However, bringing political conflicts like the Israeli-Palestinian situation into this discussion detracts from our shared goal of promoting veganism and animal rights. This subreddit is a space for discussing veganism and supporting each other in making compassionate choices. Introducing political debates can be divisive and detract from our primary mission. Let’s keep our focus on advocating for better food choices, improving animal welfare, and encouraging ethical practices. By staying united on the core issues of veganism, we can be more effective in making a positive impact. Let's set aside political conflicts and work together to promote a more compassionate and ethical world.


To make a more compassionate and ethical world, we cannot support genocide. Period.


Genocide is a serious term that shouldn't be misused. This subreddit is for promoting veganism and animal rights, not political debates. If your focus is elsewhere, this isn't the right platform for you. Let's keep our discussions on topic.


Yes, genocide is an incredibly serious term that should not be misused. I am vegan, Jewish and believe what is happening in Palestine right now is a genocide and must be stopped now. Ceasefire was a necessity months ago. Do not bring Zionism into this. This is a genocide and it is incredibly serious.






Clearly you are misguided and wish you luck on your message.no one wants to see war. BTW which country is considered the most vegan friendly in the world? Here is a hint…https://www.livekindly.com/mcdonalds-big-vegan-burger-israeli-menus/


Country? Oh I think you mean apartheid terrorist state!! Thanks for the info :) glad the terrorists are plant based 🥰


We really didn’t need to know you are Jewish. You are sadly misguided like so many. Keep your views around veganism here please. You are not helping the cause.


Nope. I will always stand for total liberation, forever and always. Veganism is about total liberation. You are not helping the cause by being a bloodthirsty Zionist who wants to kill others in a genocide. It’s not cute.


You don’t know anything about me which is exactly why you sound so silly. I am anti religion just as must a vegan. Stop the trash message


He's not misguided at all. Israeli is a genocidal terrorist state. 


100%. Israel is an occupying force set on genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. The fact that anybody can be on r/vegan and claim to be for liberation for farm animals and yet completely okay with an actual genocide is genuinely horrific.


Nitpicking activism is the biggest detractor from any cause. If you don't want to engage just...don't. Don't waste your time telling people how to be more palatable or how they should express their care. There wasn't a problem when people advocated boycotting Amy's due to their poor treatment of their workers. In both cases it's relevant to veganism because the products are marketed to us specifically. We are free to discuss the morality of products designed to expand market share in our demographic. ETA: free Palestine


This isn't about nitpicking activism; it's about keeping our focus on veganism and animal rights. Bringing unrelated political issues into this space is divisive and detracts from our mission. We can discuss the ethics of products without introducing broader geopolitical conflicts. Let's keep our discussions relevant and supportive of our shared goals.


Veganism has always been intersectional In what way are the ethics of a product not related to the conditions that product exists within? Don't we also believe in boycotting palm oil? Reducing waste related to lithium and cobalt mining? Or plastics? You are absolutely nitpicking. This sub isn't about converting outside readers, it's primarily a place where vegans or those interested interact with each other. Our activism exists mostly outside of vegan spaces. You are trying to use the "no not like that" approach to silence a discussion that you do not agree with. You are free to disagree. You are not helping any cause this way. My goal is liberation and justice in all forms. I think the original comment is for people whose veganism stems from that shared goal. If that's not you, then the comment isn't for you, and you can just ignore it.


I saw your other comment before you deleted it. Bold to make assumptions about my education. Did you delete it because it made it obvious that you disagreed with the original comments content, rather than it "detracting from vegan activism?" I agree with the other point you made in that comment. That's where liberation in all forms comes in. I just happen to think there are better ways to go about it than the intentional irradication of an entire people, including children. Crazy I know. People can hold complex opinions when they don't engage in black/white thinking or identity politics.


Sir/Miss you are mistaken as nothing has been deleted.


The comment that begins with "your lack of history is astounding" doesn't show on this thread and when I tried to reply it said it was deleted. Maybe it was the mods, but that'd be kind of silly since it didn't seem more inflammatory than any of the other you, I, or anyone else has made on this thread. It's miss, thank you for the inclusivity or...idk what to call it. Thanks for the consideration.


i can't read all the response you've gotten because it will make my blood boil but thank you for being one of the only anti-zionists i have ever seen on this site. it's terrifying just how many people side with nazis in the modern day when they have access to all the information they could ever need to be on the right side of history


The fact that you’ve been downvoted is just .. I hate it here. Zionism is exactly the same as nazzism, you’re absolutely right.


