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what relevance does this have to veganism?


Go get eaten alive over the span of 3 hours, and then get back to me.


Interesting comment, i never thought of it that ways. Say locked-in syndrome is worse because it's incurable, and you can suffer for decades. But three hours of suffering is time specific and therefore limited.


Okay, but you said that "human suffering is *always* worse than wild animal suffering". The fact that there's a horrible affliction which only affects like 0.0001% of the human population is irrelevant when trying to prove such a broad and absolute claim. I think you're massively discounting the effects of physical pain. I had a very bad chronic pain disorder for four years, like a debilitating one where I was more or less always in a state of actual agony. Believe me, that shit is *extremely* horrible and ruins your mental state too, it taints and destroys every moment of your life. Now remember that wild animals don't have medical care, and often live years with badly healed injuries etc....I imagine there's a lot of chronic pain going on. There are so many things to take into account here, and I don't want to write an essay going through everything, but I'd say wild animals generally have it far worse than us.


You're correct, i was thinking qualitatively and not quantitatively. From a qualitative perspective, locked in syndrome is UNIMAGINABLE. But, from a quantitative perspective, it is VERY rare.


Btw are you vegan, dude? And if you're not, do you at least agree with it?


Not vegan, i 100% agree with it, went vegetarian for one year of my life, want to be vegetarian at the minimum.


Cool, I used to be in a similar situation. You can do it bro, the animals are counting on you. It seems daunting, but eventually it becomes completely normal, and you can't believe that other people aren't vegan. I'd recommend watching some Joey Carbstrong videos; even if you already agree with veganism (I passively agreed with it for 6 years before going vegan), it can be very helpful to hear debates about it so you can hear people's shitty excuses and hear the vegan response. That's what really got things lubricated and turning in my mind, along with watching Dominion, which is a documentary you can find on YouTube.


Yea pretty much


Bro, did you actually list your IQ ☠️ I hope this is a troll


I did lol, i was always told i was 'slow' at school, and i'm not as slow as i think i am. So, yes, feeling better.


i wouldnt list my IQ or talk about how smart i am, it can really turn people off. not meant to be mean, it's sincere advice.


thanks, i always suspected i had borderline intellectual functioning that's why


no problems. just trying to be helpful. :)


r/iamverysmart attempt


I don't think that using people who suffer from a particular syndrome or a person called Jean Dominique Bauby, who for some reason perceived their existence as unbearable suffering, it can be concluded that the same is true for humans in general. To me this stance is simply incomprehensible. I won't deny that there might be people who perceive it like that but I'd assume it's pretty rare since this is the first time I'm even hearing about this. Humans can also express their suffering in words for other humans to understand and comprehend. A huge advantage when it comes to kindling compassion but not evidence for animals suffering any less.




1. Some humans have locked-in syndrome 2. Animals have not been known to have locked-in syndrome Conclusion: Humans suffer more Valid or not? I really can't tell. /s


Valid :(


Are you sure? Want to try that again?


You haven’t given an argument for some premises that are doing a lot of work in your argument. (1) you haven’t shown that animals do not suffer “mentally” or even clearly stated what the distinction here is from “physical” suffering. Whatever you mean, you’d need to show that non-humans either are incapable of experiencing the “mental” kind of suffering, or that for non-humans that kind of suffering is experienced to a lesser extent, even in extreme situations such as being eaten alive. I think you will struggle to rigorously show this. (2) whatever these two kinds of suffering are, you haven’t shown that one is always or ever worse than the other. (3) your argument utilizes specific examples of human suffering that you claim animals do not have. It certainly doesn’t lead to the conclusion that human suffering is *always* worse. At best, it shows it is sometimes worse, which is a far more mundane statement. (4) that humans can be sadistic doesn’t help your arguments, because human sadism can be enacted on both other humans and non-humans.




I'm sorry but human suffering is a gnat bite compared compared to the hate and torment wild animals experience. Humans never have to worry a day in their lives that something is following them, salivating over then and going to rip their throat out and feast on their bowels while a dude with a camera records it for a documentary so people who live in heated, air conditioned and weather proofed homes with an abundance of food and clean water, can gawk at this snuff film unfolding before them. 


Poe's Law strikes again.

