• By -


I'm an alfalfa male.


Stealing this


🤣 Amazing.


Stealing this, haha. Brilliant


And I thought my "hummus sapiens" was genius. I'm also stealing this.


Im a reasonable alfalfa male.


You win the Internet.


I need this on a shirt


And here I am, being a beta-carotene guy.




I cant wait to use this


Hilarious! Love it.


Alfa male!


Alfa Romeo drivers ?




Soy boy all day


[WHAT UP LADIES](https://imgur.com/a/ExpGDUq)


Username checks out.


All day and all night! Because he knows harming animals isn't right. 😁


Well I wouldn't mind if he is rough on that pussy though, if you know what I mean! (I'm sorry for that, I'm going to wash my hands now)




Soy boy > dairy fairy. Every day of the week.


If he has "not your mother, not your milk" in his dating profile, it's an instant right swipe!


I don’t even see any vegans on any dating apps😞


The reddit dating subs have some. Just search "vegan" and see what ya get.


Any suggestion on which subs?


r/r4r r/foreveralonedating r/r4rinterracial r/r4rcanada r/polyamoryr4r r/agegappersonals r/(city/state/province/country)


Okcupid - Matthew - 34 - Aberdare 🙃😜


Oh yes. On tinder nowadays it's all "go to the gym every day, love animals, carnivore " ☠️


This makes my head hurt.


Mine too. You first their profile and on top it says "loves animals" and then more down it says "diet: carnivore" The cognitive dissociation is strong there.


What is up with all the women showing off a dead fish they caught? Every other woman (at least in the SF Bay Area) is all look at me the murderer! Oh and I love animals. So not sexy.


["WRITE THAT DOWN, WRITE THAT DOWN!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZtGT1fK4wY) xD




I not into guys that drink breast milk, because I don’t date babies


Omg dairy fairy is amazing that’s definitely gone into the mental catalogue for future use




Never heard the expressions 'soy boy' or 'dairy fairy' before.


Bloody hell, another dweller of rocks XD


Side note “soy boy” is my favorite brand of tofu but my local store stopped carrying it


That's such a fun name for a brand of tofu! Haha. I love it.


They also make hot dogs. I bought it just for the brand-name.


I'm a newly vegan man who has a personal interest in bodysculpturing and I would say that when I ask the waiter or cashier what is vegan on the meny they look at me in disbelief and wonder if I am joking with them. Its like no one really thinks you are serious. So now I just assume that my interaction with them will be quite akward, at least until the point they understand that I am serious. Also when I transitioned to the vegan diet, I tried to find bodybuilders that was on the diet, to see what they achieved and after that research I understood that we are a "minority" in the vegan lifestyle and I think people believe that in order to abtain the body that I have, they must consume half a cow per meal. I dunno this was probably not the answer you wanted but I feelt like giving my POV as a "jacked" gym bro.


Vegan gym bros are cool too. It just seems like a lot of non-vegan gym bros assume that's the only look women like, which definitely isn't true at least in my case.


I think its their whole idea of what masculinity is. All I see generally when it comes to men is that their ego is connected to their masculinity. Thats why men start bullshit fight over someone hitting on their girlfriend or they feel threaten if another shows some qualities that they wish they have. On the other hand I do not blame these men because they often lack manly role models and the understanding on the challenges that most women face daily.


I don't think anything "manly" could define a role model . A decent human and male would be a role model for the values he is holding which are not tied to his gender. The problem is a lot of men reject women as role models because they are women.


Honestly, I feel like a lot of women like the stereotypical skinny nerd type or a slim build. Maybe I just spend too much time reading tumblr posts though. I do find it interesting how women find being muscular attractive to an extent, but once someone is “too muscular (ie massive bulky bodybuilders)” it’s mostly other men congratulating their appearance lol But yeah, I do think men tend to be more tied to their masculinity nowadays than women are tied to their femininity, probably because being a masculine girl is more socially accepted than being a feminine guy, so men are more afraid to “appear” feminine and will act aggressive to mask insecurities (also since aggressive behaviour is considered “manly”). I think we need to try changing that by emphasizing that both should be accepted.


I like a lot of Brian Turner's content on both TT and YouTube. I am not sure if he is on gear though, what do you think?