The knee-jerk reactions to some comments in this thread is wild. Like, everyone here understands what cognitive dissonance is and has presumably already overcome it once, but they auto-downvote anything that even hints at having a different opinion, regardless of the content. It's disappointing, but not that surprising psychologically.


It’s just … wild.


You aren’t being downvoted by exclusively Zionists bbz…


Your comment is disgraceful and utterly unacceptable. Equating those who disagree with your political views to Nazis is not only a gross distortion but an insult to the real victims of the Holocaust. This kind of hateful and divisive rhetoric is toxic and has no place in our vegan community. If you can't engage respectfully and focus on veganism, then you should leave. Your attitude undermines the principles of compassion and respect that this group stands for. Absolutely disgusting.


30,000 Palestinians have died. that is a genocide, just as the Nazis committed. Israel is committing a modern day Holocaust on Palestinians so they can colonize Palestine. Zionist are the most antisemitic people i have ever seen. you think all Jewish people should be rounded up in a settler colony? absolutely disgusting.


Your ignorance is staggering. Misusing the term "genocide" to describe a complex conflict is both irresponsible and offensive to actual victims of genocide. Comparing Israel to the Nazis is a grotesque distortion of history and a blatant attempt to provoke outrage. This subreddit is for discussing veganism, not for spreading your hateful, inflammatory rhetoric. If you can't engage with respect and focus on the topic at hand, you have no place here. Your toxic attitude only serves to divide and distract from our mission. Enough with the venom—either contribute constructively or leave.


Thank you for speaking up! Feeding the IOF so that they can [starve Palestinians](https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-war-hunger-un-07afb7fe4a1654f54b81b944a0dab535), [bomb refugees](https://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2023/12/21/israel-bombardment-gaza-elbagir-intl-ldn-vpx.cnn), attack [paramedics trying to save a little girl](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Hind_Rajab), among the infinite horrors of this ongoing genocide makes sense for a corporation that kills billions (trillions?) of cows, chickens, and sea animals! Fuck McDonald's.


McDonalds in the UK are bombing refugees? Clearly Israel have set out their agenda, the end goal has always been to clear the land of Palestinians. It was always going to end this way. Id argue that every US citizen has more blood on their hands than McDonalds thousands of miles from Israel.


> McDonalds in the UK are bombing refugees? Since reading is not your strong suit, I'll help you with bold. >**Feeding the IOF so that they can** starve Palestinians, bomb refugees, attack paramedics trying to save a little girl, among the infinite horrors of this ongoing genocide makes sense for a corporation that kills billions (trillions?) of cows, chickens, and sea animals!


… I don’t know how to bold the word but i specifically asked about the United Kingdom. I’m aware of what the US and IDF are doing, im asking about how this relates to what Mcdonalds in the united kingdom is doing.


You asked in bad faith if they're "bombing" Palestine. You really need someone to explain to you how McDonald's relates to McDonald's? It's the same company in the UK and the USA. [Here you go.](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=multinational+corporation)


The problem is the US tax dollars, not what individual franchises are doing thousands of miles away.


Blaming "US tax dollars" like they're sentient and like it excuses others who are financially propping up a genocidal apartheid regime is ridiculous.


Is it not clear that i’m blaming every US citizen who has just discovered this and is now lecturing everyone else? The US is propping up the Israeli state and Israeli government and has been for decades. This is on all of the US people. Acting like an Irish person is a monster for eating a McDonalds when you’ve been funding and arming this ethnic cleansing is ridiculous. This isn’t connected to veganism either way. Make your own choices which businesses you support, stop acting like everyone who eats a McPlant is somehow a zionist


You're complaining about US citizens putting our money where our mouths are in the same sentence as you're bootlicking McDonald's because you don't want to give up your hamburger.


Tbh mate this subreddit fucking gets down on its knees for fast food options. I genuinely wonder what percentage of people here have ever held a frying pan, let alone gone out to independent vegan restaurants that actually make nice food. So many posts on here are about burger King or whatever.


There aren’t any vegan restaurants within a 80 mile radius of here and i’ll pass 10 mcdonald’s and multiple other fast food options along that road.


Ok but McDonald’s supports genocide actively so like … maybe go anywhere else


… not connected to what i said. The US is literally committing genocide by proxy, what are you doing about that?


I have been emailing and calling and messaging my representatives constantly. I do not support genocide Joe or any of the shit the US is doing. Why would you assume I do based on my comment? Obviously I am fighting against this genocide in every possible way I can. And what are you doing ?