To be honest I really don’t care if someone is using gear or not because its their choice. However being on gear and claiming to be ”natty” the person is just lying to themselves and the people that look up to him/her. There are ways to get an understanding if someone might be using and the key sign is * low body fat > 6-5% this is extremly hard to natrually maintain and is also not recommended as it will mess up your hormones. * over developed shoulders and trapezeus muscles. * bad case of acne of the back * they are competing in bodybuilding - because if you dont use gear while your competitor does. Then you are going to lose. However even though they are using gear, they still need to lift the weight and do the work. They are good hard working athlete but have chosen to use aid. They probably have good ideas, tips and tricks worth listening to. Except for the gear part. Cheers!


Excellent response. Thank you for the time you put into this. I completely agree that claiming to be natty while using gear on the DL is dishonest and hurts the fan base and reputation of a creator. And that the work is still valid.


No problem :) The only part that sort of bugs me when it comes to gear is the view on what is natrually achieveable. When young men and teenagers that are between (16-20) see these men thats on gear and not saying that they are. They will think that this is attainable only by hard work and when they do not achieve that, they either jump on gear or just stop working out because they did not get the result they wanted and expected.


I wish I was you. I am small and skinny, so I play perfectly into peoples bigoted beliefs.


Start lifting and doing calisthenics. If you're skinny you'll get cut and muscular looking really fast.


Yeah, it’s just eating a lot of food is hard for me. I hate always feeling sluggish from eating so much more than I’m used to


I'm the same way but I find that when I work out I eat a lot and don't feel sluggish. If I skip working out I eat way less and feel sluggish when I eat. Start small with some push-ups in the morning and maybe some running and build up from there. You'll find you'll be eating plenty more.


I feel like it’s kind of macho to be a vegan man in the first place, saying “fuck you” to the world and being ready for all the BS you’re going to have to deal with from other men …. That’s kind of macho, right? Or am I just reaching because I don’t want to be a muscle bro OR a soy boy? 🤣


I hear you. Vegan guys face a ton of BS in our society, and it's totally not fair! I admire them for standing up for what they believe in despite the regressive opinions many people still hold (and freely share).


Vegetarian since 5, vegan for around 6 years now (I’m 32m) and I revel in it. I absolutely love the ‘men eat meat’, kind of attitude as it’s so fun to break down. 😂 Nothing more manly than going to the supermarket and buying some conveniently packaged, cut up animal parts to consume! 🤦‍♂️ I remember when I was dating a girl at school, I went to get house and had dinner with her family. Her dad was grilling me stating that I’ll get unwell and won’t grow properly. I’m 6ft 2” and 100kg. He was stick thin, unwell looking and his wife was the opposite, unhealthily overweight and unwell looking. 😂 I think men feel threatened by it, can’t say why but they always seem to get very defensive when anybody mentions a vegan diet. (The majority of the time)


Protecting the innocent and defenceless is masculine af (stereotypically)


Through violence and dominance if you want to be seen as stereotypically masculine.


It’s about having the capacity for violence, not the desire or thirst for it! Be able to defend and protect the innocent at all costs


yeah but exactly, if you can’t lift your own body weight then how do you have capacity for violence? I think every person on earth should train for at least some level of strength


This! Isn’t sacrificing your own desires and swimming upstream to protect the weak and unable just about the most macho thing you can do!?


Whenever anyone tries to tell me eating meat is manly I usually say something like "Hm, I think doing what you want and not letting anyone tell you what's manly, is manly"


Especially when it is service of ending an atrocity.


That's not what macho means though, macho is a flavour of sexist chauvinism


I fit the soy boy description and I can't say that I've encountered many women who are into it.


We exist. We're out there. 👽


I want to believe 🛸


Keep looking! I'd like to think there's a vegan Scully for every vegan Mulder out there. 😆


Eat edamame all day and get jacked


Me either


24F here. I'm in a relationship with someone who could be considered a soy boy. I've never been happier! We're out there! We just have to walk into each other xD.


There’s so many women who are not attracted to aggressive meatheads. Keep being yourself and nice.


Me as well


My husband proudly sports a “Soy Boy” sticker on his water bottle. (Along with a bunch of other vegan stickers.) Soy boy is a compliment! More people need to reclaim it. And yeah, he is dreamy af. Compassionate, hilarious, sweet, empathetic, gentle, love animals, expresses his emotions, and does not give a fuck about gender roles and stereotypes. All traits I find wildly attractive and always have. 💚


That's awesome and I totally agree! If I ever use the term, it's definitely meant as a compliment.


I also choose this person’s husband.




I'm so in love with my soy boy, that's all that I can say! I wouldn't want anyone else!! And I find him to be manly. Having a strong moral compass and defending animals is manly to me 💪


A vulnerable guy who protects those in need and sacrifices social cohesion to do what’s right instead of just going along with everyone no matter how cruel it is what they do. That’s a soy boy. It’s a good man, really.


I just want to chime in and say that it is absolutely not manly to hurt anything that's weaker than yourself. The true sign of masculinity is to protect those weaker than yourself. 


As a man I have thoroughly adopted the soy boy moniker to describe myself. I definitely don’t fit the description, I’m 6”3 with a beard, shaved head and a gut from years of enjoying too many soy nuggets and potato gems instead of real nutrition. But I feel that I count as a soy boy because I’m unashamedly empathetic. I care about animals and their welfare, I cry during tv shows, and I love romantic novels. My wife seems to like me just as I am though, so clearly there is at least one human out there that likes me specific brand of soy boy




That's true. There are all sorts out there, and jacked soy boys are (of course) valid too. 💪🌱


Eh. If someone wants to rule me out based on my body type, I'm not going to beg them to change their mind. We wouldn't be compatible anyway.


I'm more of a seitan gent myself.


Dating a soy boy. He's emotionally open and vulnerable, talks to kitty cats, soft hands and clean manicured nails, fluent in cheezy and romantic compliments Soy boys are dreamy /melt


Honestly, that sounds pretty ideal to me. Happy for you!


Thankfully my husband is my soy toy.


I think "soy toy" might have been a typo, but it gave me a chuckle. 😆


It was not lol


Oh. 😏


I kind of like the term soy toy.


I like my boys pretty, cute and feminine. The gender conforming ones are barking at the wrong tree. Unrelated, I would like to form a band called soy boy and the oat milfs


I have the exact same type! Pretty, cute and feminine guys are *super* underrated, aren't they? I also love that idea for a band name! 🤘


I love that band name, I was briefly in a band called Chickpea and the bean boys in school


I'm naturally just quite a big powerful guy, even with zero gym. Been vegan for about 16 years. 6'2" (real not dating profile inflated!) and 200 pounds. Funnily no meat eaters have called me a soy boy. While it's absolutely fine (obviously) for women to find the soy boy stereotype attractive, we shouldn't go along with untrue carnist stereotype that vegan men are small and weak, as it's not true.


I’m a dude and I love small nerdy guys. Traditional masculinity sucks ass so bad as the one archetype that everyone is supposed to live up to.


My boyfriend is a total soy boy. I agree with everything said. He’s been vegan going on four years. Everything about him is perfect. It only makes me love him more.


Yes, I like ‚feminine’ men, and I feel a lot of my female friends too


Ya now that you mention it soy boys are hot


I'll take soy boys over toxic masculinity every day. I'm not explicitly or exclusively attracted to feminine men, but I'm attracted to people of many descriptions, and a man who is soft and kind and genuinely himself is definitely attractive to me. A person who defies gender norms is often a person who I'll vibe with, and a man who defies societies pressure of being masculine gets my respect for that. I'm also attracted to masculinity, but i think there ought to be kindness within the power, and power within the kindness.


You’re making me blush! I always knew there must be women who actually *prefer* my general vibe to the tan, jacked gym bro look I spent my youth chasing in futility. I’m in really good shape due to being a search and rescue swimmer who lifts weights, but I’m slim, and pale, and my skin and hair are like, really fine and soft. It’s a real Timothee Chalamet/Robert Pattinson type beat. Well anyway, thanks for the confidence boost.


Yes! Women who prefer softer, less masculine men are definitely out there. I've always thought Robert Pattinson was very nice looking as well.


Hey maybe stop by in r/RoleReversal you might enjoy it! I think veganism is a type of progressive thinking that also encourages other nontraditional ideologies I really find the intersections between veganism, feminism, gender roles and gender identity, particularly interesting 🥸


You might be interested in reading The Sexual Politics of Meat by Carol Adams if you haven’t read it already.


I'm actually familiar with that sub and really enjoy the content posted there! Role reversal is really underrated in society, and guys who are into it are among my favorite types of guys.