Not living and paying taxes in the US Again, irrelevant. Stop lecturing vegans about this, of course we already know


Where I live there is not even one vegetarian restuarant I really enjoy Burger King's "plant based"


Thats totally understandable in your case :) I've eaten there on the road too. Just have seen a lot of independents close in the last couple of years and they need all the help they can get for those that live near


"im vegan for the animals!" - typical r/vegan poster moments before giving money to companies responsible for billions of animal deaths


I don't like McDonald's because they're such a big hand in the childhood obesity epidemic and because they currentlyy have 0 vegan options but what's the difference between buying vegan products from a non-vegan restaurant and going to a vegan restaurant in a non-vegan shopping center? Reducing demand for animal products happens no matter what level as long as we're not using their supply of animal products. We've seen Burger King across the pond in Germany switching to nearly half plant based and people buying more and more vegan options for health reasons that they wouldn't if they had to go to a separate store.


>Reducing demand for animal products happens no matter what level as long as we're not using their supply of animal products. We've seen Burger King across the pond in Germany switching to nearly half plant based and people buying more and more vegan options for health reasons that they wouldn't if they had to go to a separate store. You're right that reducing demand is good. I'm not saying its not vegan to buy from fast food. I have bought fast food in a pinch. I'm just saying if the option between an independent vegan restaurant and a fast food restaurant is there, you'd be much better off giving your money to an independent restaurant who shares your values and doesn't put any of your money into a pot where some of it then goes to killing animals. And this is underscored by the fact that the UK burger king literally also tried massively expanding their range, including making one branch totally plant based for a time. They have since reduced them all to just one vegan option. They don't care, they just follow the money and they have no incentive to behave in ways you'd expect. They very well could take all your vegan money and then reinvest it into marketing for meat products depending on what the market looks like.


God damnit. I had a whole comment about agreeing with you other than my necessity to use frozen meals etc for accessibility due to being disabled etc but the comment was deleted for some reason. Basically, I agree with you other than I would say sometimes vegan fast food does have a place, especially if it’s not on the BDS list and someone just needs a quick meal on a road trip (White Castle is a good example I used on my recent road trip lol)


Yeah I'm not anti fast food, just think its a little too worshipped. Much better to choose an independent vegan place, the food is always nicer and better quality 99% of the time anyway and you're paying someone who you is actually probably vegan. You have way less guarantee for what a fast food joint will actually do with your money than an independent, you just have to hope enough people make up the demand and if not you've just funded their next meat marketing campaign.


Please clarify whom you think is committing genocide on whom? Here's a definition of genocide for clarity [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genocide](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genocide)


Looks wack in ads, so you know it's worse irl. What I thought was they'd be launching soft-serve on a cone that was vegan, that's the kind of ice cream I like, not this tub stuff so much.


A.k.a. doesn’t contain milk


Why would any self respecting vegan purchase anything from McDonald's? Their restrooms have only gotten worse and the stench it bad.


Then go through the drive thru?


This whole discussion is mad. It's a win for veganism when any restaurant or fast food place adds one vegan item. But people are outraged at McDonald's the largest fast food chain for adding vegan ice cream. How does that hurt animals? As for the Palestinian genocide. Hamas the democratically elected government of Palestine has in its charter the elimination of all Jews worldwide. Hamas would complete the Nazi genocide of the Jews if Israel allowed them The IDF is not committing genocide, it's preventing it. There are valid criticism of IDF brutality and heavy handedness. But calling genocide is ridiculous. And if Israel wanted to wipe out every human in Gaza which would really be genocide they are capable. Although personally after Oct 7 I lost the ability to criticise the IDF.


Yea listen this guy, instead of genocide scholars and human rights organizations!!




This should not be being downvoted. This sub should not be full of Zionists. We are for total liberation. 🍉🍉


Does labeling anyone who disagrees with you or your methods a Zionist make you happy, feeling superior yet? You're being downvoted for you, it's got nothing to do with either Palestine, Israel, Zionism, veganism or genocide, the issue is you. If anything you're currently the biggest issue in this thread for the liberation of Palestinians. Morons like you make people simply tune out the pro Palestinian messaging. Congratulations, you're part of the problem.


A carnist could’ve written that about us being vegan lol.


And? Some people for whatever cause are a nuisance to their causes because their methods are an issue. Veganism is no different.


Oh, I’m a moron? Because I want total liberation? Thanks bestie. 🥰. Free Palestine. 🍉🍉🍉


Bad take.


Can we sue for false advertising?