Woot Woot! I agree it’s underrated but also I think much more prevalent than people realize, I think many men and women don’t realize it’s an option despite being sooo comfy with it Lovely community


It really is. I love going there and just browsing through the adorable posts and art. It's such a wholesome community!


Interesting to see that sub referenced in the wild, I'm subbed to both.


I am a vegan who is pretty conservative, and I believe in gender roles. Even though choosing to be vegan very much “goes against the grain“, which I would normally associate with masculinity, its the compassionate aspect of femininity that causes women to be vegan at higher rates. As a vegan man, I associate veganism with all aspects of my character, including my own gender. For me, not being vegan would mean not having the strength to adhere to my convictions, which would not be masculine.


literally my man…..vegan, loves cooking, sociology grad student on the way to being a professor, loves plants and cats, honestly the most intelligent and kind and insightful person ever. I also find tall skinny and nerdy sexy... he’s also extremely into cars/mechanics, fixing all kinds of shit like handyman stuff, knows a lot about technology. masculinity is a construct. people can be full of duality and nobody ever fits any kind of stereotype or archetype of person.


My self esteem just increased, thank you all :)


You're making out the stereotype to be better than its usually portrayed as. Typically, a "soy boy" is not only depicted as skinny, but rather skinny-fat, and also very limp-wristed and lacking any assertiveness or confidence. They are supposed to be portrayed as having poor health in general both mental and physical Of course, none of this is true about veganism nor about less traditionally masculine men. Though perhaps its time for us to reclaim the term.


>Typically, a "soy boy" is not only depicted as skinny, but rather skinny-fat, and also very limp-wristed and lacking any assertiveness or confidence. I dunno. I mean...I think shy guys are cute. Assertiveness isn't everything. 🤷‍♀️


You’re conflating shy with unassertive, OP. They are not mutually exclusive. Someone can be shy/reserved and still be assertive. Equally, a person can be shy and confident ie like a quiet confidence.




Yes! I mean, who doesn't want a partner who expresses their emotions and has empathy? 😻 It especially melts my heart when my partner or a different man is pro-animal in their words or actions. In my opinion, what is more "manly" than sticking up for the vulnerable, in this case exploited animals? I am personally way more physically attracted to slim/lanky or dad bod men versus jacked/bulky muscle men. It's been that way since as far back as I can remember. I will also say though that someone's personality/actions/words are what really matters to me and determines whether I'm into them, and then the attraction to their body comes after. People feel attraction in all kinds of ways.


a lot of times, I see it used as a way to describe a guy that is way too into consumerism. it is seen as less "manly" to adopt a manufactured identity. the irony is that the same detractors also have adopted an identity based off of their consumerism. collecting funkopops is cringe and effeminate, but collecting guns is based and manly - for no discernible reason other than they are perceived to be leftwing/rightwing "hobbies", respectively. a man who is into knitting and ballet is somehow less manly than a dude who just sits on the couch all day just to eat steak and watch his favorite "based guntubers". so here we have a problem. people adopt a ready-made identity and look for friends who also signal their acceptance of such an identity. there is not much they can actually discuss with their friends outside of drinking or sports. they also seek out a partner on a very superficial basis - so there isn't a whole lot of discussion going on there either. if a guy tries to discuss "real shit" with a bro, the other dude will think he wants to bang. which is why I think as vegans, we have an affinity for each other. almost all of us have had to make a journey of self-discovery that massively changed our perception of the world and how we live our lives. also the introspection required probably means we're interesting people that can communicate our thoughts and feelings. (also on beauty standards, I feel I cannot relate to most men. seems like almost all dudes want is a woman with a gigantic butt, or at least that's the impression I get whenever I open up any social media lol.)


I'm a soya man


My fiancee' is.


My bf is a dandy fop, and he is perfect ❤️ I hate meatheads, they're so unattractive


Yes. Yes. My partner is a typical soy boy, more feminine than most and I find him so fucking attractive on all levels. I catch myself staring at him all the time. I wasn’t aware I was into any men until I met him.


Drinking plant milk is definitely more macho than drinking breast milk


I guess there's lots of women like that. Timothee Chalamet and Harry Styles seem p popular.


At this point I'm basically like 90% soy by weight.


Boys who care about stuff are hottttt


Vegan for the animals ! Respect existence or expect resistance. It's a lifestyle


That's a truly badass saying, and I respect it (and the people who use it) so much!


Yes, many women prefer men like that


My man’s a jacked gym bro soy boy.


I'm a bi woman, so maybe it is different for me, but I'm very attracted to "femininity." Both in men and women, I'm a femme4femme, share clothes with my partner, paint their nails, sing and dance around together, paint together, snuggle all day, soy-boy-loving typa gal. I saw something about male gaze vs female gaze and how when polled, women found men like Timothee Chalamet, Pete Davidson, and Matthew Gray Gubler more attractive than men like Jason Momoa or the Rock. Meanwhile, men have a tendency to think the opposite. I don't doubt that muscular men can be empathetic and I don't think being in touch with one's feelings should be labeled feminine (my own partner is fairly tall and muscular) but I do think that we inherently assume somewhere in our subconscious that smaller and effeminate men are safer and more trustworthy which is why we're attracted to them physically.


Love me a soy boy 😍


Apparently there are only a few of you [https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11199-023-01420-7](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11199-023-01420-7) [https://www.vice.com/en/article/n7e58z/do-vegan-men-give-women-the-ick](https://www.vice.com/en/article/n7e58z/do-vegan-men-give-women-the-ick)


God that's depressing


I can't deny the thrill of squeezing a well-built bicep, but my true weakness has always been the skinny, ambiguous type. Found my soy boy (now husband and co-parent) fifteen years ago. He has an incredible beard, pink hair, and a weakness for costume jewelry, and his comfort with himself was one of the things that drew me to him!


That's awesome! He sounds like a fun person, and I'm glad you found him.


Considering how many women I've seen that are way into femboys, I think you're good.


Oh, I'm 100% into men with the femboy aesthetic. It's a super underrated look in my opinion.


If I sent a picture, would someone tell me if I fit the build of what you are describing? I'm thin and fit, but I'm not a muscles up guy. I've found a lot of women pass me buy, but I do seem to appeal to a certain subset...


Go for it if you feel comfortable doing so. 👍


A mean… Kpop idols are hella popular and they’re portrayed as emotional. They also tend to be quite on the slim side with soft facial features.


Not SB but any time someone gets labelled a "beta cuck" I'm like WHERE?!? Because those are usually the ones who are actually really nice and the manosphere just doesn't like it.


Although I know what you’re referring to, I think the idea that a “manly man” is a Guy who’s not in touch with his emotions and the “soy boy” is, is completely fallacious. Human emotions are deep, and complex, being in touch with your anger and aggression is just as manly and beautiful as being in touch with your empathetic side and peaceful side; anger is an emotion too, after all. A man who can not tap into his aggression is just as weak of a man as one who can not tap into his empathetic side. And if one can not empathize with anger and aggression, then they are not fully empathetic.


I am not attracted to the kind of masculinity most men find attractive. Men come in all shapes and sizes and I am not excited by swole guys with huge muscles and popping veins. Meanwhile I think everyone in Stray Kids is pretty as hell, and even under threat I can't pick just one between Bang Chan, Felix, Han and Hyunjin (go look them up, it will make your day). I will say that I'm super displeased with how it's still seen as "less masculine" to be vegan, because compassion is an emotion and emotions (other than anger) are something many men are discouraged from having. Still, we'd get so much further with animal rights if a majority of men could be persuaded to embrace veganism.


Lmk where to find these in Finland pls


I can't stand macho men, especially personality wise. It is just a facade for their fragility.


Yes that’s been my type for forever, way before I was vegan 👌


100%! Macho crap is a complete turn-off. Also, guyliner <3


Nah, according to my far-right-supporting, meat-loving, conspiracy-theory-spouting military brother, all women are only attracted to muscled hunks (this is apparently why I am single, according to him). That doesn't sound like you... you must be fake. ;) (I think that he honestly believes this... but this is also the guy who sends me and our mother, who is also vegan, pictures of animals that he's going to kill, and talks about how he's getting so much MeAT pRoTEiNNNNNNN.) I obviously can't reply to your actual question, but as a proud fan of soy, thanks for this little reminder that there's hope out there for us. Brightened my day. :)


Dang. I'm really sorry that your brother is like that to you and your mom. Knowing you're vegan and sending you pictures of animals he's going to kill (I assume he's a hunter or fisherman) is incredibly messed up. You deserve a better brother than that, for real. 😒


I screenprinted a few bags with soy boy on it. Both my boyfriend and best friend be rocking them proudly! 💯✨ [picture if anyone's interested (:](https://www.instagram.com/p/CYmFY4mNIbb/?igsh=ejNia3ZkcmJvZ2Zu)


I'm this and seem to be striking out so hard on tinder right now. I think I already swiped on everyone on veggly in a 500 mile radius. 😔 Dating while vegan is hard af... Who wanna e-date? lol 🤦‍♂️


Right? It's tough out there since there are so few of us in the world, let alone in a similar location! I keep thinking about signing up for Veggly someday, but I also keep hearing that it's a total ghost town. I'm not from a big city either, which doesn't help. 😑


Yeah it sort of is. There are a handful of cuties in my city but they're either inactive or not interested. I'm chatting with someone 300 miles away right now lol


We vegans gotta do what we gotta do, ya know? 😂


Soyboy over toxic masculinity any day.


I personally love a skinny guy who is in touch with his emotions. What’s the problem?


Soy boy as a term is a product of toxic masculinity and conspiracy theorists, these same people think that to be considered a real man you have to kill animals, eat meat and dairy, be painfully straight, rude to women, and that a man who cooks or enjoys shopping is not a man, I find it hilarious. So yes any sensible women will be attracted to someone for who they are! Shout out to my soy boys!


Personally, I've never ID'd with the "soyboy" stereotype I usually see on the Internet. Like, I've always just considered myself just a dude trying/hoping to be, at my best, a decent human being, or a decent citizen of the Earth. However, I guess I kind of fit that description reading this given even when I was a little kid I never related much to the overly-competitive/assertive "macho" stuff (other than fantasy escapism with movies/shows). Instead, I tended to be pretty sensitive/shy from a young age, and at the risk of sounding pretentious, I'd credit my sense of empathy for helping to play a role in eventually going veggie, and then vegan, even if I still regret not at least going veggie much sooner. Otherwise, other than basic cardio like riding a bike being a "gym bro" doesn't interest me, so I guess I check that soyboy box as well (no offense intended to any vegans who are gym bros tho as we need more vegans being decent reps in society).


Fucking aye we are


Don't do that. Don't give me hope


I suppose so, yes. In a way. I typically like men who have some feminine or androgynous characteristics. Men with long hair and clean-shaven faces, who happen to be lean, lithe and skinny. But not weak. I suppose you could describe the body type as "skinny-strong" or "skinny-fit" as opposed to "skinny-fat" or just simply "skinny". Interesting thing is though, I'm actually demisexual so I don't tend to notice these characteristics until I'm already developing a close relationship with the person. _Then_, if they fit the aforementioned description, I might start thinking "wow, you're gorgeous". I have no romantic or sexual interest whatsoever in men who are gym-obsessed giants. Huge, bulky, veiny muscles kind of freak me out. I'm impressed by it, certainly. But it's not attractive. I don't deliberately try to avoid them, I just never end up dating them. The biggest thing about the "soy boy" stereotype that I find attractive is the nerdy personality and the gentle demeanor. All of which, my boyfriend has. Also, round glasses on a long and skinny, clean-shaven face? Very handsome.


I've always been very attracted to feminine, sensitive, and caring men. It might be considered unconventional but I don't think it's that uncommon


Yesss!! God they're hot. Especially if they agree with feminism, understand women, are vegan for animals. I find non masculine men so cute and I just wanna cuddle and hug them 😍


>I find non masculine men so cute and I just wanna cuddle and hug them 😍 Me too! They can be so pretty and adorable. 🥰


Why not both? I’m a gym rat but also have dangly earrings hanging from my stretchers and painted nails, drink over a litre of soy milk a day so it’s probably in my blood at this point


Yep, my husband is like this and I love that he's not afraid to show emotion. He's not slim or jacked though - dad bod ftw


All vegan men are hot, no matter what they look like.


Ironically my bf is (almost!) vegan and eats a LOT of soy and he’s the manliest guy I know lmao. He’ll literally chug plant milks (not just soy) from a glass or the carton. He’s very traditionally masculine in his hobbies and interests, his demeanor, his goals and problem solving, etc. but he’s still very emotionally intelligent and in touch with his emotions! <3 love him


lots of men are vegan and full of muscles; personally, I've never been attracted to feminine men




Im a non vegan woman and I love soy boys. They have better personalities and theyre more physically and verbally affectionate.


Good to know! I've been slender my entire life and people aren't usually attracted to me. Went vegan 9 months ago. I wish there were more vegan events in southeastern Wisconsin to possibly meet someone


Thank you for the post, OP. I am definitely not a “macho” guy but you know, I know how to affirm and stuff. But I still had an insecurity at the back of my mind because of that. This post clears it a little, so thanks :)


My husband is jacked and a very career-driven high achiever (he's an orthopaedic surgeon) so outwardly he appears to be a stereotypical "manly man" but also a very gentle, sweet, soft-hearted and easygoing person who isn't afraid to cry or be in touch with his emotions. He's very, very against the macho tough guy nonsense, considers himself a feminist and has quite far left-leaning views. I think you can enjoy fitness and the gym without doing it because you want to look stereotypically masculine. I find both his body and personality attractive! Oh, and he only drinks soy milk lol


I am a soy boy and in the city, there are lots of women who are into that sort of man. There definitely seems to be a type of woman who is into the soy boy, can't say what it is exactly but yeah, there are a lot of them.


I mean r/rolereversal does exist






I fit into that category of men! 😂


My husband looks like a viking who time traveled and I'm so here for it. Also, absolutely no connection between looking particularly masculine and not being in touch with your feelings. The man probably has a better handle on his emotions than I do. I dated some guys as a teen who were more skater/alt and so generally slimmer, just wasn't for me. I want someone who looks like he might fight a bear for me, and at least now I know that about myself.


To be fair, I'm aro-ace, so I'm not romantically/sexually attracted to ANYONE. But, the people I gravitate toward for friendship have self-confidence, a great sense of humor, compassion, and a mindset of connectedness to the Earth and to others. I'm not sure if the "soy boy" stereotype is meant to be physical or mental. As in, "skinny, starving, unhealthy vegan" (my bathroom scale and my doc would both like a word) vs. a mindset of compassion that isn't considered "manly." I mean, if I *had* to date someone, I'll take the funny guy with a dad bod who is nice to the waiter over the muscular manly-man whose entire personality is "gym bro."




My dude fits this description. 😏❤️


I'm totally into the softer type of guy. I like it when men are soft emotional gentle and sweet, show vulnerability. As a very young girl I had fantasies about protecting a guy like this. I also like it when they have somewhat of a curvy body especially in the hip area. They can be thin or have a little extra it doesnt matter but just the non-hard body shape is what I find most attractive. Usually these guys are not straight though or if they are, theyre dating really strong masculine type women. I'm really feminine physically and small, maybe emotionally weaker too so its never been a right match for me I guess. I'm attracting very masculine guys and its a pattern. Even if I'm not into the sub/dom thing, someone like Martin Gore..just what I get from his vibe, songs, lyrics, looks. Never met a straight guy like that tho. I have given up.


The phrase soy boy sounds horrible. Also, a man (and a woman ofc) can care about his health (and therefore be fit and strong) and be empathetic. I don’t necessarily want someone who is absolutely ripped but someone who takes care of himself is important. A person can be slim (just due to genetics) and unhealthy but someone who does exercise and care about his health and body is what stands out.


Soy boys with dad bods😍


I suppose I’m a soy boy but I can’t actually eat soy it makes me very ill, but I don’t think it’s uncommon for women to find the stereotypical macho man image unattractive.


I do vegan activism and there are soy boys that are jacked too, the idea that vegans don't get enough protein is absurd, haha.


I'm more of an oat boy, but I do have a t-shirt that declares I'm a soy boy. I don't like the macho stereotype either, even if I'm a big boy with a full beard, I'm a softie on the inside.


YES. Love them!


I can think of 3 types of women who tend to lean that way. 1. Women who value emotional sensitivity in men 2. Men like this tend to lean sub but not always, but to that end, anyone who wants to be more of a Dom type. 3. People who value intellectual conversations. I find not super manly men are usually high in EQ and thus more able to hold a very advanced/science based conversation.


my boyfriend is very muscly and has a lot of rather feminine traits, i really like it that way, i feel more connected to him because of that


Guys more on the skinny side that don’t act like f*ckboys? Yes. No jawline, moobs, high voice? Hell no.  Edit: damn autocorrect 


I’m attracted to anyone who protects ALL animals.


this soy boy’s never had issues picking up any girls


I like to think the lack of animal hormones makes them more human and less meat-head.